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Posts posted by SamShmam

  1. 7 minutes ago, DCCFanatic82 said:

    He's a keeper! 🤣

    No, I SAID the tooth size thing in an attempt which would be objected to in a court of law as being a "leading question". The dum dum just laughed. He's fired.

    6 minutes ago, itsweird said:

    I just asked my husband.  He rated Hannah a 7 and Victoria a 9.  Oooof.  Who did I marry?  😣

    I think we're getting into extremely dangerous territory with the spousal consultations here. There are some thing I do NOT want to know about my mate. Graphic sexual history, if he has a "one that got away", and his numerical rating of my favorite against my least favorite DCC.

    • LOL 20
  2. 2 minutes ago, SmpIsimon said:

    Just to clarify, Holly wasn't cut -- she quit because she's a spoiled, entitled child who didn't like that she got scolded after being caught in a lie.

    That's what I think. As much as she could dance, she really came off as incredibly entitled and spoiled. Like people have told her how great she is her whole life. "I put myself up here...." said it all.

    Just now, ByTor said:



    Damn I wish I would have said that.

    • LOL 7
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  3. I'm not seeing the disdain for Brennan's dress. If I looked like that in a bodycon white dress, I'd be walking around in white like a thot every GOT damn day. Not that Brennan looks thottish, but I'd have to give it my own special ratchet flare.

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  4. 8 hours ago, Jesiklyn said:

    Wowza Bri's stories are holding no punches today...

    I think she is also with brennan or maybe Alanna cause you can see someones leg in the first pic (haven't included)



    She's right though, TPTB are extremely vicious and cruel in using these girls as red meat for a tv show.

    I'm presuming that's what she's referring to, as no one has said a SINGLE pejorative statement about her anywhere that I've ever read.

    ETA: I just saw Lemonbus's comment that Bri does post things about equality and social activism so I'll take that for what it is. Either way, I fully support her on either of these rationales for said story on insta! 

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  5. 1 minute ago, bernie2018 said:

    It made sense in my head, at the time I wrote my comment...but I was agreeing with you about not being surprised by the homophobic comments some of the DCC girls have possibly said...but I added that we (as a Gay men) know of these comments and we (Gay men) are still their biggest supporters & fan...probably bigger than all of you...others? That’s why I rolled the eyes 🙄 winked 😉 & LOL 😆


    OOOOOHHH OK gotcha!! That makes sense. I understand. Actually, I'm LGBTQ raised by LGBTQ parents so I completely get it. Thanks for clarifying, I gotcha.😉

    • Love 5
  6. 1 minute ago, lemonbus230 said:

    Outside of Kat, Savannah, and Victoria, I would strongly disagree with this that first list. And Brennan is one of my favorites. Kristin literally speaks Spanish and does sign language. Charlotte even posted about her once.

    Im around the women often and they have nothing but love for Marshall. In fact many of them use him as somewhat of a “therapist”. I would point to the fact that most of these women are not even from Texas. From my view, most have pretty liberal (not necessarily liberal in the political sense) views. 

    OK Marshall.

    TOTALLY TOTALLY kidding. I don't doubt what you've witnessed, I just had to be a wisenheimer.  I'll see myself out. 

    • LOL 3
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  7. Just now, scorpio1031 said:

    Since she is now an employee, not sure how she will react to things.  But I think she will be more of a friend to these girls than Kelli might like.

    Ohh well that's why we need more melrystrick!

    *runs and hides from grapefruits being thrown*

    Just kidding all, just kidding.

    • LOL 4
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  8. 1 minute ago, TUOwl84 said:

    Anyone know when the new season is supposed to premier on CMT?  I need to know how these cuts will be played out in their “storylines.”  

    Post of the damn day. We've all exhausted ourselves with a range of reactions from heartbroken to venomous to ridicule to impassioned brawls to swearing off the entire organization and reporting them to the Better Business Bureau and then finally TUOWL84 keeps it real up in here. Who are we kidding.


    • LOL 7
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  9. 1 minute ago, Laurawithcats said:

    Sorry Kat but if you're sleeping with a player after knowing the rules and signing a contract acknowledging those rules, you don't get to play victim for being called out. Especially, if you've been called out before for doing it and especially if that player has a girlfriend. That's just trashy. Not a victim, a volunteer...🤷‍♀️

    Yep. All of it. 

    The shitty thing is, I never even LIKED Kat, but I valued her presence on this squad because it was important, and just because she wasn't my thing, doesn't mean she wasn't valuable to others, and so I stuck up for her and defended her. And I thought (THOUGHT) she was making progress. Turns out she's just a fake who knows how to turn it on for special treatment. 

    I expect this kind of shit from Lisa or others who are clearly just gross people but I hoped for Kat. Hopes dashed.

    • Love 9
  10. Just now, onthebubble said:

    Ahh got it! Thanks 🙂

    Oh sure, sorry for the confusion. I actually have no idea if she is, someone (and now I can't remember who) suggested that she was planning on it, which makes me think it's a weight cut. But Seabiscuit the gatekeeper is a feral equine, and it's best to keep a handful of sugar cubes and carrots when greeting her......

