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Posts posted by RedLA

  1. 4 hours ago, gingerella said:

    I'm going to springboard off this post because it says so much already.

    Assholu is just that, and asshole. Kalani's mother cares for him in the way a real mother should, his mother is a toxic money-grubbing piece of shite. But still, one cannot help but wonder if mommy dearest and Tammy are acting it up to get a cut of that sweet, sweet TLC pie. None of these chucklefucks work a legit job, do they? And the indignation that Mom and Lo are selling the house so they can be together again, I mean seriously? These two think they're owed a house by her parents? What fucking planet do they live on?

    Mike and Natalie are actually perfect for one another because they both are heinous human beings. Mike is a fucking gaslighting piece of shit and Natalie is a psycho bitch who wanted a green card. Period end of story. Mike, like most unattractive American men on this show is a big fat sloppy doofus with what is likely a low paying job, living in what looks like a 'manufactured home', which is code for TRAILER. And he lives out in the fucking stix, his yard replete with all the accoutrement of a proper white trash homestead. BUT, he thinks just because he's American he is a fucking prize and a women from the Ukraine or Russia or wherever the hell Natalie is from, should be grateful that he's playing Captain Save-A-Ho with her. Uh, no Mike, you're a loser. Loser. Let me spell it for your mmkay? L.O.S.E.R.

    Jovi is a manboy and Miss Gwen is at fault at least partially because I'm sure she has enabled him with a Cajun "boys will be boys' mindset to write off his past behavior. This isn't the first time she's learning of his penchant for strip clubs. She raised this fool, now she needs to slap some sense into his ass or she's going to lose her granddaughter to the Ukraine. I was never a fan of Yara but I feel for her and now Miss Gwen sees what an asshole piece of shit son she produced.

    Charlie's wife is a fellow psycho, who else would marry someone like Charlie? That entire family needs to be nuked off the planet and/or neutered so they stop pro-creating that gene pool. And I include Libby and Andrei in that. Father Libby is a blubbering ass mongering shite stirrer because he knows damn well his son is a psycho. Charlie is jealous AF of anything Chuck does for Libby and Andrei. It's sad but that's what it is, pure, seething jealousy from a man baby. Chuck should just fire all of them. The only reason Andrei refuses to back down from working with Chuck is because he sees him as an easy way to make money and Andrei will always take the path of least work to make a quick buck. Given the links to the shady shit this family engages in, I hope they get what they deserve.

    Angela needs to be off this show, NOW. Nobody wants to listen to her cackling or see her white trash behavior anymore.

    Tiffany is as bad as Ronald, they're both losers. But Tiffany soothes herself by literally getting into bed with a loser that she thinks she's above. That much is clear. That said, Ronald has a violent streak that I've been waiting to see come out. I've done a fair bit of time in RSA, and he is a fairly common Afrikaaner male IMO. Are all of them like him? No, of course not. But there's a reason that stereotypes exist. He lays blame everywhere about his inability to hold down a real job, and doesn't take accountability for his actions. He DID get accommodation for his 'family' this time, but SA is a violent place to live and home invasions are common, so that's why he likely has a lot of security cameras around, that part I get. But how is he paying for this little hovel he's renting? Where is his money coming from because he's not making enough to pay for the groceries when they went shopping, nor the $600+ of Xmas decorations he demanded they buy. And furthermore, where is Tiffany getting the money to cover the aforementioned purchases? With her TLC money? Because lord knows she also isn't holding down a steady job, is he? They both need to part ways. The level of delusion when Ronald said ON CAMERA that he was keeping "HIS" kids with him and she could go back to America? Honestly? That right there, combined with his yelling at her to get in the car, telling her to "KNOW YOUR PLACE", and then jumping up aggressively and lunging towards her with his laptop poised to throw at her? He's got zero grounds for child custody at this point. ZERO. And thank god for that too. I'm sure we'll have another sobfest of "G'bye Daniel my boy, you remember that Dad loves you" at the airport...Or are we done with this shitshow for now?

    Last but not least, I can't believe we got no Brandon and Julia this week. I'm sure with her deluded sense of entitlement and lack of understanding that she isn't going to become a wedding coordinator overnight, combined with her psycho level jealously and Brandon's rating in the Red Zone on the puss-O-meter, these two chucklefucks shouldn't last a year.

    Which brings me to this - "Happily Ever After". Is that really the name of this franchise? Because none of these couples should be together. Not one.


    I love you.

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  2. 18 hours ago, greekmom said:

    I KNEW IT!!! Even the Reality Gays, Cray Cray and Frauded were all defending Trish the bitch and I am like there has to be stuff that wasn't shown and they are saving it for the Tell All.

    Chicken isn't hard but you can over cook it.

    You could also put  it in the air fryer.

    Hahahahaha.  Ronald has an air fryer.  Hahahahaha.  

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  3. 18 minutes ago, StatisticalOutlier said:

    Nobody watched the preview?  What the hell did Ronald do to the floor in Muh Boy's cell?  Did he paint it and then put cardboard on it before it was dry, so now the cardboard is glued down?  And he did all this remodeling day before they were arriving, instead of going to the store to buy food to put in the refrigerator, to pad out the six eggs, hot sauce, and one beer?

    He's reminding me of the Mary Tyler Moore episode with the feeb, who couldn't do anything right.  I'm thinking Ronald's addiction issues are the least of his problems.  And while I object to Tiffany having Daniel calling Ronald "dad," I'm imagining the relief he's going to feel when he fully realizes that he shares no genetic material with that feeb. 


    No money = no food.  He is pathetic.

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