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Dr Mama

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Posts posted by Dr Mama

  1. 21 hours ago, ZettaK said:

    Poor Vicki. She is so delusional by comparing the popularity of the duo's show to Adele's shows. The women performed at a tiny venue, at a not well lit strip mall, with only a small number of people attending. The dancing act looked sad. I doubt though that they had much more success as the Tres Amigas with Tamra. 

    Yeah--I wondered how a show that size could even cover the expenses of flying to the city and a hotel stay--even if they did fly Southwest!

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  2. 2 hours ago, Pi237 said:

    How would that work? If he sues for money and refuses to settle until she pays the full amount & she pays it-she’s still free to say whatever she wants about him.  She offered the full amount as long as he’d sign a non disclosure agreement-he refused. Wouldn’t the agreement apply to both of them not to discuss the other? He wanted the option to speak freely about Shannon, but not allow Shannon to have the same.  The money wouldn’t stop that. If he said—stop talking about me or I’ll sue you for $75,000-that still doesn’t equate to a gag order unless he bet on her being silenced and lost.  

    I was guessing that it would be a mutual non-disparagement agreement where they BOTH could not speak badly about each other, but I could be wrong. And that might be harder for Shannon to uphold just because she's on this show that LIVES for bad-mouthing others.

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  3. I was just thinking that for all this talk of John J suing Shannon for repayment of the $75,000, he probably has NO written agreement from her that she would pay back the money. Without a written agreement, I think it would be difficult to win the lawsuit, particularly if she has receipts for things she paid for during their relationship.

    And then it occurred to me that whatever videos they possess have NO bearing on the merits of the lawsuit about repaying the $75,000, and, in fact, this threat that they will release the videos if Shannon doesn't pay up could actually be viewed as blackmail, which is illegal in California.

    I would LOVE to see a prosecutor charge Alexis and Johnny J for this crime!


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  4. On 9/9/2024 at 1:33 PM, bravofan27 said:

    So, not to defend Heather, which I can't stand her "I'm right because it's my thoughts and I'm smarter than everyone so I don't need to fact check or bias check" but it's a little bit of stretch that Shannon cozied up to a bar and didn't order a drink there. If there is any environment that will be a trigger to drink, it's a bar.

    Oh, maybe that's more what she said (or meant.) I heard it more as "who would EVER order a mocktail at a BAR."

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  5. On 9/7/2024 at 4:39 AM, Sweet-tea said:

    I thought she got a pretty big settlement from David. Speaking of David, I wonder if they are talking now.

    The settlement was apparently $1.4M in cash and $2,935/mo in child support and $7,065/mo in spousal support. the spousal support ends in 2029.

    I'm not sure how much she is still getting (if anything) in child support, but that amount would not allow her to continue to live in the style she was living pre-divorce as a SAHM. Were they not as rich as they pretended to be in their early RHOC years, did David's business take a nose-dive, or was there some combination of factors at play?

    I'm guessing Shannon spent a fair bit of that cash settlement trying to launch one or more of her businesses. Not sure any of those have taken off enough to be a decent source of income.

    So, I think she needs her HW salary to keep up her lifestyle.


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  6. On 9/7/2024 at 4:39 AM, Sweet-tea said:

    I don't like John but I think it would be hard to be in a relationship with Shannon. She is insecure, emotionally volatile, and high maintenance.

    I agree that Shannon has made poor choices in partners, but John never seemed to be a real prize himself. Now that he's shown himself to be a fame whore, I feel even worse for Shannon and her choice in men.

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  7. On 9/5/2024 at 9:11 PM, ZettaK said:

    It's possible that John didn't give the video to anybody, including the police because it was not exactly relevant to the actual hit and run, and DUI. He was probably still trying to protect her. They were friends, and they parted ways later on.

    I'm super skeptical that he has ANY video that is worse than the actual fact that she had a DUI accident.

