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Posts posted by 40Love

  1. 8 hours ago, Irlandesa said:

    I don't think they played fast and loose with kicking out Paige because they'd rather have Keely.  Of the bakers, she's the only one whose dessert didn't taste like caramel on a caramel challenge. 

    Plus, she kind of (unintentionally) insulted the guest judge when she seemed to disregard his advice.

    Her advantage, IMO, was crappy. 10 whole minutes w/a baking icon??! She could barely get her question in, before time was up. She was concentrating on the clock, his advice, her dessert. Her "advantage" was a distraction. Bummer. 

    • Like 2
  2. On 5/6/2024 at 12:18 AM, Jodithgrace said:

    Considering the distance that option 1 was to her work, and the prospect of taking a child on a motor bike, option 3 was the only real choice. 

    I liked the 2nd house. But, you're right they didn't have the money to stay there, plus all the responsibility seemed too much to handle.. with a toddler. It was never a serious contender. Heh

    They were such a sweet couple. High school sweethearts, who clearly still love each other very much. They were very considerate of each other. Some of the past couples seem like they can't stand each other.

    That was definitely the case in a re-run episode in which the couple was moving from Australia because their lives seemed stagnate. Can't remember where they re-located to. But I believe it was Europe.

    He kept reminding her it was his money... not hers. She would ridicule him with a smile on her face and beg him not to waste "his money" on silly things. Whoa! I would love to see if they're still together.  

    • Like 1
  3. 23 hours ago, patty1h said:

    Bishe and Korto's were pretty abysmal, in my opinion.  Korto can't take criticism well - she takes it too personal. Not sure if it's narcissism or thin skin.  

    It's all ego. She has such a high opinion of herself, that she can't even fathom anyone criticizing her. She needs that kind of confidence in the dog-eat-dog world of fashion. But, it wasn't working for her on this show. What's interesting is she came on the show to be judged... but can't take the judgment. Guess she just expected to win every challenge... every week. Glad she's gone. 

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  4. 7 hours ago, seacliffsal said:

      Just a mess of a show.

    Perfect description! I hated the whole Survivor/Big Brother vibe of the show. Everything was so arbitrary: "Oh, we're going to do something a little different..." Their shenanigans sometimes unfairly tilted the scale in favor of one team or the other . Ugh! 

    The whole capo (sp?) idea was stupid to me. Just let them make their own dishes. 

    It's a cooking show... but sure let's allow the weaker chefs to move forward with a little scheming and strategy., rather than skill 

    Personally, I didn't care for either of Preston or Cory, but  they shouldn't have been kicked off like they were. 

    Natalie's win came out of the blue. But, I'm happy Saba didn't win. She came off as really unlikable. 


    • Like 7
  5. 1 hour ago, Andyourlittledog2 said:

    I want a house with columns!'. I have never heard anyone else say that, ever. Just black men (and some black women) on House Hunters. Is that really a thing? A common thing?

    I haven't noticed this trend in any recent viewings, but I may not have been paying close enough attention. Personally, it's not my style. But, maybe for the guys columns signify a "stately" looking home with prominence, stature; a home that makes a statement, especially when trying to establish generational wealth. 

    It's not a running theme with my family and friends. 

    • Like 3
  6. 39 minutes ago, Grizzly said:

    Tarragona, Spain. Is Stephany going to be hanging out at the bars during the day? She might have a problem.

    Yeah, I'm giving Stephany a little bit of the side-eye 👀 about her insistence on being near the bars. Got the feeling she might be on the prowl when Dominique is away at school. I'm curious if they're still together. 

    Glad they picked the 1st apartment. It was the nicest place... even if it was a little far from the university. 

    • Like 2
  7. 8 hours ago, meep.meep said:

    I suspect that those with more money may pull off a hot tub for the final episode.

    I've heard more than one designer say hot tubs don't add value to a home. That may be why no one has added one. 

    I thought Page and her partner would win. I liked the outside of her house the best. 

    Liked Michel and Anthony's house... but that outdoor movie screen looked so low budget... so did the rock climbing wall.

    Bocce Ball and Parkour activities are bad ideas. Loved the chess board in the lawn. 



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  8. On 3/4/2023 at 3:36 PM, Cancun said:

    Crazy that the producers had to tell them to stay away during Rico’s work. Then her reaction at the reveal was fascinatingly flat. She opted for a giant closet for her stuff vs paying for her twin daughters’ bedrooms to be finished (so Rico funded that) - maybe producer driven? I’ve read the woman’s FB page about their take on the experience. Worth a read. 🙂

    She seemed underwelmed and felt like she was thinking about how she might be able to sue Rico down the road. Heh! 


    • LOL 4
  9. 6 hours ago, Crashcourse said:

    On a purely shallow note, she looked creepy with the white eyeliner and hair.

    I thought she looked otherworldly and beautiful with the white hair and brown latte complexion. I guess it's all in the eye of the beholder, huh? 

    With that being said, I thought her personality was a bit grating. 


    • Like 3
  10. 43 minutes ago, Madding crowd said:

    I have seen numerous designers websites , Pinterest and Tv shows where designers suggest have a wall of inward facing books is the newest style in libraries. I don’t agree but it is all over. In my latest issue of Better Homes and Gardens one of the featured houses has a bookcase like this in one room and a regular one in another. I don’t think we are misunderstanding, it is a trend. 

    Okay, thanks. 

  11. The condo would have been okay if it was on floor level. I don't blame grandma for not wanting to get dressed every morning and hauling her bad hip out to a dog park across the street... especially in the cold. Later for that. 

