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  1. I am binging this delightful show (my husband has been watching for a couple of  years and recommended it) I am on Season 5, Episode 6 where Fr Brown is arrested for a murder.

    Questions (not meant to be serious):

    Don't the inspectors ever get reprimanded or even embarrassed by how they consistently arrest the wrong person without doing any real investigating?

    How many mysteries does Fr Brown have to solve before one of the inspectors starts giving him a little respect?

    How quick was the turnaround for executions in the UK? It seems like mere weeks. Aren't there any defense attorneys, appeals or due process in 1950s UK?


    Fr Brown has the patience of a saint not to take a swing at one of the inspectors (especially Mallory, who is a special kind of jerk)

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  2. Rebecca offered to make Ted the highest paid manager in the league.I looked it up and Pep is the highest paid at $24m. So that means that Ted turned down at least $24m…one year would be enough to take care of his family in Kansas for life.

    if I was Michelle and found this out, I would be furious. $24m. I would be moving to the UK in a heartbeat

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  3. 1 hour ago, mledawn said:

    Unfortunately, this is absolutely not an indication of the lack of abuse.

    Well, in the context of a show like this, it probably is. Besides, we have seen no indication that his father is physically abusive, just that he is distant and dismissive of Nate and his career. Nate was what - a 30 year old kit man - I could see his father being less than impressed by his choices, especially being from a culture that puts high priority on education and professional success.

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  4. On 5/14/2023 at 10:57 AM, DearEvette said:

    We've only seen three interactions of his father on the show and they have been rather brief.  Canonically, none of the things shown on screen can definitively point to childhood abuse, imo,  until the show makes it so.

    At the restaurant, his father was exasperated and maybe embarrassed by Nate's blathering on in front of Jade.  Frankly, it was rather cringe.  And later he tells Nate he is 'not a dog' when Nate whistles at him.  I feel that we are supposed to see Nate's dad  as this mean, cruel person because the show spent the entire  episode showing us what a sad sack pitiful creature Nate is.  Also it is notably the one where Jade was rude to him.  We are 100% led to feel bad for Nate and want to root for him the entire  episode even before his father makes an appearance. It is human nature to want to figure out a 'why' someone is the way they are.  And of course when we meet his father he is a stern visaged, stand-offish man. Which could mean a lot of things, including that he just has a distant prickly relationship with his son. Could he have been abusive? Sure?  Or he could just be a  taciturn person who has been repeatedly disappointed by this son and he doesn't hide it.

    And then there is the Wunderkind episode where his father is reading a paper and is dismissive of Nate's accomplishment. If we have already been pre-disposed to think his father was abusive from the prior episode this one would cement that. But, as I wondered above, his father's dismissiveness here could just as easily come from him not being impressed with Soccer as profession and has nothing to do with being a bad father.  By contrast Nate's sister is a lawyer and seems to have a better relationship with the father. There could be some cultural norms or expectations at play.  But at this point we are seeing an adult man interacting with his adult son and have no idea what led the to the place they are.

    Yes his dad is stern and stand-offish. It is not the ideal parenting we like to see, but it doesn't automatically point to abuse.

    The show is obviously playing with themes of fatherhood.  Ted's personality is definitely a product of his father's suicide at such a young age.  Jamie's father is canonically abusive, and then there is Sam whose dad does seem to be the loving and wonderful ideal.

    Also, Nate's mom shares some sweet stories about her and his father, so he is definitely not abusive.  Other than that, pretty much everything we know about the father is filtered through Nate's very, very needy lens

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  5. Finding out that Jade is Eastern European explains so much about how she approaches everything. I thought she was but it's nice to have it confirmed. She reminds me so much of my mother's cousins - brusk to point of rudeness (if you don't know them), suspicious of people until they know them, and don't suffer fools at all. I can't believe I am saying this, but she will be good for Nate.

    Hannah Waddingham is a goddess...that is all.

    ETA: It's weird that we never see Nate interact with his assistant coaches

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  6. So di we count her quickie remarriage to Joel in Vegas as her second marriage?

    it was clearly a white collar prison and Midge mentioned Imogen so whatever it was, I don’t think Archie was involved.
    I loved the build up of all her crimes and what she said to Gordon. I loved that actor on Veep - he is easy on the eyes!

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  7. 4 hours ago, overtherainbow said:

    I actually like Nate this season, he's matured I think and I liked learning more about his family/background and him being bashful is honestly pretty cute. 

    I don't like Jack at all, something about her is very smarmy. If she were a man showering Keeley with gifts would look really weird. It just would. 

    I enjoyed the inclusion of Sam's dad and will probably get hate for this but - felt like the interjection of an emotionally charged hate crime and the politics that came before it in this episode was really not needed and really detracted from the rest of the episode. I get the writers were trying to make a statement but...it felt too heavy handed. I know these issues are very real, but gosh, I'd like a show for once to just be a show, Ted Lasso has lost a lot of the fluffy lightheartedness that made a lot of people start watching

    All of this -except the Nate stuff. I don’t care about him at all at this point. 

