Ellis Bell
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LOL, I remember her saying that and laughing, Asa was very polite and acknowledged their precious bond. I threw one in today's recap when she mentioned she and Ron DeSantis are both former federal prosecutors. She should have jackets and baseball caps made.
WRITERS STRIKE?? Huh, since when? Blue cards in use? But the OWSNBN is no longer part of the show. TOPIC ONE: KAMALA HARRIS: Here we go. Sure Sunny, Kamala is a lousy VP and her approval ratings are in the cellar because of prejudice. It's all about the color of her skin. Okay Sunny. Yes, VPs have it so bad. They go to sleep for four years then tack it on their resume when they leave public office for the lucrative private sector. Kamala's lack of verbal skills are defended. Tourettes 'R' Us. Whoopi has zero standards for POTUS. We Hate Ron Soapbox makes another appearance. SEGMENT TWO: JOY'S EARRINGS: From Venice and gaudy as hell. TOPIC TWO: E. JEAN CARROLL - Trump women and R women support their rapist politicians. Alyssa gets in her jab at Joy for supporting Cuomo. Joy makes rape supporters a race thing. White women only need apply. Sunny makes it racial. Of course she does: White women were also slave owners. Tack that on your reparations application, Sunny. GUEST: ASA HUTCHINSON - Lukewarm, applause. Trump, Trump, Trump. 'Non-Trump lane." He's a one-percenter but not in a good way. Math lessons on division and presidential hopefuls. Not a January 6th enthusiast. Ronnie again. Trump, DeSantis and Hutchinson walk into a bar. Cost of living. Whoopi wakes up and says "education!!" Commercials: Transvaginal mesh lawsuits. *DISCLAIMER* NOT A TARGET ITEM. (Used for urinary incontinence.) It should ideally be followed by a Depends comercial but the local affiliate has no sense of humor. That seems to be going around lately. SEGMENT FOUR: ASA - Abortion. Sunny does her melodramatic, over-acting on her blue card delivery. I'm expecting the stage curtains to separate and a choir to appear. Whoopi I've had seven abortions Goldberg chimes in. SEGMENT FIVE: INTREPID: Sara boarded a boat. Next. SIDE CHICKS coming out of the shadows per Rolling Stone. Should Queen Adultress Camilla be relegated to the backstreets with the abortionists? Lauren Sanchez, definitely a side chick. Sunny, the voice of wisdom pulls out the truism - You lose 'em how you got 'em. So true. VIEW YOUR DEAL: I wonder if Sunny knew she'd be forced to become a glorified game show model after studying so hard for all those many years. Whoopi has a blue card obsession. This show in a nutshell: Race, Abortion, Adultery, Sandals, Swimwear.
T I N A T U R N E R 🖤 TOPIC TWO: DESANTIS DE JA VOUS - Twitter bird chokes but the FOX rolls on. Whoopie daily warning: No writers and I can't read the cards. TOPIC THREE: CANNES CANNES: Natalie Portman deigns to speak. World anxiously awaits pearls of wisdom with bated breath. Women vs Men. An oldie but a goodie. GUEST: NEPO BABY CHRIS SUNUNU - Casual, jacket, no tie, no flag pin (isn't that a mandatory accessory of R apparel?) I wonder if he bought this ensemble at Target. Dick and Jane (Is Spot allowed?) See Spot run but will we see Chris run? More animal cruelty aimed at the poor ailing Twitter bird. The T, the T! He pivots well. AA history (Guess who asked that question.) Trump on the cross. Who will volunteer to climb up and touch up the gray? Sunny pulls out her Trump tongue twister yet again...twice impeached........ Commercials: Actors in pharmaceutical commercials can only book these gigs and Walmart gigs. Drop a few pounds. You're an actor for God's sake. GUEST: CHRIS SUNUNU - Trump will not win the nomination. If you say so. Pro-choice Republican. Mass shootings. NH: Live Free or Die. Mental health? You get a gun and you get a gun!!! Audience revolts, Whoopi wakes up. Cut to commercial. Bye Chris. Final Analysis: He's a chipper fellow who would do well leading a pep rally. SEGMENT SIX: Stage manager is retiring. He's the dude who wildly waves his hands in order to wake up the audience. He was a lounge singer, lol. Owns an Alpaca farm. Two minute segment on this man, Ron, is more interestesting than anything they discussed today. Happy retirement, Ron. Happy Thursday.