    They've built it up SO much, and I'm feeling like this is just another RHOBH "Sutton said something very dark" situation.

    I don't believe JohnnyJ had ANY reputation in the community--or at least not a positive one--and I doubt Shannon was doing anything other than possibly talking badly about her ex, which she has every right to do.

    On 9/6/2024 at 1:53 PM, UsernameFatigue said:

    Heather claims to be supporting Shannon, but in her TH makes a snide remark that she has never ordered a mocktail in a bar. You do realize that if Shannon wanted to drink, she could just drink at home, right Heather? 






    I have an occasional glass of wine or a cocktail in a bar AND i've ordered a mocktail at a bar--just depends on what I want to have at that particular time.

    Now, maybe HEATHER would never order a mocktail because she wouldn't want the calories unless there was alcohol in the drink, but her assumption that NO ONE would CHOOSE a mocktail at a bar was LAUGHABLE.!!

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  8. On 9/5/2024 at 7:15 PM, Pi237 said:

    As much as I hate to defend Johnny Boy, Shannon’s story about sending him a pic of her bloody face after the accident and him not replying isn’t the damning thing she thinks it is. He was sick of her drunk behavior, tried to get her to stay and she sped off. I can see him just going to bed and ignoring his phone, thinking it’s her drunk calling him again…am I missing something? 

    I thought the point of her comment was that he claims he was being super attentive to her right after the accident, but the fact that he did not respond to this text indicates that he was not actually helping her in any way after it.

    But I'm curious to see if anyone else had a different take on this.

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  9. 3 hours ago, ladle1 said:

    It’s grammatically correct in the sense that she, singular, is “this Storms.” But it’s not grammatically correct in the sense of the wordplay on “storms,” a plural noun. 

    (Not to mention her metaphor makes no sense because a storm doesn’t “weather” anything.)

    She needs something that will work grammatically in both senses, like, “You think I can’t weather your drama? Well, look out for Storms!” Which is also shitty, but not as shitty as what she’s currently saying.

    I will die on this hill, people! 

    No, not really. 

    I WILL die on the hill of Tamra being an asshole, but it seems unlikely that anyone’s going to challenge that at this point. 

    Yeah--the sentence is grammatically correct as written, but I like your rewrite so much better than what she actually says! It keeps the word play but sounds way better!

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  10. 4 hours ago, QQQQ said:

    "Even in the harshest of times, this Storms will always weather it.” I think it sounds incorrect because "times" is plural and "it" is singular. It's just awkward AF. Perhaps "This Storms will weather the harshest of times."

    Yeah--but grammar nerd here--"of times" modifies "harshest" so the verb goes with "harshest" not "times". I get that it sounds incorrect, but it is grammatically correct.

    It would be the same thing as " Even in the toughest of situations, this leader will always fight through it."

    Or, more famously, "IT was the BEST of times, IT was the WORST of times." ("Best" and "worst" are singular.)

    It's not a great construction--I'd revise it to something more like:

    "Even in the harshest time, this Storms will always endure."

    But I think they wanted to be clever with the play on Storms/storms.

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  11. 1 hour ago, ladle1 said:

    Oh I know it is! That’s why I said I get the play on her last name. But “this Storms” is still not grammatically correct. Nor is the rest of the tagline, which makes me ears bleed. 


    It is grammatically correct if it is referring to her by her last name--replace "Storms" (her proper name) with "woman" or "person." The confusion is that her last name SOUNDS plural (and would be the plural of the singular noun "storm"), but she is NOT using the noun, she is using the proper name. Say it with a last name like "Jones" and it sounds correct.

    A further clue--she says "this Storms"--if it were plural, it would have to be "THESE storms."

    It would not be grammatically correct if she were using the plural noun "storms."

    And I believe the antecedent of "it" in this tagline is "the harshest of times." "Harshest" should be singular--you can't have multiples of the most extreme ("-est").

    I don't love the tagline, but I think it is grammatically correct.

