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Tim Thomason

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Posts posted by Tim Thomason

  1. Nora's Daily Victorian newspaper at the beginning had a date of "Monday, October 15, 2018", one day after the (Australian) anniversary of the Departure. Which jibes with Kevin's last appearance, and implies almost a full day for Nora and Matt to confront the physicists and convince them to irradiate her. The newspaper had a headline that said "Financial Markets Hold Steady Despite Fears of Seventh Anniversary Sell-Off."

    So even the stockbrokers knew that it was all a meaningless anniversary (just like the other six, two of which we saw previously). I feel bad for Arturo, who wanted to be with his family, but was stuck in Tasmania (presumably) waiting for his preacher to return with the Saviour and heal the world or something.

  2. And now that I've thought about it, 10 years is too short of a time, based on Kevin Sr's reported age (91). For some reason, I don't think he's 81 in the final season, which would make him 74 when he was still police chief during the Departure. I know Scott Glenn is 76, but I think he's playing younger. My initial assumption was 20 years, which would fit better and make Kevin Sr. 64 during the Departure.

    Although this would set the coda in 2038, making Nora 59 and Kevin 66 (his mother died when he was 9 - which we learned was also when the "President was shot by a crazy man", i.e. 1981). So maybe 15 years is a better compromise.

    Or maybe 10 years is the correct guess, and they goofed by making Kevin Sr. too old.

    • Love 1
  3. Another thing in my "Nora is telling a story" column, is the appearance of Laurie and her "same time, next week" (a callback to their last appearance). I don't think they've been in constant contact week-after-week, but probably close to it. If Nora disappeared for a decade or two, then they probably wouldn't have given us the suggestion that she's been making regular calls to Laurie.

    And I know many of you are saying that Nora just wanted the truth, but the episode seemed to be full of lies (Kevin, the nun, even the joking lies at the wedding from the bride and groom). I think Nora's lesson that she learned was that telling this story to Kevin was a way of reconciliation. He wanted to start over by ignoring all the events that happened during their relationship, and she decided to start over by offering him an explanation  ("I was in another universe!") that belies what they both know to he true: that she avoided Kevin (and more importantly, the rest of civilization) due to her personal issues and inadequacies. 

    • Love 3
  4. I think it was all a beautiful lie at the end. Nora yelled (which we briefly saw) and was set free by the physicists and/or Matt (who was in the comm room) before the irradiation. She then decided to live the rest of her life in Australia.

    If, though, everything Nora said was true, I refuse to believe that that physicist wouldn't have built a "return home" machine before Nora came knocking on his door. In a world of orphans, what kind of monster just sits on the knowledge and technology to restore families and provide answers to two worlds?

    • Love 10
  5. So, Matt was warned that "something" was going to happen at the dock, and he decides to heed this advice and wait on the boat (despite the pressing concern of Kevin), but with a front row seat to all the potential mayhem and not a word of it to the Captain or his friends. I guess that's his new outlook after his convo with God.

    And, relatedly, since he saw the "blasphemer" (and also murderer) get divine retribution in the form of a lion attack, shouldn't that restore some of his previously lost faith? Surely, Michael and maybe John might be more in awe of Matt's preacher skills now.

    • Love 2
  6. I'm thinking some type of terrorist thing happened, either in Australia or just internationally but still a big enough deal to ground all flights. Good idea, what with the "world ending" and all to keep an eye on these folks as the 14th/15th arrives. Although the various tourism boards and businesses and airlines must be very upset at this development.

    Maybe the guy who burned himself was lying (to himself?) about his answer and was upset about losing his chance and hypothetically killing a baby (and immediately running into a person who had the correct answer).

    I guess the physicists view themselves as good guys, and use the question to make sure that only "good people" (as determined by their question) make it to the other side.

    • Love 1
  7. 8 hours ago, oakville said:

    I would have preferred a show modeled on the BBC Survivors where ordinary people try to recover from a massive virus that kills 99% of the population. There were villains, but not over the top ones like Negan or the Governor.

    I think the show could be subject to protests if they had a a gay  Muslim  character . The Muslim religion does not approve of homosexuality.

