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Posts posted by lasu

  1. 8 hours ago, RealHousewife said:

    The Valley has nothing to do with Lisa except for the fact it has cast members from her show, correct?

    She's got an executive producer credit on The Valley, so she'll still be making money. 

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  2. Jax and Brittany need to stop having the wrong argument, it's annoying.  Jax needs to stop implying that Brittany drinks at alcoholic levels.  It doesn't appear that she does, and that he drinks far more than her, making him (yet again) a hypocrite.

    That said! Brittany went to a doctor on VPR and was told to stop drinking.  I 100% believe her stomach issues are exacerbated by drinking, and she needs to just stop all together.  Her bad days may not always be the day of or the day after drinking, but it definitely seems they are all linked.  I'm not saying she will be completely and magically cured by not drinking, but I can't imagine in situation not taking six months off of drinking (while not pregnant) to see how my body reacted, and then seriously consider permanently giving up drinking if my stomach issues significantly improved.

    I don't think that Brittany drinks an unreasonable amount for a person with a normal stomach. But I think if you consistently drink to the point of throwing up - even if that is only because of your stomach - you have a drinking problem.  The fact that she so consistently has days where she cannot get out of bed, has been told to stop drinking, and will not give up alcohol is absolutely problematic.  Jax is a moron to make it out like she's a raging alcoholic.  If he weren't such trash, he would be supportive and help foster a non-alcohol environment. Obviously that's not going to happen.  Brittany just needs to accept her body as-is, and stop fucking drinking.

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  3. So, if anyone was still somehow wondering if Tom would have given Ariana a sincere apology in the finale had she not walked away, we now have a definitive answer.  The "it's good for me!" and the way he started telling the others Ariana talked shit about them the second he didn't get what he wanted from her was a big ol' clue, but he supposedly wanted to apologize for weaponizing her mental health, correct?  And yet when that EXACT topic comes up, does take the opportunity to give that apology??? NO.  He doubles-down and says he didn't believe her, and that it was something she said to manipulate him to keep him from breaking up - something that is by definition considered abusive.  He got derailed by LVP, but he was on his way to making accusations that ARIANA had abusive behavior towards him, making HIM the actual victim.

    I've actually been surprised by him.  I've known for a long time he was absolute garbage, but I did actually think he was far smarter than this.  I think production would have given him his redemption season.  There's no question that he's been more of a fan favorite through out the show's history, and Ariana has historically been seen as more dour and reserved.  I think they would have actually PREFERED to elevate him back over her and then cut her loose.  But he made it absolutely impossible, and they went shockingly hard on him after he said he didn't attack people.  They rolled like 7 different clips of screaming at people, and hitting Jax in the top of the head.  It's wild how much he cannot get out of his own way.

    When they showed the little Schwartz/Lala package, I did genuinely laugh when she said, "You see?? This is why I have to be mean all the time!"

    4 hours ago, TattleTeeny said:

    Green dress! Raquel liked green dresses too.

    I think this was filmed on, or very near, St. Patrick's Day.  There was something mentioned about an afterparty/SPD party after.

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  4. 29 minutes ago, RealHousewife said:

    Oh so Ariana and/or Tom showed the video? How horrifying.

    No, at least according Arianna, that's not what happened.  Arianna found the video and recorded it to her own phone (which may be against revenge porn laws), and then sent it to Rachel (which may also be against revenge porn laws).  But (to my knowledge), no one else is claiming they've seen it or been sent it, they've only heard descriptions of what Arianna saw.

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  5. I'm wondering if we are looking at basically a Vanderpump Rules/The Valley merge.  If VPR folks come over, I can't decide which scenario I like more:

    1. Janet gets fired immediately and is never heard from again.

    2. Janet spends a season getting to know Lala's not-so-soft side before getting fired and is never heard from again.  (I'm not a huge Lala fan, but she would make short work of Janet.)

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  6. 1 hour ago, bunnyface said:

    Somewhere I read that Rob "absolutely cheated" but I don't think so.  Rob has enough confidence in himself, he doesn't need to cheat.  It was just a boneheaded move that cost him.  Dearly.

    I think you're getting stuck on intent.  Rob did absolutely cheat* - he gained an advantage by breaking a rule, and was penalized for it.  However, I agree that he didn't PURPOSEFULLY cheat.  I think he wasn't playing attention to the rules and that led to the rule break.  And while I don't think he did it intentionally, and I overall like Rob, I think the penalty should have been bigger than it was.  It didn't matter in the end, though -  the penalty was too much for him to overcome.