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  12. On 8/2/2024 at 11:48 AM, la patineuse said:

    Heather doesn't seem like a "Happiest Place on Earth" kind of person either.  Also, I've been an AP for years and paparazzi don't just happen to stroll into the park (or pay the admission price) by chance and knowing DL and Disney, they probably discourage them from frequenting the park anyway.  Maybe Heather didn't call them herself, but I can see someone on her team doing it.  In any case, who cares?  It's not a big deal to me if she did or not.

    I'd even wonder if she paid someone to take the photos and "release" them as if they were random candid shots. The photo quality of most of the pictures is just too good to be randomly captured shots.

    And while I've seen photos of A-list celebrities at Disneyland, they generally seem to have been taken by random parkgoers who spot the celebrity. Paparazzi isn't regularly hanging out at DL hoping to spot someone.

    And then she can say "I didn't call the paparazzi", which would be true because she (or someone on her payroll) just arranged for photos to be taken and sent to the right places.

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  13. 9 hours ago, ladle1 said:

    Isn't that according to Tamra?

    I mean, maybe she was! But if Tamra is the only source...

    I seem to remember Tamra was trying to get Jenn to admit that she and Ryan started their affair while Jenn was still with her husband--and she kept pushing and pushing Jenn to admit this--and Jenn would only say that they talked, but that the did not start a physical relationship until she was separated from her husband.

    Am I remembering that correctly?

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  14. I re-watched the episode, and it seems to me that Gina is really reaching with this "she [Jenn] cost me $50,000" narrative.

    I believe she said there was a property she could have sold if she had an all-cash buyer, and she thought this one agent--call her Agent B--had buyers that could make the deal happen, but Agent B would not return Gina's phone call, so Gina lost the deal.

    Is that correct?

    So then Gina makes the assumption that the reason Agent B did not return Gina's call is that Agent B knew Gina's client, Jenn, had not followed the terms of Jenn's lease, and for that reason, Agent B did not want to work with Gina. Is that an accurate summary of what Gina said?

    (I'm not actually sure Jenn was officially evicted from that rental--but it seems like landlord did not get paid on time and she moved out. I think Jenn said she was in that house for four months. Evictions take a while to happen in California, so I think it's more likely she voluntarily moved out when she discovered her ex wasn't paying.)

    If all that is accurate, then I think Gina is making some big assumptions. Maybe Agent B knew the property wasn't right for her clients. Maybe Agent B was working with a different agent. Maybe Agent B didn't want to work with a newbie agent. Who knows!

    I certainly don't think the situation with Jenn helped Gina in starting her career in real estate, but it seems like a big stretch to say Jenn took food off Gina's kids' plates.

    If I'm missing something, please let me know!


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  15. On 7/19/2024 at 8:10 AM, Keywestclubkid said:

    she moved knowing she hadn't been receiving the income didnt know when she would be BUT singed a document saying she WAS receiving it that is intent to defraud ..call it whatever you want but its FRAUD

    I might not have been paying super close attention here, but do we know that JENN signed the lease while KNOWING that she would not be receiving spousal support?

    Based on what I heard, it sounded to me like the ex was paying some portion of the rent directly to the landlord--so perhaps they all signed it?--and she found out a few months later that the ex had stopped making payments, but her dad paid all the back rent and she moved out.

    I don't think Jenn is making great choices, but I'm not super clear on exactly what agreements were made when she moved in.

    Maybe I need to re-watch the scene.


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  16. On 2/25/2024 at 11:04 PM, Surrealist said:

    Oooooooooooo. 😶

    The AnneMarie offers her opinion part has me curious. 

    Some of her best friends are VERY wealthy, apparently.

    16 hours ago, JenE4 said:

    I thought the most shocking reveal of the episode was that Sutton’s alimony of $300,000 per month was after taxes. I’m too lazy to look up tax brackets of the uber elite in California—and,  you know, do math. But let’s just say her alimony is ~$500,000 per month. She could just buy herself a whole new esophagus for $6M a year—first esophageal transplant.

