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Posts posted by dippydee

  1. 15 hours ago, Fukui San said:

    By the way, if you want more then look for the recently completed season 2 of Taskmaster New Zealand. It was an all timer.

    It really was. Laura’s “best stolen thing” and David’s rap were all time definitely great. Actually most things David did were amazing!


    Season 12 is off to a flyer. I love VCM so much and it’s already clear she’s going to crash and burn but in a completely enjoyable way. I’m also enjoying the vibe between all the contestants this year. I get the impression they actually got on quite well. 

  2. Bye bye Depinder. You were still my first fav from this year despite looking like a total deer in headlights the last few weeks. Ive been expecting her elimination for a while but it still kinda sucked. 

    Despite it being the year of the dude I’m glad so many women made it this far. I feel like they’ve been better this season no matter how much of a winners edit Justin is getting. I’m not a Justin fan but I guess he is the best male option. Tommy is incredibly limited with almost no range even if his food does look pretty tasty and Pete is the oppisite, while he tries different things his food rarely looks appetising. 

    31 minutes ago, katisha said:

    just want to say that wherever she finishes this season, someone needs to sign Kishwar up for something asap.  She's my favourite narrator because she;s beautifully spoken and always sounds sincere and passionate about what she does

    Seriously. She’s so warm and personable and her cooking isn’t half bad. I could absolutely see her hosting something food/people related. 

    • Love 2
  3. Ok so I’m all caught up now. I was sad to see Minoli go but I’ve been waiting for Scott’s elimination for a while now. He’s been pretty far behind the pack for a while. I think Elise and Tommy are the other weaker ones so I think them next.

    4 hours ago, katisha said:

    Justin is SO getting a winner's edit.

    I agree. It sucks a little because I think most of the others are better than him. Kishwar, Linda, Beens, even Pete and his gross ice creams and odd combinations and Depinder in full dark spiral mode have all pulled out much much better dishes than him on several occasions.

    I was pretty worried about Kishwar in that second cook. She took Minoli going pretty hard. I’m glad Andy snapped her out of her funk and she saved herself.


    • Love 1
  4. 19 hours ago, katisha said:

    without a single shout-out to the thing which actually did that work, the ICE-CREAM MAKER

    This actually reminds me of how lazy the contestants have become, remember a few years ago when it was all parfaits and semi freddos with some panna cottas thrown in there? Now it’s all ice cream all the way unless there’s some granita (which quite frankly is even lazier since you don’t need to heat up anything before freezing). At least those other desserts seemed a little more involved than just chucking things into the IceCream maker and letting it do its thing.


    I agree with people about being close to done with this season, especially since Justing appears to be the chosen one. It’s just not interesting me anymore. It was kind of a chore to get through the episode but I’m glad Kishwar and Linda are safe at least. Since Tommy can’t go I’m hoping for a Scott elimination but Depinders been looking real shaky in these pressure tests so I’m worried for her.

    • Love 2
  5. 7 hours ago, katisha said:

    I'm starting to wonder if the contestants are in a competition to see who can make the most revolting ice-cream which the judges will be forced to eat and praise.

    The judges deserve it at this point, they’re willing to encourage this foulness by praising every single ice cream abomination thrown their way. If they stopped proclaiming the ice creams to be the greatest thing ever people would stoP  using them as an out when they can’t think of anything else.

    Can I also add there’s a special place in purgatory for the dreaded ice cream/granita combo. Two frozen things for the price of one. The cooking skills are just mind blowing 🙄

    • LOL 3
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  6. 43 minutes ago, katisha said:

    Up until today Justin hadn't ever even been in an immunity challenge (and that's pretty bad when you consider the standard of the competition this year) and he goes from that to winning one first try? 

    I am going to be so Disappointed if this is the start of a Winners Edit for Justin but it really looks like they’re going there. Almost everyone else still left has out cooked him several times so far. If it happens this will go down as a Season 11 for me, completely ruined by the wrong winner.

