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Posts posted by applewood

  1. I watched this last night. wow. What a train wreck. I think the fifteen year old got pregnant thinking the guy would stick around. And the fifteen year old's mom said she hooked up with her husband, a 37 year old divorcee, when she was only 18! Oh, and they are from Kentucky too. Same as the family with all the T names.

    Ayden is still a jerk. So, Jenna goes and gets pregnant by someone else in SC? Didn't she learn the first time?

    And, later this season we get treated to more fun with Lily and Lawrence.

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  2. I've watched the show on and off over the years so please forgive my ignorance.

    I was wondering, where do Tori's parents live? I know her mom has been on the show a few times. Do they live closer to Battleground or closer to Hillsboro? Also, does Tori have any siblings? They hardly ever mention her family.

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    Based on the conversation on last night's episode, it sounds like Liz did not go to the doctor before she told the parents. I don't really like Amber but she was right that the prenatal care is important especially on Liz's case. Also, it showed Liz and Brice going to one of those "shopping mall ultrasound places." Why would they go there if they already had a doctor?

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  4. I saw an interview online where Amber said Liz didn't tell them until she was 5 months along. I wonder if that also means that Liz didn't get any prenatal care for the first 5 months. That seems pretty irresponsible considering Liz is 22 and a nurse. She should know better. And being a dwarf she would a high risk pregnancy.

    However, we know in real time that Leighton is already born and doing well. So, no worries I guess. :)

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  5. 16 minutes ago, 65mickey said:

    Does anyone know how large Zit's lot is? I keep hearing it referred to as a farm. 

    From what I read online, the house is on a two acre lot.  I am not familiar with the Battleground area, but their "neighborhood" seems strange. It looks like their house is at the end of a back road off of a highway where there are some homes and some businesses. It looks like there is a construction company right down the street. It's not a subdivision type situation, like their old house. The interior of their new house is very nice, but I would not like the location at all.

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  6. I recall way back when they had the episode right after the "farm negotiations meeting" Matt said something about how Jeremy had made an offer on the farm months earlier and it didn't work out or they could agree on a price. Yet Jeremy and Audrey went on with their lives and still have a relationship with Matt and Caryn. I just don't understand Z and T just cutting them out of their life forever.

    I think Zach probably wanted the farm at a huge discount and it wouldn't be fair to Matt and the other siblings.

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  7. It would be nice to have a special when Matt's house is finished. I'm curious as to how it will look.

    When Zach said "there's no interest in the farm. The kids don't ask about it."

    Well, of course, they're three and six and they haven't been there in almost two years?? At that age they probably don't remember much about. it. It's sad that they will grow up with very little contact with that side of the family. As someone else said, what don't Zach and Tori drop the kids off for a weekend with Matt and Cha Cha? Even if Z&T don't want a relationship it would benefit their kids to have one.

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  8. It's so sad. Matt and Caryn used to be so close to the kids. I remember one time Jackson was so excited to see Caryn and was running towards her yelling "Cha Cha!!!" :) I don't know what happened at that meeting that was so horrible that a year or year and a half later they still aren't on good terms.

    And Lilah not getting speech therapy or physical therapy is despicable on Zach and Tori's part! Doesn't one's insurance usually cover stuff like that?

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  9. They are sooo behind if the baby was born last November and they haven't even announced her pregnancy yet. Does anyone know if Liz and Brice are still together in real time?

    I saw some interview online where Amber said that they were surprised when Liz told them she was preggers and that she didn't tell them until she was 21 weeks along! Sounds like she was scared to death to tell her parents.

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  10. 14 hours ago, AZChristian said:

    When Jackson drove that jeep across the bridge with no railings over water, my jaw dropped. 

    I was thinking the same thing. Aren't they supposed to be wearing helmets with those things?

    Also, I wondered if Jackson ever rides that bike that Chris gave him now that they have those jeeps.

    Is it just me or those kids seem very spoiled?