    Also, Jack and Keeley have zero chemistry, so that makes their scenes harder to watch. Keeley is risking the respect of her employees. Jack strikes me as a spoiled rich girl who gets (or takes) whatever she wants before getting bored and moving on to the next shiny object. I hate how ditzy and needy Keeley is with her too - where’s the strong, confident, secure Keeley from last year?

    Of course Roy continues to be the best and I love Trent Crimm as the “Greek Chorus”


    inhabe to watch every episode twice just to catch all of the background stuff- the actors really are all in on their characters.

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  8. Why can't Midge not be a self-centered beyotch for one single day? This reminds me of when she ruined her co-workers wedding reception. For someone who was brought up to be a perfect wife and mother and a deep understanding of societal norms, she literally never understands appropriateness.  The Palladinos never seem to understand that less is sometimes more with their lead characters

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  9. Well, he has been with Bo Derek for over 20 years, so he must have something! I find him attractive, but as an action person, his laid back approach to everything would drive me insane.


    I found this season so much better - they finally realized that they needed to utilize some of the devices that made HIMYM so iconic (the new person heist is a good example) I can also see the cast chemistry starting to gel.

    It will never be what HIMYM was (minus that awful last season - I am still bitter, so, so bitter about the ending)

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  10. I am surprised that John Owen Lowe is a nepo baby with actual talent! If you listen to podcast’s, Rob Lowe’s “Literally” is pretty enjoyable. I love hearing about various creative processes and he has an interesting lineup of interviewees. Rob has worked in Hollywood forever, knows everyone, and is charmingly open about his name dropping and narcissism. I also like how respectfully he always speaks about his wife and how they raised their boys in Santa Barbara.

    • Like 3
  11. I loved the “Better Off Ted” vibe (a criminally overlooked and short lived show)…then I found out that one of the creators of BOT is involved. 

    It is delightful and charming and exactly what I wanted it to be. Excellent cast chemistry and sharp writing really makes it work!

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  12. On 2/17/2023 at 2:23 PM, Skooma said:

    I can't stand how dumb Mike is made in this series.  It got to the downright offensive level for me by the end of Season 4.  Jay is written light years better.  (I found Season 4 on Soulseek myself).

    Thank you - I absolutely cannot stand Mike and think he is the weak link of the British show. it doesn't help that he and Alison have zero chemistry.  Jay is a much, much better character. 

    • Like 3
  13. Can we just kill the laugh track already? We have had so many amazing comedies without them, that hearing one is just jarring and ruins the flow.

    The first few episodes were so bad--everyone seemed to be subscribing to the Disney Channel School of "Acting" Things got a bit better by the end. The friendship between Leia and Gwen began to feel real.

    There was only the briefest mention of Laurie, when Red said "I only wanted one kid, but you made me have Eric and..."

    I found it weird that Kitty didn't seem to know about Fez's salons and none of the friends stayed in touch. DOnna says something to Leia about "Uncle Casey" Kelso, so people are correct, there is no way Leia and Jay had never met

    • Like 4
  14. What a stupid storyline. "There shouldn't be any billionaires" and "We should all give all of our money away" Typical Hollywood magical thinking (I notice that none of them are willing to give all of their money away for real. She would be better off using that money to help create businesses to employ people then to just give it away.

    Also, are we seriously supposed to believe that no one tested that $3 billion machine?

    That said, I love the dynamics and growing friendship of the three men. Their chemistry is amazing and the growth feels so natural. I am more interested in their journeys than I am of Molly's at this point. I am sorry that the women (except St Sofia) are still merely punchlines. Rhonda and Ainsley are treated like garbage by everyone else and deserve better, The actress playing Sofia literally has one expression and head wag in her repertoire. I don't know if it is just bad writing or bad acting, but she is constantly angry that someone, somewhere, might be having fun

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  15. Do you think Jill or David are capable of introspection? Do you think either of them lie in bed, in the dark hours of the night, and wonder about the life they lead. Honestly, it must be exhausting to live like they do…always having to plot the next grift, one failed grift away from utter poverty, always having to be focused on one single topic, always having to pretend to be happy with their choices, the relentless, endless forced togetherness.

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  16. So she couldn’t get a pretty box from Hobby Lobby and have printmaster David print a proper sign? Honestly, her half-assed approach to everything offends me as much as her grifting and proselytizing (I am a Christian, but my religion does not evangelize. We are more “hey, we are just hanging out, eating kielbasa and pierogi, and waiting for you to come to us.”)

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  17. Her mom is just going to have to cut all of her hair off so that it grows back evenly...why not just shave it now.

    Jill "just rolled up her sleeves"... she is so selfless and giving that she has to let the world know (otherwise it didn't happenb)

    She reminds of those celebrities who pay "secret visits" to some charity...so secret that a professional photographer instantly leaked the photos to every paper

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  18. Karin’s always strikes me a s mentally slow. I thought she was much younger than her stated age when they first met. He is incredibly immature and not very bright, but I think she may have some legit impairments.

    Those poor kids, I hope they get adopted and away from the dumpster fire that is their “parents”

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