    *He did cheat, but I wouldn't find it fair to call him a cheater because of it.

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  7. On 5/12/2024 at 3:47 PM, millennium said:

    I think Cara made that pun as a reference to her having a star, rather than suggesting she is a star.   I'm more embarrassed every time Kam refers to herself as Killa Kam when her performance is so underwhelming. 

    No, I'm sure that's what she meant too.  I just thought it was embarrassing for her to give that name to herself.  Very cringey to me.  Did Kam give herself the nickname? I honestly can't remember.  There's plenty of room to be embarrassed for them both, if that's the case.

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  8. 7 hours ago, ZettaK said:

    Even if only Ariana saw the video, it was described by multiple cast members at the after season filming session, at the reunion, and was discussed in detail on conventional and social media, so Rachel was hurt- she was humiliated. She didn't want the video to become public fodder. 

    Sure, and I honestly feel for her.  It's not something I think she "deserves."  But, describing it isn't illegal.  I don't want to see Arianna punished unless she did more than what she described in her statement, though at the same time, I hope that what she did (recording it to her phone, not sending it back to Rachel) IS technically against revenge porn laws.  It *should* be illegal to do that, IMO.  But I think this should just serve as awareness for all of us.  I've certainly learned more.

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  9. Arianna's brother might have started not speaking to her, but he's clear that the silence is now on her end.  From the US Magazine article: 


    “I reached out to her in December basically just saying, ‘I love you so much. I would love to talk to you soon,'” he noted. “Then she never opened it or responded, so I tried.”


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  10. I think Arianna is telling the truth in her sworn statement.  I think she saw it, recorded in on her own phone, sent it to Rachel, and then confronted Tom who took her phone and deleted it.  I think this is true because with this timeline, she really didn't have a chance to send it to anyone else.  And it's an easy lie to prove or disprove, and she certainly can't count on Tom to back up her timeline if it's fake.  It just doesn't make sense to lie.

    If what she did is illegal, I hope the main thing that comes out of it is a PSA.  Rachel hasn't really been hurt by it, except for I'm sure being humiliated that Arianna saw it, but that would have happened even if Arianna hadn't recorded it.  I don't think Arianna should be punished for something she did in the heat of the moment that didn't actually amount to anything.

    This is one of those rare cases where I don't have to pick a side, because it's in both Rachel and Arianna's best interest if Arianna didn't send it to anyone else.



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  11. 4 hours ago, RealHousewife said:

    Shared with people other than Rachel?

    Sorry for having so many questions guys! I am fairly new to Vanderpump Rules. 

    I don't think anyone knows right now what this "irrefutable proof" is or what it proves, but Arianna clearly says she didn't send it to anyone.  She's going to be in even bigger trouble if that turns out to be a lie.  It doesn't benefit either woman to have that video floating out there, so hopefully Arianna is telling the truth for both of their sakes.

    I will say, I think this is a bit of a PSA!  People (myself included!) are learning more about revenge-porn laws, which I think is a good thing.  I'm still personally unclear if sending it BACK to the person who made it is considered distribution.  

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  12. 6 hours ago, Polliwollidoodle said:

    This is why I was so curious as to what prompted the posts, of which I've seen plenty putting D and M together.

    While they have certainly exchanged a few looks, I think this is more of us playing Fantasy Football with Real Housewives & their estranged spouses than something any of us actually expect to see happen.

    But I can dream.  And perhaps sacrifice a few virgins if I can get my hands on any.


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  13. 16 hours ago, Sweet-tea said:

    The way Katie snarled "Keep it away from me" to Tom sounded to me like she was saying keep your relationship with another woman away from me. Suggests she's harboring resentment. Either that or she's referring to Jo as "it" which isn't much better. 

    I took at as "keep this bullshit away from me," and I would have snarled at him in that situation because HE was by FAR the biggest asshole in that situation, far worse than Katie (though I though I think she could have chosen a higher road, but what the hell, it's KATIE).  He knew good and damn well that wasn't going to go well, and he instigated it anyway.  He used Jo to provoke Katie (his favorite past time) without giving any regard to how Jo was going to be effected (second favorite past time).  Yes, Katie could have handled it better, but it's SCHWARTZ who instigated all of it.

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  14. I was REALLY hoping that somehow Jazmine would beat Nicole and take Cara's star and give it to Cam.  I would have cackled after all her machinations to have it go like that, but alas.