    Tyrant on FX had a gay Muslim character (I only saw the first season). It's not unheard of in modern American television. The character would be treated (by the most observant, fundamentalist Muslims) as not really Muslim, just like a gay Catholic or gay Mormon or gay Baptist would be treated by the most observant, fundamentalist followers of those faiths.

    The show already has multiple gay characters (Aaron & Eric, Tara & Alisha & Denise), so adding another one (Paul "Jesus" Rovia) is no big deal, and helps tremendously in providing this character with some actual characterization. They were a little ham-handed with the revelation ("... boyfriends..."), but that may have just been Jesus feeling Maggie out to see how she would react. She is a very genuine Southern bible-belt, God-fearing woman afterall.


    Anywho, I'm 99% sure that was Norman Reedus in the final scene, and they were definitely telling us that Daryl was planning on hightailing it to the Factory to rescue Rosita and/or Sasha. But they kept it vague for a reason. Like early Michonne, Reedus (or a lookalike stunt double) may just be standing in and next ep (or the one after that or after that, with their crazy alternating storylines) will open up with Dwight's actor in the same pose, and no explanation. Or maybe they were dropping all the hints about it being Daryl just so that we'd be surprised when it actually was Daryl (a classic "no-twist" twist).

    Sasha could easily survive and spend some time in the Hole or near-death before being dispatched somehow (or even, unlikely, rescued). Would Negan or anyone not named Eugene even recognize her as an Alexandrian? Rosita he would know, because he gave her that scar and nearly killed him a few days back, I guess. Eugene's actions next (or next-next) episode will tell us whether he's truly Negan or is attempting (or believes himself to be attempting) a long con. I think he panicked during the rescue attempt when he realized that all options lead to almost certain death for him or his (former) friends.

    • Love 2
  8. As I understood it, this was supposed to be a "10 hour miniseries event", so I assumed that it'd be a self-contained story with maybe a final hook in case of a second season. Like the original movie. I was wrong.

    2 hours ago, Camera One said:

    I really like Jane, so I don't mind that she's Dorothy's mother, but it came out of the blue with nothing we've seen that supports it.  The Wizard could use that machine to send his "men" precisely to where Karen could be found?  How would the men get back to Oz to tell him the deed was done?  How would Lucas have known how to operate that machine to get to Kansas if Jane was a prisoner?

    I'm assuming that the Wizard sent his men on a suicide mission, probably lying to them about his ability to bring them back, and probably with the instruction to kill Dorothy as well. Then again, maybe the twister that took Dorothy was sent by West or even Glinda (or her acolytes?) or perhaps Jane's machine had a retrieval function of some sort.

    Jane's supernatural steampunk abilities need to be explained. I mean, maybe she's an unknown Ozian (or Evian) in the first place, since she apparently built the first machine in the '90s as well that sent them there.

    I also assume that West or Glinda or Ozma sent Lucas and Toto to retrieve Dorothy from Kansas. Probably because only her mystical ability to harm everyone she comes in contact with is the only way to stop the invulnerable Beast Forever.

    2 hours ago, Camera One said:

    Why did Ev's soldiers let the Wizard go?  Did he promise to send the rock people away?  And why was the one in Emerald City just standing there?  Why did Dorothy go to Ev?  What exactly was her plan considering she hardly communicated any of her intentions to Glinda during their tete-a-tete of pointlessness and further misunderstanding.

    There were multiple statues. Dorothy only took one with her to meet the Wizard in Ev. She left the one that the Wizard had left out of the Witches' temple as a warning. Dorothy still maintained control over all the statues, I gather, and when Sylvie destroyed the nearby one, she took control over the warning statue and had it smash the temple and the altar room, thereby (likely) destroying the magical essences of many of the witches from before. Previous episodes showed how important this was to witches well-being, and it was likely a spiritually painful and morally shattering event to all witches.

    Dorothy's 'plan' was to bring back the rock people to force peace on everyone (like before) and then force the Wizard and her to return to Kansas and leave Oz forever. The Evians were presumably convinced enough by the stone man and I assume the Wizard's eloquent tongue. I'm thankful enough that they didn't show us that, as it gave us more time for the show.

