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  1. Wow, Kelly at the Oscars. Zero percent body fat and do not like the look at all. So harsh looking. And again the screaming on stage! Stop, so unnecessary. You have mikes and we can hear you. They showed her getting ready on her Instagram and she is actually gorgeous with no makeup and her own hair. Then they slather her in makeup and hair extensions and it's so fake and gross.
  2. Yes, Kelly reading the news clippings is soooo painful to watch. She is trying to spit words out & Mark is losing patience and twitching around. Can't say I blame him. He at least tries to speak off the cuff but she won't have any of it. Staring him down, berating him. Her smoker's voice annoys me too lol. Not that I think she smokes (I know she did years ago). Her vocal chords are probably damaged after all these years on Live. Need to find that off button, lol.
  3. She looked so unhealthy sitting next to Connie Britton today🙁
  4. Too funny Onefineday!! I was shocked that they were live today given it was Presidents Day. The pics of Kelly in Palm Springs, oh my, they said it was warm and rainy but she is covered up like it is 20 degrees in her baggy outfit. Also bragging that she hiked 11 miles in the rain. What in the world?? She is so emaciated, it is painful to look at her. Her teeth take over her whole face now. Please, for the love of God, Mark, step in and treat your wife to a burger.
  5. She frequently emasculates him then in turn treats him like a god. She is a narcissist. Very uncomfortable to watch.
  6. Watching Kelly & Mark talk with Harry Hamlin & Lisa Rinna . Lisa asked how long have you guys been together? Mark answers 28 years. Kelly snaps at him 'what are you talking about'? And he says oh, I mean married. She can be so cruel toward him. You could see the look on his face and he seemed so defeated. I just do not like her at all. Her immortal beloved who she loves to cut down constantly.
  7. And the squinting, yes!! Noticed it yesterday. Maybe during the John Lithgow & the blonde podcaster who interviewed Kamala segments? It was very strange lol.
  8. Yes, Lincoln Lawyer, lol!! Twins. Love that series.
  9. The first thing I thought when they walked out was OMG, that horrific red & black sack again?? She used to dress so nicely back in the early days! She dresses like an old lady, schoolmaster, going to work 9-5 @ a law firm back in the 80's. She needs to cut her hair too. Same old boring style for way too long. Anyway, back to the clothing, she could have access to the most gorgeous clothes and a fancy tailor as well. I don't get it at all. Mark looks really sharp all of the time & you're right, finnzup, he definitely has more outfits than her. Crap chat is beyond painful. Lots of awkward silence with only German laughing lol. And one last thing, they had someone on earlier in the week talking about the stages of love. Oh my, Kelly made the segment all about her & Mark's perfect relationship & their perfect children. Nauseating.
  10. I did feel very bad for Kelly about Chewy, had tears because I have a dog and can't imagine the pain. You could tell she was heartbroken. And Mark was so supportive. He really stepped up today. Loved that.
  11. I don't know how to pick specific quotes, lol, but couldn't agree more with you on everything, Finnzup! She came out today and I thought before I even read your post, she is dressed like someone going to a 1970's/80's office job. Horrendous. She needs a new wardrobe stylist, hair stylist and makeup artist. Also, I sensed some impatience from Mark today with her trying to spit out words. He seemed so annoyed ex., skiing story. There was another point also but don't recall the details.
  12. Kelly barked at Mark today for not reading the news clippings before the show but a few minutes earlier she apologized for not doing the same. Ugh, I just can't stand her. And Mark is already counting the weeks (6!) til their next Mustique vacation when he can once again get his golden leathery tan. One in the 26 weeks of vacation they get at Live, working 3 days a week.
  13. Gosh, the figure of the doctor/dietician/whatever she was today was so much healthier looking than emaciated Kelly. She is painful to look at.
  14. Lol, not aggravated at all, lookeyloo. Just an observation.
  15. I came upon Mark's sister's Instagram who seems to live with their parents in NC. She seems to take very good care of them, especially her dad, who she goes on daily walks with. Mark doesn't seem too involved with his elderly parents compared to her but maybe he & Kelly are just more private about their involvement with them.
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