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Posts posted by mac123x

  1. Ironic this episode coming out so soon after South Park called out the laziness of multiverse stories.  Hopefully that was a one-time thing and Angstrom / Brainiac will stick to using portals for travel.

    I'm curious what the card was that Olga gave Mark's mom.  

  2. Honestly, will no one ever learn?  If you're passing something dodgy off to someone in a dark secluded location, and they ask you if you're the only one who knows about ____, lie.  "Yes, I'm the only one, but if I don't report in to one of several different law firms scattered across the globe, with a passcode that only I know, they will release the information to the public in multiple countries".  

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  3. I'm definitely enjoying this much better than The Boys S2 or S3.  The acting is hit or miss, but the writing is much better, and there's not a lot of overt political commentary (besides the Men Are Bad, Women Are Good dichotomy.  That was so obvious when they had female!Jordan lecturing male!Jordan).


    Plus any time I can see Jensen Ackles on the screen I'm happy.  Didn't need to hear about him teaching a her to masturbate though.  I realize it was actually Cate talking through his image but still, yuck.

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  4. On 10/5/2023 at 4:12 PM, blackwing said:

    Golden Boy was in the #1 position and not one scientist at the university was able to give him a flame retardant suit? 

    Brink showed him the mock-up for a hafnium-carbide alloy suit.   GB described it as "low 8 figures, easy.  No one is gonna pay for this".  So a durable suit was possible just too expensive for anyone to bother until he got a NYC to pay for it. .  

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  5. They are leaning a bit on the "women peaceful, men warmongers" angle again.  Last week Alicent wanted to try the peaceful route; this week Rhaenys tells her husband that Rhaenyra is the only one keeping the men around her from going to war.  At least until she turned around on that last shot and looked murderous.  

    I thought it was odd that Aemond didn't intend to kill Luke, since I couldn't figure out what he WAS trying to do.  "I drove my truck repeatedly at the guy on the bicycle, almost ran him off the road and into a lamppost several times, but I didn't mean actually to kill him".  

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  6. On 10/19/2022 at 11:04 AM, magdalene said:

    After thinking about the final scene for a couple of days I don't like it for several reasons.  It reminds me of the writing in season 8 of GOT - all flash and no plot logic. 

    Agreed.  It also reminded me of Cercei blowing up the Sept of Baelor.  There should be consequences in that the smallfolk of King's Landing would hate Rhaenys (and by extension, Rhaenyra).   Maybe that will lead to the Shepard and the attack on the Dragon Pit, but based on the comments one of the show-runner types made in a magazine about civilians not mattering, I doubt they're that far sighted to set something up at least one season in advance.  So I'm skeptical.  

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  7. Wow, the "women are good and peaceful and men are horrible war mongerers" message was a little heavy handed.  And WTF was with the White Worm's sudden social activism?  They didn't set up the child pit fighting until like 3 minutes earlier in the episode, and she's a master spy but also a social worker.  Weird.

    Loved Alicent throughout the show.  The actress is so good.

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  8. 7 minutes ago, Constantinople said:

    Is it me or did Alicent order a Big Gulp Moon Tea for Dyana?

    That looked so much larger than Rhaenyra's moon tea at the end of Episode 4.

    Later Helaena asks where Dyana is, so I assumed the "tea" was poison and Dyana is sleeping with the fishes.

    Speaking of Helaena:  "Beware the beast below the floor".  Sounds like another "he'll have to close an eye" prophecy.  

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  9. Maybe it's just the wig and the prominent chin, but Aemon looks remarkably like his uncle Daemon.  He has a good Matt Smith-esque smirk too.

    Having Alicent decide to push for Aegon based on a misunderstanding is pretty contrived.  She might have started to reconcile a little with Rhaenyra, but there are plenty of reasons (namely Otto and Ser Criston) that would push her that way anyway.  There was no need for this Three's Company mistaken plotline.

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  10. Bit slow, and I admit to fast-forwarding through the Daemond / Rhaenyra sex scene.

    Viserys proclaiming that anyone questioning the boys' parentage should lose their tongue was setup for a payoff next week I assume?  

    Loved Alicent's "oh crap oh crap" reaction every time Larys was looking her direction or spoke to her.  She knew just how dangerous he was.

    I also loved Vhaegar giving Aemon a "go away, kid, you're bothering me" look then going back to sleep.

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  11. On 9/25/2022 at 9:42 PM, Constantinople said:

    Alicent (to Aemond): You will have a dragon one day.
    Helaena (to herself): He'll have to close an eye.
    Nice foreshadowing.

    I caught that too!  Said so matter-of-factly.  I did wonder if her previous statement about the millipede had a hidden meaning - "the last segment has no legs at all".  It was probably just more "hey, Helaena is a little odd" dialog.

    Regarding Aegon's exhibitionism out the window Tommen later dives from, was that a subtle nod to the fact that there's a video on the interwebs of Tommen's actor (Dean Charles Chapman) and his cousin jerking off for a webcam audience?  