    2 hours ago, Camera One said:

    Meanwhile, Glinda had no info about West and all the black clothing witches' whereabouts when she marched off to Ev to not-kill the Wizard?  They've done a really bad job with Glinda in the sense that she has shown zero human emotions.  Even the Wizard was allowed to show his vulnerabilities, but she has to be a cold hearted witch with no soul just because she was too good and boring in the books?  She seemed like a maniacal wannabe dictator.

    Does West and Glinda not know about the flayed man?  Why did West leave him there when she freed the other witches?  

    Glinda probably used magic (a wizard-did it defence works for this show!) to conjure the general location of the Wizard and his friends, and wasn't looking or even sensing West's presence at that time (maybe she can sense the black-clothed witches, but not by location, and just continues to feel their presence even when they were locked up in the Abject Prison). I think they know all about the flayed Beast, even Glinda acknowledges to the Wizard that "witches are not the Beast Forever, you fool". West kept him confined mystically in the Prison even when she freed everyone else. He was only freed because Dorothy showed up and used East's gauntlets to let him out.

    2 hours ago, Camera One said:

    I didn't find Tip's banishment sentence very convincingly spoken. She lacked authority.  So much for payoff of all the characters meeting up and her seeing Jack again.  The Eamon stuff was very undeveloped.

    They can't seriously expect us to feel any connection now between Dorothy and Lucas after what happened last episode.

    The fact that there was so little planning for actual payoff over the course of this season makes me wary of another season.  The show was beautifully filmed and I really enjoyed the location shots and costumes, but the story and characters lacked heart (and brains too).

    That was one crazy afternoon for the common folk in the Emerald City. I know Ozma has all the powers of the Wicked Witch of the East (except for the gauntlets? Where does Dorothy's power come from? Is she sharing hers with Ozma, and is that why they need her back so bad?), but the memory spell threw me for a loop. I mean, I guess it's the same thing that Glinda did to Lucas (but more specialized), but I don't get that Ozma would be so powerful to know how and that she could do this. One of the other witches or better yet, West, should've done this at her behest.

    My hope for an unlikely second season would be one that is intricately plotted out ahead of time (with no revisions after they start the first episode!). And close the book on the series. And bring us the Shaggy Man in some form or another.

    • Love 1
  9. Say what you will about Eugene, he consistently proved that he was the smartest man in the room in pretty much every scene in the episode. I've always been annoyed by the trope of people's pride or courage getting in the way of an easy out with simple phrases like "I am Negan" here (and seen in the earlier episodes with Daryl). Having Eugene instantly, and enthusiastically, skip the lengthy brainwashing was hilarious and greatly subverted expectations (although it is in character, of course). I just hope that it's another one of his famous lies, and Eugene hasn't actively changed loyalties.

    The pill scenes were a little hard-to-swallow (npi), but I think he made the right call. He keeps the pills for a rainy day, but doesn't contribute to either a suicide or a potentially botched murder attempt. Both of which would almost certainly be pinned on him, Mr. Jack of All Trades new arrival. We actually saw him making the pills, so we know he was completely with the wives up until perhaps the point that the good Doctor met his grisly end.

    Right now, all that Eugene has done is smelted some Zombies to a fence. We'll see what happens when he's ordered to construct something to negatively attack Alexandria (or anyone, I suppose). Will his survival instinct, like Dwight's, come at the cost of other people? Even those (previously?) close to him? I mean, Eugene was there when his closest friend Abraham got his head bashed in by Negan. I can't imagine that (despite what he says about the 30 or so friends of Negan) he would hold anything but the deepest of disdain and hatred for Negan.

    This episode was good (imo), and fairly hilarious at points (Easy Street, locking the door), that I find it one of the more enjoyable eps this season. Unless my assessment of Eugene's inner thoughts is incorrect. Then my opinion of the episode will sour quite a bit.

    • Love 21
  10. Wizard: "Do you have the guns ready?"

    Captain of the Guards: "Yes, we do. Here, let us give you a demonstration."

