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Shannah Banana

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Posts posted by Shannah Banana

  1. I read somewhere that Kyle said Morgan was hot.  While I realize beauty is in the eye of the beholder, allow me to say, I don't find Morgan the least bit "hot".  Her face is okay and she may have a great body for all I know, but whenever a person has wall to wall tats it makes me wonder what they are trying to hide.  

    It may have to do with reading a sci-fi book named The Illustrated Man, way back in the day, about a circus man that had wall to wall tats that came to life at night when he went to sleep, and sometimes they did bad things. 

    Mainly though, I think so many are distracting (kinda like Rinna's lips) and frankly, EW-GLY. 



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  2. On 2/25/2024 at 7:55 PM, QQQQ said:

    Faced with tough questions about her separation and the state of her friendship with a famous country singer

    Famous?  Um...I don't think so.  She wouldn't even be a blip on the radar if it wasn't for Kyle.  I think that's the reason Kyle set her sites on Morgan, and Morgan is game.  Kyle thinks she can control the relationship and Morgan will let her as long as she gets name recognition and famewhoredom.  

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  3. 21 minutes ago, SassyCat said:

    On a past episode, long ago, I saw the reading material Kyle brought with her on a plane ride. It was the Kabbalah. Thats quite deep reading material for someone like Kyle who can’t focus enough to even read a longish news article. So, I knew then she was dabbling, or interested in dabbling. She also made sure the books title was seen. Signaling.

    I knew Kyle must have been into the Kabbalah, at least at some point, and to some degree, because she use to wear the red string around her wrist.  

    Everything you said I agree with and understand.

    They always come across as wonderful upstanding people, the one's you would least likely suspect.

    Speaking of crazy, I was a bit surprised that you posted what you did because of the "crazy" factor and I almost didn't post what I did because of the same, but this will be my last season of BH's and so it doesn't matter.

    Finally, and since the inception of Bravo, they have run me off.  I will finish this season and after that, sayonara suckers!  I will miss the commenters though but not Andy or his house of famewhores.  The only reason I watched this season was because Peacock sent me a deal in my email...1.99 for a year.  Yes, 1.99 for a year and I binged watched most of the season.  Now, I wish I had kept the 1.99, I don't think it was worth even that :)

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  4. 2 hours ago, SassyCat said:

    Now heres the crazy, juicy part. I think something much deeper is going on here between Kyle and Sutton. Psychic attack, throwing bad juju … whatever you want to call it. From Kyle towards Sutton. It seemed like the crystal Kyle brought and was holding, she kept rubbing it with her thumb from bottom to top where the top point was aimed at Sutton. Possibly attempting to send harmful energy. Bad thought forms. It’s a thing. Sutton seemed to come prepared for something just like this, a bad energy being amplified and thrown at her with Kyles attempts at crystal magic.
    The eyes that were in Suttons jewelry on her necklace and bracelet (which she held her arm a lot with the bracelet facing Kyle like a shield).. well those eyes were Turkish evil eye symbols 🧿 meant for deflecting and protection from evil or bad energy. Often used to fend off the evil eye jealousy energy of others. 

    Oddly enough, I had read somewhere that Kathy was a witch.  Allegedly, there are lots of witches in Hollywood, and I am confident that it a real thing.  Also, oddly enough, as soon as Kathy walked out and Sutton had whatever episode she had, my mind went immediately to the Kathy witch rumor.  

    I'm not saying that Kathy or Kyle are witches, I have no way of knowing.  We don't run in the same circles (haha) nor would I want to.  All I am saying is what I said, and I do find it all very odd, especially now that you bring it up.  


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  5. 3 minutes ago, hoodooznoodooz said:

    I actually made a point of scrolling through, to make sure my DVR would not record this. It showed that it would record several back-to-back RHoBH reruns, then it would skip that beast’s special, then resume recording immediately after!

    You were smart.  I didn't even know when her "special" was on, that's how little I keep up with her.  I wonder how long you have to watch before the ratings click in?  I couldn't have been watching for over 15 seconds? before it dawned on me that I wasn't watching HW's anymore.  Man, I hate it when Bravo does that.

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  6. 1 hour ago, Cosmocrush said:

    I hated that Bravo hooked it onto the RHOBH episode so my dvr picked it up since it wasn’t identified.  But I wasn’t even tempted.  

    I have Roku and it picked up Erika's show.  I wasn't really paying attention and thought it was showing the previews for next week, but there was Erika wearing a black sweatshirt with glittery letters that said "dreams so wet".  (You be the judge of that teeny bit of info).  I clicked off so fast it would make your head spin.  Makes me mad when Bravo does that.  Let a show stand on its own merit and don't try and trick people into watching for ratings.  Bad form Bravo.