    • LOL 10
  11. 1 minute ago, onthebubble said:

    How do you get that she's reauditioning from that reply? I thought it was just another example of Hannah being more classy than some of the vets that were kept. Not throwing shade, just genuinely curious because I read that comment completely differently. 

    I didn't get it from that she's reauditioning from that reply, I got it from a post here, though I have no clue if she will or not. And I was only half kidding saying what I said because if she wants to reaudition, she knows who she has to suck up to.

    • Love 6
  12. 7 minutes ago, javajunkiee said:

    This. ALL OF IT. A skank is going to skank, men or women, that's just what they do. Kat chasing the players isn't news to TPTB & they took her lame, poor memory, weak weave wearing, clumsy, directionally-challenged butt anyways. What's annoying af is the hypocrisy of who gets a pass on it and who doesn't. Kelli has seriously lost her focus and is doing more harm than good at this point in the game. #timetoretire 


    I am DECEASED 🤣

    • Love 2
  13. 1 minute ago, Kitkatkitty said:

    Lol go watch Kat's instagram story, she posted a video of a girl saying that only insecure people will say bad things about you and Kat commented "learning to give people grace when I really want to give a quick slap through the keyboard." I'm sure she is referencing this board and instagram comments made about her.

    For the record I refuse to slut shame and legitimately have no issue with Kat sleeping around if that is what she wants to do. I don't even have an issue with her sleeping with a player although I understand that the rule is in place to protect the cheerleaders and the whole organization. What I cannot stand is the absolute hypocrisy there is in not cutting Kat for breaking a rule she signed a contract on. If its not a big deal to TPTB then the rule needs to go away and this wouldn't even be a conversation, if it is an issue, Kat needs to be cut. End of story. 


    Oh what a ROLE MODEL Kat is! My goodness, what an accomplished, GRACEFUL young woman. 

    Kat, hunny, fix your wig and suck it up.

    • Love 1
  14. 15 minutes ago, Laurawithcats said:

    Still ranting. Kelli had 2 ambassadors dealing with this country's current issues. Brennan who survived Covid-19 twice and could talk about it and the need to practice safety and Hanna, who talked openly of battling depression. Depression, something millions of Americans are experiencing at this very moment, due to the virus, inc and esp young women. But lets release them and bring on the same cookie cutter, "let me show you how I do my makeup," women? Are you Fking kidding me? It's not like the DCC were going to be able to perform anyway. With all the recent sports events being shut down, it was pretty easy to see there wasn't going to be the typical DCC season. Thus the need for great, sincere, relevant ambassadors. Especially those that have experienced what almost all of this country is experiencing. WTF Kelly? Thank you for again proving to me I made the right decision not watching the show. 

    And what is this shit about a turtleneck? If that's true, who would want to be part of an organization that thinks they should have that much power over them? 


    uuuggghhh I love this.

    But I really love this:

    Brennan who survived Covid-19 twice and could talk about it and the need to practice safety and Hanna, who talked openly of battling depression. Depression, something millions of Americans are experiencing at this very moment, due to the virus, inc and esp young women. But lets release them and bring on the same cookie cutter, "let me show you how I do my makeup," women?

    Real ROLE MODELS there, eh, Kelli? 

    • Love 18
  15. 11 minutes ago, onthebubble said:

    Yikes. I go to sleep and wake up to 10 pages of discussion  and Brennan being cut. Gotta love being an Aussie when all hell breaks loose!

    Absolute shock. I was at first prepared to accept some of the releases may have been mutual - especially given the post that broke the news said 'the girls are devastated to lose 4 vets'. I interpreted as  'they may not have been cut'. But after Brennans post, I guess there is no doubt.

    I am not going to try and read into it too much before seeing the show. I remember being shocked that Dayton was cut but after watching the show it made a lot more sense (of course that could just be the narrative they wanted to show). 

    I'm just in shock. Brennan. Why Brennan. She was just total class. I am going to miss her 😪

    Right?? They kept Jordan Chanley who danced and sounded like a toddler on a trampoline sucking on a balloon because she had squad cred.

    They kept Brooke who had the personality of a xanax bar and danced with the flair and excitement of a bag of hair because she....uhm....bad example.

    I could go on about countless unqualified dcc's to date-namely a certain horsey blonde, but I have a feeling the good people in this chat are at the point where, in Death Becomes Her, Helen wants to talk about how she detests Madeline Ashton in group therapy and the already insane group loses it on Helen because they are FULLY AWARE that Helen hates her. So I won't say her name. (See link below) 


    But Brennan. BRENNAN had to go. Brennan was just pushing the envelope too far with her post-covid pallor?? Wow.


    7 minutes ago, SmpIsimon said:

    Badge of honor!

    Yeah, I'm not too bummed about it. 

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