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Posts posted by SmallTownMom

  1. When I had my daughter, I did have some blood vessels break around my eyes, resulting in small red spots.  This also happened to me already when I was really sick and vomited a lot.  I only pushed like 5 times giving birth, but I did have some bruising on the sides of my neck, and it was a bit painful for a day or two.  But I did NOT ever talk about this SEVERE problem in a speech.  And EVERY BLOOD VESSEL?!?!?!?   Jill is a lying liar who lies.

    Talking about your labor and delivery as a 'graduation speech' is really weird and self-centered.  Then again, this is Jill.  me, Me, ME!!!!!

    Just for fun, I looked Jill up on Facebook.  I find myself laughing at the comments from her fans telling her how wonderful and GODLY she is.  What is WRONG with these people?

    Random capitalized words are fun :)

    Oh, and the video of the gender reveal was strange, to say the least.  There was GWE stuffing his face while waiting to smash the taco.  And asking a BABY "are you excited to be a big brother?"  He's a baby!  How far apart will these brothers be?  Did Nurie get pregnant in the recovery room?

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  2. I know this isn't nice and that looks aren't everything, but Jill, you keep calling your boys handsome and precious and sweet.  Sorry, but I don't think any of your malnourished brood is good looking.  The one girl who was pictured in a new red and white outfit the other week is cute, but I think all of your kids look too much like your "hunk" to be considered attractive.  The two youngest always remind me of the scene in the George C. Scott version of "A Christmas Carol" where the ghost of Christmas present (I think, not sure which ghost) whips open his robe to show two skinny little waifs.  

    The Duggar boys are not attractive, but at least they don't look skeletal.  Most of the girls are very pretty, though.

    Since I watched your boys singing a song that sounds like one taught in elementary age Sunday School, I keep waking up with "Can He, Could He, Would He" stuck in my head.  I cannot believe the leg-humpers think this is wonderful.  They were not harmonizing at all.  As a matter of fact, I wasn't even sure they were all singing the same song.

    Now we have you posting about the boys remaining PURE until marriage.  Cannot tell you how much that grosses me out.  Is nothing private?  Where are the limits?  I can't imagine talking to several almost grown young men about this.  I had boyfriends while in high school, and yes, even KISSED them (gasp!)  and didn't ruin my life doing so.

    As for your boys being "best friends" with their brothers, what choice do they have?  Like the Duggar girls Boob-approved marriages, where they all married their "best friend" that they knew only for several months, never spending time alone, or even talking alone, the whole thing makes me sad.  Do any of these kids ever get to have real friends?  Have they ever gone to the movies, gone out for pizza, bowling, to a football game?  Hung out after school at a friends house?  Gone shopping or just hung out at the mall?  Gone to a birthday party, a dance, or a sleepover?  Played on a sports team?  NORMAL stuff like that.

    Grifting and reproducing.  Not a lot to look forward to.

    • Love 16
  3. I just watched this episode and didn't like it.  As others have pointed out, the acting was terrible.

    And everybody complaining to Dan about having a gun in the house?  You are grown women living in HIS house.  If you don't like it, feel free to move out.  Harris could not have just sold his gun, either.  They tried to hit all the issues and failed.

    This show has jumped the shark.

    • Love 1
  4. Sarah 103 (sorry, don't know how to attach this to a previous conversation), there is nothing wrong with a 23 year old dating a 21 year old.  They both lied, but Mandy knew she was really 29, and  I still can't believe anybody would think Georgie is 21.  I think they were both in it for the sex.  

    My husband and I started dating when I was 26 and he was 21.  However, he had been working full time for almost 4 years, and was very responsible.  He did live at home, but paid board, and was not living in his parents garage.  He worked a lot of overtime, and was saving for a house.  We got married after dating for almost 4 years, and have been married for 38 years.  So the age difference isn't a problem for me, but the lying about it is.

    Georgie has none of that going for him.  Plus he is beyond annoying following her around at work telling her how her feet and breasts are gong to swell and that he'd be glad to rub anything that needed it.  I probably would have punched him.