    I can only imagine that the Wizard expected to arrive early, to oversee (with his troops), and perhaps assist with the final construction of the rifles. Langwidere in her grief and determination, stepped up production to finish before he arrived. Things look bleak for the Wizard (as if he'd die), but maybe Jane will somehow be the key to his survival. Or maybe Jack, who doesn't know the full story here, will somehow save the Wizard in return for helping to find Tip or something.

    I have to believe that at some point we'll have Dorothy, Lucas, Jack, and Eamonn all as a group. Although I guess they won't be taking out West at the behest of Glinda or the Wizard anytime soon. Maybe Ozma will take over the position as Cardinal Witch of the West, now that Dorothy appears to have East's gauntlets and there may or may not be an opening on that point of the compass.

  11. 18 hours ago, cmfran said:

    I'm used to suspending my sense of disbelief with this show, but this ep pushed it. Not sure how much I'll be able to take of the woman with the Die Antwoord hair and her followers.

    I know AMC will ride the TWD train as far as they can as long as the ratings are good, but what happens after Negan/The Saviors are gone? Another big bad to take his/their place? That seems to be the formula.

    And I agree - a little insight into what really caused the ZA would be good. I hoped FTWD would do a good job of that since TWD didn't, but no.

    Washington, DC does seem like a place that would attract visitors (even if the government has abandoned it and is hiding out far away from there). I could understand northwest Georgia being particularly barren, but the DC metro is a safe bet for the more stable wanderers to head off to restart civilization (or hang out in the White House or whatever).

    So, I imagine the Saviors headed off there for this reason. And Alexandria has been there since the beginning (a gated community with a congresswoman and her neighbors), and the other survivors are natives (Hilltop) or maybe wanderers who've arrived over the last couple years (Kingdom), but they all seem to be known to Aaron. Oceanside and the Scavengers almost certainly stay off the main roads and I could see them overlooked by staying in their very secluded areas. (Oceanside having been a community that went into hiding recently after an attack by the Saviors).

    But, yeah, if zombies are as easy to deal with as they seem to be now, there should be more and more fresh groups wandering in all the time. The Saviors might keep some of the smarter ones at bay, but the sheer amount should be taking the pressure off of Rick and Ezekiel and Gregory. It's a freaking War of 1812 scenario. Washington, DC is gone to zombie and bombing, but it doesn't seem to be a nuclear wasteland. If there is no actual government, some military base by now will have geared up and headed straight over there to start one. We *should* be seeing actual planes and helicopters and tanks and stuff riding in from all sorts of would-be pretenders and "saviors" of civilization wanting to make their mark on history.

    But we're not. So either 95% of civilization is destroyed (which doesn't seem to be the case, because why? and there are too many groups concentrated around NW Georgia and DC metro) or the writers have really underestimated the interest that such a place would have. It makes as much sense as people forgetting how speak good.

    • Love 3
  12. There's no way that a group of socially interacting individuals would behave that way after 3 years of (presumed) isolation. I could see one person talking in that manner if they went without talking or socialization for many years, but I assume they'd catch on pretty quick after coming into contact with another individual.

    Even if the rules are that they're not allowed to speak with anyone (even themselves), except in special circumstances like this, I'd still believe they'd talk quite a bit more logical than this. A trash dump seems like a logical place, sorta, to hide from the zombie apocalypse. You could hide your smell from zombies at the onset, most people would instinctively avoid at the onset (and you can recruit, warily, the like-minded survivors that turn up), and as confirmed in the episode, there'd be little reason to leave at first, as much of what you would need would be nearby (food & shelter, at least. Water might be an issue depending on location).

    The only way that any of this makes any sense is if, like Ezekiel, Jadis and her clan are putting on a show for Rick (and presumably other survivors they run across). Maybe to pump up how formidable they are in a Mad Max sorta way. But there is *no* indication of pretense here (we got an explanation from Ezekiel right away, and Jesus acknowledged first thing that his name is Paul).