Let me go fetch my anti-Satan emergency kit and I'll get back to you. Hmmm, let's see... Crucifix ✔️ Pentangle ✔️ ( Garlic ✔️ (I know it's for vampires but one should alway err on the side of caution.) Chapstick, bottled water and a comfy blanket. ✔️ This could be a long night.) As for your assertion these companies forget about LGBT the other eleven months of the year? They're a business, they also disown The Easter Bunny after they've used him for chocolate sales and Santa's dumped back down the chimney when Dec 26th rolls around. Not real people? It doesn't matter. The retail business is a constant cycle and it owes nothing to no one except its shareholders.
DAY OF HOT TOPICS: (Or so they say.) Another reminder from Whoopi they are without writers. I think it's finally sinking in she moderates a talk show and has to occasionally speak without a teleprompter. TOPIC ONE: DESANTIS: Elon and Ronnie sitting in a tree K-I-S-S-I-N-G. Commercial teaser for his presidential run. It's showtime! Whoopi tells Elon to be articulate so we know what he's talking about. Oh, Whoopi, pot, kettle. Soapbox out and she's stepping up. Don't fall off or are you due for yet another medical leave? TOPIC TWO: TARGET TUCKS: Target's PRIDE month apparel selection has one too many snaps. Uh oh, the designer is a Satanist. Can I get an amen? j/k. Sunny says the designer is not a Satanist. Okay, but have your cross ready just in case. Now she's talking about AA shirts. Sara's watch starts talking and, not surprisingly, is more interesting than the co-hosts. Sara defends LGBT rights and is she saying get rid of the T? Alyssa thinks both sides will boycott Target. Between a rock and a hard place. Whoopie's mad as hell and is trying not to say any "K" words. Final Analysis: Target blinks first - afraid of cathcing Bud Light - 19. TOPIC THREE: NETFLIX: (May I use your password, please?) Anna Nicole Smith doc. Gold digger or just a gal who likes 'em without a registered pulse? Sunny defends Anna because poor folk stick together. Whoopi still on the box. Halfway Mark: I'm sensing the Hot Topics will begin their inevitable slide into oblivion after the break. Last Hot Topic may possibly be: SALAD SPINNERS - Yay or nay? TOPIC FOUR: SLY STALLONE'S DAUGHTERS: Here comes the slide. Dad writes his daughters' break-up texts. The daughters have a podcast. Why is a network show covering a podcast? Oh, that's right the writers are on strike. I suppose only the producers are allowed to steal ideas from Reddit. What poor intern is tasked with finding these obscure topic ideas. The co-hosts share their dad vs date stories. TOPIC FIVE: MARRIAGE BEFORE CHILDREN: Mommy and Daddy come first. Hey kids, you're just a by-product of our love now go sit in a corner out of our way. Whoopi's a little spitfire today. Did someone secretly replace her normal stash with Folgers? Happy Wednesday.
You heard right. I typed in "Bad word beginning with "K" and something interesting came up but I highly doubt Whoopi was referring to a racial slur. I think she mistakenly used the wrong letter or she may have meant the "C" word and was covering her tracks.
TOPIC ONE: TIM SCOTT REDUX - The View ladies have found their prey and are nipping at his heels. Joy says Scott doesn't understand the racism black people face. Thank you for schooling us about your non-lived experience, Joy. UGH, more Trump , DeSantis talk. - Florida - I can kill that baby in six weeks or less and I can name that tune in... TOPIC TWO: SENATOR FETTERMAN - He wears shorts and hoodies near the Senate floor. (Is it too early to start drinking in preparation for tomorrpw's show?) Whoopi says she dresses like a bum so why can't Fetterman? Critical thinking is not her strong suit, sadly some of the ladies agree with her assertion. TOPIC THREE: JEFF BEZOS - Engagement, ie sign here, sweetie. Discussion ensues about second, third, fourth marriages. Sunny's Catholic and love of carats is showing. Everyone discusses hammering home their neuroses to their future spouses in order to ensure they have full knowledge of the crazy. (Where's my drink?) CELEBRITY GUESTS: Whoopi mispronounced the celeb's name. Don't ever change. Julia has a great surgeon. A tad masky but not bad. Sunny somehow manages to promote her book during the segment. Whoopi's charm reserve - for celebs only - is released for Julia. CELEBRITY GUESTS: SEGMENT TWO: Mini segment - Going down memory lane. Retrospective of the actresses careers. Clips 'o' plenty. VIEW YOUR DEAL'S BASTARD CHILD: Blatant ad segment for sponsor CHASE Bank. How to write a check: Ages five and under. Happy Tuesday.
LOL, no I was being facetious. I wasn't really listening but I believe they were giving tips on how to write a check in order to prevent fraud. It sounded so rudimentary that's why I added the Five and under notation.
