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Posts posted by lazydaydreamer

  1. On 11/21/2021 at 8:23 AM, ExtremeFajitas said:

    I thought it might be fun to make predictions about the rookie class. Tell me your:

    Rockstar Rookie: Great dancer and ambassador, ROTY candidate

    One and Done: Either retires or gets cut next season

    Sleeper Hit: Flies under the radar at first but starts to really shine in year 2 or 3




    Rockstar Rookie: Tori seems to be the best, but I think Kaydianna or Kleine (based on personality) will win ROTY 
    One and Done: Rebecca may just retire and move on to pursue another one of the areas/fields/jobs she's interested in. I definitely think being a DCC was just on her bucket list
    Sleeper Hit: Kelee (she's not bad right now, but she's not top 3; that said, I think she'll definitely be one of the best of her class by the end of this year and be at least 2nd GL by year 3)

    Back to the Lea topic: I wasn't at first too crazy about her looks, but the more I see her face on print and on the field, the more I'm convinced that her hair (both the length and cut) is doing absolutely nothing for her. If she grew out her hair or got some extensions, I really do think it'd bring out her features, specially her pretty eyes :) 

    Regarding group leaders... idk why but it's really going to bother me if we have any 1st GLs that don't have any previous 2nd GL experience. I don't think it's necessary, but I feel like K&J should have known a big exodus was likely to happen after this season and prepare at least Kelcey and Chandi for leadership positions this year. 

    Regarding retirements: At first I had slightly different opinions on who was retiring/leaving, but now I think only Jalyn and Caroline (of the current 4th years) will stay. I remember Melissa's remarks when they exploring the placement of the triangle. She said, "If she's not the point now I think she will be soon." I think Caroline may have been pushed further back in the triangle bc they anticipate making her one of the points next year. I think Jalyn would have retired this year, but getting back on show group and getting 2nd GL (along with starting her business[es]) may be why she stays for a fifth year.

    Part of me really thinks if there's as big of an exodus as the producers are alluding to then Gina may really just do a 6th year, but I was wrong about Maddie doing a 6th year so I'll probably be wrong again lol 

    Based off of the above I think leadership will be as follows:
    1st GLs: Gina, Caroline, Jalyn, Kelcey (Chandi if Gina does retire)
    2nd GLs: Chandi (if Gina doesn't retire), McKenzie, Armani, Claire, (Dani/Elli/Darian - if Gina does retire can't pick which of the three claims that last spot lol)

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  2. Daaaaaang I had like 25 pages to catch up on LOL. 

    Things since my last comment eons ago.

    1) Makeovers: Wow Kelee looked great! I always thought she was pretty, but I didn't realize how GORGEOUS she was until she had her hair wrapped and all her features were right there for us to see. I do wish they had featured everyone in the makeovers (like dang at least let them get like deep conditioning, trim and a blow-out or something but I digress lol). I also feel like she's so genuine in a way that we don't see often on the show. Jensen looked way better with her extensions too! It makes me think Lea would have also looked better if they gave her extensions as well as I don't think that length of her hair necessarily flatters her. Kaydianna's new look makes her look more mature. The only makeover I really didn't like was Presley's. I can see whyyyy they made her a redhead but I think it overwhelmed the rest of her features. 

    2) Half of last year's rookie class: I know the show always focuses on the rookies but I feel like I haven't seen half of last year's squad at alllllll. I totally forgot Jessica was on the squad!

    3) Lisa: I kind of wish they had shown us what the conversation between her, Kelli and Judy was before she addressed the rest of the group. I wonder if something triggered her to make that decision on that particular day 

    4) Alora-Rose: I am now half-convinced she didn't struggle as much as the show made it seem like last year. Her improving by as much as she did based off of what the show has been showing this season seems a bit unlikely. I know Kelli said she'd heard rumors in the office visit, but I wonder who they came from. I also wonder if she would have held off on trying out for the Rockettes had she made show group.

