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Posts posted by tatterd


    I think he jumped, perhaps to desperately prove that there's still good in Dark Swan and that she still cares for him.


    Please no.  I mean I'm not disputing that this show is quite capable of going there, but honestly it's a wonder Hook survived the however many hundred years he's been alive given the stupid plans he's been shown coming up with ever since he met people from Storybrooke. 


    I could actually see it being somebody/something else pushing him over the edge given Emma's reaction at the end of the first episode.  She sort of looks at him when she says about what they did to her and turns to the others when she says about punishing them, but she seems much less antagonistic to him than she was to Snow.  So maybe what they did to her involved doing something to him, rather than him being involved in whatever they did to her (if that's not too confusingly put).    

  2. I think this should go in here.

    For UK viewers Episode 1 of season 5 is now on Netflix and it looks like each episode will be added the Wednesday after its US broadcast.


    Do they have seasons 3 and 4 as well?  As admittedly it was a while back but last time I used it they only had 1 and 2, which was part of the reason I didn't sign up.  Although I don't really know why I'm asking as between here and the Hook youtube clips I feel like I know everything I want to.

  3. I absolutely agree it makes him more evil, but it makes little (character) sense. Hobb seemed to want to give the Synths free will just so he could take it away again which (if he was a sociopath) might make sense, it just makes him a one in a million (or one in ten of TV villains!). Wanting to get rich (and not caring who gets hurt in the process), wanting the fame of doing it or even wanting an army of robot slaves to take over the world would seem more believable motivations (to me, at least).


    I got the impression that he's interested in the scientific or intellectual aspect of giving the synths consciousness but is aware that it might cause issues, which is why he then wants to control or restrain them.  It's a pragmatic form of sociopathy.  I don't think Elster ever really thought about potential consequences until possibly the end, and George would have gone with the ethics over the science.  Hobb is fascinated by the technology but I don't think he actually really considers them human.


    Really looking forward to season 2. 

    • Love 3
  4. I'd be very surprised if Hobb actually stuck to his part of the deal and killed Beatrice.


    Interesting that all the focus has been on the synths having consciousness whereas the part synth human seems to be flying totally under the radar with just Mattie (and the synths) knowing and nobody else suspecting.  Well George did possibly but he was trustworthy and is now dead anyway.   Leo's life could get even more interesting if people start thinking about how come David Elster's dead son isn't quite so dead or Beatrice drops him in it.

    • Love 2
  5. No! George! Damnit show. I knew it was too good to last with him as father figure to all the synths.


    I knew it was never going to happen, but I sort of wanted the synths to end up living with him.  I think they would have been good for each other.



    Who is the Secret Agent Guy? (Like he obviously knew George and David)


    I might be imagining this but I thought it was said or implied that he had worked with them at some stage

    • Love 1

    Robert Carlyle has been saying something else during his latest round of interviews last month to promote his new movie. He said more than once that he is very happy where he is now, is glad to be making lots of money and it has turned out to be a very good thing for his family. He was always clear, at least to the British press, that he got into American TV for the money and for his family's sake, not for the artistic opportunities. The overall message of his interviews is that he happy with his current situation and is not returning the Britain any time soon.


    I'd like for him to change shows though.  The writers don't seem to know what to do with Rumple and he'd be in my American Gods dream cast. 

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  7. Who is the man that is after the sentient synths (not the policeman, the scientist who's referred to as "the man from the government")? Does he have a backstory I missed in one of the earlier episodes?


    You've not missed the backstory, you'll get to find out slightly more about him in the next couple of episodes.

  8. Noooo, poor Max!  He was becoming one of my favourites, so I'm hoping it's not permanent.  Whereas Joe and Pete's wife are fully deserving of being pushed off a bridge (as would be David Elster if he was still alive).


    Very intrigued as to where Karen fits in with all this, I'd guess she must be one of David's as nobody else seems that technologically advanced but it seems odd that the other ones wouldn't know about her.  Unless he created her as a future girlfriend for Leo, because he did sound like a very odd man.  I find the transitions with her a bit jarring, it's like she's very human when we're not supposed to think of her as a synth, but then very synth like when we're supposed to remember.  It's subtler with the others.


    Loved the way both the synth and human male came up with equally pitiful compliments. 

    • Love 3

    Max is getting more a personality as well. He's like the baby of the family.


    I wonder if he's actually the oldest and got created before Elster had quite perfected creating synths with consciousness, as he seems to be the one who has most trouble passing for human

    • Love 5

    Because as much as being enslaved by a cruel robot nurse oppresses him, George also loses some aspect of his humanity when he directs his strongest emotions at a machine.


    George might be directing his strongest emotions at a machine, but that's because he's missing his dead wife and trying to remember happier times, which is a very human thing to do.  I don't think he loves Odi like a son, I think he's attached to him because Odi is a connection to his past.  It's sweet because of the way it's played, but desperately sad rather than terrifying.

    • Love 5
  11. I think Hook as the dark one has more potential than Emma.  He'd kill Rumple and take the consequences if he thought it would save her and it almost fits better with the "love is the most powerful magic of all", as Emma would then be the one to save him.  Plus Rumple as Hook showed that Colin can do dark pretty well so it wouldn't have to be instantly resolved (it would probably take a while for anybody to notice for one thing)  and dark Hook would be way better than brooding Hook.  Maybe we'd even get some snark back.


    I'm sure this won't endear me to anyone but I think in order for Gold to become interesting again as a character, Belle has to disappear or even die for a while.


    I'm totally fine with that idea, and personally my preference is for the permanent option.


    I find the Regina/Robin thing a bit icky now.  Ok she probably killed so many people she didn't really know who any of them were, and I'm presuming Robin didn't know as even his forgiving and good-hearted nature surely wouldn't stretch that far (even if he does appear to be the male equivalent of Belle on occasion).  But it's still a bit off and if she holds a grudge about her happy ending being taken away from her, that is possibly even lamer than her grudge against Snow.

  13. The outfit suits him so well though.  If it does get changed I think it will be missed, although less plunging necklines would be nice, the leather just about stops it looking too 1970s.  I would have liked to have seen him in normal clothes for a brief bit though, bitterly complaining about them and how they're not piratey enough.

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