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  1. As I said before I would have been a big fan of a scheming Loras on the show. That his character was so drastically diminished/ret-conned after season 2 makes me still think Loras was the character D&D were talking about they wanted to write out in Blackwater (or there-abouts) but got a veto for that from GRRM saying the character would do something really important in the future books*. People also speculated at first that Olenna would be folded into Margaery when Dormer got the role but someone probably told D&D how popular the Gma Redwyne is in fandom and they could get Diana Rigg. So Loras becomes Willas/Garlan/Elinor which are kinda non-characters in the books too so far. But for me this also begs the question, what's the important thing Loras does that the character needed to be kept as a speaking extra for four more seasons (since all the other plot moving could have been done otherwise)? He kills Cersei (if so, I guess we'll know after this season and it would kinda explain that ankward if not to say forced connection they built between the two) or Stannis (if so, that was given to Brienne like other stuff from his book material) or the Mountain (if so, he'll probably not look so fresh afterwards himself). *Yeah, I know he also says this of Dothraki #126 and Belwas and Willas but in this case it seemed to have swayed D&D for whatever reason.
  2. Hm. Okay. Definitely made the right decision regarding season 6 for myself (and the wrong for season 5 where I loved some of the promotional material). I'm utterly done with this show. I did not recognize a single ASOIAF character in that trailer. Well, except for Rhaegar (I think that was supposed to be Rhaegar at the battle of the Trident in one snipet). Kinda adult Sansa & Bran, calm Cersei, nasty Lancel, whiny Jaime, Marg having religious debates with the HS??? The only thing that made me interested for a second was Mel having a crisis of faith. And now my watch begins (for the books).
  3. I'm like shimpy not so much bothered by what the kids are babbling in interviews (well, except for some facepalming that puts Picard and Riker to shame and then remembering what it's like to be around twenty and facepalming some more), and about something in Finn's latest interviews just screaming "intervention". Yeah sure, OhOkayWhat, there is definitely camp building with the books vs. show stuff, and Finn has always been very enthusiastic about the books and the show. But I think someone really told him to shut the fuck up about Loras being too gay on the show. IIRC when once again asked about that at a convention in January he went with: "Nah not bothered about that. It's just a story-necessary focus at the moment(?). That doesn't sound like Finn at all and is pretty close to a 180°.
  4. I'm pretty sure that's exactly what happened in Finn's case and I was actually amazed how long it took until someone from the show slapped him down (probably because he is just a speaking extra). Some of the thing he said in interviews before were really ... um ... not show/workplace friendly. He also seems to have changed his tune because of some of the season 6 stuff for Loras he seems to like at least, so it's probably a bit of both, OhOkayWhat. Sad shimpy, that you have so much distaste for that first Renly/Loras scene, because IMHO it's actually the only decently written scene for Loras on the show ever, where he acts most in book!character. I can forgive the weird Renly characterization (although with the later stuff it gets unforgivable) as making him look wimpy here to make Loras look tougher. But that's also hilarious with how wimpy they've made Loras look since then for the rest of the show. Hell, people are commenting now that Finn is getting to play a Marvel superhero with stuff like: "Wow, and he plays a total wimp* on GoT." *I have seen many (not very polite) things attributed to book!Loras but wimp is not one of them.
  5. Was never that botherd by that/him actually. Is actually my #2 Greyjoy after Theon (never quite got the hang of Asha). His first chapter is annoying for various reasons. But I find the rest quite intriguing. Yes, Dev F, I love me some slightly sleezy Loras. The emasculated nincompoop not so much. Well, for season 6 there are so many rumors floating around about Loras that this can go either way:
  6. POVs: 1. Jaime (swoooon; just right up my alley) 2. Sansa (haters gonna hate) 3. Cersei (love that crazy lady and she is the "other half" of Jaime so there) 4. Brienne (that was a very slow warmup for me but now she kinda beats the imp which is mind-boggling) 5. Tyrion (that clever smartass; still needs to be eaten by a dragon) 6. Catelyn (strangely enough & very cool that she's on shimpys list too) Non POV's: 1-6. Loras (just because)
  7. Oh God yes, Terra. I fucking hate the Alayne TWOW chapter for that reason and am totally down with all the others even the POVs I don't ususally care for. It actually reads like mediocre fanfiction for 75% of the text. The last quater is okay I guess.
  8. Thing is. She's doomed. That's where the fan boy wet dream ends. There is no way she "wins" this. Her dragons are crucial for the war. But she'll meet Drogo again after giving birth to a living child*. That's my Dany story and I'm sticking to it (until GRRM writes otherwise). *just don't let it be Jon's. Hells I would take it being Jorah's for shits and giggles at this point over that. PS: I don't think she will go all crazy, Chris. But she will be intensly unpopular in Westeros because (F)Aegon will have stolen all her thunder. And those two will clash. (F)Aegon will "win", but probably soon after need to be replaced by Jon. That's my guess.
  9. Siblings in lurve that turn out to be just cousins, how convenient. When I first heard this I was like OMG GRRMy romance novel/soap opera much? I also really like the 5 Suitors theory for Sansa, Alayne. It seems just like a GRRM thing to do. I don't think it's that unlikely either:
  10. They needed a new big villain after Joff's demise (they don't much care for Cersei as villain), and he seems to be one of the showmakers favorite villain, is all I can make of it (plus they really like the actor). Hahaha. Oh harsh, shimpy, but I can understand. Never quite got the hang of Dany* myself (and I'm no hater, just meh) and Tyrion, well, in another post you mentioned that he for once said something that didn't make you want him getting eaten by a dragon again, and I was like, nah, he can still get eaten by a dragon for all I care and he is in my top five/six characters. * found this last chapter in Dance of her quite intriguing though. That spoiler is the exact same thing Brn2bwild said. ;-)
  11. Maybe it takes him so long because he has to write a second troll book to publish first. :P Now lets pray (no I actually mean pray, okay) for shimpy to make it through that Jon chapter.
  12. JonCon is just a really weird character to me so far, I dunno. And his love for Rhaegar is really cheesy. Says the Loras fangirl, I know, I know (may be better that one never got a POV to wax poetics about his "deer prince" Renly).
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