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Posts posted by riley702

  1. Although they can be deeper, most graves now are 4-5 ft deep, so that the top of the burial vault is approximately 18-24 inches beneath the surface of the ground once covered. This makes for tidy, flat, mowing. When I was planning mine, I found out it's legal in most graveyards to come along later and bury an urn of ashes on top, from say a pet. That deeper depth to 6 feet was a result of the Black Death and a real fear of animals being be determined to dig them up.

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  2. On 9/3/2018 at 10:40 PM, bilgistic said:

    TMI/gross body function talk warning...

    Not to be dramatic or anything, but I'm fairly convinced I'm going to die because of that antibiotic. It's been 36 hours since my last dose and I'm still suffering the consequences. I've had diarrhea (sorry) thrice today, which was as much as yesterday (or maybe that was four times?). I'm nauseous in waves but my anti-nausea med (ondansetron) that I have for my regular IBS issues is doing nothing to help. Immodium is also doing nothing. Gas-X is also a bust.

    I've tried to drink plenty of water since I'm losing so much fluid. My urine is very diluted. I'm having some chamomile/mint/"nighttime" tea now, hoping it'll calm my stomach some. I've been able to eat today a couple times.

    I might have to go to the ER or urgent care if I still feel this bad tomorrow. I don't feel light-headed or weak, but the nausea and persistent diarrhea (four days) concern me. I thought I'd feel better by now.

    Am I being silly? Will this resolve at some point?

    I hate nausea. I would rather feel pain than nausea.

    Was going through through horrible bouts of this and the doc gave me a small dose of Potassium Chloride (20 mEq, twice daily) and it helped. Then, some really rough antibiotics ripped my stomach back up to shreds, so I started taking a half dose of the Potassium and BINGO! All better. I had unknowingly  been dehydrating myself and making it worse. The doc was impressed I figured out and not taken too much,

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  3. 1 hour ago, Stenbeck said:

    I'm peeved by people abusing the "Millennial Generation" category. I hate these categories, but if you're going to use them, for Chrissake use it appropriately and within THE CORRECT TIMEFRAME THE CATEGORY APPLIES TO!!

    A 16 year old IS NOT a millennial! A 13 year old IS NOT a millennial! 

    Millennials were born between 1981-1996. 

    Here's a breakdown of the generations. 

    • The Silent Generation: Born 1928-1945 (73-90 years old)
    • Baby Boomers: Born 1946-1964 (54-72 years old)
    • Generation X: Born 1965-1980 (38-53 years old)
    • Millennials: Born 1981-1996 (22-37 years old)
    • Post-Millennials: Born 1997-Present (0-21 years old) AKA iGeneration

    I'm also peeved/ fed up with Millennials in the workplace; So, your boss is a millennial? bullshit articles. 

    I was trying to figure out your username and ended up amusing myself instead. Never mind, I was thinking "Stendec" and was surprised you knew about something that long ago! Yes, I'm gonna make you all google it. If you want. :)

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  4. 17 hours ago, BooksRule said:

    I get so ticked at colleagues and people who might be department heads, but aren't my direct supervisor constantly reminding me about projects, deadlines, meetings, etc. when I'm perfectly capable of handling it myself.  I work with a department head who always manages to send me an e-mail right before I planned on taking care of something that reminds me to do it.  If I plan a workshop, then it's customary to send out a reminder to all involved a week before the event.  So, I will have a note on my calendar reminding me to do it first thing that morning.  Well, she'll send out an e-mail the night before (she's in the office or working from home at all hours) or extremely early the next morning that says something like 'Are you planning on sending out a reminder....?' or 'Don't forget that the workshop is next week.'  I always answer with 'yes, I have a reminder on my calendar (a calendar that she can see, BTW) to take care of it this morning'.  However, I know full well that she is convinced that I forgot and that she was right in reminding forgetful me.  And my direct supervisor is always wanting updates on projects unreasonably early.  Recently I was on a search committee for a new staff person.  We had a deadline for applications.  The day of the deadline he asked me if my committee had met to choose our finalists.  I said that today was the deadline, so no.  Then he asked if we were meeting that day to decide.  I said, well since the deadline is at the end of today, then no.  Then he got frustrated when I said that we would not meet until early the next week.  Why?  Because the next day was Friday and half the committee had the day off (which he had approved), there was a weekend and then Monday was a holiday.  We wouldn't be open again until Tuesday.  Sorry that we don't work fast enough for him, but I don't make the university calendar.  I realized this morning (after about three e-mails from the department head correcting something that I had sent out (with nitpicky things that didn't really change the content/purpose of the message), that I was exhausting myself trying to keep one step ahead of both of them.  I am going to try to start scheduling deadlines for myself one day earlier than I have before (which might work until she catches on), but other than that, I'm going to just ignore the messages when I can and politely (and as briefly as possible) answer the ones I have to answer.  Life's too short.

    Can you ask your actual supervisor to get your self-imposed supervisor to back off? She's affecting your sanity and efficiency.

  5. On 6/24/2018 at 8:38 AM, riley702 said:



    They have 3 new kittens about 3-4 wks old. There is a property near them with the Harvie colony, that has been sold and will be developed. So they are in the process of trapping and relocating them. They found the 3 kittens without their mama, but are hoping they can get her soon and reunite them. They are all boys, named Ray, Avory, and Arthur, after a Kinks theme (Arthur is the name of an album).


    The kinks lost their "cowbells" today and are doing fine. Aura got more vaccines and bit the tech hard. Naughty girl - her nickname on her FB page got changed from Auradorable to Auracuda! Seriously, she's a stinker. Still over a month to go before they can fix her cleft palate.

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  6. When I was a new driver, I straddled what looked like a pile of rags because I was afraid it contained a pop bottle or something, and as I drove over, ears popped up. It was two calico kittens, one long-haired and one short-haired. So hungry one started chewing on my finger. I stopped at a convenience store and bought cat food and took them home. I named them Frick and Frack.

    • Love 13
  7. Way back in high school, the son of a state trooper killed his best friend by shooting him in the face with a shotgun, over a girl (so he told his friends at school), but his dad pushed it as an accident and got him off without even recklessness charges. How could a teenage kid of a policeman not know not to "play" with a gun? He moved away pretty quickly as school was out for the summer as soon as it was wrapped up.

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  8. 13 hours ago, LittleIggy said:

    I saw a tripod cat at an adoption event at the local Petsmart today. Her amputation was of a back leg. I wonder which is more challenging to adapt to for a cat: a front limb or a back limb amputation?

    I've heard a front limb is more difficult, because the animal's entire weight comes down on one leg as they move forward.

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