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Posts posted by Starry-Eyed

  1. On 6/4/2024 at 10:55 AM, meep.meep said:

    The Disney tie-ins are getting to be too much.  Did they really need two pre-recorded bits from Poehler and Hawke?

    Yeah, the stupidness of the promo tie-in pretty much ruined this episode for me. This would have been fine on a season of Kids Baking Championship, but having adults do it was just weird and absolutely didn't fit the theme, no matter how hard they tried to crowbar it in.

    Having a pre-recorded video message from Amy Poehler and Maya Hawke just hammered in how lazy and corporate this was. If they'd actually gone to the set, met the contestants, and tasted the bakes, it would have come across a little cooler for the contestants and not so demeaning.

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  2. On 6/6/2024 at 5:45 PM, lavenderblue said:

    I've been indifferent to Keely but after two weeks in a row of being protected with "we can't tell who did what on your terrible team dessert! you both stay!!!" and a random mid-season immunity only announced after her petit challenge victory, well, it starts to look a little convenient. What motivation the network/producers may have for keeping her, who knows, but with this on top of all the talking head segments....

    Yeah, I DEFINITELY think there were some producer shenanigans. It might not necessarily have been about Keely specifically, although I think she is a production darling, but about making sure they didn't get down to all dudes halfway through the show.

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  3. On 5/15/2024 at 2:59 PM, Irlandesa said:

    I knew the minute they had Paige act sad that Keely was leaving that Paige was the one getting the boot.  This show's editors like to do their contestants dirty.  A contestant could praise their colleagues, but once they say one negative thing, it gets included.

     The voiceover even sounded edited to me. I definitely think she actually said something longer, talking about how it was a lose/lose either way, similar to what Keely said, but they trimmed out that part.

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  4. 6 hours ago, libgirl2 said:

    He might have been better off putting the branches in the stained glass tile/ piece, surrounded by the black lines. I'm not sure I'm explaining it right. 

    I think the brown branches would have been fine if he had done a real stained glass effect like Stephen did, painting in the areas. It was the brown lines combined with the fact that the lines had nothing to do with what was colored that made it not look like stained glass.

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  5. I would have rioted if Stephen hadn't won. His cake looked stunning and wedding worthy.

    Robert's was fine, but the stained glass effect was just okay, not really the focus. It would have been a sweet anniversary cake or something for his husband, but didn't really say wedding to me.  (I'm currently planning my own wedding, so maybe I'm extra judgmental.)

    Nikki's was downright embarrassing. I was totally fine with her winning her way into the finale, but her performance really did not reflect well on the judges' decision. The stained glass aspect was one few people could have seen coming, but how could she have possibly thought there wouldn't be any stacked cakes for the Spring Baking Championship? She kept saying she hadn't done it before like that would make her look better (because the cake did NOT look good. I did like the isomalt dragonflies on the top, though. If she had done all of the dragonflies like that, it would have been a big improvement, but not enough to outdo Stephen), but it really just made her look worse because she was so unprepared.

    • Like 13
  6. Totally agree with Jesse that Cait is mentally tough. I haven't loved all her bakes, but I admire the way she picks herself up after every setback and throws herself full throttle towards whatever she has to do. It was very apparent last week when her team cake fell apart, and she didn't seem to waste any time and energy getting angry or frustrated, but snapped into (a little terse and taut, but highly efficient) problem-solving mode.

    I am SO glad Nickey didn't get sent how after that stupid twist sabotaged her. Her original flavors sounded so delicious too.

    I thought Alex would get the win, but Rochelle's cake was absolutely stunning. Girl on Fire vibes for sure.

    I liked Anna, but she was the right one to go home, even though I agree the judges were probably looking at more than just the episode's baking. Stephen is just in a different class than she is.

    • Like 8
  7. Just wanted to shout out a spotting of several Great Food Truck Road Race alumni on the new Netflix docuseries "You Are What You Eat." I literally recognized Pamela and Wendy (from the South African truck Amawele’s) from their bickering and talking over each other, but one of the other sets of twins (it's a twin study) is apparently from Season 7 (Grilled Cheese All Stars)

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  8. 3 minutes ago, Salacious Kitty said:

    The Vegans had already been to that location, so no surprise that they went back when they had a "free" day to sell wherever they pleased. It sure worked out for them. 

