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Posts posted by Aqli

  1. It's definitely striking to do a side-by-side comparison between then and now. The dialogue was better, the characterizations was stronger and the interactions were more layered. 


    Stephanie, for example, was a much more subtle character who operated more like a chess-master than the bulldozer she aged into.


    It always bugs when 'outsiders' like Maya and Oliver rhapsodize about how family-values orientated the Forresters are because that's bullshit.  The Logans were the loving family unit. It's not for nothing that when poor Caroline was recovering from being sexually assaulted, she lived with the Logans for several weeks. The Forresters were twisted and fucked-up, mainly because of Staphanie's creepiness about her kids. One scene that sticks out for me was her accusing Kristen of 'seducing' Eric. She immediately  backed up form her telling choice of words but it was clear that she was jealous of her daughter's closeness to Eric and saw her as competition. 

    • Love 2
  2. Now that Brona is confirmed as Caliban's 'Bride', I  amuse myself thinking how disappointed he'll be with the woman of his dreams as soon as she opens her mouth:


    Caliban: What foul speech! What undecipherable tongue! Answer me plainly phantasmagoria. 

    Brona: Wot the fook eer yez awm abowit? Aym spaekin Unglush, seym ez yoiwz! 

    Caliban: Here I find myself once again a player without direction. It is as the night of mine misbegotten birth! 

    Brona: Does ye stull weark at the Pleyhauws? Can ye hook mey up wuth a tucket? 

    Caliban: Do not mock me apparition! 


    • Love 5
  3. Hi, Aqli here.


    I tried to tell myself that, disappointing as it proved to be, I was giving this show a chance to see where it went. The truth is I'm just sticking around because  of the way Mike Vogel fills out a t-shirt and a pair of jeans.  I want to live in Barbie's dream house! 

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  4. Jason Gerhardt who graced our screens several years ago as Cooper Barrett is on the second season of Mistresses. God help me, he's as beautiful as ever. 


    Nathan Parsons is joining the cast of True Blood this season as a recast. I don't remember them being this hot on GH! Just like with Saemus Dever (Dr. Devlin, aka Sirhan Surgeon who's now on Castle) it's amazing how people can look a billion times better when they move to a show that actually knows how to dress/light them.  

    • Love 1





    At first, I thought Maya was "testing" Oliver or trying to trap him with all of the gold-digger talk, but the steam-room scene blew that theory.  This really did come out of nowhere, but so did Aly's several personality-180's.

    Don't forget Caroline's descent into a mean girl/snob. Sounds like you're advocating character development instead of the never ending montages?!? Blasphemy!


    It seems like with  a lot of these characters, the writing starts off presenting them one way, then whiplashes to something more extreme only to eventually meet in the middle. Caroline and Ally are prime examples. Maya was the reverse, coming on as a more sinister figure and then softening considerably for her romance with Rick and now seems to be swinging back to a milder version of her original crazy. It's a Hegelian Dialectic!

    • Love 2
  6. One of the joys of this season is seeing how far Zoey's come as a nurse compared to season 1 when she was a newbie. It's good to see her talking about grad school. And most of all, it's a relief that the writers have her becoming a Nurse Practitioner instead of sending her off to Medical School like so many other shows do. 

    • Love 2
  7. One thing I like about the Gay Love Triangle is that is has two men of colour in it. In real life, white gay guys who date interracially look (and act) more like FLuke than Lucas. It's fun on a wish-fulfliment level to see a Black or Asian man able to get facetime with someone so hot.  Having said that, there the whole thing is undermined by:

    1. a lack of chemistry in the Fecas dyad 
    2.  weak writng of both sides of the traiangle.  
  8. The problem with the Jedi in the prequels wasn't that there were too many of them but that they were so unimpressive and interchangeable. I just hope that whatever Jedi we see in the new movies are 

    1. ...not stupid. Yoda, Obi-wan and Mace Windu all had a fallen Jedi dangling in front of them for years with negligible reaction.
    2. ...actually distinct with one another. (e.g. saber combat/ telekinesis/ connection to the force etc.). No two Force-users should be alike.
    • Love 3
  9. Oh I loved both games in the series!  Kreia was the best female video game character I've ever seen. So much so, that I'd love to see a force ghost of her appear in some form in the movies.