I know exactly what Senator Scott was saying and I'm also aware of who his target demo is for the ad. I agree about the "amen" but he is a politician afterall. To the bolded part? I'll let you figure it out. Well, it's not After7 where I am so I shall wish you a good evening in advance.
RE: Senator Scott - This is from Wikipedia: " Early life Scott was born in North Charleston, South Carolina, the son of Frances—a nursing assistant—and Ben Scott Sr. His parents divorced when he was seven years old, and he grew up in working-class poverty with his mother, who worked 16-hour days to support the family. His older brother is a sergeant major in the U.S. Army. Scott graduated from R.B. Stall High School. He attended Presbyterian College from 1983 to 1984 on a partial football scholarship; he graduated from Charleston Southern University in 1988 with a Bachelor of Science degree in political science. Scott is an alumnus of South Carolina's Palmetto Boys State program, an experience he cites as influential in his decision to enter public service. After graduating from college, Scott worked as an insurance agent and financial adviser. He owns an insurance agency, Tim Scott Allstate." This is what bugs me about Sunny. She said yesterday (?) or earlier today that she and Tim Scott are the exception because they are minority success stories, yet she and Tim both came from less than adventageous backgrounds. Sunny, the product of two teenage minorites from the Bronx (Walk of fame, lol) and Tim who came from a working class family whose parents had separated when he was very young. Whoopi and Sunny can call the word "victim" a dog whistle (they really should get their hearing checked) but it's pretty clear what he meant and Sunny co-signs his stance every time she chooses to highlight the supposed victims in the black community. She only ever portrays black and brown people as victims. Have a good evening.
Whoopi, you throw your hat in the ring not the rink, oh and Trump was voted out. Take another toke. TOPIC ONE: RACE - Senator Tim Scott doesn't think like Whoopi and Sunny so his opinions and experiences as a black man are invalid. Somewhat ironic coming from a series which was created in order for people to share their individual views. TOPIC TWO: RACE - Brittney Griner now stands for the flag. Time in a Russian klink will do that to you. TOPIC THREE: LGBT - Should artists boycott states pasing anti-LBTQ laws? Varied opinions. Sunny comes through. Ana mentions (for the 10,000th time) she lives in Florida. You don't say. TOPIC FOUR: CHEATERS AND OTHER LOVERS - LAPDANCE from Hell. TOPIC FIVE: Sunny inducted into the Bronx Walk of Fame. Manny held an umbrella over Sunny's head. I wondered how he was also able to hold her purse. TOPIC SIX: COVENANT HOUSE. Charity which no longer has a pervy priest in charge so please give. TOPIC SEVEN: GARLIC BREAD. We are now circling the drain, Yes, the writers are on strike. (Give them whatever they want.) VIEW YOUR DEAL: Never so relieved to see a VYD segment in my life. Happy Monday.
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After7, the teacher was initially suspended and then resigned. Which means he was most likely forced to resign. You mentioned an investigation would cause disruption in the class. Do you feel their teacher losing his job is not a disruption? As for the student who recorded the conversation - why did she make it public? If her main concern was the teacher's use of that word she could have just brought her cell to the principal and left it at that. Now she has an attorney fielding questions and giving interviews to the media. This is the result she was seeking. In the end, a teacher has lost his job and yes, little Joan of Arc should feel a few flames nipping at her feet for violating school rules.
After7, I'm sure those kids know they're not to use that word. I would rather know what happened prior to the start of recording in order to have a better understanding of the context in which the word was used. i.e. if it was used against another student, etc. Also, in reference to the bolded part of your comment, you seem perfectly fine with this teacher's forced resignation, no wiggle room there, yet you make excuses for the student who broke the rules. Why do rationalize the punishment of one over the other? Lastly, her family has hired an attorney. An attorney for a three day suspension? An attorney who is doing the news circuit. No agenda there, no siree.
Do the producers choose the news/pop culture stories for the hot topics then meet with the co-hosts? Because yesterday's HT were DOA. Maybe the writers are more involved than I realized. Not to be mean to Michael but the only entertaining part of Thursday's show was watching the deer in headlights look on the co-host's faces as they were trying to figure out what he was saying.
If by "caping" you mean giving more details than Sunny would allow then yes, she was caping. The only racist in that biased discussion, per usual, was Sunny. So, thank you, Whoopi for giving us a more rounded view of what transpired in that classroom. If it were up to Sunny we would have only heard what she wanted us to hear. I wonder if Sunny's license plate reads: YTY-BAD. THIS is why I stopped watching the show. The McCarthy era looks like a cake walk in comparison to what is happening in this era.