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  7. This Kyle/Erika relationship is fairly nauseating.  As long as they are mutually beneficial to each other, they just love each other so much.  Erika needs Kyle and her influence, and Kyle needs anyone that will slobber all over her.  It's just the way it is.

    I got my Bravo wish last season and Rinna and Diana both got the boot, now I'm going to wish real hard for Kyle to GO.  I am sick of her, I am sick of her family, I am sick of Morgan Wade, but mostly I am sick of her sniveling and trying so hard to keep her life out of the spotlight. It's what you signed up for Kyle.  Remember?  And why is Kathy Hilton on the reunion?  Maybe Andy will drag out Teddi and Morgan while he's at it.  Come to think of it, he makes me sick too.

    I thought the best dressed was Crystal, she looked smashing.  Second, was Sutton.  Poor Dorit, she is such a try-hard and it shows.  

    I liked AM a teeny bit better after her apology to Sutton because I believed it to be sincere, and I felt bad for the loss of her mother.  I don't want her back though, she came into the season too hot, and she isn't interesting.  

    This first part of the reunion was pretty boring and here's hoping the next two will be better, but I'm kinda doubting it.  I am looking forward to Sutton telling Kyle how mean she's been to her, because it's true and about dang time.

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  8. In my opinion, all they have to do is get rid of Dirty Diana and Rinna.  My goodness, the masses are clamoring for them to go, but I guess the obvious is too simple for the brilliant minds that let their show come to this.

    This is Beverly Hills, for the love of money Pete.

    There is enough cast as it is, bring the rest of them back.  Who really needs a "friend of"?  It's bullshit anyway.  Most of the time, it seems they barely even know each other.  Do not bring back any of the old-timers either, just stick with what we have:  Garcelle, Sutton, Crystal, Dorit, Erika and Kyle.  I could see this blend as actually working. 

    DO NOT let Kyle bring either of her sisters back.  Ever.  She can't handle the competition they bring.  She will forever be trying to prove to them how accomplished she is, and them not being all that impressed with her.  Maybe they don't like her tactics.  I know I don't.

    Anyway, that leaves six.  

    I went to the Bravo website, and this is the number of housewives in the other cities, current, non-current and maybe even defunct.

    Atlanta - 6

    Dubai - 6

    New Jersey - 6

    Orange County - 6

    New York City - 5

    Salt Lake City - 5

    Potomac - 7

    Dallas - 6

    Miami - 6

    DC - 5  (no way was I going to forget THAT train-wreck cancelled after one season, even though the Bravo-verse wants them to disappear).

    My point is, eight housewives and "friends of" is over-kill and unnecessary. 

    So, if Bravo would just trim the fat, which includes Dirty Diana and Rinna and their LIPS, then we could be good to go. 

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  9. 7 minutes ago, SassyCat said:

     I cant imagine she reached the level of evilness the majority of the players on RHOBH do. Am I right in thinking so?

    I think you are.  I liked Eileen a lot, and was sorry to see her go.  I think many found her boring, but I thought she was a very nice, kind lady with actual class. 

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  10. 11 minutes ago, Keywestclubkid said:

    And not to mention how unethical and wrong for anyone with a degree to do and he knows that’s not how it works but it’s super messed up that he is behind the scenes amping her up and helping her 

    This is truly frightening.  The part about Lisa using it to "stay above the fray" is total bullshit.  She is using it against people, with Harry's blessings.  I wouldn't trust their diagnosis as far as I could throw either one of them, because, um, look at them.  This is the kind of shit that is evil.

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  11. 50 minutes ago, Melonie77 said:

    What does everyone think about Diana's chances for next season?
    I'm thinking they've already decided she's out. 

    Like all things Bravo, I hope for the best and expect the worst. 

    In Dirty Diana's case, I think she's out.  🙏  It seems nobody likes her and she doesn't resonate with the viewer.  Not to mention, she had a lip licking obsession that drove the viewer to distraction.  Literally.  I didn't like her from jump, so it would be great if she is gone.  I don't care if she got the boot, or if she quit, just as long as she is gone. 

    Gone Girl.  Bye Asher, I kinda liked you, but give it up.

    Now, Rinna has to take a nice long pause, to get my viewership next season.  She is just too low rent, I'm cheap, but I'm not free.  Plus, I'm sick of bad behavior being rewarded.  I know she is a draw for Bravo because she is soulless, but I'm not.  Choose wisely Bravo. 

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  12. 2 hours ago, SnarkAttack said:

    Not watching the show if Rinna returns is the best defense we have against her.  There is plenty of good viewing out there, we can survive a season without RHOBH.  Right ladies/gents?

    Initially, I only vowed not to come back next season if Dirty Diana was on.  It's looking like there is a good chance she won't be back. 

    But after this season of Rinna, I won't be back if she is...and I think, she probably will be. 

    Bravo can take their job and shove it.

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