    48 minutes ago, katisha said:

    But in better news, Tommy didn't skate into an immunity spot!

    There’s the silver lining ;) Actually I think I’d prefer Aaron or Scott to go next. Aaron especially is super annoying and smug.

    • Love 2
  7. 3 hours ago, displayname said:

    nd also for the sake of my recently cultivated wish of seeing Tommy eliminated, I hope it happens.

    I’ve enjoyed Tommy for shallow reasons but he’s annoying me more and more. I am just about ready to see him go now. He’s not pretty enough to compensate for his completely narrow range.

    Justin is also terrible. I don’t know why he was acting like vegetables are some weird evil thing. It might shock him but it is possible to have restaurant quality vegetarian dishes. I did not need so much of him being him in this episode. However I did laugh at him only managing to trade his carrots for pumpkin.

    I know Depinder won’t win and it kind of sucks since despite being invisible all episode she still managed to get into the immunity cook. I’ll be rooting for her and Pete tomorrow. I’d be happy to see Justin and Tommy cook in the elimination on Sunday.

    • Love 2
  8. Well I’m glad Depinder made it through and she got a pressure test under her belt. She needed that experience.

    Im sad it had to be Maja that went but I agree you can’t come back from raw pork. 

    2 hours ago, displayname said:


    Well. Tommy will probably mess up the next Team Challenge, and hopefully will face a dessert Pressure Test, then.


    Here’s hoping. I’m just worried his being useless in a team challenge will drag my favs down with him. This challenge was pretty much the best thing he could have asked for in a pressure test. The flavours were completely in his wheelhouse.


    • Love 3
  9. Yikes that was a hard episode to watch. It was just overtly stressful in a way this really shouldn’t be. Not enjoyable at all.

    It really is a shame this year is destined to be a male winner since apart from Depinder I’m liking Sabina more and more too as a potential winner. She’s definitely more interesting than any of the men left. Even Pete who tries but makes some incredibly questionable food.


    2 hours ago, displayname said:

    I'd rather Maja doesn't leave so soon after being back, and I definitely don't want Depinder and Pete to go. So I hope Tommy goes next.

    MTE. Tommy’s my choice for tomorrow but I’ve been worried about Depinder getting the “shock” elimination for weeks so it might be her. Then again Brent walking is probably enough excitement for the week for the show so she might be safe.

    • Love 3
  10. Depinder’s dish looked freaking delicious. I want it NOW! It was also nice to see Kishwar doing something different. Glad it paid off for her.

    The task was pretty fun. I did laugh at some of the attempts at photo art from the contestants. I did laugh a little at Petes photo recreation kinda flopping. He always seems to get things just a little wrong. Scott’s dish looked a little gross to me so I guess he did hit the brief of matching a disgusting city pavement.

    I hope one of the gals gets immunity. I’m ready to see Tommy go. He more so than anyone is just stuck in the cuisine rut. Depinder, Kishwar and Linda have actually all ventured away from their wheelhouses from time to time.

    • Love 3
  11. That was fun. Alla was great and Beans and Linda both did awesome. On top of that Amir went home! Win all round.

    I also liked that they did a veggie cook, we need a few more of those from time to time.

    9 hours ago, akr said:

    Pete seems to be working his way through Christian Puglisi's book, Relæ: A Book of Ideas 

    He did mention the Puglisi influence in his bento task, I didn’t realise he was using quite so much inspiration. I don’t mind since as you mentioned, he still has to adapt them depending on what’s available. 

    • Love 2
  12. 29 minutes ago, katisha said:

    Pete is pretty much the only contestant (now Tom is gone) who's attempting to do anything different.

    If this is the year of the dude as I suspect it is Petes my choice for winner just for trying different things. Sure he makes some questionable things sometimes (that fish from yesterday was kinda gross) but at least he tries.