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  11. I get the kids confused.  Was Gabe the one who did not want to move  because he was going to be in a leadership position at school?  Football captain, or something like that.  Whoever it was, he desperately wanted to stay at his LV high school for this last year, and Janelle finally gave in to Kody because she wanted "the right to raise her son".  I remember he was extremely upset, and I felt so bad for him.  He had the option to live with a married sibling (Aspyn??), and they would not let him stay.  These kids really have had a hard live that was caused by their parents.


    I think Gabe was the one who didn't want to leave LV. He was a junior in high school, had a girlfriend and was on the wrestling team. Garrison was already graduated at that point.

    I just heard the news today and am in total shock. We've watched these kids for so long you feel like you know them personally.

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  12. I don't know if the whole Clayton/Anali build up was just producer driven or what but couldn't sister Brandy check on her an hour or two before the wedding? How's it going? Do you need help with your dress? blah,blah, blah.

    And who were all those guests at Clayton's wedding? He made it seem like he had no friends. Perhaps distant relatives? neighbors? who knows?

    As for Gino and Jasmine I still can't believe they actually got married because he is weird AF!! However, it was nice of Uncle Marco to walk Jasmine down the aisle and she said she never had a father figure in her life. Gino's family seems much more normal than he is. Was he dropped on his head like 500 times as a baby?

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  13. 23 hours ago, Craigcodybazhate said:

    This is a different season. Last season was way more fast paced. 

    Clayton has some issues. I think he still wants to be a little kid. He wanted to play with a guy. For his bachelor party. Let’s call it what it is. Playing. Swim party and video games. That’s stuff a boy would do at 10 even 8 years old. Something is off there. 

    The guinea pigs. There’s definitely some mental stuff there. Even his homeboy told him. 

    A normal guy would want to go to a strip club or have a stripper. Go somewhere. 

    Then he got mad at Amalie. For having a stripper his sister hired him. She didn’t even do anything. The lap dance was all in fun. 

    This guy has insecurity issues. 

    Nikki singing makes William Hung sound like Usher. 

    Yeah, something is definitely off with Clayton. I may have missed it but did they ever explain why Clayton's mother lives with him? I mean I know it is for financial reasons but did they ever say anything more? Does his mother hold a job? Is she on disability or something? Also, can't Clayton afford a bigger apartment or house. Like maybe a situation where the mom lives on the lower level and Clayton and Anali live upstairs.

    He should be mad at his sister for the stripper. She's the one who hired him.

    I agree. The so called bachelor party seemed liked a sleepover for an eight year old boy. Even his friend thought it was weird.

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  14. On 1/25/2024 at 11:16 AM, Cementhead said:

    Why did Amy even have kids?  She doesn't seem to enjoy being with them, she has no patience for them and is completely overwhelmed by them.  The very same things can be said about me, which is why I don't kids. 

    I only started watching last year when she was pregnant with Glenn and already had Gage so I am missing a lot of backstory but I shake my head in disbelief every time I read or hear about how she wanted kids so badly.  Really?  I suppose she liked the idea of having two kids a lot more than living the actual reality of having two kids.  I think she'd be a lot happier had she stuck with sitting on her couch posting her videos.

    I hope she gets some help because she has no coping skills.  She crumbles. Running out of the room crying "I'm done!" isn't exactly working to control the room as rambunctious Gage is already the boss and once Glenn can walk, she will have 2 bosses.  She even cries about how things got so much harder going from one baby to two.  Huh.  Ya think?  Thankfully Tammy and Amanda are there because they are both so loving and patient with those boys.  Hopefully some of that will start to rub off on Amy though I have my doubts. 

    I don't really understand why she wanted kids so badly. She should have at least  taken the doctor's advice and NOT had another pregnancy so soon. I still think their marriage could be saved if they went to counseling, addressed Amy's depression, took parenting classes. Amy needs a lot of basic skills, as in cooking, cleaning, parenting. Your siblings are not going to raise your kids.