    I also agree that Nicole shouldn't have been able switch at the last second like that.

    Mmmhmmm, I see that Nicole put in a "healthy" boundary just to turn around and break it.  That push/pull will really fuck you up, and I expect we'll see Laurel upset again before too much screentime passes.  I've been in this same stupid position with my ex so many times of KNOWING better, and still falling for it.  It only makes you hate yourself more when it goes bad, which tees your self esteem up perfectly for the next "pull" round.  It can be super, super, super hard to break out of that cycle.

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  15. 11 hours ago, ZettaK said:

    that nobody really threatened Margaret's son at his work because why not call Margaret instead? The phone number was not even Louie's.

    Unless he changed his story later, at the reunion Louie said the number was his, just that it must have been hacked.

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  16. 16 minutes ago, Kiki777 said:

    For anyone that has Peacock, I highly recommend watching the after show- this week Ariana was discussing how Tom never tried to actually apologize off-camera - which I believe, but that’s hard to prove right?   Cut to a few minutes later Tom says something like “yeah I should have given her a genuine apology… I can still do it at the reunion.”  😂 

    It also has Good As Gold, the random fan getting into a bonkers fight, and I don't think anyone has mentioned the hot mic moment right at the very end.  Schwartz says something about Arianna leaving being a plot twist, and then Sandoval starts laughing and says, "yeah but it's good for ME."  Ugh.

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  17. 1 hour ago, JenE4 said:

    Lol! You got me there! Okay, let me preface my comment… as long as Sandoval has the opportunity to plan elaborate costumes and sets, he’s your go-to guy. 😆

    Thanks for taking that with grace!! And I agree, if Arianna had let him produce her grandmother's funeral, he might have been there!

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  18. 22 hours ago, fishcakes said:

    hen he was waiting for Jordan to figure out the number so that his penalty time could begin to run, I was wondering what would happen if he just told her the number. No one said that was against the rules. It probably would have been okay if he'd figured it out himself, just like it was apparently okay for Stephanie to follow Jordan, but since he'd already broken a rule, it likely would have gotten him bounced on the spot. Which is a shame because if it worked, Amy and Stephanie would be bitter about it forever and I feel okay about that.

    Another option would have been to force Rob out of the game but I don't think they realized it.  His penalty was to go last, plus the amount of time between first and second place puzzle finishes.  Jordan and Stephanie could have just agreed to chitchat for the next hour or two before they went back to solving the puzzle.  I would have been the smarter thing to do, because it would have filled one of the elimination spots (whoever comes in last), increasing their chances of making it to the final two.  Doing this wouldn't have hurt them in any way, because the top three people back with cases are then in an equal game of chance of who has the lowest case.  There is no advantage to coming in first, second, or third.  Amy would have had plenty of time to run the maze with no chance of Rob passing her, but wouldn't have gained any advantage (beyond getting to choose the first unmarked case), and they would have been able to stroll through the maze, pick up two cases, and leave Rob as the last place finisher.  If he takes one of their spots, they only have themselves to blame (and the producers who should have eliminated him on the spot [though I believe him when he said he was only half listening and trying to think of an advantage]).

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  19. I'm happy for her, but MAN, I think the cast is going to turn doubly hard on her next season because her success is costing them money now since they won't be on the same filming schedule due to her other obligations.  I love it for the Toms, but I can understand why the other will be frustrated.  (Not that I think she shouldn't take these other jobs, but I think even I would grow resentful if my work schedule revolved around one of my friends.)

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  20. 15 minutes ago, TattleTeeny said:

    have a sudden urge to say that I hope that I haven’t hurt the feelings of anyone here who may have gotten together with someone via cheating

    What kindness and empathy!!  I don't fit this particular description, but I've caught many strays on these boards.  I've had to quit reading certain forums because of women here describing reality tv women as having "disgusting" "saggy" boobs and I thought, well, shit. Might as well be talking about my disgusting, saggy boobs. It takes the fun out of these boards, tbh.

    I think that getting together via cheating is obviously wrong, but I don't see why people want them to suffer for it (unless you're the wronged party, then I totally get it).  I've seen many times that people felt that she got what she "deserved" b/c Tom cheated on Kristen with her, but I don't think people "deserve" unhappiness.  If I could wish something upon people, it would be to find the healing and happiness in themselves to be better people going forward, not to be humiliated.

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