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Posts posted by SusanM

  1. 24 minutes ago, meep.meep said:

    Sports are a big deal in the US because of the potential for a college scholarship.  Free rides are great if you can get one.


    My cousin from Nova Scotia got a scholarship to play hockey at Notre Dame so even if the school as a whole didn't care there must have been scouts going the rounds.  Never really thought about that before! 

    Anyway I always did wonder why sports, especially football, was such a big deal for a high school -  well I mean I can see why the high school and the football players would care of course, but based on TV and Archie comic books it seemed to me that the whole town was invested in the high school football program.  I am assuming, at least in part, that a successful football team means extra money coming into the school somehow?

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  2. 1 minute ago, Llywela said:

    Yeah, no. In my school, we barely even knew the sports teams were playing! It was just so unimportant to anyone not involved. There was zero fuss about any team sports. People who liked sport got involved, and everyone else carried on like they didn't exist.

    I'm in Canada and this pretty much describes the attitude towards high school sports, at least where I went.  The interest in sports teams happened more at the university level.  Well you still didn't have to care of course! but there was a lot more root, root, root for the home team among the student body. 

    Homecoming (which as far as I know didn't exist in high school) was interesting in university because it was like a big class reunion and grads from years gone by would gather to party. Lots of events would be organized, usually over the course of a long week-end.  Can't recall now if it coincided with any kind of sporting event though.  I don't think so but I wouldn't be surprised if I was wrong.

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  3. On the subject of those letters - do they actually make any difference to the decision a judge makes with regard to sentencing?  A few years ago here in Canada there was a bit of controversy about whether victim impact statements were appropriate or not, I guess these kinds of letters are the other side of the coin.

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  4. In some ways my high school was similar to the way high schools tend to get portrayed on TV.  We definitely had a "kids that rule the school" clique.  Pretty much the same core group of kids were on student council, ran the school newspaper, organized the dances including the grad dance etc.  Even after all these years I can tell you their names and pick them out of a line up.  It was mostly girls BTW which isn't something you see much on most TV show casts, high school or not it's still mainly guys with a few girls thrown in as a nod to reality.

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  5. 14 minutes ago, proserpina65 said:

    All I know is that you should not let your anal retentive, probably on the spectrum, annoying ass roommate put your bitcoin on a flashdrive keychain which you then lose in the comic book store.


    Your post pretty  much summed up my knowledge of bitcoin.  Whenever this subject comes up I feel like my grandmother probably did when credit cards came out "what will they think of next?" but I still do believe where bitcoin is concerned that it's all smoke and mirrors and I'll keep my paper money under my mattress thankyouverymuch!

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  6. 1 minute ago, proserpina65 said:

    We haven't met her parents, so for all we know they could be extremely conservative and thus the out-of-wedlock pregnancy could be a huge deal for them.

    It was interesting that when Mandy was telling Connie (aka MeeMaw) about how her parents had reacted Connie said she had initially felt the same way when told about Mary's pregnancy.  That seemed out of character for her to me but she did say it was because of the "fat slob" Mary was having that baby with!  She did reassure Mandy that once the baby comes her parents will probably feel very differently.  Which IME is true - but I guess this does depend on just how conservative Mandy's parents turn out to be.

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  7. 15 hours ago, ChitChat said:

    I think this show has made a mockery of Pastor Jeff and religion in general by making him so goofy.  I've never had a pastor like that.

    I never quite knew what to make of the way Pastor Jeff would let Sheldon ask him questions in the middle of the church service.  On the one hand it seemed to show an openness that was a little surprising in a good way but on the other hand, well, it was goofy.  Maybe this is me once again not knowing how things work in a Baptist church but would this be something encouraged, or even tolerated in most cases?

    • Love 3
  8. 23 hours ago, cmr2014 said:

    How anyone could think that a judge would respond to this bit of smug, self-satisfied cluelessness with anything but a hammer, I don't know.

    What I was wondering about was if Smuggar's lawyers see these letters before they go to the judge because if they do this seems to indicate to me that either Smuggar's lawyers hate him and want him to go to prison for life or else they were never as good as they were purported to be. 

    • Love 7
  9. 28 minutes ago, Beden said:

    It's also possible that he'll be offered a coaching job at Sheldon's college. The show has made a big deal about how important Sheldon's happiness and staying in the school is to them.

    In the episode where George learns he may lose his job he goes to the college and asks the president if that job is still a possibility.  She tells him the school no longer has a football team.  I guess it's possible they could start one up again but the most likely scenario they seem to be building up to is George taking over as manager of Dale's store.

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  10. 8 hours ago, Cotypubby said:

    Missy is 29 right? Why would her parents say they want nothing to do with a 29-year old woman having a baby? She said she hadn’t even told them Georgie’s age yet. 