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    my favourite Star Wars story in the expanded universe is the story to the Knights of the Old Republic game. A really cool look at the universe when the Republic and the Jedi Order were actually powerful and capable, rather than the weedy idiots the prequel trilogy painted them as.


    Knights Of The Old Republic is not only the real prequel to Star wars in my mind, but it is also the standard  by which I intend to measure these new movies.  I'm not optimistic, but I am intrigued. 

    • Love 1

    Ethan having sex with the tubercular whore made me cringe, as did Victor's mom puking blood on him. I can watch "Hannibal" and not bat an eye, but when it comes to germs...;-)


    Aaargh! I was thinking "ohmygoddon'tkissherforfuckssake!".  I mean,  he knows she has consumption. Pleasure to see Josh Hartnet naked, though. One thing I like about Steampunk/Victorian settings: no tans. 

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  12. I'm squarely Team Alexandria on this one. To say that Taylor running over Darla was just an accident lets her off the hook for the fact that she was (a) drinking and driving, (b) pulled a hit and run driving away from the scene, ( c) trying to cover it up and (d) pursuing a relationship with Thorne and Ally to the point of almost marrying Thorne while hiding what she she did.  I imagine the fact that Taylor avoided any kind of consequences for taking a life embittered Aly even more. I'd be a little crazy myself if someone got away with killing my mom. Thorne has every right to pursue a  relationship. His insistence on doing so with the woman who killed his wife is another matter entirely.


    Also, as much fun as it was to see Aly brandishing an axe, I was relieved that she put it down.

    • Love 3
  13. There's some subtle sleight-of hand when it comes to Aly, Hope and Oliver's ages. 

    • When Hope was SORASed in 2010 it was first as a 16 year old and then as an 18 year-old graduating from high school. technically she should be 22 now but i  looks to me like she's being protrayed as mid-twenties.
    • Oliver was introduced in 2010 as a 20 year old which would make him 24 now. I think he's being presented as exactly hat age.
    • Aly being slightly younger than Hope fits their real birth-dates of 2002 and 2004. She''s supposed to be about 19, I think which makes for an age difference of 5  years between her and Oliver.
    • Love 1
  14. She's the most interesting character int he show right now and arguably a slightly better story than Philizabeth. I think it might be because we saw her transformation from ordinary person to superspy whereas, our ostensible protagonists acquired all their superhero powers in their back-story.  I can connect with Nina while still being impressed with her development. This one doesn't need a wig. 

  15. I hadn't thought of the cable option. It is interesting that cable networks haven't been mentioned at all. 

    A good story-line for season 4 might be Carol moving to a  new cable network and trying to turn Bev & Sean's

    script into a flagship series. I can just picture her yelping/shrieking about The Sum of Us being the new Mad Men!

    • Love 1
  16. It seems to me that that's Glee's M.O.: requiring half the cast to sing out of their range. I swear, poor Darren Criss looks like he's about to burst something when he sings (live or miming). I think that pop culture is generally enamoured of big voices and this show especially has caught the disease of reducing good singing to high notes and belting.  

    • Love 1
  17. There's a bit of variation in terms of how quickly you accumulate companions. Some classes, you're languishing with one companion for several planets so that by the time the second one shows up you're starving for someone new. Other classes, you get the first few companions fairly soon.  Grinding is always a chore in any game, but at least there are multiple ways to do it in SWTOR.

