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Mama No Life

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Posts posted by Mama No Life

  1. 4 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

    Still, what are the odds he'd be immediately conversant in Korean again, 40 years later? I think Ed needs to be wearing a leotard and cape because he has superhero powers.

    To be fair he did call the astronaut a dumpling 😄

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  2. On 5/6/2022 at 6:58 AM, BC4ME said:

    My own takeaway from that last scene was the corruption of the family was complete, with Jonah finally coming into the fold full force by killing Mel to “save the family.” Even more meaningful because he killed the man who found out the truth about Ben, who he loved and held his death against his mother. They are all complicit now, even their 15 year old son. 

    Yes the showrunners and writers have confirmed that Jonah shot Mel. He was the last one to buy in and that's why they chose him to end the series.

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  3. Um, her mother clearly had mental illness (seems to have been an unstable genius as well), she was with her mother when she killed herself and she's been doped up in an orphanage.  Hurting someone's feelings seems like no biggie....

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  4. On 5/30/2018 at 5:26 AM, QQQQ said:

    I need less whispering on this show, as I'm only catching every 3rd word.


    Please excuse me while I go yell at some kids to get off my lawn. 

    Closed captioning is my best friend whippersnapper.

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  5. Just rewatched this and I think it's one of my favorite of the series.  David and Moira drunk are hilarious, and I was amused by Patrick quietly shushing and chastising David for being so loud at the winery.  I adored the scenes with Johnny and Patrick too...it's nice to see him with someone besides Roland these days.   And the twin brothers kissing scene was so funny.

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  6. I was just rewatching the episode and caught a detail that made me swoon.....the invite for the open mic night that featured Simply The Best...is framed and hanging in Patrick's kitchen. ❤️ 

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  7. He married a great guy, started his own business--one that is about to get really big with outfitting all the Rosebud hotels--has a close relationship with his family and a great best friend.  He won in every way that matters and he clearly feels that way.

    I am a David lover so I always defend him but I don't get the lack of growth comments---he is living in Schitt's Creek to make Patrick happy and he got married in town hall because it was more impt to him to get married than to have the perfect wedding. And he let Alexis wear a wedding gown down the aisle.  He rocks.  None of them lost their personality--they just improved.  I mean, Alexis is not going to be taken very seriously as a publicist if she constantly plays with her hair and boops everyone on the nose but no one is busting on her.



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  8. Dan Levy is a fucking genius and hot as hell.

    Alexis has been showing her growth a lot this season and I feel like this episode was the one where we saw David finally grow up. Not only was he willing to stay for Patrick but he was supportive of and concerned about Alexis.

    I suspect Moira dismissing the wedding date was for the same reason she automatically assumed the wedding was off when he said he had news.  She doesn't really think it's going to happen.  Hope she's wrong and relieved to be wrong.

    Another reason this episode was so good....very little Roland.

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  9. Didn't I hear David tell his father that he shouldn't pay for the food if it's going to be a strain?  So instead of putting the Brewer's money in his pocket he offered it up for his father's sake?  Doesn't sound very Bridezilla to me.  Yes, he is hyper involved about the superficial because that is David. But when it's important he puts Patrick first.  Seems to work for both of them....Patrick seems to enjoy being the voice of reason and David enjoys being the diva.  Sounds a lot like the Rose's very successful marriage to me....

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  10. I love Patrick and I love David and I love them together.   And I loved the juxtaposition of David/Moira with Patrick/Johnny at the end....our "designated grapes" lol!  Patrick and Ted have been directly responsible for the growth of David and Alexis and I can't imagine the show without either.  

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  11. Well I think it's also that the Rose's themselves are changing.  They assumed the town was shitty--pun intended--because it wasn't their palatial city home in the thick of high society.  Perhaps Schitt's creek has always been charming and progressive and they are just able to appreciate it now.

    Also, David and Patrick are perfectly matched.  Patrick is not perfect...he can be sarcastic, and his little hairy mustache is not great. He didn't share with David that he was previously engaged to a girl or share with his parents that he was involved with a guy for well over a year.    Of course he's freaking adorable because he's so sweet and loves David so much, but their relationship seems very yin/yang to me and I LOVE IT. 

    I think David/Dan is yummmyyyyy

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  12. If you look carefully though you will notice the hotel is improving bit by bit.  There are chairs outside the rooms now (plus the boxwoods, haha).  The box of cinnamon rolls is always by the coffee machine and things seem to be a bit cleaner and neater.

    Also, this guy's beat is "out of the way places" so he's going to see a lot of motels like Rosebud, not Doubletree. 

    Still don't know how Johnny became manager and also has to worry about funding repairs while Stevie is in Elm Valley but I don't know that it really matters lol.


    Best part for me was that while David was probably a little thrown about the apt confusion he did not pitch a fit or break up with Patrick when he found out the apartment was just for him.  Growth, I thought.  They are so stinking cute together. 

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  13. I am loving it as well.  Some things surprised me....like the ER doc not knowing that the bottom number is more important with blood pressure.  I find myself getting really involved with them all, but David the neurologist is my fav.  He is just so kind.  

  14. Quote

    I can't believe that Alex was stupid enough to confess everything to Winston. I KNEW he was recording it!

    I don't think he was recording the confession. That tape Winston gave Alex was the Bryce message to Jessica, which I think we are supposed to assume Clay gave Winston in one of his disassociated moments.


    One thing about Alex being violent vs Bryce/Monty is we know Alex's rage flares are a direct result of his TBI, whereas the other two suffer from asshole-itis.



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  15. On 6/8/2020 at 12:02 PM, Lovecat said:

    That's what was tripping me up--I was 99.99% sure it was her, but couldn't find a credit on IMDB.  Thanks for confirmation I wasn't imagining things!

    And I enjoyed seeing Denise Huxtable's husband appreciate her sermon haha.



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