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Posts posted by allinnow

  1. Just curious if anyone is still shipping Brandon and Callie?  She never did get formally adopted did she?  Seems like the expression on her face when Brandon announces his engagement left the door open - "Just saying".  I thought they were well over until she showed up with Brandon in LA :)

  2. As I noted in last week's episode thread, I don't understand why it falls on Brandon to be wise and mature and make all the right decisions and Callie gets a pass. I'm sorry, I know I'm riding solo on this considering how hated Brandon is but I find Callie to be the major issue here, not him or I should say they both are to blame. As I said last week, it's all about Callie's issues and all what Callie has been through like Brandon's issues don't matter.


    ... being a mess includes selfishness on her part, which includes jerking Brandon around repeatedly in my opinion. He is teenage boy who clearly has strong feelings for this girl whether one thinks it's real or not or will last or not.


    You're not riding solo - I think Brandon's been jerked around by Callie and the moms have been unsympathetic and uncompassionate, except for the one bone that got thrown to Brandon by Stef last week, to what has been going on in his life.  Callie has the ability to play him like a piano, pun intended, and he's too head over heels for her to sort it all out.  He's not blameless but he's not the culprit either. 


    Have to admit, I didn't see that non resolution to Brallie coming.  I thought we were going down one road or the other.  It appears that this is back to the same old anguish and BS with the added complication of now Callie and Brandon are legally siblings.  I wish the writers would pick a direction and go with it.  "We can never tell anyone" - really?


    Oh well, the DVR will pick it up again when the back half starts and I can watch it at my leisure.

  3. Could have quoted Truthaboutluv's whole post. 


    Callie has a family, actually two, that will always love her no matter what.  She is loved and has more support than most kids could hope for (IMO).  Family is not a piece of paper.


    I thought Brandon got the short end of her feelings and interaction with him since S1. 


    I've been Braillie and was happy to finally see the show pick a path for them.  Let the relationship go and if it goes the typical teenage romance distance it's finally done and over with or it goes on to be something special.


    Preview from next week, suppose the writers have her say "no" to the question of any reason the adoption shouldn't go forward?  What a mess that would be - which is why it wouldn't surprise me if they go there.


    Brandon and Callie shippers must've been heart broken. Those were some harsh words Brandon said but it's not like he was lying.

    I have to admit to being a Brallie shipper.  However, I thought Brandon couldn't have said it better.  After the heartache he endured over Callie and the mess she is/has been, I thought he finally got it right with her.  End game.... who knows but for now a welcome break of sorts.  I find myself routing for Callie to finally begin to find herself and hope Stef, Lena, and yes, dad, become bigger players in the show to that end.

  5. truthaboutluv

    ....... My comment was in response to the comments that "Callie needs a family" as if that is the only way she is family or can be family. That is what I do disagree with, that somehow if she's not legally adopted by The Fosters, then she doesn't have a family. Because as I said and still believe, I think that belies the show's message that family at the end of the day is really just about love. If Callie somehow ends up with her biological dad, I personally don't think that automatically makes her not family to The Fosters simply because she is not legally their daughter. Because they will still love and care about her and support her.



    Well stated - Nice to see you back.  Before Callie goes totally off in one direction (adopted by the Fosters or nothing) I’d like to see her realize that she has two moms (three if Jill’s expression when she sees Sophia and Callie sleeping in the same bed means anything), two dads – Robert and Donald (as I believe Donald loves her as his own daughter), two brothers, two sisters, Rita, and even Wyatt, who all love her dearly.  She is a lucky girl in that respect.


    In the show, she's what 16 years old.  So I wouldn't expect too much from her character - although she's got more than a typical 16 year olds life experience behind her.  It would be nice to see the show spend some time on a few things an episode/season rather than the blitzkrieg of 20-30 second interactions between the characters:  Like Callie realizing that she has all sorts of family that cares about her, coming to the understanding that none of them will ever abandon her, and how she comes to balance all that out.  There's a whole season worth of plot right there without Brallie/Wyatt/whatever that imo would still keep the 12-17 year old girls interest.  This has been mentioned before but the amount of data/drama that comes at you every episode leaves little room for other than superficial character development.


    And to that point, I think all the characters in the show have a place.  Ex. the interaction between Stef/Lena seems to be a good portrayal of an alternate relationship/parenting that I haven't seen on TV before.  Made me think of how a same sex couple would deal with family issues - image that - just like everyone else - poorly at times and great at others. 