    2 hours ago, ChicagoMe said:

    I'd like to see the chefs forced out of their comfort zones - cook something unrelated to their regional choices. Tommy something Italian, Kishwar something Middle East, etc.

    The show needs this now. I think the top 10 is usually when they start pushing them a bit more but this year everyone’s stayed so firmly in their boxes that the judges need challenges to push them out of their comfort zones.

    Amir to go please. I will be unhappy if Beans or Linda go tomorrow. 

    • Love 3
  13. Oh Dan :( 

    So soon after Tom too. I can’t believe Justin, Aaron, Amir and Scott are still there. Even their own editors don’t like them seeing as how they’re barely visible on the show.

    I cant believe Minoli got away with remaking the same dish but I’m ok with it. It would have sucked if she left the competition so soon after reentering.

    • Love 1
  14. 16 minutes ago, katisha said:

    For once I have to agree with Justin when he said, "That squirrel looks sick!" because the fish looked a bit like it had a disease called white spot (I used to have aquariums back in the day).  It didn't look appetising and those lumpy bits of cornflour would have been like eating wallpaper paste.

    Lol! I agree, even he he pulled it out of the oil, the fish looked so pale and unappetising I didn’t understand why the gantry was cheering so much. 

    I will say his starter looked delicious. The eggs and tofu especially. I think he went the opposite of Tom. All his attention went to the starter and his main looked a little more like an afterthought.

    • Love 2
  15. Oh Tom. What terrible strategy, I’m not happy we didn’t get to see his fancy dessert but his starter looked so sad compared to the others. 

    The first time I’ve liked Eric this entire show was watching him walk away when Andy and Jock were talking at his bench. It was pretty funny. I was worried for a moment he would get through when there was so much focus on him with the backstory and the big deal of him cooking real Chinese food. I understand the personal meaning to him and the cultural And heritage issues he’s dealing with (taking Indian food to primary school back in day used to get some looks) but he’s been cooking this food all season so I’m not sure why it was suddenly a “story”.

    I’m happy for Maja, she’s become so much more interesting. Her time was so well spent in the kitchens. It really shows in everything from her prep work to her plating. I’m looking forward to seeing what she does.

    • Love 3
  16. 1 minute ago, displayname said:


    Woah neither Therese nor Conor is making it back in?! Who would have thought it!


    I was shocked! But I think I may actually have preferred one of them to Eric getting yet another chance. He can do his niche thing well but anything outside of that or even following a recipe seems to be an issue for him. How many more shots at this does he need. I would have given his spot to Jess.

    Still I’m so happy Tom gets a second chance. I’ll be rooting for him or Maja to get the second return slot.

    • Love 3
  17. Yay Minoli! I’m glad she got one. I was rooting for her for this one. 

    Not going to lie I laughed at Eric saying he was going to follow his instincts when his are pretty poor when it comes to cooking. The jam really was his downfall, Didn’t he wonder why the oranges had to be put in boiling water and then cooked with the other ingredients?

    2 hours ago, katisha said:

    but it was kind of satisfying seeing his confidence in what he did be so misplaced in the end.  

    I got a little kick out of that too. I know he’s still got another chance but it was certainly a little fun to see the judges trying to be positive about his dish when they clearly weren’t impressed with it.

    • Love 2
  18. I’m glad to see I’m not the only one who likes Dan, four people picked him for ingredients!

    Im pleased for the girls in the top 4. Not at all happy about Eric and Conor getting through, though I will give Conor props for not making an ice cream or granita. I guess lemon ice creams are too boring for him. Keeping my fingers crossed for Minoli in the pressure test but I have a feeling it’s Conors one to lose.

    • Love 3
  19. Nooooooo! Not Tom! Damn you show. Especially when Aaron is right there :(

    I knew Tom would have trouble, savoury was not his strength. He’s the only one I want back, maybe Jess or Minoli (who seemed like she was going to be an interesting cook) would be fine too.  I’m keeping my fingers crossed because it’s either screen time or last out who usually returns so maybe Tom has a chance.