    My heart went out to Missy hearing her parents argue about her punching that boy.  Her expressions as she listened and then hugged her mom were amazing.  She makes the show for me.  It will be interesting to see where this storyline goes.  

    • Love 5
  5. I see everybody blaming Georgie for lying about his age.  But Mandy lied, too,  When they first met, I think she told Georgie she was 23, and he said he was 21.  I can kind of understand why he lied, but she should have known better.  She couldn't find anybody her own age?  And why on earth would she believe that Georgie was 21?  Because he's so sophisticated?

    I used to absolutely love this show.  I don't know if it is because his voice changed, but Sheldon is so annoying now.  And the whole show now seems very depressing, George and Mary, all the stuff about the church, everything.  Pastor Jeff turned out to be a real jerk, too.

    Missy is my favorite.  I like that she stood up for Georgie, and Billy offering to help her made me tear up a little.  When Georgie made her promise to never hit anybody again, that was a good moment.  Reminded me of "To Kill a Mockingbird", where Atticus tells Scout that she's going to hear a lot of bad things and not to let them get under her skin.  I love Georgie and Missy together.   They've had some great moments.



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  6. When I heard that Joy was engaged, I said, "Now she can marry her 'best friend'!"

    Today I saw on MSN.com that Joy said she is so excited to be engaged to her best friend.

    Can I call them or what?  :)

    It wasn't hard, since they all parrot the same approved phrases.

    It is special and surreal to be entering this season of life.  She prayed for a man who has a heart for the Lort, blah, blah, blah.


    • Love 11
  7. I didn't watch.  Love all the comments though.

    I heard Jim Boob say "Michelle & I's" one time.  I have NEVER heard anyone say that, don't care how uneducated you are.  I live in PA Dutch country, where everybody says "I seen it" but that doesn't make me cringe as much as this one.

    Putting this here because it's the current topic, and I wanted to share.  At Walmart yesterday, I saw the new People with the Seewalds on the cover.  Have to say, it was a nice picture, kids are cute.  So while I waited in a long line, and because I was annoyed that my frozen veggies were thawing, I read a magazine for free.  No way was I going to buy it.  The story inside about the new baby was what you would expect.  What made me laugh, though, was Jessa saying that she just loves watching her boys reach different milestones.  Now Spurgie, I can understand.  But what "milestones" does a 4-day-old baby reach?  Did he roll over?  Cut a tooth?  Sleep through the night?  Jessa, WTH are you talking about? 

    Lucky Jessa.  Now she has three little boys.

    • Love 9
  8. Just thought of another thing that drives me crazy!!!  "I get to marry my best friend!"  Puhleez.  You meet somebody one month, start courting the next, get married shortly thereafter, and that's your best friend?

    My best friends are people I have know since I was about 12.  Yeah, 50 years.  And my husband, met him in 1980, married in 1984.  Those are best friends.  You grow together, share life experiences, see each other through the rough times, celebrate the good times and create a bond.  Not saying I don't have good friends that I met just a few years ago.   And it's possible to become best friends with somebody after a short time.  However, you have to have things in common and be able to enjoy each other's company, get to know each other  (without an "accountability partner).

    But for all the girls to parrot that they are marrying their best friends just shows how sheltered they are.  You HAVE no friends, no life, nothing outside Duggarville.  And that's sad.

    • Love 16
  9. WTH did I watch?  It was nice to see that Jeremy has actual friends, but Jinger squealing "BAAAAAABE" drives me nuts.  As does Jessa's fake laugh.  What a smug little twit.  Have to say that Spud is adorable, though. 

    Cannot believe that Joy is the next to be married off.  When they asked her what a "birdie" is, she sounded like a 4 year old.  She seems like she's not very bright.  And has a speech impediment of some sort, too.  Another Duggar left untreated?

    Jill and Derrick are getting stranger each episode.  I thought she would grow up a little, but it seems like she has regressed.  I can barely look at him, with his stupid hair.  He used to be kind of nice looking.  What happened?!?!?!?!?