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  12. Heat Arya's dagger up and the "Prince that Was Promised" prophecy shows up, like the poem on the One Ring.  Fuck off with that, reminding me of the horrible GoT season 8 AND the even horribler Rings of Power.

    Also, why were so many camera shots off center?  The actor would be on the right side of the screen looking off to the right.  It was weird enough for me to notice.

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  13. "Forgive the late hour"  "The hour is late"  "Forgive the early hour".  There was some sort of theme there but sometimes symbolism goes over my head.

    Honestly, I didn't enjoy the protracted sex scenes.  Five minutes of prologue in the brothel and another 5 with Ser Criston.  Felt a little like padding, a little like "we had lots of gore last week, need to get some tits and dicks in this week".

    I liked seeing Rhaenyra and Alicent start repairing their friendship.  Too bad it's doomed by dynastic ambitions.  

    Lady Misery's accent is grating.  Part Creole, part Jamaican, 100% annoying.  I hope Caraxes eats her.  Or Syrax, I'm not picky.

    I absolutely love the king.  He can get manipulated, but he can also be assertive when he needs to be.  So nice that he's just as complicated as his brother, but in different ways.

    I also really like the actress playing Rhaenyra, and I kind of wish they weren't replacing her soon.  I'm guessing next episode is her last?

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  14. 3 hours ago, quarks said:

    Galadriel saying that her family started the whole war with Morgoth, and just, what?

    The prologue in the first episode insinuated that:

    a) Morgoth destroyed the Two Trees (he didn't - Ungoliant did)

    b) The elves went to war, sailing to Middle Earth to get revenge.  No mention of Morgoth stealing the Silmarils, the Oath that Feanor and his sons took, the Kinslaying at Aqualonde, Feanor's betrayal resulting in the rest of the Noldor crossing the Helcaraxe, etc. None of it.  They just sailed there.

    c) It implied that the elves WON the war, and expelled Morgoth themselves.  Yeah that didn't happen at all.

    I guess they're avoiding copyright issues by just insinuating a bunch of stuff without stating it outright.  Or Galadriel's narration is just gaslighting.

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  15. 6 hours ago, Anduin said:

    Yeah, Numenor looked great, but it seems almost entirely populated by assholes.

    Everyone is an asshole.  Galadriel might have been just a *bit* less of a jerk in Numenor.  She's in their power, and expecting them to take her to Middle Earth but is a complete bitch about it.

    The Harfoots are assholes, unwilling to help each other during their stupid migration.  They're also assholes for living so slovenly.  Wash your faces and comb your hair!

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  16. 5 hours ago, MrWhyt said:

    He's the second one to be named Aegon, being crowned or being heir has nothing to do with it.

    Jahaerys had an older brother named Aegon who was never crowned.  [Mumble] Hightower, Otto's older brother, was speaking out of turn when he said "second of his name".

    14 hours ago, gingerella said:

    Thank you! I rarely go back and re-watch but perhaps I should rewarch the first episode again! Still, you'd think as King he'd have another dragon since, yanno, it's the family calling card!

    Also, Laena asked him what it was like riding the Black Dread.  He gave a vague answer.  

    8 hours ago, mojoween said:

    There is a big difference between going hunting and butchering a helpless creature, but what I was really focused on is why did the Lannister put a big red poofy thing on the top of the spear?

    My guess is the red poofy thing was to soak up any blood running down the shaft.  As rigged as  that kill was, one wouldn't want the "hunter" to get his hands dirty.

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  17. Did Celebrimbor ever explain why the forge needed to be built by spring?  Seemed arbitrary.

    2 hours ago, quarks said:

    Where is, or rather, what is Valinor, the home of the elves? Is it a real place, real location separated by the Sundering Seas from the Middle-Earth or is it a place on different plane of reality? Why does the ship have to go through a portal of light if Valinor is in the same dimension as Middle Earth?

    I got a real "Logan's Run" vibe from that, like they were going to Carousel to be "reborn" (actually euthanized) , or The Island to have their organs harvested.

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  18. I don't watch the after-show features, but apparently the show runners confirmed that the Crab Feeder had greyscale.  They need to stop adding information like this, since it undermines their story.  Given how communicable and deadly greyscale is, I find it hard to believe that CF would be the leader of any group of people.

    1 hour ago, Lady S. said:

    But I'm glad to see dragonsaddles and armor for the riders in battle.

    I like that Laenor leans forward on his like he's riding a racing motorcycle.  Lower profile for a smaller archery target.  Meanwhile, Rhaenyra rids Syrax like she's on a show horse.

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  19. 38 minutes ago, Stardancer Supreme said:

    Oh. They surely didn't make that clear. Why wasn't it mentioned that Laenor had a dragon? Now I really question Corlys and his war strategies! You had 2 dragons and couldn't exterminate the Crabs? Sigh.

    ETA: Or was Laenor riding Daemon's dragon? I will have to watch that sequence again.

    Laenor was riding his own dragon.  Daemon's dragon Caraxes has a distinctively long neck, plus the one Laenor was riding was smaller and chalky white.

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