    5) Rachel W's engagement: I don't follow her on IG, but I guess I pictured her man looking differently? Idk like I imagined he'd be tall and bulky (which he is) but a... different face? Not saying he's bad looking at all, but she's just so conventionally pretty that I thought the guy would be too lol

    6) Tori: She is soooo good this season, I am glad Travis said he didn't know why she was wearing pink instead of blue. Part of me think they only cut her instead of someone else bc they knew she'd be back just like Lily in season 13/14 :(

    7) Kya and Kleine: When I first saw their pictures I was pulling for them so hard, but as soon as they were on the show I ended up not liking them as much as I anticipated. That being said Kya has a different look so I kinda hope she tries out again? I can't put my finger on what it is about Kleine that I don't like (this isn't to say I dislike her bc I don't). I also didn't think her solo was all that.

    8) Ashley: Ok, I thought I was going to like her before the show started, but I ended up not liking her after her first office visit and after they ended up cutting Jordan and Kylie before her. But if the team really likes her that 

    9) Last rookie cuts: Had Lisa and Alora-Rose not left, I think Amber and Christina would have been the last two cuts

    Anyway that's enough of what I think haha. Are there any rookies you thought you'd like more than you did or vice versa? Any makeovers you would have maybe done differently?

    • Love 8
  3. 2 hours ago, parrotfeathers said:

    Deleted because I got my thoughts wrong.  It was Kashara that said isn't that cute.  Well no it wasn't.

    I'll never be over the fact they didn't let Auto Amy have her year and then told her not to reaudition.  She would have been a wonderful ambassador for the brand.  

    Omg I didn’t start watching until a few years ago, but have watched pretty much every YouTube/Facebook clip of the the show. I can’t believe they told her not to reaudition!! That breaks my heart 😭

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  4. 11 hours ago, Holly85 said:


    Omg nooooo not Elli!!! 😭 I hope she comes back. I can’t remember but did Lemonbus say that the vet who resigned or the vet that was injured was made to look like a cut? Hoping it was Alora Rose and not Elli so that she can come back again next year! 😢

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  5. 9 minutes ago, EricaShadows said:


    Stolen from Reddit.  These are evidently the group leaders and seconds.  I don't know how true this is or how "official" it is.

    Does anyone else feel it’s a huge gamble to not have any 3-year vets? 😳 in general there’s so few 5-year vets, what are the odds *four* of them come back for a fifth-year? 

    • Love 16
  6. 10 minutes ago, DCCOracle said:

    I'm confused again.

    There were 24 vets in 2020. 8 retired. Victoria and Amanda are out for undisclosed/unconfirmed reasons. Daphne and one unknown vet are out due to injury. One other vet is out due to unknown reasons. That adds up to 13. 

    24-13=11. How can there be 12 vets at Oxnard when the 2020 rookies aren't officially veterans yet? #ConfusedAF

    I’m pretty sure the 2020 rookies count as veterans. Claire is at Oxnard as one of the 12 and she’s a 2020 rookie. 

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  7. 41 minutes ago, aimeelou625 said:

    Thank the lord!  I was worried.  Two of my faves from last year.


    So she didnt do any (that we know of) of the local show group performances but got to go to Oxnard? Somehow I find that a bit unfair but maybe that’s just me...

    8 minutes ago, Lynnbo said:

    Marissa posted about Oxnard, a generic Cowboys TC ad, but still doubt she would post if she was cut.  I am worried about Gina being injured 

    Maybe Rachel W. didn’t make show group and lost point or realized she had to share it within a span of a few days and decided she was quitting instead? (Wishful thinking, I know! 😅😂)

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  8. 36 minutes ago, DCC-UK said:

    So we know Erin, Ashlee, Amber, Kelcey and Chandi (all on IG) are off to Oxnard so none of them are cut/still on SG. If Jalyn is on her way too, that would be the icing on the cake! Redemption!