    The whole "accountability partner" is too weird for words.  Can't TLC find something else?  I forced myself to watch about half of the episode, but had to turn it off because I felt that I was losing brain cells.  I cannot believe they still have "fans". 

    Each episode gets even more boring. 

    • Love 7
  10. I remember watching Jessa's wedding.  Loved her dress!  And I liked the FU to Boob to have their first kiss in private.  Except does anyone believe they didn't kiss before?  Or that Babe and Jinger haven't?  Anyway, what I found so disturbing and strange was the younger brother asking Jessa over and over "How was the kiss?  How was the kiss?" That just seemed weird to me.  Like a junior pervert.  What kid is that interested in his sister kissing her husband, and why?

    Jessa has turned into a real witch.  And I tried to like Jeremy, I really did, but his bullshit about not defiling the marriage bed....WTH?  You are ADULTS, what you do in private is your own business and God won't smite you for it.  Have to confess, my husband and I were together for 4 years before we married, and we spent that 4 years getting to know each other.  Know, as in the biblical sense :)  We've been married over 32 years because we had that 4 years together and learned a lot about each other in that time.  You don't meet somebody and a month later proclaim to be marrying your "best friend." 

    Unless you want to be miserable.

    The rooftop engagement was so fake, and Michelle did sound like a dolphin.  Whoever said that cracked me up.  All I could think about was the movie "Splash" when Darryl Hannah was saying her name, squealing like a dolphin and TV screens were breaking in the store. 

    I look forward to all the comments on here so that I don't have to watch the show.

    • Love 18
  11. Wow, nice little "guest house"!  But I would want them all to butt out and I will decorate my own house, thank you. 

    Poor Cathy when they all showed up at the airport.  A circus as usual.  And I loved when they were all getting ready to head out the door to meet Derrick and Jill, and there's Boob stuffing his face again, LOL.

    I hope a "fan" sends them a proper car seat.  It's not safe to be stuffing a kid the size of a 3-year-old into an infant carrier!   WTH?

    • Love 5
  12. I remember the episode where a bunch of little kids, inappropriately dressed and using tools they shouldn't have been, were building the TTH.  They were putting up studs or something, and Michelle said, "Can you all say 'perpendicular'?" 

    It was one of her finest homefoolin' moments.

    • Love 11
  13. The only slightly entertaining moment was watching Boob stuff a cupcake into his doughboy face while Jeremy was asking permission to court.  Then Boob has to act like he's mulling it over, when we all know he is trying to figure out how many episodes they can get out of this transaction.

    Another "Christian Mingle" commercial, this time for the guys.  Sorry, I don't think anybody is going to beat a path to the TTH.

    • Love 7
  14. About 3 minutes into this, I had to change channels.  We had a graduation party for our daughter.   You know, the kind with real friends and other people you actually know?  But there were no bounce houses or carnival games.  How embarrassing for the "graduates!"

    Decided it wasn't even worth flipping back and forth.  Left the granddaughters watch Nick Jr.

    I'll catch up on here.  Lots better!

    • Love 4
  15. Caught bits and pieces again last night.  Haven't seen this mentioned yet, but did anybody else think those notes that ManBun and Muffin wrote each other looked like something straight out of middle school?!?!?!?   I would love to have seen them closer-I'm sure Derrick's was OK, but Jill's was probably full of spelling and grammar errors. 

    And I just can't with the "BAAAAAAABBBBBBBEEEEE"!  If Jinge was a normal 22-year-old, she would have intelligent comments to offer about the apartment, like "Love this picture", "nice kitchen".   Dear God, anything but squealing his nickname about 300 times.

    And Boob saying the closet smelled bad?  Take a look at that grungy bunch you have living in your house!  Not to mention, your daughters seem to be dreadful at housekeeping.  What can they do?  Oh yeah, have babies.

    • Love 8
  16. Wow, where to start!!!   Boob is such a creep.  Who does he think he is to criticize Jeremy's apt. or salary?  Tacky to say the least.  How does he provide for his family?  The fine art of grifting, passed down to the next generation.