    The house she picked is not perfect, but it's close to her grandbaby, so it's great! I loved how she re-assured the son-in-law she wouldn't be intrusive. Awww. I thought she was a sweetheart! 

    • Like 6
  12. On 3/21/2023 at 11:19 AM, LennieBriscoe said:

    I've never heard of placing books backwards, thus being unable to discern any individual  title, so as not to offend another! I wouldn't invite such nincompoops to my house in the first place!

    I think you may be misunderstanding the whole backward book thing. It's not something people are doing in their homes. It's something Home Improvement shows do when displaying their designs on TV. They turn the books around so the titles can't be read by the viewers at home. I personally believe it's to avoid the possibility of offending anyone, but don't know for sure. They just want to show books on the shelf as a staging style so the shelves are full.

    As for the episode, I'm happy Michel and Anthony won... although it's a big "no" for me on that urinal. Loved the ombre walls.

    I liked the bathroom fireplace from Page and her partner... also liked the large walk-in closet the hotel couple included. I wouldn't be able to fill it. But, it's nice.

    I hated Jon's green bedroom. Yuck! 

    All the teams put in washers and dryers because that's what won the Twins the challenge last year. But 2 laundry rooms seems silly and wasteful to me. But, I'm not rich. So maybe I don't understand the struggle of having your w/d on only one floor. 🤔 

    • Like 10
  13. 4 minutes ago, Maya said:

    Also Kardea was crabby as hell last night! I thought some of her comments were very mean and rude. 

    Thank you... I thought the same thing. She was especially mean to the poor woman who was sent home.  It was almost like she resented the woman for being on the show. But, it's not Manya's (sp?) fault she was cast on the show. The producer's had to know she was over her head in this competition. She did her best. I felt so sorry for her. She looked so sad when mean-ass Kardea was so harshly critiquing her. What happened to the empathetic Mother Earth persona Kardea's always trying to project? I know everyone has bad days. But, she seemed overly mean-spirited on that episode.  

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  14. 5 hours ago, Kemper said:

    The “married couple” … is that the husband who always wears the cap? He and his wife (blonde) have five kids. There is another couple - blonde wife - who renovated/developed an island

    I was referring to the married couple who renovated the island resorts. 

    • Like 2
  15. 8 hours ago, AZChristian said:

    years, I'd gotten into the habit of skipping any episode with Sunny Anderson

    I won't watch any BBF episodes with her either. She's so ridiculously over-the-top and desperate need for attention. 🙄 But she is really toned down on the Easter show. So I can tolerate her. 

    The bakers on her show and the Spring Baking Championship are all so talented.

    • Like 6
  16. On 3/14/2023 at 12:43 PM, Madding crowd said:

    I especially hate libraries with the books put in backwards. How would you find anything?

    I think that's kind of the point. The books are for staging purposes only. They don't want anyone pausing and zooming into the titles of any particular books that may potentially offend someone for one reason or another. 

    • Like 2
  17. On 3/14/2023 at 5:02 PM, SusanwatchingTV said:

    If it hadn't been for the library, however, I would have picked the farmhouse-style again.  I loved that room overall...

    I'm really liking Johnny and his partner's style... even the painted brick. Page and her cutie-pie partner have a nice style too. Happy one of them won ep. 2.

    My least favorite team is the married couple. They keep obstructing the views... and the wife has no style. Hubby kind of implied that in episode 2 when he says he'll just keep building what he's told to build. He looks physically tired and emotionally over the whole thing. 

    Anthony and Michel are doing a great job too, but I think they're sticking to that "Lush for Less" theme a little too much. Hoping they crush the main suite next week and bring home a win.

    • Like 7
  18. 20 hours ago, CarpeFelis said:
    22 hours ago, paigow said:

    Where is everyone else? The Steakhouse / Temple is on fire and nobody cares to help...

    Yes, I was surprised Ellie got to walk out and not be met by a crowd coming to put out the fire!

    I suspect it was early morning and they were probably instructed to stay away. The pastor and his henchman were about slaughter Ellie for food.  Most of the flock didn’t know they were eating people. As David said, they are sheep, who do what they are told. 

    Plus, most of the fighting and gun-toting members were killed by Joel and subsequently Ellie. The rest of the cult were elderly, kids and subservient women. They weren't going to stop Joel and Ellie anyway.

    • Like 6
  19. When Bill burst from kitchen with his gourmet rabbit dish in hand and the wine tucked under his arm, I thought he might be gay. He could barely conceal his excitement... and really wanted to impress this handsome stranger. It was a sweet moment. 

    But, I confess, I was a little worried Frank might be con artist or psycho while he was watching Bill play the piano. Heh! 

    • Like 13
  20. 15 hours ago, Anela said:

    I found that odd, too. That she didn't turn on the news right away. I know they had to build up to that moment with the dog, and the old woman, but I can't imagine her ignoring the panic of the woman who told her to go home. She wasn't just trying to get her out of the store.

    Agreed! The whole time I was screaming at the TV... You do NOT ignore frightened, reluctant dogs, walk through open doorways into dark hallways cluelessly shouting "Hello! Is anyone there? Is everything OK?" Take your butt back to your house, lock the doors and wait for your Commando Dad to come rescue you! Ugh! 😆

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  21. 11 minutes ago, slowpoked said:

    Yes I know it wouldn’t be in a prenup, but that’s what Tanya said. It’s highly possible that her prenup would reference her will when it comes to issues of death. But like you said, it’s those tiny details that Mike White deem not too important to get right.

    I got the impression that Tanya brought up the pre-nup just to reference that Greg spoke about getting nothing if they divorced. It was just a remembrance of their conversation.

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