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Posts posted by WhatAmIWatching

  1. 3 hours ago, mythoughtis said:

    Robyn’s not having panic attacks.   She’s not panicking or anxious about watching clips.   She just doesn’t want to watch them and wants to reinforce her narrative that she’s being unfairly blamed  for breaking apart the family 

    She just doesn't want to answer questions regarding the scenes in the clips! I would've made her watch it after she calmed down. Ridiculous woman.

     I'm ticked about it too, because it would've been great for her to have to see and respond to Christine saying she just needed space. I wanted her to see that Christine didn't say that she never wanted to talk to Robyn or her kids ever again.

     Would've been great to have her answer for twisting that so badly during that meeting and repeating it wrongly since then. Take away one avenue for her to play the victim.


    also in case it hasn't been said today yet: Shut up, Robyn!

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  2. 3 hours ago, Elizzikra said:

    What was her problem with the youth group? 

       Robyn said she felt that they'd worked way too long and far too hard to stand firm in their faith (ok Ms. 5 Minute Bride 🙄) to let the teens go off willy-nilly to a youth group of a different religion(s). She said their frontal lobes weren't developed enough to make those decisions. She was basically forcefully backing up Kody's opinion, but it came off weird because she hadn't raised any of those teens, was still new to the family, and got rilly intense about it.

     Maddie clocked her with a "You said WE get to choose our own church!" to the other parents, and Janelle had that firm set to her jaw she gets when she's mad, and you know she was thinking "Hush up, Valtrex!" (Robyn had a giant cold sore)

    Surprisingly, Meri calmly backed Janelle and looked at Kody like he was nuts. Even Leon was for exploring other youth groups and they were quite devout in the fam religion at the time.

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  3. On 3/4/2023 at 2:09 PM, LilyD said:

    Just quoted the first line of your post as reference. First, you have some valid points in what you’re saying. None of the marriages were perfect, the other wives certainly had their flaws and TLC changed a lot.

    Yet there is a particular thing about Robyn you fail to mention in your posts. One that most of us missed the first couple of years: Robyn seems nice, a perfect addition and someone who has everyone’s best interests at heart. It takes a long time before you actually realise she’s incredibly two-faced and selfish. I could write pages of this but will mention just a few typical ones:

    •  she wanted the plural family and be part of it, yet apart from one instance (right at the beginning) she always backs out of babysit or support requests. There are one or two clear examples in almost all seasons.
    • The number of lies, particularly where she excluded the other wives after making promises she wouldn’t. The dress and the legal wedding are prime examples.
    • Kody already had 13 kids, she knew he always had to divide his time, yet she always protested when he left her with her kids. Over the past few years she has even claimed that her youngest two cannot go a day without dad. (Really? In a polygamous family??)
    • Lastly, what probably irks a lot of of us most: she quite possibly couldn’t help her personal debts, but from the day she married she hasn’t made a single (financial) attempt to give back to the family that paid them all off?? (Apart from the show appearances of course and the failed MSWC “venture”) Her bed was made, debts taken care of, no attempt to work nor any form of substantial contribution to the family life apart from taking and hanging around.

    Like I said, I could go on and on. But it has been discussed at length here. It’s hard to see the real Robyn as she is very skilled in hiding her true motives.



    That's a good start of a list, LilyD! You're spot on that it took a while to see past what her words were saying, to notice her actions didn't match up at all.

    I remember during the couch sessions with all 4 wives, that she'd pontificate at length about polygamy and how it worked -or should work- when she'd never lived it herself before, and how she was an expert on all things Brown when she hadn't been there for the first 16 years.

    Also: when she was combative and highly emotional about the older kids possibly joining a youth group (to make friends and have activities in a new town) when she was brand new to the family. It was not her place to decide for the kids she barely knew or overrule the bio moms, imo. 

    Even in their book Janelle talks about how Robyn meddled (she didn't say meddled, that's my word) in the other marriages and told them how they should resolve conflicts with each other, which goes against her always claiming that she had no idea what goes on in the other marriages. 


    Thank you, Adiba! I thought I remembered but wasn't sure of the details. Those two are the shadiest.