    If that’s the case that would leave Gina, Lexie, Rachel W., Claire, Marissa, Caroline as the potential show group vet cut 🤔

    I’m thinking it must be Claire (unless it’s Marissa which i doubt) unless... it’s Rachel W. (Jk they would never lol)

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  9. 2 minutes ago, Blue hues said:

    Who are the remaining senior vets?  Any five years?  Who are the four years?  With all the back and forth of lemonbus and Dr Manhattan, my head is spinning! Not to mention each time I see LBs name, makes me crave lemon pie!😆

    Gina and Lexie are the 5-years.. Amber, Ashlee, Rachel W., Erin, Caroline are the 4-years in show group. Madeline M., Taylor, and Jalyn are the remaining 4-years. 

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  10. 8 minutes ago, go4luca said:

    Personally, I’ve enjoyed @lemonbus230.  I hope s/he doesn’t leave.  We used to get good intel.  Now, with whatever is going on between Dr.M & LB...the only insider fun we had, is evaporating. 😐


    Agreed! Literally a few days ago I was thinking to myself how boring this season might be bc of the lack of info coming out. details on the rookies (except for tori, ashlinn and Madeline s.) aren’t exciting at all to me bc I haven’t yet made an attachment to any of them. These deets about the veterans and any things that may be happening behind the scenes are what keep me interested in the actual show.

    all of that to say: thank you lemonbus, we love you, please come back any time, any place, any where lol 

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  11. 1 minute ago, onthebubble said:

    I agree with your thinking re baiting LB! 

    The previous Dr M posts have been worded 'differently'. I dont know how to articulate it properly but almost like they were trying to throw us off the scent of who it was deliberately. The last post is worded sooo casually, like yolo i dont care who you think it is now. 

    Maybe they told each of the girls they suspected of being lemonbus something slightly different but still believable so that they’d then know who it was. Maybe the role model part was added in there when informing lemonbus and that’s who they figured it out!

    Color me shooketh omg 

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  12. 8 minutes ago, onthebubble said:

    Plot twist - Dr M is Shelly 😱 🤣

    Wait this is actually what I was thinking for a while!!!!!!!!! Especially after someone mentioned they thought it was Kashara and when they immediately defended Victoria. Now that Dr. M posted that it has to be someone really close to the team. Then again I’ve been wrong about everything so who knows 🤣 Maybe the whole point of Dr. M was to bait Lemonbus in a way where they could confirm her identity? 

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  13. On 7/20/2021 at 10:25 PM, lemonbus230 said:

    Will not be sharing, only confirming, any new information moving forward. This is fun for me, never serious enough to start accusing other posters. Hopefully others will be able to provide their information. 🙂

    By confirming do you mean if someone shares a spoiler that only then is when you’ll step in to confirm it orrrrrr if we ask something that you’d then confirm it? 

    If it’s the latter, can you confirm Gina is point (or one or the points)?

    (I know it’s probably the first of the two but it was worth a shot 🤣🤣😅😅)

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  14. 3 hours ago, Agent Gully said:

    If Amanda wasn't the "big" name referred to as leaving, and Daphne truly wouldn't be a big name either, IMO, the only really big name is Gina, and I hope it isn't!


    Omg what if Gina is the one who has to leave bc if injury? 🥺

    I also think if there are others still “thinking about it” that Rachel W. would be on that list 

  15. 8 hours ago, Emchammy said:

    See I find this interesting because I’ve seen multiple posts from new people who say it took forever for their accounts to be activated. It make wonder if Dr M has been waiting a while (and if so, what else could they have shared during this time) or did they somehow jump the queue? 

    I was one of those long time lurkers who finally wanted to open an account and I think it took 2-3 weeks for it to be activated. Not sure if that helps lol 

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  16. 2 hours ago, Agent Gully said:

    Just a question to see what others think...Last year, I think many of us were surprised at some of the veteran cuts. Of the veterans with two or more seasons under their belt now, in your opinion:

    1.) Who would be the most surprising/shocking veteran cut/s?

