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Charlotte Vale

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Posts posted by Charlotte Vale

  1. Oh, come on, Emma, how hard could it be to find a spare set of fresh lungs in that town? Just ask Romero, he'll bring over three or four sets for you to choose from. And Norman could do the surgery right in the basement.


    My guess is that he is going to taxidermy one of the major characters, but who?

    • Love 7
  2. I dont particularly miss Jenny or Cynthia, but the loss of Chummy and Peter (and Young Sir!) and now Sister Evangeline has dealt a serious blow. I'll keep watching the show, but it's no longer on my Must-See list.


    Too much TV last night, I kept having Call the Madmen dreams: Don Draper arriiving on a bike to deliver a baby; Sister Monica Joan pitching the Tastycakes account . . .

    • Love 6
  3. I wonder how many takes they had to do before Vera and Morgue Girl didn't break up?

    I hope the drive Norma now has will expose Ted Chaough's Sex Club and Wannabe Sheriff, and let Nestor keep his job.

    • Love 4
  4. Gosh I've missed this show, and how I love Norma & The Sheriff. Anyone else notice Nestor Carbonell looks eerily like middle-aged Tony Perkins?

    No one can play crazy like Vera, she is Lucille Ball and Lizzie Borden all wrapped in one. And those outfits--she must shop online at J. Peterman. She need an Emmy.

    Road Cone needs one too--amazing performance! I hope Road Cone shows up again in future episodes, though there are so many shows he is needed, to bounce off people's heads.

    • Love 5
  5.  . . . that doesn't mean that the majority of black women  . . . look as fat as Da'Vine Joy Randolph. Or have names like Charmonique.



    I agree, but that would have been a lot more effective had the actress in question not been named Da'Vine.

  6. I was eating dinner during the vomit scene, so . . . no. Just no.


    Other than that, I liked the cast; the concept and execution are just weird, and not in a good (or sustainable) way. If Henry has no romantic interest in Eliza, why on earth would a busy man like him take on a makeover of a horrible horrible person he hates? And a romantic sub-plot would further ruin the show. Their suddenly liking each other at the end of the pilot did not remotely ring true.


    I just don't see where this can go, character or plot-wise.

    • Love 2
  7. I'm just glad this is the summer and there are less shows out there, so I'm willing to keep giving this a chance.


    I feel just the opposite--with my Sunday Night Bonnet Sagas off for the summer (Call the Midwife, Turn, Mad Men), the only thing I'd be watching would be Halt and Catch Fire. While I kinda like it, I don't like it enough to stay up till 11:00 on a worknight.

  8. Well, Wifey really came through for Abe in the end--I just hope they left his horrible, horrible knit cap in the house when they torched it.


    I love Other Burly Bearded Guy's (I cannot for the life of me keep them straight) Villainous Exit  Laugh when he is relieved of his commend: "Bwa-hahahaha. BWA-hahahahaha!"

    • Love 1
  9. OK, I'm out. I gave it four chances, but I barely smiled at this last episode. Only Ron Funches brightened it up (thank you, Undateable, for introducing me to Ron Funches!). I don't hate Chris D'Elia, but his violent overacting is wearisome. When he's reined in, he's not bad.


    The rest of the cast are just kind of . . . blank. Perfectly talented performers, I'm sure, but none of them manage to rise above the script, which is nothing to write home about.

  10. I love Lee Pace and I love 1983 (gosh did I have fun in the early '80s--1980s, I mean). But this was slow going.


    The McGuffin has to be a lot more interesting, and they have to "1983 it up" a bit more. Spend more money on some of the great tunes of that year, go a little more over the top with the hair and costumes. One reason Mad Men was such a hit from the first was that they 1960'd us over the head with a baseball bat.


    But it's good enough to keep me going for now . . .

    • Love 4
  11. Oh, lordie, I just don't know who anyone is or what side they're on anymore. Two bearded burly guys? Shooting at each other, and I thought they were the same person? I mean, I manage to keep all the Midwives straight, and everyone on Mad Men, and the various druggies on Bates Motel, but this show has me licked. I just sit back and go, "hmmm, wonder who he is? Oop, now he's dead, can stop thinking  about him."

    • Love 1
  12. Wept copiously, of course (the mother/daughter/dying subject matter was rather close to home). Plus, two of my favorite actresses, Miranda Hart and Cheryl Campbell.


    If you have never seen Cheryl Campbell (Chummy's Mummy) in Testament of Youth or Pennies from Heaven, run and grab them! Both brilliant.


    This really did look like a series finale, not a season finale, I was surprised when they said "more to come next year!"

  13. Miranda Hart never fails to amaze me--she is goofy and hilarious in her sitcom (I wish they would show season three over here, already!), and brilliantly dramatic and funny in Midwife. I hope she goes on forever, like Judi Dench and Maggie Smith.


    Oh, Trixie? If the bible "is not really your thing," maybe dating a priest is not such a grand idea?

    Oh, and the great Cheryl Campbell (Testament of Youth, Pennis from Heaven) as Chummy's Mummy--bliss! Only an appearance by Gemma Jones or Pauline Collins could make me happier.

    • Love 1
  14. MaryHedwig, I watched the Nun's Story, Black Narcissus, Heaven Knows Mr. Allison and Sea Wife for these reasons only: Peter Finch, David Farrar, Robert Mitchum, and Richard Burton in that order. :-)


    David Farrar, yum.

  15. There's starting to be a long tally of people that have to die or be killed if Norman is going to end up the psycho we know and love running his fading motel business with "mother" watching from the house . . . Hoping they have a plan and general outline for X number of years and they're not going to drag it out.


    The show would be nothing without Vera Farmiga, so I also hope they will go with just three seasons and kill her in maybe the penultimate episode. I love Norma and Vera so much that I get a little weepy remembering how this is all going to have to play out.


    I was worried they were going to kill off Sheriff Suddenly Susan; he is my second-favorite character. I go all girly when they call each other "Norma" and "Alex" now.

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