    1 hour ago, babs1226 said:

    The only one I really don't want to see come back is Therese.

    Honestly I wouldn’t be surprised given how “shocking” her elimination apparently was I’m guessing she’s a pretty good bet.

    • Love 2
  20. That really was fun. I’m so glad Linda got immunity. She’s becoming one of my favs and I worry for her because she never gets screentime so seeing her safe for a cook is good. 
     Of course Dan bless him, managed to make both ice cream AND granita. You can’t have everything I suppose.

    2 hours ago, katisha said:

    Andy was a really good sport about not being so great at handling the hotter chillis and he genuinely made me LOL when he said, "I think my teeth are sweating."  You might remember George Calombaris used to whinge about too much chillli in dishes, but it was never in a fun or humourous way. 

    Not going to lie I pretty much burst out laughing when Linda asked him if he was ok during her tasting. Andy was pretty good about it, he’s growing on me this season. He seems like a good sport. 

    I know George could be a jerk about the spices sometimes but I really would have loved to see his reaction to these chillies/dishes. The how much sweat is on the top of George’s head scale is almost as good as the Scoville scale for heat ;) 

    • LOL 1
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  21. 51 minutes ago, displayname said:

    Was bored with this challenge,

    Yep. On one hand I appreciate that nobody could make ice cream or granita so that was a win but I think this years cast really suffers from coming after the returning cooks who had more developed abilities and imaginations.

    53 minutes ago, displayname said:

    Will change my opinion once Depinder shows some sort of European savory

    She is my favourite too but I’m about ready to see her cooking something without an Indian feel. I know she can handle desserts and apparently her green curry spicing was correct so she can do other things but I’d love to see her show more variety in her savoury cooks.


    • Love 2
  22. Yay Sabina! She did so well. It was good to see her calmly work her way through the recipe drama free. 

    1 hour ago, katisha said:

    I'm honestly still amazed that he ever got onto the show because I'm struggling to remember anything he cooked.

    He mutilated a kingfish and he ruined the lamb today ;). You’d think this would be something contestants would practice by now once they know they’re going to be on the show. Inevitably there are a few tasks every year involving some kind of butchery.


    57 minutes ago, displayname said:

    Ready for Tommy, Brent, Dan, Aaron, Amir, and Scott to all queue up and leave next.

    Yep. Those guys do need to go soon, the gap between them and some of the others is increasing. I know Dan is uneven and often not good but I still have a soft spot for him. I’d send all the others listed before him. Aaron to go next please. I don’t know how he managed to annoy me in an episode where he isn’t even cooking but here we are.


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  23. 2 hours ago, Rosenrot said:

    I'm calling it right now that we will have a female winner this season and I'm basing this solely on the fact that all my favorites happen to be guys and my favorites never win. So there. 😁

    Lol! I for one hope you’re right 😉Team Depinder for me!

    If it is the year of the guy, I hope it’s Pete or Tom because none of the have really impressed me at all.

    • Love 2
  24. I quite liked Petes carrot steak idea but he ruined the “crust” of it. That is way passed charred or whatever he was going for, it was straight up burned. Still points for being more outside the box than most of the others. Depinder’s curry cake sounded interesting too. I would love a bite of that because I can’t even imagine how it would taste.

    Sabina’s going tomorrow right? I mean even though Eric and Brent are still there, doing not very much of anything she’s going because they need to increase the odds of their male winner. Still I’m going to keep my fingers crossed for her and hope Eric goes because hes my least favourite of those 4.

    • Love 2
  25. Well that sucked. Look I enjoy looking at Tommy’s pretty face as much as anyone but I really would have preferred Jess to stay over him. My only real consolation is Sabina saving herself in the first round so I didn’t have to worry about her leaving.

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