    While I think this is a strange pair, Jer and Jinger seem to genuinely care for each other.  They seem to know each other a little better than the others did their intended, since they are at least allowed to talk privately.  But, oh my word, how many times a day?  She really does act like she is in middle school, and he does seem a little old for her, but if it gets her the hell out of Arkansas, I'm all for it.

    Weird how he sang a song just for her, but they all had to sit and listen to it together.  Kinda sucked the romance right out of it.  Not my kind of thing, but I guess it was sweet. 

    Jinger is so excited to live there.  The 800 times she said "Babe!" worked on my nerves, though.  The apartment is nice for a couple starting out, better than a lot have it, so STFU, Boob.  And quit calling Michelle "Mama", you horn-dog a**hole.  You have so lost control, and we all love it!  Michelle didn't say much, thank goodness.  Jer's parents seem OK.

    And why didn't it occur to Boob that Jinger may want to work?  She could work in a daycare, or in retail, or anything she wants to do.  You know, live like a normal young couple.  Being far away from her family will hopefully be good for her.

    It will be fun to see how this plays out.

    • Love 10
  17. My word, Central America is soooooooooooo dangerous!  Let's all go visit repeatedly!

    Others have commented that Jill has post partum depression.  Maybe, but I think she just doesn't want to be there.  Or with Derrick.  Or with a baby.  Could this be the "hardship" for which Derrick is asking for prayers and guidance?  I really think Jill would go home in a heartbeat. 

    I actually watched most of this episode and I found the family dynamics so strange.  I only get to see my sisters every couple of years, but we about hug each other to death when we get together.  Always oceans of tears when we separate, too.  Jessa was standing with Jill when they were getting ready to leave, saying how close she and Jill are, how they have "walked through" pregnancy and motherhood, yet she couldn't even look at Jill while saying all that. 

    Ben is so over it all.  Hope giving up your youth and any hopes of a normal life was worth getting to deflower the "hot" Duggar girl.  Part of me feels sorry for him.  Guys his age just aren't ready for marriage and fatherhood, and I think he is starting to realize that.

    I even caught a little of the "spa session" from last week.  Jessa asking Anna about Josh was so scripted.  Anna babbled on and on, but basically said nothing.  A few times it felt like she forgot her lines, them remembered what she was supposed to say.  So fake! 

    The Duggars sure do latch onto a word or phrase and then repeat it ad nauseum, don't they?  "Walking through" is, of course, the most current.  I remember when everything was "surreal." Or precious.

    When do we find out if TLC actually renewed this crapfest?

    • Love 6
  18. Reading all these comments made me want to watch this.  But I just couldn't do it.  Tonight I flipped in on for about 10 minutes or even a little less.  I want to know why these young adults don't have even the most basic grammar skills.  A few weeks back, JD said that Jana was "a excellent" twin.  Tonight he did it again, used "a" instead of "an".  Then Bin said that Flame was giving him "a inside look".  Bugs me no end.  Did anybody else notice that?


    And the stupid "care package" made me laugh.  Anna seems so strange to me, going on and on about fly swatters, because we all know, those can't possibly be purchased at the closest Walmart.  Oh, that's right.  Jill and Caveman are "in the field."  Then Anna gives her stupid "double thumbs up". 


    Jessa looked so uncomfortable.  It's a shame these young adults are so socially inept.


    Then I was over it.  Refused to watch any of the new episode because I am afraid somehow TLC would know, and I would be contributing to ratings.


    I can't believe that TLC would possibly renew this show for a second season.  Give it up, already. 

  19. I heard that Kanye was going to be on. When they started announcing him and JLO said "what are you doing here" like it was some big surprise, I changed the channel. How fake. I was wondering if they would bring Bertha Butt out, now I see that they did. I didn't want to see his " black pissed off" look, or her vapid self. They think they are royalty. His nasty songs show no talent. My daughter asked why are thy on? Guess cause they didn't get any attention this week. Liked kid who sang Cash and Kosova girl. (Darn auto correct!) 15 year old at the beginning was nothing special. Bitchy wife was hard to watch. Love Keith Urban! Did the yodeling girl go through?

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