    2.) Who would be the least surprising veteran cut/s?


    46 minutes ago, Bigorangecatmom said:

    Anyone could be on the chopping block if Kelli needs a storyline. 

    1. I am trying to think of someone that we don't see coming, a la Hannah. Daphne and Erin could be surprise cuts - ie cut just for ratings and storyline. Both are strong dancers / ambassadors but so was Hannah. 

    2. I wonder about Kat, Lisa, and Kristen - the three dancers who are auditioning for their 3rd year who are not (yet) on show group. They all bring different attributes to the team but could be used for drama. 

    Oooooh good point, is there anyone who’s entering their fourth year who isn’t in (and has never made) show group? 

    For third years, I think Lisa is fine, she flies under the radar and tends to be good at interviews (at least from what they’ve shown on the show lol). I think Kat won’t do too well in the beginning, but since she pulled it together last season I think they’ll also give her time this season to get it together too. I’ll be surprised if they don’t cut Kristin (I think she would have flown under the radar had she not made a scene about her solo on the show). It’s crazy how there’s already so few from this class. 

    I’d be shocked if Gina, Rachel W., Caroline, Amanda or Kelcey got cut. Anyone else wouldn’t be too shocking. I think there’ll be at least two vet cuts just to make things interesting

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  17. On 6/1/2021 at 5:54 PM, DCCOracle said:

    Tess did not get asked to be an All-Star (unconfirmed) because of Ozark-gate.

    I think I had mentioned it before somewhere (can’t remember) but I thought for a while something must have happened for Tess not to write anything sentimental about her retirement on either her personal or dcc page. I know she acknowledged her retirement by sharing what other people wrote but still seems like something happened there and her not being asked to be an All Star makes it all make more sense

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  18. 27 minutes ago, 123dcc said:

    Victoria liked @dccheerleaders most recent post. I really want confirmation. Ugh.

    Yeah, but I just checked and it was her dcc page that liked it not her personal account. I’m assuming if she’s retired that she no longer has control over the dcc account. 🧐

    Don’t mind me just throwing stuff out there lol 

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  19. 15 minutes ago, 123dcc said:

    Soooo... Anyone think this is gonna be televised? The timing is weird, since they all found out about training camp today. Do y'all think she got cut?

    I feel like they saw her audition video before most of the others wondering if she’d lost the weight they probably warned her about, and when she turned out to be too “soft”, they made the decision to let her know that she wouldn’t be making the team this year and did it before decisions went out that way she could “choose” to “retire” and save face. Either way, I feel bad, it’s hard being dcc thin especially if your mom had the same issue as well. 

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  20. 1 hour ago, Isolabella said:

    Could the surprise announcement be Lexie? She looked alarmingly soft (by DCC standards) in the videos that were posted a couple weeks ago where the cheerleaders were dancing up on a stage. I wonder if TPTB had a talk with her or if she maybe decided herself to last minute retire (kind of like Mandy did before auditioning for her second season). And/or could she potentially be pregnant? 🤔

    To be honest I was kind of surprised Lexie wasn’t retiring for some weird reason. Her IG stories kind of made it seem like she gradually moving toward the next step. I was also banking on at least one of the second leaders retiring. Just goes to show how much I don’t know 🤣

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  21. 2 hours ago, lemonbus230 said:

    There will be a surprise retirement coming down the pipeline...

    I wish I was like some of y’all who always had the scoop 😩😅🤣. Do you know when the 9th person announced their retirement? 

    7 minutes ago, Lona said:

    Just IMAGINE if it's Rachel W. LOL. 

    Gina will be on cloud 9! 😂

    Omg can you imagine 🤣

    also is it just me or is it kind of weird that Tess hasn’t really posted anything about her retirement? she’s been on the squad more than any other retiree aside from Maddie 

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