    However, the show started with Callie with an emphasis on Brandon (goes with her to find Jude, etc.) so that's where I've always seen  the focus.  All of the characters could amount to something if given a chance.  Ten seconds of Jesus texting Haley and a one or two word reply from Stef isn't really giving that character much of a chance.  Just look at the reaction to Marianna's conversation with Lena about a "real" daughter or Rita/Callie having a whole paragraph of "why wouldn't you want something from Robert" vs. a couple of sentences.  Even a minute or two where they get some time to really connect and that moment just shines compared to the rest.


    I thought the show started out well and I accepted the blitz of drama as needed to get it off the ground but it's time to slow down.  Let's see how sweeping Brandon/Callie's feelings aside by Lena/Stef pressing full speed ahead with the adoption really affected both, how Jesus deals with being in a controlling relationship - with the guy being on the controlled end - nice twist, what's really up with Sophia - why is she so depressed/obsessed, etc.  Just too much going on too fast.  Although I watch the show, they've lost my attention because so little gets developed each episode.


    YMMV of course.

  6. Ugh, it's all been said.  The whole ep was 99% predicable.


    Callie's still a mess, no surprise there - her "addiction" is back.  Brallie will never die - first GildedLily post said it all.  Wacko half sister gets more in the mix with whatever she's about to do.  Fallout from the Brallie kiss, gay/not gay Jude, something/nothing happen in the tent, quit your job to make a point yet it only hurts yourself, Robert decides he can't sign away a daughter.  Ugh and another ugh.


    In the show's/actor's defense, the only chemistry that comes through for me between any of the kids is Brandon/Callie.  The kiss between Brandon/Lou ... blah.  Jesus/Haley .... blah, blah, Marianna and the guitar player... etc.  BTW, maybe Brandon can play some piano but the rest of that band is air band and not that good at it.


    Maybe Brandon will throw a wrench in the Brailie thing for a while when the show returns - maybe something along the lines of "... I can't be hurt like that again".  The writers got it keep it simmering but not boiling.  I'd like to see his character step up in some fashion.


    Points for:

    Rita-Rosie bringing up "why wouldn't you want something from your father?" 

    Marianna calling out Lena on wanting a real daughter - the 1% I didn't see coming

  7. The show being off for a while was a good break from it for me.


    I like the dynamic between Callie and Stef.  They don't seem to have that much direct interaction but when Callie needs someone strong, like last season in the back yard with Callie's mom's death flashback issues, or last night with the meet the half sister, seems like Stef is the person Callie can connect with/lean on.  Those two actresses have the right chemistry to pull that off for me.


    I like the Callie and Sophia story line.  It appears to be the sheltered kid meets the wild child cliché but within the show plot it would seem like a good experience for both to get to know each other.  I could see Callie learning something from what a different experience Sophia has had growing up compared to her own.  Mrs. Quinn (Colleen?) isn't going to have an easy time with it though ;) 


    Still thinking Brandon and Callie are not completely over reference the interesting little exchange between the two of them about "betraying" each other. I was a big Brallie fan and I think they'll continue that tension as long as the show continues.  It's a too good point of conflict for the writers to completely let it go reference the storm of emotion is produced on the boards last season.  At this point I'm happy to see Brandon moving on although the "she's a real sister" exchange with Lou wasn't all that convincing.  Reference an up post about Lou picking up on Braille, I deal a lot with musicians and some are wired to pick up on things a "normal" person doesn't notice, like Lou did between Brandon and Callie - although I don't think the writers gave that any thought other than to poke the Braille beehive again.  I agree with the up post that Wyatt's going to get his heart broken down the line.


    And just my opinion/observation:  There's a lot about Callie not having a family/support/searching for something/can't catch a break/etc. but looking at the show, she has the Fosters who love her, a close friend in Brandon and Wyatt, Jude, Donald, the girls from the halfway house, and now a half sister and father that care about her.  Seems like she has a lot of people that love/care about her around her - maybe more than most?  Gotta look around yourself sometimes at all the good - some people should be so lucky :)


    Maybe it was because I watched it very late in the evening, but the hour didn't seem jammed packed with every piece of teen drama that could be fit in and seemed to move at an appropriate pace for a change.

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