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1.2k Excellent-
I tried a little of Friday's show, bc I saw they were in studio. the box show is not for me anymore but I always loved the real studio version of the show. I've kinda reconciled that so for me I'm not gonna watch the remote shows but I will watch the real ones but despite being in studio it was sad bc it was dark and weird and they were doing the whole women being quiet all and all invisible all over again. Mika not talking at all. Willie not even there etc. I did enjoy the John Kerry segment but they could've benefited from a real climate scientist. What always frustrates me about this show is they scrape the surface intellectually but never give us any real depth, it's always so rushed and so waffly but of course the whole thing was worth it just to see Barnicle looking his cute self, aggh. And Admiral Themistocles!!
double post 🥴
it's wild to me that the controversy about the Golda Meir movie is about Helen freakin Mirren and not about....Golda freakin Meir 🥴 who for some reason is talked about with more brutal and critical honesty in Israel than this bizarro ahistorical fawning in the US. Reason nr one thousand to stop watching cable news, they are always behind the curve somehow, uncourageous, bland, inexplicably afraid to be truthful or nuanced. I'm still at the Tell Me in Ten Words Why You Are Not a Podcast stage in my evaluation of Morning Joe, and tbh MSNBC as a whole. I know it's a hangover from Covid where an emergency situation was normalized due to huge-ass egos and lazy talent, but if your production value and visuals are basically the same as a podcast that posts the video of their pajama people talking into the camera on youtube, which they all do, then hi, hello, you are a podcast and thankyou for nailing another nail into the coffin of your dying medium. Which is not gonna exist in ten years because you all decided television, visual quality, human connection, was no longer a thing. then at some point it's gonna be reinvented because people will always crave those things. someone will be like, hey, let's put *images* to this interesting conversation, and wouldn't it be fun if they could all be in the same room ~dum dee dum ~ art history with neona, a PBS special. Or possibly futurology. Same thing, this shit repeats itself ~ ETA: I want to add here as a disclaimer that I love podcasts. and so many of them are infinitely better and more honest than what we get on the tee-vee, which is why they really really need to think about wtf it is they are doing, quality-wise
Just reading this makes me stressed I'm not interested in this show anymore unless they're in studio. Them all suddenly deciding they're scared to sit together at the same table, scared of the big city, scared of human interaction, is like surgeons suddenly deciding they're scared of blood what exactly is it they think they are doing, out there, in their boxes? it's not tee-vee, that's for sure i love this show when it's at its best, but it never is anymore, so what's the point. for me it's podcasts etc right now. at least podcasts deliver quality without the constant disappointment. I miss the visuals but I just can't anymore
this all reads like gibberish to me but clearly I'm now gonna have to watch the Ocean thingy movies when I get home Seanbug which is the first one? there's like ten, eleven, twelve? where to start aaaah
I'm going to work now for the day and I haven't laughed a single time. not once, during the morning, during the show. so damn depressing
now everyone is shouting about jesus No shade on Jesus - I believe on the balance of probabilities he probably was a historical person and most likely an incredible, compassionate philosopher and thought-leader. but the literal reading of the Bible is in insane to me. and why *their* reading of an iron age text should affect *my* life is even more insane to me there are a lot of books out there. a lot of philosophy, a lot of wisdom. a lot of love. probably that is the core message, if they actually paid attention.
I f-ing love Claire McCaskill. How is it humanly possible to be this badass. I was literally cheering at teh tee-vee just now aaaaaaaaaaah
the show is so boring today I went on youtube and literally just watched old clips look look look at this they used to be honest about stuff! And Mika was there, she had a chair, she was comfortable, used her normal voice instead of yelling, vocal, included in the conversation, treated with respect they were in NYC!! everyone was around a table, making eyecontact and *talking*. Not yelling, not reciting shit, actually *talking* I literally wanna time-travel to the time when you could literally just have quality television in the morning like it was the most natural thing in the world.
I just checked my DVR and my girl Ali! Vitali! was hosting Way too Early! WHAT! because MJ is boring I'm watching this now and it is literally the best thing I have ever seen
Lemire is on vacation. By which I mean, he's snorkeling at his nearest public swimming pool, then eating a tub of Ben & Jerry's at his 30 Rock desk, before falling asleep in his 30 Rock hammock. Good for him. but where is Willieeeee? I need his perfect and adorable self, this show is boring without him
Thursday! Joe and Mika are, I wanna say in the temple of Jupiter Optimus! Maximus!, except it's not, I think this is the Thoreau-cabin version because the lighting is so bad and they look desperate to go back out fishing or whatever it is they do Eugene Robinson in DC! looking good and getting a gazillion points for dragging his ass into work *chef's kiss* i wonder how long this grim! spell! is gonna last. No one has made a joke or said "how are you" for like three days. But at least we have our Khaleesi Katty, Mother of Dragons, Transatlantic Queen, thank god
well that is Paul's loss, Kemper. For sure you would've been badass at the tambourine probably his torts professor was a consummate professional. it's just that most of the time during substantive discussions, Joe got distracted by a bumblebee #westwing
this MJ Chris Christie interview is a dud. Joe's being his oblivious self, but I can kinda tell Mika's not having it, but she's not being forceful enough, damnit! and also she doesn't have a chair so looks like she's there to staff Joe. where's Nicolle Wallace when you need her #comebacknicolle and rake this dude's ass across the coals, we need youuuuu
why can't they give Mika a chair? it's crazy distracting this show has like fifty commercial breaks and a whole hour rerun and tons of pre-recorded stuff, so the actual live time with Joe and Mika is about 45 minutes why can't she have a chair for 45 minutes? it looks so weird, especially since they mostly don't let her talk, so they just leave her standing there, left out of the conversation and awkwardly chairless, like an unwanted guest at a party, it's so uncomfortable, ooof