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Posts posted by Goldielocked

  1. Probably, since there is very little drama left for them to hone in on, at least until there is another pregnancy or a new wife.  Maybe Mariah will stay at school over spring break or summer vacation instead of going home.  That could really send Meri into a tailspin!  

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    Does worshipping her make you all feel invincible?  I know; silly me!  Expecting reality from reality TV.  But I do feel they were genuinely human at one time and, therefore, genuinely interesting.  Now it's like "super little hero" hour.  Yawn!

    I wouldn't say "worship," its more like "respect."  And no, I don't think we feel "invincible" but I do feel better about myself than I would if I was just trying too hard to be a "mean girl." But you go ahead, apparently every board needs one or two. 

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  3. all4mom, you seem awfully "sure" about all things in their home!  You have declared what they feed their children, what they can and can't do physically, who "should" be taking care of the kids and how they "should" have built their house, all the while mocking Jen's supporters and her many challenges.   Is Jen making you feel inadequate?  lol

    • Love 7
  4. I agree with most of the posts here--I also saw disinterest and/or forced affection from Brady toward Rosemary.  And I hate those round-table-discussions where Brady complains of being behind in what he "owes" the wives.  He makes it sound like an obligation to spend time with them! If you listen carefully, you can pick up on certain phrases a wife will make, such as when Rosemary said something like she realizes how difficult it must be for Brady to "manage all of us."  I picture a ring master, holding a chair and a whip, indicating to each wife when it is her turn to approach him.  If these shows (i.e. My Five Wives and Sister Wives") are being created to show us the wonders of polygamy, the only wonder I have is, why?

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    Twins and a cousin, right?

    I had to look that up, didn't know about the cousin but yes, you are right.  Apparently he courted and married one of the twins and her cousin at the same time, then married the other twin sister 10 years later (and they are identical twins, strangely enough)!  Wow, a whole world full of women and he marries three from the same family!

  6. Love the "assholery" term--think I'll start using it "faithfully."  lol!  I agree that Caleb is young and immature, but I also agree that he is "auditioning" for a role--and even so called superstars don't always stay on top by speaking their mind.  He is still a wannabe, trying to climb the ladder of success and he is not endearing many voters to his side. His reference to using his "babyface" and the whole "old ladies" argument not only make him seem arrogant but smarmy as well, almost like the proverbial used car salesman trying to put one over on people.  

    I too felt bad for Malaya, but she was one of the weaker performers and she has many other talents she can fall back on.  I think the only person more surprised than Malaya was CJ!  

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  7. I had to go to OnDemand and pull up that last episode since I didn't notice Will saying "Uh-uh" when Bill said "we'll bring mommy home later."   After rewinding it 3 times, I think it sounded more like "oh oh" and I think it was Zoey, not Will.  But I guess that's just me cheering for the "Teflon Couple."  (And THAT is me being snarky!)  lol

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  8. The only way this "old lady" would cry when Caleb is singing is if pictures of homeless/abused animals were being shown at the same time.  I still can't listen to Sarah McLachlan's song "In The Arms of An Angel" because the ASPCA used it in one of their commercials!

  9. I think snark has its place, certainly with some of the more off the wall stars like the Kardashians or shows like Sister Wives or My Five Wives because, well, they just scream "rip me apart!"  But The Little Couple, not so much.  And part of me feels like they have been bullied and made fun of all of their lives, why continue that?  Its a feel-good show and I will continue to post my positive opinions and try to ignore the rest.  

    • Love 10

    If he gets a shock boot tonight, I will do cartwheels with my granny self.

    This "granny self" will be doing cartwheels with you!  Sure, he can sing and he has the "look," but the winner should be the whole package--attitude included!  As for Jessica, she seemed almost sedated last night--the smile on her face that never changed while each of the judges spoke to her reminded me a little of a Stepford wife.  Jena's rendition of "I Loaf Rock and Roll" was a little strange--I usually like the slower piano beginnings, but that is definitely not the style of rock and roll, if she "loafs" it, why try to make it into a ballad?  CJ--poor CJ--if there was an award for Mr. Congeniality, he would win but (and I have been a fan of his since the auditions) I'm beginning to concede that he is struggling.  I didn't want to like Dexter's song, but I did.  Although I have to admit that now while I'm listening to him sing, I am more and more aware of his habit of chopping off his words.  I've been saying to hubby since the first of the season that Sam has that "Ricky Nelson" look, but I think its something he should try to stay away from, not move toward.  Ricky Nelson also seemed a little stiff in front of the camera (at least to me).  Malaya seems like a nice person, and one who would make a great friend, but her voice just doesn't seem as great as the judges say.  Alex seems to be pulling out ahead as a contender for me, but is he an "American Idol?"  Not sure yet.  

    Don't take this wrong, I love David Cook too, but did he have hair transplants or something?  I remember his hairline being farther back or his forehead larger than it looked last night.  In any case, he did a great job and I liked the glasses and beard.  

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  11. Actually, I think it is boring to read negative and snarky remarks over and over using different adjectives and misconstruing words or gestures just to have something to complain about.  I find that a complete waste of time.  And no, I don't think Jen "walks on water," should be called "Saint," or is "above reproach."  

    • Love 8
  12. lol Jellybeans--just shows that in many cases, Mom knows best!  Reminds me of when my son had 90% hearing loss due to fluid in both ears.  He was 2 years old and minutes after he woke up from having the tubes put in his ears, I bent over his bed and whispered "I love you."  He said, "why are you yelling???"  I was so happy to hear that!

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  13. I've had the pleasure of having 2 close relatives "ring the bell" at MDA, and it IS a ceremony!  It signifies victory over cancer and the beginning of a new life, free of cancer.  I'm always glad to see anyone celebrate this ritual after months of grueling treatment.  Glad Jen was able to do this as well!

    • Love 3
  14. Caught one from the Lifetime marathon earlier this week, a home in Beverly Hills (of all places!) and the woman (hoarder) was a liver transplant recipient.  I couldn't believe she would put herself in that situation--made me feel sorry for the donor whose liver is struggling in a toxic environment!  I can stomach most episodes that focus on the junk piled to the ceiling but when they show bodily wastes in bottles, I have to take a break.  And it never ceases to amaze me when the adult, standing knee-high in filth and waste in every room of the house, looks at the therapist and says, "well, that kid of mine just never cleans up after herself!"  One good thing comes from me watching these shows--I lose my appetite and my house gets a very thorough cleaning!

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  15. Very touching episode!  Will and Zoey bouncing through the hospital with their balloons was just the cutest--and I'm so happy that Jen rang the bell--congrats to the Klein/Arnold Family!

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    When I hear folks like Doug talk about "saleable items" it makes me think about eBay in a whole different light. <shudder>

    Funny you should say that--I've been watching Hoarding: Buried Alive for about 2 years, and that is exactly how long it has been since I bought anything off ebay!  Coincidence?  I think not!!!

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