  18. One thing I'll say about Dr. Bloom is that she pulled off the most perfect 'girl run' I've ever seen when she and Jack were looking for Hannibal in the Public Pool of Convenient Desertion. This is one of the best dressed female characters I've ever seen on television. Who needs a gun when you have a fierce outfit?  

    As to her having slept with Hannibal, I feel like the greater violation may be felt in having eaten with him. At least half of the cast have been fed human flesh by this man. There won't be enough Bella slaps in the world once that comes out.

    • Love 1
  19. The interesting thing about Katie is that for a few years now the writers have slipped into a pattern of having someone do something shitty (usually Bill) and then have Katie  rip them  new one (again, usually Bill). Heather Tom is very good at these tirades but now that she's no longer with Bill, she's staring to look desperate. One has to ask, if she's been witnessing Brooke's shenanigans her whole life, then why is she entertaining the idea of Ridge as a partner?  There's definitely drama to be mined in the idea of Brooke losing her destiny to her runt of a little sister but, a couple of days' drinking aside, she seems to be over it now.  One wonders if that's what's bothering Katie. She must have been looking forward to being the 'Taylor' in that situation only to see that Brooke can't be bothered with being the 'Brooke', at least for now. 

    Oliver and Aly's nascent romance is getting nothing from me but a thumbs up. I like that the first kiss was him kissing her hand. I also like how she can  be both bashful about her attraction to Oliver and fiercely protective of him in the same breath. I'm also enjoying how tender he is with her. 

    • Love 2
  20. "I serviced the subject orally before allowing him to penetrate me," 

    I definitely got a kick out of Erotica by Nina Sergeevna! If she survives the Cold War, she should write professionally (under an appropriate pseudonym, of course).  

  21. The past three episodes have been very enjoyable. One thing TK is doing that I like is not holding back on the entitlement that Ridge has. It's as if, with a good actor, the curtain is being drawn on what an awful person he's always been. I enjoyed Brooke's drunken cynicism because it looked like she was finally feeling the weight of how many years she's been chasing this guy. At this point it's not even an issue of if he's worth it or not, it just gets pointless. And I agree, regardless of romantic/erotic feelings that may or may not still be there, one thing that is evident is that she no longer likes nor respects Ridge.  

    Rick was awesome in how he retained his dignity in the face of Ridge's attempt at robbing him of it. The fact that everyone rallied around him was rather heart-warming.  It's pretty much the same thing with Oliver. He didn't lose his dignity. He felt awful but went right downstairs to pack his stuff and talked about finding another job. It struck me how he had Aly, Hope, Maya and carter around him and I actually believed the solidarity they were showing him. Even the flashbacks with Hope were less about their being a couple in the past and more about remembering the early days of HFTF.  (I wonder if Hope's comment at being shown the photo from all of  4 years ago as being a subtle SORAS-ing of her and Oliver). I am ready for him and Aly to get together. It's a very good fit. What  I like about Aly is that while she's self-conscious and awkward, she's not weak. All the vitriol she spewed at Wyatt for the past few weeks would have made more sense if it were directed at Uncle Ridge given the absolute contempt he always showed Darla. 

    • Love 1
  22. I'm not sure what I think of Ally/Oliver. They certainly look good together and I'm a sucker for the kind of dynamic they might have: awkward, self-conscious Aly winning the attention of a gorgeous, GORGEOUS boy like Oliver. If she remains... prickly then being with someone as laid-back and casual as Oliver would be a nice contrast. He's not a goody-two-shoes like Liam and he's not a Bill-clone like Wyatt. 

    As for Ally I keep wanting her to interact with Stephie. Outside of the couple of times Hope was allowed to have a spine, the latter always seemed to just get away with her vitriol. I don't think Aly would let anyone speak to her the way Stephie did to Hope. Not to mention, it would be nice for Stephie (whom I might refer to as Sketchy) to feel what it's like to have someone be awful to her for every five minutes. Aly's grudge against Taylor is way more valid that Sketchy's against Brooke.  

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