    I thought the reveal was on WWHL, and it was actually ANDY who brought up the $300,000/month, and Sutton just added the information that it was after taxes.

    So it wasn't Sutton AT ALL who brought up the alimony numbers. Sure, she didn't say "I don't want to confirm or deny any specific number," but that doesn't mean she was the one who started the conversation about the number.

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  17. 3 hours ago, hoodooznoodooz said:

    ally kept their hair the same for a very, very long time.

    Dorit’s Memorial Day jumpsuit was so ugly, I looked it up. Chanel indeed actually produced it. I think there are two divisions at Chanel: one is tasteful, elegant, and clever; the other is tacky, bougie, and loud, and the Chanel design team is laughing hysterically any time one of these reality TV cast members wears one from this division. 

    I roll my eyes every time I hear Dorit's intro tagline--"My language is fashion, and I speak it fluently."

    When all I see is her wearing an endless parade of logoed clothing items from high-end fashion houses. None of it ever looks like really high-end fashion, despite the price tags.

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  18. On 2/10/2024 at 6:22 PM, ButterQueen said:

    How does Erika afford a traveling glam squad? 

    I saw a TikTok Bethanny Frankel made, and she said that--at least as far as she knew--Bravo only provided a set amount for hair and makeup for the TH filmings and for reunions--and they may also provide some money for reunion dresses and shoes--but it was never enough to cover the full cost for a great hair or makeup person for the amount of time needed or for the clothes they wanted, so the women would often have to pick up part of the tab.

    I have no idea what the arrangements are now--I wonder if they pick up part of the costs (maybe flight, accommodations, and a portion of the cost) and the HWs pay the rest. I have to think if they were covering the full cost, Kyle would have had a squad there too, and she's one who I think could easily afford to pay the full cost if she wanted to.

    But I agree, I don't know how Erica could even cover part of the cost if she can only afford a few hundred a week for a housekeeper. I'd guess that Bravo covers their expenses and maybe the people she brought did the work for free to get the credit?

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  19. 1 hour ago, ZettaK said:

    Sai also said that he is retired. 

    For some reason, I thought maybe he had started a company and then sold it for a bunch of money, which is why he could be retired now.

    Or maybe he made a bunch of money on Wall Street and then retired, at least for a few years.

    I can't believe she earns enough as a content creator to fund the lifestyle they depict on the show.


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  20. 22 hours ago, Baltimore Betty said:

    So we find out that Pivot has been to Vietnam two other times (obviously prior to being on this show) so for Jessel this is nothing new but it is to the others.  How much would it have been to just buy additional points or use the airline credit card and buy everything on it?

    Taking flights only for the purpose of earning airline status is very much a thing. I've done it several times--including one international trip. It's not just about earning the miles/points. Most programs require a certain number of flights and/or miles flown to achieve the highest status tiers.

    The different airline programs have different methods for earning status, and I'm assuming he must be a member of one that requires a certain number of miles flown to get status--so credit card spend and/or buying points is not enough.

    There are many websites and newsletters targeted precisely at people who want to earn or maintain airline status. I subscribe to a few.

    Maybe Sai and Erin just buy first-class or business-class seats when they fly, so they have no idea what airline status is or the perks that come with status.

    I have status with a couple of airlines, and I love the free checked bags, early boarding, and WAY better customer service I get with my preferred airlines.

    A $900 first-class flight from NY to Vietnam? If it was on an airline I had status, I'd definitely be taking that deal as often as I could get away!


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  21. On 9/27/2023 at 7:03 PM, mbaywife123 said:

    Sometimes you lay back just to rest your eyes and then bam! You wake up an hour or more later.

    This has happened to me.


    And I thought Heather made a really good point--if they thought she was coming right back, and she didn't show up, why didn't they check on her to make sure she was OK???

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