    This storyline is so weird. It keeps being played like this is a teen pregnancy and she’s 16 or something.

    I can see parents being disappointed with a daughter having a child out of wedlock, regardless of the age and especially when that daughter is working as a waitress when it seems she had a career going for her that has fallen apart.  It's being written like a dramady right now which means of course they have to pile on everything negative they can possibly manage to think of to throw at Mandy.  Why they decided to make her 29 instead of a teen herself is just icing on this soap opera story.

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  11. 27 minutes ago, kariyaki said:

    BBT never said one way or the other if Georgie had kids.

    It is mentioned at least once or twice that Mary has always wanted grandchildren and then later when Missy is having a baby it is mentioned that this is the first time Sheldon is an uncle.  I honestly can handwave that away though if it weren't for the torturous Georgie/Mandy storyline.

    I guess we all knew if they moved forward with the Imploding Marriage that things would have to get darker but did they really have to drag in a soap opera pregancy too?

    I am wondering what the finale is going to be - are they going to try and top the "George could be cheating" with something even worse?

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  12. Based on the most recent episode of Young Sheldon is seems  like the powers that be are handwaving away almost everything we were ever told about the Cooper family on BBT.   (A) Georgie did not have any children to the point where Sheldon and Amy marry and (B) we are told on BBT that Mary works for the church.  Now, fair enough, it's certainly possible that her losing her job is temporary and she goes back at some point but, (C) Mary on BBT is still a pretty fundie Christian.  I am having a very hard time believing that after what her family is being put through by her church that she dives back in and is back to being fundie Mary working for the church again.

    I totally get the writers et al not wanting to be tied in to recreating the Cooper family story as told on BBT (for one thing there were quite a few contradictions over the years on BBT) but, and it's a big but, did they really have to go quite this wildly off the track?  No other way they could give Georgie a decent story and  explain how George and Mary end up unhappily married?

    • Applause 2
  13. 16 minutes ago, proserpina65 said:

    She would in my cousins' church.

    I concede my knowledge of the inner workings of evangelical christian churches is limited!  I guess where I am coming from with regard to YS is the way the people we have met from Mary's church have been depicted to this point.  The church secretary is hardly a holy roller for example (she's a hoot) and Pastor Jeff, up to this storyline anyway, did not come across to me as someone who had no understanding or sympathy with human failings.  In a recent rerun I saw he talks about sneaking off to drink and dance with friends when he was a teenager.  He also admits to Mary he lied to his first wife so she would marry him - and it's clear his attraction to her wasn't based on her belief in Jesus!  He's also divorced and married for a second time.  Anyway this extreme reaction to a teen pregnancy just rings very hollow to me.

    • Love 5
  14. 12 minutes ago, Magnumfangirl said:

    This storyline is utter nonsense

    Absolutely agree.  Of course there would be gossip and some mean spirited comments - human nature is human nature - but there is no way there would have been this kind of reaction and Mary wouldn't have lost her job over something her son did.   Or her daughter either for that matter. 

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  15. 1 hour ago, Prairie Rose said:

    My feeling basically is this story is really less about Georgie and Mandy as it is about Mary and George's pending imploding marriage.

    Same here.  Poor Georgie is having his immediate future thrown under the bus just to move along the imploding marriage plot.  I guess the actor isn't complaining as he gets some good scenes and more screen time but I only wish it were for a better storyling.

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  16. 43 minutes ago, Magnumfangirl said:

    The church reaction to what's going on is ridiculous.  No church would have done that in 1992.  But it's typical for Hollywood.  🙄

    Honestly, I grew up Catholic and even in the 80s there were more than a few girls from my Catholic high school who got married and had 11 lb "premature" babies or didn't get married at all.  I absolutely don't recall anyone in my parish or in the neighbourhood reacting the way these people are reacting.   

    On the George and Mary front it seems like they are doubling down on the George does cheat but it's all going to be Mary's fault idea which is the final nail in the coffin that was my love for this show.

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  17. 2 hours ago, xfuse said:

    In the end I think he's going to win but I don't know what he's going to get out of it except being offered movie roles again.

    Have any movie studios or producers actually come out and said they'd hire him if he manages to win this case?  I don't follow the story anywhere but here but what I have read about Depp's past behavior makes it seem pretty clear that the only person responsible for him losing opportunities is Depp himself.

    • Love 18
  18. 17 minutes ago, Spartan Girl said:

    And the fact that she alluded that they wouldn’t even been married if not for her pregnancy episodes back had to hurt too.

    I don't think I saw that episode, the one I saw where they talk about their oops pregnancy it was George who was basically berating Mary and insisting that Georgie and Mandy shouldn't marry because if they did they'd be as unhappy as George and Mary are.  Not one of his finer moments as a husband, or as a father for that matter.

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