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  4. Just re-reading their NYT bestseller (lol) and I found that not only did Robyn steal their husband, but she stole Janelle's apples/oranges analogy! (Janelle expresses it better)

    I wonder how many times R has read their book? Wanna bet she was sittin' there with a neon highlighter marking up all the parts that either pissed her off or that she could take credit for? 😂 


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  5. On 2/28/2023 at 6:41 AM, GeeGolly said:

    The two things don't have to be mutually exclusive. Short courtships and short honeymoons aren't great but long courtships and long honeymoons disrespect the other wives. This is polygamy, not monogamy, making sacrifices to accommodate other wives is part of the deal.

    Robyn knew the 5 hour travel time made their courtship hard on the other wives, so then she decides a two week honeymoon would be good? Honeymoons are a social construct, Kody and Robyn committed to a life together so they had plenty of time to plan a vacation after Robyn settled in to the family. A four day getaway or even a less extravagant week long honeymoon would have been less hurtful for the OG3.

    IMO, money should have little to do with it. The OG3 were hurt, like I said above, a compromise would have made it easier for the OG3. A compromise would have sent the message that Robyn cares and Robyn gets it.

    In my world I've seen more care introducing new pets into a family. I'm firmly team OG3 on this one.

    Didn't Robyn and Kody take another honeymoon (that wasn't filmed) after they did their legal marriage as well, or am I misremembering? I thought they said she took him to Hawaii with funds from her grocery budget so ended up with two lengthy honeymoons.

    If she really "needed" that time, then maybe to make it fair/make up for the 3 originals (who didn't have similar extended or extravagant honeymoons) they could have used show $ to have 2nd honeymoons across the board, but I have a strong feeling that Kody would've put the kibosh on that.


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  6. On 3/2/2023 at 5:15 AM, TurtlePower said:

    Same. How it must irk him Christine appears so glowy and happy, meanwhile every time we see Robyn she appears overwhelmed, pale and bloated. Even Janelle looks good after Kody (hard to tell with Meri because, filters). 

    Common denominator here is KODY. 

    I just caught up and saw the pic of her and the new beau on the couch: wow, she looks radiant and relaxed!

    This is totally crass, but I've suspected that none of the wives ever experienced a big O with Kidney. How could they? He doesn't have the attention span or interest in taking care of anyone but himself. The beatific look on Christine's face suggests she found someone who knows what they're doing in that regard. 

    I hope R & K secretly comb through her social media and that her obvious happiness gives them both heartburn.

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  7. 1 minute ago, xwordfanatik said:

    Yum!  But I'm afraid that Atlantic means farmed.  I know Red Lobster serves similar filets, and I have eaten those.  They were good (I don't eat shellfish.)

    We don't have a Sam's Club nearby, just Costco.  

    Janelle's muffin? does have a grayish cast to it.  Maybe it's just the photo.  It almost looks like a hamburger patty.  

    Oh I didn't realize that means farmed!

    I confess that I loathe cooking. Partly because my husband (and one of the boys before they both grew and flew) is THE pickiest person on the planet and will refuse to even taste something if "it looks weird". I partly hate it because it takes so long from prep to clean up. I still do it, because we're too rural for food delivery, which is simply unfair, but I am not the best at it. My results still look better than almost all of what Janelle comes up with though, which I find hilarious.

     Too bad that I can't convince my hubby that I, like Robyn, am a damsel in distress and need someone to help cook. 😆 

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  8. 1 hour ago, Sandy W said:

    Like Maddie, they will post the most mundane daily occurences to keep their presence on social media 

    If they monetize their social media, I can see how low-effort posts still make money so they don't care how ridiculous they look or how boring they are, but I don't know if they've monetized.


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  9. 2 hours ago, BoogieWonderland said:

    Contractor is a vague title. That's it. Doesn't mean anything other than that. Doesn't mean they were qualified, or working or anything else. 

    Ohhh! I thought it required a license? Does it depend on project size? One of my kids is a contractor for larger construction projects and building or remodeling fancy homes in Calif, and he had to get a tax ID, take an exam and get a license.

    • Like 6
  10. 6 hours ago, Adiba said:

    I watched Gwen’s latest reaction video on YouTube, and even though she must have cut out the part about bruising and throwing her in the air, it was still sad.

