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Kari Tapia

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  1. I am reaching alot of comments regarding Mark and how he rose to second in command. It's my understanding that he was only 2nd in this particular POD not the whole WOOD organization. I mean think about the choices the HEAD had to choose from. Mark was truly the only decent choice. Mark followed the rules, did not do drugs and genuinely wanted to keep the peace. Prison rules already established prior to his incarceration still had to be followed, right or wrong. David on the other hand went rogue. He literally states his objective was originally to gain intel but after being there he just wanted to do his time and roll out. It's like he completely forgot what he was sent to jail to accomplish. He literally thought he was just another inmate. And to blatantly put Dillon's life in danger was ludicrous. I am shocked no other black dude tried to put David in check. The white boys were trying to explain if Dillon claimed Kinfolk he would get the "greenlight" on his back. Silly boys trying to play at men's rules in an already established segregated hierarchy was complete insanity. Who the hell did David think he ways? A cop from the streets thinking he can change all of AZ prison rules because he personally did not agree with them. I have heard of narcissist behavior before, but David takes the cake.
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