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Posts posted by bluegirl147

  1. 21 minutes ago, ABay said:

    I've heard that weigh-ins in other countries don't occur every freaking time you go to a doctor without a reason. It's unnecessary but staff don't know how to cope if you say "nope, not doing it" because the sacred forms must be filled in.

    There was one particular nurse at my GP's office that always wanted me to recite my medication list.  I know what I take but I don't have the dosages memorized other than once a day or twice a day. I don't know the milligrams.  I would tell the nurse I know you have a list on that tablet you are holding so why don't you ask me if I'm still taking those meds.  She would say you have to tell us which I knew was bullshit. Lousy bedside manor that one.

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  2. 15 hours ago, nokat said:

    I got told allergies were all in my head. As women, we were all told it was in our heads.

    A book was written about this.  It's called All in Her Head by Elizabeth Komen.

    5 hours ago, nokat said:

    Yes, unfortunately that happens too. We are dismissed and not included in studies, so medications may not be right. 

    A book was written about this.  It's called Invisible Women: Data Bias in a World Designed for Men by Caroline Criado-Perez.

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  3. 12 hours ago, Snapdragon said:

    If the genders were reversed, and some 50-something year old dude were making comments like that about a twenty-one year old girl, people would be icked out. 

    When Sherri was a cohost on the View she would act thirsty over male guests and a lot of us here would say if a male host did that there would be calls for him to be fired.  I don't know if it's just her schtick or she really is that way but it is not funny. And Sherri calling herself Auntie while lusting after Gabriel is gross.

    9 hours ago, maggiemae said:

    I can't even imagine Sherri condoning another woman acting like that about HER son. 

    Sherri is always going to have a problem with any female interested in her son.  

    12 hours ago, Snapdragon said:

    It is creepy as hell that Sunny brought shirtless pictures of her son to Sherri's show. 


    1 hour ago, Haleth said:

    She didn't.  She said the producers got the pictures off of his social media.

    Even so Sunny seems proud she has a hot son.  I mean I get being proud you have an attractive son but according to Sherri Sunny gave the show the pic and if it was me I would have chosen a different pic.

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  4. 1 minute ago, kristen111 said:

    Yes, I meant settling like my Mother.  She settled with a man she didn’t love.  She was miserable her whole life.  Actually, I couldn’t sleep with and have sex with someone I didn’t care for.  I guess some people do.  Not saying it’s wrong, but just not for me.  I’m sure lots of times it is necessary for some people.  I would never judge, as I don’t know the situation or the people.  It’s not my business anyhow.

    I think it depends on what a person wants out of the relationship. And what the other person's expectations are as well.  As I mentioned my relative cheated on every husband.  Pretty sure her husbands weren't expecting that. I wouldn't say I settled when I married my husband.  But if my son (from a previous relationship) hadn't started looking at him as a father figure I probably would not have married him. I would have been content to just keep dating him.

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  5. As far as settling goes I think some people just want to be in a relationship and they take whatever opportunity presents itself.  I have a relative that has never not been in a relationship since she was 14.  She isn't that attractive and not the nicest personality and she always cheats on her husbands so I was always puzzled by her always having a man in her life until another relative said look at the men who have been in her life.  And then I realized oh yeah she was settling for those men. I would rather be alone than be in a relationship just for the sake of being in a relationship. 

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  6. On 5/3/2024 at 11:38 AM, luna1122again said:

    Who knows what role she'll have here tho. Miranda's new girlfriend? 


    We know Che is gone and if I'm not mistaken Nya isn't returning either.  So I would guess that Rosie's character would in fact be in Miranda's orbit.


  7. 12 hours ago, annzeepark914 said:

    I was told that I was too fussy, too picky. Yeah, I was & I endured lonely years. But I'm glad I didn't settle. 