    Her somewhat sad and wistful face when she watched the part where Robyn’s kids come home from school and Kody acts exited and wants to know how their day went broke my heart. Gwen did have the grace to say that she was happy for Sol and Ari to get that from their father, but she just wished she’d had it, too.

    When Gwen got to the “knife in the kidneys” rant by Kody, she said it wasn’t unusual for him to yell like that. Gwen said Kody had yelled at her like that and even Bea (fiancé) said that she didn’t like how Kody speaks to Gwen sometimes.

    Oof that's rough for her. I appreciate her gladness for her little siblings, but feel sad for her seeing his blatant favoritism when she wouldn't have been privy to specifics without the show.

    My dad was very strict with us growing up and would holler and get kinda mean over homework (especially math! I joke that I'm missing the math part of my brain). I would get so nervous when I needed help because I knew it would be a whole thing.

      Fast fwd many years, until I was around Gwen's age, and for a 2nd career he went into teaching at community college. His students raved about him and how patient and helpful he was. It pissed me off and hurt my feelings at first, because why couldn't he do that for his own kid? I finally made peace with it and realized ppl can grow and evolve and I was happy that his students had an attentive and brilliant teacher to help them be successful. 


    All those kids have been through a lot and I hope they have or find healthy ways to deal and make peace with things. I'm not sure putting family secrets on sm is the best way to do it, but I sort of can't fault some for trying to cash in on the family "fame" since I'm sure they didn't receive much for having their lives (and embarrassing or hurtful parts of childhood) outed on the show. 


    BTW: Going back to an earlier convo (sry, just now catching up) I recently stumbled across JO still pretending to be Sam on Twitter! Wtf? That person is seriously creepy and it feels unhinged that they're keeping up the farce for this long. Makes me wonder if they're continually trolling for new marks.

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  11. 2 hours ago, TurtlePower said:

    This. He’s always looked at Robyn differently, you could tell he was truly smitten with her. She was everything the other wives weren’t — bubbly, pretty, active, more alluring. Robyn was FUN. And now, even though Robyn herself has morphed into the the other wives have become — tired, heavy, less energetic — he still appears to love her.

    I’m also curious about how this will play out. Robyn no longer has 3 other women to humble-gloat over. How will her personality change? The other 3 were a large part of the formula. Will Kody and Robyn survive, or will the loss of the other wives — and their incomes — ruin them? 

    I think he also grooved on her being his mouthpiece. The OG's (after 20+ years) started either yes dear-ing him or blowing him off and once she started acting as the Kody whisperer and communicating *for* him the others couldn't ignore or push back as easily or it would be a whole thing with dry crying and eye boogers.

    In recent examples, I noticed on their 4-way covid zoom that he would start to say something and wait for Robyn to rescue and explain what he meant. She also did it at the backyard chat when Janelle was pushing back about the holiday plans and Kody's dramatics. 

    I loooooved the part during the Tell Nothing when Janelle rolled her eyes and finally spoke up about her irritation regarding Robyn's lectures and her habit of speaking for Kody.

    He seemed really resentful that the others are out traveling, having fun and visiting family while he is stuck at the manse with her and the Flowers in the Attic kids. I'm curious if he'll start resenting her for holding him back and keeping him rooted in one place. Neither of them look happy any more.

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  12. On 1/24/2023 at 9:27 PM, Ms.Lulu said:

    At the time of their divorce, David was 28 years old and worked as a contractor

    David worked as a *contractor* yet they were extremely poor (according to Robyn) and his child support was so low???

    Contractors usually make really good money so I wonder if that's not correct or he didn't take on a lot of jobs. Unless he was doing a lot of work under the table w/family and any legit work that he could claim for taxes, etc was on the lower end? (I guess that would fit with the bleed the beast "rules" they all seemed to live by).

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  13. 22 hours ago, lookeyloo said:

    Maybe he really "loves" Robyn- whatever that means to him and she is in the drivers seat. So he doesn't want to cross her - too much risk. He never really loved the other ones. New and confusing feelings maybe 

    Agreed! I remember when he and Robyn had that one convo on their patio (something regarding him laying down the rules with the others but for him to make sure it didn't seem to come from her). He was so deferential, soft spoken, completely focused on her without distraction or interruption and really took on what she was directing. It was surprising in comparison to how he's always interacted with the 3 OG wives. 