    I also wouldn't be shocked if the Pura Cepa had "regulars" who went over to support the Vegans, given how close the teams were/are (Pura Cepa apparently showed up to Easy Vegans' watch party to celebrate with them)

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  9. SOOO glad Khana lost! I was infuriated with their smug, catty talking points long before the episode ended. It made me roll my eyes when they patted themselves on the back for being a woman-owned truck with a nonbinary member (I was honestly surprised by that. Al doesn't present super feminine but had they described themself as nonbinary before that?) when their competitors are also a woman-led business and also members of the LGBT community.

    While I was happy with the outcome, this was still a really frustating, not-fun season, and this episode felt really manufactured as well. Food Network needs to seriously revamp how they approach this show or it won't last

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  10. 55 minutes ago, bluepiano said:

    Worst season ever. Since there's no shopping or strategic pricing involved, most episodes are the contestants getting in the face of people and pleading with them to eat their food. Which in the real food truck world never happens.

    I mean, no one has lost a body part, so that's something at least

    • LOL 5
  11. 2 hours ago, seacliffsal said:

    I wondered if the show told the competitors that they couldn't use social media to get customers.  The Bald Guy struggled last week as well, and Khana did not have their Pakistani customers this week (but that may be because they didn't park in front of the coffee shop).

    Agreed. I suspected that last week with Da Bald Guy's sharp drop-off and the complete lack of any mentions of the coconut wireless.

    To be fair, I've always thought the social media was a little unfair... but then again, it is a crucial food truck skill. Maybe teams should be given "fresh" socials at the beginning of the competition and specific rules they all have to follow to even the playing field but allow teams to use that skill set?

    I know Bald Guy was the lowest performer, but I was still a little confused over the elimination. Easy Vegan wins the first challenge (both parts) and EV and Pura Cepa are paired, so are Khana and BG. They are supposed to be splitting sale totals evenly. Then, Bald Guy wins the second taste challenge and Pura Cepa wins the second sales challenge. So shouldn't the Bald Guy's total been equal to Khana PLUS their challenge bonus? Or did I miss something? 

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  12. I think they should give each judge a keypad, and have at least 3 decoys a cake. Then, it's did you fool ALL the judges, MOST of the judges, ONE judge, or NO judges. You eliminate the scramble of the judges trying to communicate, and you give a more objective basis if you must eliminate people.

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  13. I thought there was a whole thing season one where someone added a fondant tomato to the decoy salad... so I think staging the decoys has always been a thing. I just wish they would be clearer what the rules are with that.

    I really hate the eliminations. I think it takes away from the camaraderie of the cast. Season one, some of the best parts were the commentary from the non-playing contestants.

    • Like 4
  14. On 8/23/2022 at 2:03 PM, FGomez said:

    which puts her in the category of crazy psychopaths. Same category of Jan. And exactly the worst category of murderer to choose for a whodunit. A complete no-no. You can read the complete collection of Agatha Christie's books and won't ever find this nonsense. In addition of course, there was no way whatsoever to think of this before last second in episode 9, when she herself, we don't know why, incriminates herself saying "I am Becky". Zero hints before that.

    Seriously. This series is top comedy, but worst ever in mystery.

    Agatha Christie DEFINITELY has crazy psychopath murderers in her catalog. It's just that those books aren't considered her great works and don't make it to the shortlist of titles that most people are familiar with, because, as you said, it's a weak writing choice.

  15. On 7/4/2023 at 12:12 PM, meep.meep said:

    Join a church with Polynesian members.

    Back in the olden days of this show, they used to show how the used social media.

    Kumail Nanjani's Urdu was so much better than the Khana truck gal's.  She kept sticking in English words.

    I wondered about that. She was so quick to say "fluently" when he asked, and then it seemed to me like she was hesitant and there was a lot of English (and they weren't proper nouns or very specific nouns either. I think one was "community" which I'm SURE has a translation). I don't speak Urdu so I would love it if anyone can give a more informed opinion, but it sure seemed to me like she overstated her ability.

    The one-two punch of losing Paizanos, who I was really rooting for, and all the unfair Khana shenanigans has really soured me. I will finish the season, but I don't know about the next one. It's a shame because up til now this season was starting to win me back.

    • Like 8
  16. I really can't stand the main woman from Khanda.She made really harsh, unkind comments about two different teams for no on-camera reason, plus the way she talked to her team. Their food may be great, but I can't wait for them to be gone.

    Brandi and her 4hens (including the blue beard guy) were a little better, but I hope they cool down the drama.