    Where I live men are mostly the antithesis of what I look for in a man.  They have vastly different interests and different beliefs regarding most things.  When I did online dating the men were almost all from a neighboring state closer to a bigger metropolitan area.  My own mother would tell me I was being too picky.  I would tell her the men around here are not what I want and she would say then you should change what you want.  By that point I had an adult son and had been married already (my husband had died a year earlier) and was not looking to find another husband so no I was not going to settle for someone just because he lived in my zip code.  I wonder how many men are told to settle.  I find it insulting women are told to settle.  It's basically telling her she doesn't deserve to get what she wants.



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  8. On 5/3/2024 at 12:03 PM, Ohiopirate02 said:

    Here's the thing, Mayim's idea of modest dressing is what almost every woman wears on a daily basis including actresses.  Maybe her skirts a an inch longer to full cover the knee and maybe she covers her shoulders more than the average woman, but not by that much.  Mayim is conflating red carpet fashion or going out clothes with what you wear on a daily basis.  You cannot judge someone's fashion as modest or immodest just based on what they wear when they are in the spotlight.  And most if not all of the women who were victims of Harvey would have been wearing "modest" clothing when meeting with him as a film producer.  

    Considering Harvey would meet these women wearing nothing but a bathrobe I'm going to say the problem was definitely with Harvey. 

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  9. 1 hour ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

    My nostalgia as to my childhood is more of being grateful I was a kid when I was a kid. We got to play outside, even in the dark to see the lightning bugs (fireflies), and not have our parents hover over us.

    Same. And I would add no social media. My 11 year old granddaughter was discovered to have a Tik Tok account and she had taken some concerning pics. She swears she didn't do anything with pics but it's scary she took them.  She now has parental controls on her phone.  And did I mention she is 11.

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  10. 21 hours ago, Crashcourse said:

    Mama Kelce was on the Today show this morning hawking Mother's Day clothes. 

    I'm going to put this as nicely as I can.  I would never think Donna Kelce and fashion in the same sentence. And yet here we are.

    CBS NFL Today was getting a little crowded so I expected some guys to be let go.  I wasn't a fan of Phil Simms in the booth but I would take him over Romo any day. 

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  11. 1 hour ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

    Maybe this is petty of me, but I don't care. I've lost any respect I had for Sunny when it was revealed she took Ozempic/Mounjaro or whatever it was to lose her "COVID Weight" depriving those that have diabetes and who NEED it. She certainfuckingly did not.

    I've lost respect for Sunny for a variety of reasons but yeah let's add this to the list.  Sunny never looked overweight to me and most certainly not obese which I thought was supposed to be the criteria for being prescribed Ozempic for weight loss.  We don't know the long term side effects for using these drugs off label so who knows what might be in Sunny's future. 

    49 minutes ago, atomic said:

    I don't think Sunny or Sara's fashion choices are usually bad; it's the makeup and hair that can be questionable at times.

    Oh dear lord Sara's hair sometimes is just puzzling.  Sunny has a lot of hair and sometimes it just overwhelms. 

    51 minutes ago, atomic said:

    When I see criticisms of Sunny's style here, it's usually that she's too old for a look like that.

    Sunny's my age and I don't think her outfits are too young for her. I don't like some of them but it's not age related.


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  12. 3 minutes ago, surfgirl said:

    I felt the same way, but it was because the writers if those recaps became less about the show they were supposed to be recapping, and more.aboutbthem trying to be oh so ever and amusing. Like they were trying ti grab the attention if TIIC to get real writing jobs, whixh I think one of them did. It felt like it wasn't writing for us posters and site users, it was more a public resume builder. At least that's how I saw it.

    This.  Also some were not recaps but more like editorials.  I thought posters comments were supposed to be opinions but the recaps were supposed to be, well, recaps.  

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  13. 10 hours ago, annzeepark914 said:

    Leave The Gun, Take The Cannoli: the epic story of the making of The Godfather, by Mark Seal.

    I read that and then watched the Offer on Paramount Plus which also told the story of the making of the Godfather.  I highly recommend both. And I'm not even a big Godfather fan.  LOL

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  14. 6 minutes ago, Danielg342 said:

    The appeals court ruled that the trial judge erred in this assessment, as that the trial judge didn't stop the jury from using those untested allegations as evidence Weinstein committed the crimes he was actually on trial for.