    I think he finally got the kingdom he always wanted with her and her/their kids but is too dumb to realize he's the monkey dancing to her organ grinding. I'm really curious if it will last now they will no longer have the 3 others as common enemies.

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  14. 2 hours ago, ZettaK said:

    At least 10 years. But it's not an age thing. Her fillers were obvious on UGT, and she had more because she probably had a treatment back then, and they overdid it. She was also skeletal (still is), so she didn't gain weight for her face to appear rounder (or puffier). Her eyebrows were higher because of botox (aging makes eyebrows and eyes droopy), but too much cheek fillers push into the eye socket from below. 

    Ah thank you, Zettak, I haven't seen UGT yet, waiting for it to come to Bravo!

    Well, that's a shame that she did that to herself then. I remember Shannon (RHOC) overdid it like crazy for a recent season, and her face looked a lot like Taylor's pic. She ended up having the fillers dissolved or something.
     I don't know why they do this to themselves.

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  15. 1 hour ago, ag54 said:

    Clearly she should take a hiatus from the show to deal with her grief if she cannot control her behavior at a CHARITY EVENT in front of not only innocent bystanders but freaking Melissa Etheridge. It was so cringeworthy!

    Erica should propose take a break too to deal with all her legal problems and rebound sex issues. Also cringe 😬 

      I mean, Rinna's *been* intolerable for at least the last handful of seasons, so I can't believe it's solely due to grief, otherwise what was she grieving the rest of her time on this show? What was she grieving when she lunged at Kim, while grasping her claw toward Kim's throat, and smashing the glass on the table in Amsterdam? Her schtick is so worn out it's threadbare. 

    Jabs, pokes, gossip, and light jokes at someone's expense aren't the same as actively trying to take someone down and ruin their reputation or relationship, which is what Rinna does.

     I remember before this season in the press, the coven kept saying how "Erika really opens up about her situation this year" blah blah. I haven't seen any of that. I've only seen her playing inebriated, being inappropriate regarding Crystal's ED, throwing up a whole lot of deflection, and talking about sex from randoms. Riveting. 🙄 

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  16. 8 minutes ago, Surrealist said:

    I always skip these episodes so that I don't have to rewatch them right away. Maybe I should be watching them?

    Yes, it might be a good idea to add them! You can always fast fwd to the added scenes.

     There was more of Kyle yanking Sutton around than they showed in the Garcelle party eppy, and there have been other times when the extra scenes showed more of the situation than what the actual episode did.

     Last episode, the preview showed Rinna saying "People think I'm a real bitch" and Sutton responds "You ARE", but I just watched the episode and that bit wasn't in there! I don't know if that made it to the extra scenes or not?

     It's annoying when the previews aren't in the actual episode. They need a different editing company or something.

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  17. 18 hours ago, goofygirl said:

    I totally agree politichick!  I would never had an opportunity to read all that had somebody not given up their hardearned $$$ to post this and give us all access to it.  I'm guessing I need to thank whatamiwatching and crinkle cut cat!

    You're welcome for the stories! I feel it's important that we all get to read about ALL of the deceit and corruption that enabled Tom's massive grift to go on for so long.

      It's disturbing that so many people, in such high seats of power, either actively helped him or turned a blind eye. As this goes on, I truly hope that more people will be on the hook instead of solely focusing on Tom and Erika. A lot of people's hands are dirty and need to be held accountable.

     Yes, she is responsible for returning that incredible amount of money that she spent, since most of it went to her company, but she wouldn't have had it to spend if so many other people had morals, ethics, chose not to break laws, refused to engage in the crimes, or spoke up instead of covering for Tom. (How many got kickbacks of the true victim's money?)

    I think these two articles floored me even more than the very first one when the grift was initially exposed.

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  18. On 8/10/2022 at 7:12 AM, RoseAllDay said:



    Lisa thinks she’s so-oo-o edgy, but she comes off looking like a sad middle-ager in competition with her daughter. IOW, herself.

    Seems she’s traded the Greg Brady shades for welder’s goggles. Nicest thing I can say is, thanks for at least keeping your legs closed.

    Grow. Up. 

    Lisa looks like a praying mantis in that pic.

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