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  15. 27 minutes ago, Quof said:

    How does one "deserve" to get married, especially when they have explicitly said it's not something they want? Sounds like a punishment to me, like your mother wishing "someday I hope you have a child just like you." 

    Sorry. That was probably worded badly. I just meant that IF Janelle wants to get married she deserves someone wonderful. She certainly put up with a lot of s*** with Kody. However, I could see Janelle being happy single as well.

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  16. I was re watching the wedding special over the weekend. Regarding the dress, it wasn't my style but she looked a lot better than her first wedding dress. And she loved it so that's all that mattered. Also, I really loved Janelle's dress. Beautiful color and she looked so pretty.  I sincerely hope Janelle gets married again. She deserves it.

    Regarding Mykelti, OMG.  She was yelling at people during the photo time. She yelled out something during Aspyn's speech. Dial it down girl!

    • Like 9
  17. 2 hours ago, ginger90 said:

    It was but that link isn’t Christine’s former house.

    Oops. Sorry. That link is not Christine's house. I was trying to find her house on the Air BnB site and couldn't. Perhaps it was taken down. :(

    Gosh, I so wanted to go there and have the Kody Brown experience.  lol

    Anywho, here is the original article that said it was being made into an Air BnB:


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  18. I don't know if this has been posted before but I just read online that Christine's old house in Flagstaff has been made into an Air BnB by the new owners.

    Now you can stay in the very house where the Brown family lived. You can see the porch where they had the "knife in my kidneys" fight.  the yard where they had Ysibel's graduation party and sang "Unwritten." Christine's bedroom where there was absolutely "nuttin" going on.


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  19. 6 minutes ago, JoannKBC said:

    I don't think it's weird or a bad sign that Christine's daughters don't want to consider David their stepfather. My father's been married a few times, and I call the wife he married when I was 5 my stepmother, but I call the wife he married when I was 21 "my Dad's wife." No reflection on how I feel about the person. 

    I didn't understand why Aspyn and Isobel thought it was weird to call David their stepfather. Is it because they are adults when their mom is getting married ?

    I also though Mykelti was being really obnoxious.  "Mom loves me best!" blah blah blah. Though I have to say she's lost a lot of weight in recent years. When you look at some of the old pictures she looks totally different.

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  20. On 11/5/2023 at 11:20 PM, Art Of Noiz said:

    I liked this episode. Not huge drama, but f-in Mykelti. Told Robyn first, then jumps in front of Christine At. Her. Bday. Party. to announce her pregnancy. 

    Just rewatched this last night. I thought that was so strange. Like she had to make herself the center of attention at her mother's birthday party.

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  21. I was away for Christmas. Just binge watched these episodes the other day. Wow. Michael withholding the debit card from Amy seemed like a real ***hole thing to do but I wondered if there is a lot more to the story. Like if Amy gets a hold of the card does she overspends on a lot of stupid stuff? Did you see that oversized stuffed peep she bought for Gage?

    Amy needs to clean up her house. I know they tried to bring in those personal organizers but it didn't seem to help. Once Gage is three it might help to put him in some half day preschool class. I don't think he's getting much stimulation at home. Do they ever read to him? Does he have any educational toys?

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  22. 21 hours ago, applewood said:

    I remember way back in season 1 or 2 there was a scene where the whole family had either gone out to eat or gone to the mall or something as as the group was walking back to the car a couple of Janelle's boys got onto an argument I think with Paedon  over something stupid like who's going to sit where in the van and they really got loud and a police officer told them to break it up. Two seconds later Kody came over and thanked the officer and said something like "I was going to punch both of them in the face in a minute." At the time I thought: What a crappy father. He's the adult in this situation. Model better behavior for your sons.

    I  found the clip I was talking about. It was actually a mall cop that broke up the fight. And Kody said "he was going to beat both of them." Horrible example for his kids.


    Oh, also I guess I was wrong. Paedon wasn't involved. it was just Garrison and Gabriel. my bad.

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