    But you can't un ring a bell right?  Even if the judge told the jury to disregard that testimony they still heard it.

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  15. 4 hours ago, EtheltoTillie said:

    The super-long scene-by-scene snarky recaps had a moment back when MBTV started, but they have faded away, maybe because they became tedious to read. Sometimes I wanted to just find out what happened and it would take longer to read the recap than to watch the show.  

    I remember those. Don't remember where I read them but they got annoying real quick.  It was more commentary on the shows and less recap. I prefer commentary in threads discussing shows.

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  16. 31 minutes ago, StatisticalOutlier said:

     I don't remember being on any of the "toxic" forums at TWOP, or if I was, I'd just stop going.  No discussion among people I don't actually know is important enough for me to subject myself to content I find upsetting.  (Obviously, I'm not on any social media.  😀 )


    That happened here for me.  There was a thread that had what I felt to be very offensive posts and instead of engaging and most likely ending up banned I stepped back from the thread.   It is not my nature to let offensive things slide but in this case I felt it was best for me.

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  17. 17 minutes ago, peacheslatour said:

    Craziness. I guess it's easy for some people to become power mad when given even the teeniest bit of control. 

    For me it was like high school with the mods.  There was a clique that ruled the school and if you were part of the clique or was friendly with someone in the clique it was all good but if you weren't you were at their mercy.  If you acted up didn't fall in line you were cast out or brought to heel.  Certain threads were just too toxic to even read towards the end. It baffled me then and still confounds me that a site about TV and celebs could have gotten so out of control to the point an entire new moderating team had to be brought in.

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  18. 18 hours ago, Ohiopirate02 said:

    Also, that cat was comfortable and I remember with my kitties how long it took before they got all comfortable like that.  I hated getting up once they were settled because that meant I would have to go through the whole rigmarole of kneading and shifting as soon as I sat back down. 

    This.  There are a ton of things I have not done or postponed doing because a cat was comfortable on me. 

    15 hours ago, Browncoat said:

     We didn't bother mom unless bones were broken or we needed stitches.  

    Yep if it's not broken or bleeding profusely you were OK.  

    17 hours ago, Crashcourse said:

    Oh, I blame the writers, but surely the actress could have found another commercial to be in.  On Reddit and other sites, the commercial has gotten a lot of negative feedback, and she should have known that would happen.

    She is just doing her job.  If people didn't take jobs that might have negative feedback there would be a lot of job openings.


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  19. 12 hours ago, StatisticalOutlier said:

    I like that rule.  I find it disrespectful for someone to expect other people to read his posts but he can't be bothered to read theirs, especially since this person is probably saying something that's already been said.  Or worse, something that's been said and rebutted, which he'd know if he'd read the previous posts, so all he's doing is putting the misinformation back out there.

    This is why I rarely posted on the Succession or This is Us thread.  By the time I watched the episode the morning after it aired there would be multiple pages of posts. Anything I was going to say was already covered. I did enjoy reading the posts though.  Other posters would see things I had missed or a poster had an analysis I hadn't previously thought about.

    6 hours ago, kristen111 said:

    Whaaaat?   I cannot believe you got three red warnings.  You ?  I have two sitting there wondering if anyone sees them.  I feel better now knowing I’m not the only one.  I’m just learning so many of us have them.



    I used to think I was the only one getting in trouble.  Until I noticed some fellow posters were no longer around but new posters that sounded just like them had suddenly appeared.  And then I thought oh I'm in good company.


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  20. 41 minutes ago, Anela said:


    I had a friend expecting me to fall in with their crowd, because I was outnumbered. So the “think for yourself” crowd, didn’t really want me to think for myself.  And it didn’t change anything for me.  

    I saw that happen here. There were posters I had seen for years and thought very highly of them.  Until I saw their posts on a particular thread. They either were not the people I thought they were or they were simply joining in with the majority of posters who were not nice people.   




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