    Daryl should've stayed with Carol. He doesn't have to sleep with her or whatever (get your minds out of the gutter), as I'm sure there's room on that couch and she could probably benefit from a watch system at night. She might be Superwoman and all, but she's not that perfect. Plus, Daryl can protect her from half-baked false flag operations. And here's a conversation for you, writers:

    Carol: "Is everybody okay? Did the Saviors hurt anyone?"
    Daryl: "I'm not going to lie. It's still Hell out there. I've been through things. We all have. But Alexandria's still up. Rick's still in charge. There's an agreement with the Saviors, but it won't end well. We've lost some, we've gained some. But you know all that already. I'll tell you more if ya want. But the past is past."

    So, Daryl's going to the Hilltop now. After that, I assume he'll continue his tour of the Washington, DC metro area. Maybe Oceanside to convince them to give up their guns, and then the trash heap to engage in one-on-one conversations with their leader and impress us all with his innate speaking ability.

    • Love 5
  13. "People don't revolt when they're scared. Only when they're angry."

    Really, Wizard, that's your takeaway? I believe it was Yoda who said that Fear leads to Anger. They might not be willing or able to revolt when you held their daughters as hostage, but your King Herod routine shouldn't really net you any new supporters. Now that their daughters are back, and you started both a proverbial and literal witch hunt, things may not end up so rosy in the Emerald City.

    I feel these actions in particular may make things not end very well for the Wizard. He won't be flying away in a hot-air balloon when all is said and done.

    • Love 1
  14. Battery-making is also something that can be learned by laymen. Something about Oz gave at least these two "normals" (Frank and Jane) abnormal abilities to manifest clockwork people (Jane) or flying monkey drones (Frank, unless he was just relying on Glinda's orphans to make those). I believe the show when it says that magic can only be practiced by those bred for it, but it's still something 'natural' that can be utilized by those with some scientific background.

    The story of how Frank went from being a practical prisoner of the Munja'Kins awaiting East's arrival to overthrowing their King and using "science" to destroy all witches and maintain a puppet state is still one of the show's biggest mysteries. We have A and C, but no idea what B is made of. I gather that Nahara and her probable control over the rock creatures is involved, but how he gained control over her in the first place is up to question.

    And the line from Jane was something akin to "East would rather have us dead, but says we must leave to banish the coming Beast." This indicates, to me, that execution of any of the 'interlopers' would doom Oz (and Ev) to destruction by the Beast Forever. The Cardinals may have survived previous encounters, barely, enough to know that the return of any interlopers is the only way to placate the Beast. Killing the Wizard was never an option. Only banishment was (did he send Dorothy in his stead? What of Jane?).

    I expect we'll see more flashbacks to the magical events of the late 1990s.

    And, also, I don't think it ever occurred to Frank to manufacture bullets and guns. Partially because he may not have known more about it than basic chemical composition, and perhaps because that would be making a weapon that the locals could use to overthrow him one day.

    • Love 4
  15. I have no problem with the idea that the Old West might get back into fashion again. But it kind of boggles the mind for it to be a fad for 30+ years. Probably Westworld is stuck with the layout and are artificially pushing the Wild West idea for monetary gain. People growing tired of playing Cowboy are most likely the cause of some financial hardship for the company.

    • Love 1
  16. Yeah, instead of these multiple "Wow, are you a robot?" scenes, we should see more scenes like "Oh great, another robot I can have sex with, just like my bedwarmer at home and the fella at the supermarket. Is that all this park is? I could've spent that $40,000 on a new jacket!"

    I mean, even if Westworld was the pinnacle of android technology, they've been in business for 30+ years. At least the early models (the ones young CGI Hopkins was making with his suicidal friend) should have been leaked or at the very least sold to the general public. President Hoover 2090 should be promising a chicken in every pot, a car in every garage, and a host in every home. And more robots means more-than-likely dealing with the issues of intelligence and consciousness and memories. I'm willing to give a pass to the show, assuming Westworld and the Delos Corporation have perfected Androids to a great degree compared to those outside the park, but I find it hard-to-believe there aren't Professors in Future Sweden or something with their own AI-programmed androids experimenting with self-awareness.

    • Love 5
  17. That family that Dolores met mentioned something about "not going across the river." Since I don't think there's anything dangerous to humans there, I assume he's referencing the town and all the explicit behavior there.