    I honestly don't know what Paisano did (beside not get a rave review at the first challenge) to attract so much hate. Sure, they did try to "poach" customers from The Block, but that's just normal good-natured rivalry on this show, and it came after The Block had already razzed them a little. I was actually impressed with how calm and not confrontational they were after the accident, which convinced me that as far they were concerned all that rivalry was just for the show.

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  17. 1 hour ago, Jeeves said:

    I think as to IBLP it's all down to Bill Gothard's preferences. Long curly hair for women and short hair, clean shaven faces for men. Remember, this all started back in the 60's. I was a teenager then. Guys who had long hair and beards were outside the norms of white Protestant culture at the time, i.e, part of the whole threatening Satan-driven hippie culture. Gothard hit on the brilliant plan of appealing to the fears of parents that their kids would be corrupted by drugs, sex, and rock and roll, and ruin their lives. It was all legalistic and control-driven, but it appealed to a lot of well-meaning people who truly wanted to protect their kids in the face of cultural changes that felt threatening.

     I think this is it, exactly.

    I too find it idiotic that having the same hairstyle as Jesus wasn't considered Christian enough.

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  18. 11 hours ago, Jeeves said:

    I have a NYT subscription and can "gift" the article. But the link is only live for two weeks from today - so if you click it after June 28 or 29, you're probably SOL. Here's the link, shortened by bitly: https://bit.ly/3NvLaQP. I've never tried this before, hope it works, and please be gentle with me if it doesn't; I'll try to fix it if I goofed.

    Thank you so much for sharing that article! It was excellent and said many of the things I've felt but struggled to articulate.

    This series has been troubling to me because I've realized that many things and people in my growing-up years were more Gothard-adjacent than I ever realized... so thankful my parents had the wisdom to spot the crazy and stay away! My mother shared the story of being interested in using ATI materials (she hadn't looked at them much yet, this was preliminary) but finding out that in order to use them, my father would have to shave his beard. He was willing, but she told him that if those people thought they could tell a person's character by their facial hair, she wasn't interested in what they could teach her kids.

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  19. 19 hours ago, Adeejay said:

    “I don’t understand why your colors are not in the same order as the flag.”  The heck?! 

    The criticisms these judges come up with are just ridiculous.  If you don’t have anything to say, it’s okay to stay quiet.

    It's not just the order of the flag, though. Rainbows have an actual color order... one I assumed everyone learned in primary school. It's just plain weird to make a rainbow dessert with the colors next to each other like that and NOT put it in order. It's totally a valid criticism.

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  20. On 6/9/2023 at 8:18 AM, merylinkid said:

    And yes, I feel sorry for Jinger Duggar.   She was the one standing there saying "I now I have sinned terrible and I can't save myself."   No honey, you are a little girl, your sins are little things that God understands, as long as you are sorry and try to do better (raised Catholic with the tradition of the sacrament of confession).   And God does not consider, I was mean to my brother as on the same level as murder.   But that's the problem.   EVERYTHING is a SIN and EVERYTHING is bad.   So if its all equally bad, they don't react appropriately to the big things.   So not instantly obeying your parents is the same as molesting your sisters. 

     To me, this moment exemplified the docuseries blending together normal Christian teachings, "fringe" elements, and out right cult behaviors and abuse all together with no differentiation.

    What Jinger said in that clip is a simple statement of a foundational Christian doctrine - all human beings are sinners and require Christ's death on the cross to save them from their sins. Obviously, no one is required to accept this belief just because she says it, but the framing of this as evidence of her ingrained guilt was disingenuous. I'm sure thousands of Christians who most would see as "normal people" would also affirm her statement.


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  21. Watermelon is already such a challenging flavor to work with (I like fresh watermelon, but can't think of any dessert I'd want to try it in) it definitely didn't need the added challenge of an accent flavor. Plus, some of those accent flavors were SO strange. Watermelon and curry? Watermelon and chili? Who is putting those together? Something like watermelon and hibiscus or watermelon and grapefruit would have made a LOT more sense.

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  22. 6 hours ago, Maya said:

    The balloon twist was strange. Why did so many people make the weird little gel blobs? 

    They were trying to make boba pearls. Honestly, I can't think of many other ways to make an edible water balloon that wouldn't take a lot of time and effort, especially given how much the judges absolutely despised the one lady's chocolate melt balloon shape.

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