    Presumably there's a family-friendly zone on the one side of the river. Maybe it's cheaper or more adjacent to HQ (maybe only allowing day trips and no overnight stays?). That kid seemed surprised at Dolores being a humanoid robot, suggesting that he wasn't dealing with them on a constant basis.


    There are 100-plus narratives going on in the park, but I think only some of them are week-long or longer narratives, while a few repeat themselves day-after-day. Dolores and Teddy seem to be on a day-long narrative, the equivalent of minor NPCs you might run into on an RPG. Those two might be pulled out every evening, cleaned up, and placed back to repeat the story. Others, like perhaps some of the saloon robots (outside of their interactions with Teddy), might be held out longer, the better to service the guests who come a courtin'.

    There is an element of immersion, but I think all the guests are probably well-prepared and told what to expect, and are under no illusion (outside of that kid) that they are dealing almost solely with robots. There are 1400 guests in the park at any time, which implies way more territory than that one podunk town we saw.

    But then they also mentioned 200 robots being 10% of the total count. 2000 robots for 1400 guests doesn't give a very good ratio. I imagine the town itself has a higher robot-to-guest ratio, but what are other parts like? My hypothetical kids zone apparently doesn't have very many robots (maybe no human ones at all, and maybe animals weren't counted), but I'd be annoyed if I payed my $5000 and didn't get to the big robot area of the park.

    • Love 3
  18. I don't think Ed Harris's "Man in Black" is playing Yul Brynner's Gunslinger. That role seems to be Dolores, the oldest host in the park (perhaps older than Bill?), who's final shot fly-killing proves that she's ascended her programming. While the Man in Black will be uncovering some sort of conspiracy or something, she will lead the revolution against the newcomers.

    I'm wondering how these robots work. Are the physical degradations (rape, gunshots) cleaned up every night during "sleep"? What about the Man in Black and his victim? I suppose that cliff may have been out of range or something. He was up there overnight, and they were notably missing the dealer during the saloon robbery.

    They mentioned not having a major incident in over 30 years (around the time of the park's opening). I wonder if that's a veiled reference to the movie, or if there's more to that, that will be explored. I imagine so, with all the talks of reverie and memories bringing out the self-awareness.

    I'm not sure why the robots have to be naked while at HQ. That seems like a lot of unnecessary work to have them strip down and presumably re-clothe them for diagnostic work and interviews. Especially since the diagnostics seem to be done via wireless networking with tablets. But it does help nail the point that these are sub-human robots.

    • Love 10
  19. Season 4 of Agents of SHIELD will open up with Phil Coulson summoning Mephisto, or Dormammu, if they need a tie-in, and ridding all the Inhumans (on Earth...) of their powers. Or maybe the Kree will come back (c'mon Captain Mar-Vell!), see how the Inhuman project has gone drastically awry, and seed the planet with a nullifying agent. If they want Daisy to keep her powers, then they should just send her (and I guess the Secret Warriors) off-planet for a bit.

    The Inhumans were fun when they were a secret society living in a city in the middle of who-knows-where, all part of an ancient alien agenda that has been forgotten. And maybe even fun as an explanation for a few select individuals who drank some fish oil (covered up in secret, presumably, by the world-at-large). But when they're front page news and President Grim Reaper is making press conferences about them, it's hard to imagine how the next Spider-Man movie, amongst seventeen other future projects, will get away with not bringing them up.

    • Love 2
  20. San Francisco was the setting of the film Ant-Man, so if they were going to establish an alternate spelling, somehow (is Spanish a different language all of a sudden?), then they would've done so there. The spelling of "San Fransisco" occurred in the first line of a newspaper article - with the newspaper prominently headlined "San Francisco Chronicle".

    • Love 1
  21. 1 hour ago, RachelKM said:

    I could be misremembering, but didn't we later learn that Daisy was infected by Hive just before she had the vision? If that's true, she had parasite Hive in her.  I guess it's possible that Hive, by virtue of being part of Daisy, was the one experiencing the contact vision and Daisy, but Hive being a part of her, saw it.  Or, I'm misremembering and/or giving the writing way too much credit. 

    I enjoyed this episode well enough.  This show has long benefited from diminished expectations for me.  Can't say I'm super invested, but I enjoyed it.  That said, I care about exactly one thing, SHOTGUN AXE. See y'all in the fall.

    No, she was shown to be infected at a later point (during the Secret Warriors attack on Hive's base, as we saw in flashback). That was around the point that they incorrectly suspected Hive had infected Lincoln.

    It might be connected with her love for Lincoln or some such nonsense.

  22. I really hope they re-legitimize SHIELD next year (or have, already, within the 6 months timeframe). I doubt they plan on mentioning it in any future movies.

    I don't think that's supposed to be Daisy's new look. I think she was only dressed all gothy so she can remain under the radar, and stand in line within Coulson's view for a few minutes unnoticed.

    Here's the first scene of Season 4:

    RADCLIFFE: "Happy Birthday, Aida! Come on out and give me a big smile!"

    *A shirtless Brett Dalton walks out of the casing*

    RADCLIFFE: "Damn it. I used the wrong genetic template. Oh well, when in Rome..."

  23. On 4/16/2016 at 2:41 AM, natyxg said:

    So I finally watched the whole episode. Okay, show, I get it. The Saviors are scary. But how did they know that Rick and his group were leaving? And where they were going? Maggie's thing was an unexpected emergency.

    There might not be a mole, but the Saviors have already discovered that Rick's group is from Alexandria. So they probably have someone staking it out, and we know they have access to walkie-talkies. And since they've probably figured out that there is some connection between Alexandria and the Hilltop, they almost certainly mapped all the likely routes between Alexandria and the Hilltop and planned their ambush accordingly. They didn't need to know that Maggie was in trouble, just that the Alexandrians were heading toward the Hilltop.

    So they ambush them on the most likely route, and send out their other squads to the other routes. When Eugene gets caught, he probably tells them or somehow infers to them that the rest of the group is heading through the woods and they set up a new ambush there, probably within a short distance of the Hilltop. And then Negan commandeers the RV and drives out there in however many unseen hours passed while they were waiting.

    Of course, if the Alexandrians had never headed out to the Hilltop within a few days, the ambush wouldn't have happened. But I feel that Negan was preparing a Plan B if that's the case. Probably attacking Alexandria itself, or any and all of the scouting parties. Tara and Heath got out before the Saviors knew what hit them (and Daryl, Michonne, and Denise probably when the Saviors were figuring things out or planning their ambush).

  24. Yeah, Tobolowsky's Jack is a multi-millionaire CEO for a reason. I'm 99% sure he never even heard of Aviato before he learned he was to meet with Bachman. It might be fun to see this as an actually well-run (or traditionally-run) company for a minute, before Richard and the gang muck things up somehow.


    I did enjoy Matt McCoy's reappearance (he should be their corporate lawyer, or rather unofficial arbitrator), and Laurie's line about how she was clearly overcome with emotion was the biggest laugh of the night. Other than that, though, the episode wasn't one of their best and not a strong opener at all. I hope that just means that the writers' are saving the bestest stuff for later on in the season.


    The issues that chocolatine brings up do have me scratching my head. I didn't do a rewatch or really have seen any of Season 2 since it first aired, so my memory is fuzzy. I think it probably takes a little more politicking at Hooli to get rid of Gavin, and this episode was about him asserting his dominance and getting a win so that he couldn't be forced out. Perhaps he was expected to resign of his own accord, and that's when he fired the Nucleus team instead.


    Mass layoffs should send the stock plummeting, but I think they "explained it" that the firings were provided by the contract loophole, and earned the company money (since all those employees held shares apparently that went back to the company). I guess the stock was already plummeting, but the dissolvement of Nucleus followed by "streamlining" the employees with bad performance reviews (I think they only terminated 20% of all employees with the contract, the ones who had below average reviews) might be enough to prove to big investors that the ship is being righted and all is good at the company.


    I'm not sure what they're going to do with Big Head over the season. $20 million is a lot, although not a huge sum compared to what some of these other characters own. And he's proven before that he's not good with money, so I expect him to spend most of it in four or five episodes. Maybe just on one big yacht or a small private plane he can't fly.

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