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Everything posted by Ceeg

  1. Does anyone have a link of Haleigh confirming the jury pact? I can't seem to find it.
  2. I think that means he’s voting for game moves/management over actual wins.
  3. Less time for Swaggy is okay in my book.
  4. I really don’t care who wins, I’m just basking in the glow of the reality that I’ll actually like and respect a BB winner for the first time in x years.
  5. This is the best final HOH ever. I’m so happy.
  6. Gotta give ample time for Swaggy C to propose.
  7. After that jury segment I feel like Tyler will win 8-1 at worst.
  8. I wonder if Tyler and Kaycee told JC about Level 6 or if they just told him they’re taking each other.
  9. It’s weird to feel excited about a BB finale. Usually I’m filled with a weird combination of masochistic dread and relief it’ll be over soon.
  10. Ivette was screwed either way. IIRC, the jury (the Nerd Herd part) all agreed that if Ivette had taken Janelle, they wouldn't have voted for her either because it would have shown she had no loyalty. I believe them too because the Nerd Herd/Friendship was like a legit cult.
  11. Tbh, I don't care if the winner is Tyler, Kaycee, or Brett, but I'd like Brett to win just to see Rockstar's head explode. I also really don't want Haleigh to win out of spite. Not because of anything Haleigh has done (I actually do like her and wish she'd aligned with smarter people), but because a lot of her twitter stans are grossly obnoxious on a good day.
  12. We won’t get to see Tyler tell JC he’s taking Kaycee? That sucks.
  13. Ugh JC is the worst. I hope Tyler wins the final HOH so he’s the one to evict JC, and then a rejected JC will have to hear Julie talk about Tyler and Angela falling in love and literally saying the words.
  14. tl;dr Will loves to hear himself talk
  15. Tyler consciously played the game by making thought-out strategic moves. Kaycee played the best social game though, and beasted comps when she had to. And while it might not have been a conscious strategic effort, I don’t think it negates what she did or has accomplished. She made no enemies despite being in a large dominant alliance and winning an HOH (or two) and five straight vetoes But for me, what stands out the most, is the week Bayleigh was evicted. Tyler did everything wrong and Kaycee did everything right, and it makes me wonder if their different reactions to that specific week will be what ends up winning or costing the game for them.
  16. I haven’t voted for anyone to win AFP yet, mostly because Tyler and Kaycee are my two faves and neither can win if they make top 2. I’m truly torn on who’s next in line. I might just give Brett the votes to ensure that Sam doesn’t win, because I don’t think unapologetic misogyny deserves a cash prize
  17. I’ve been a huge Tyler fan since almost Day 1, and I think he’s busted his ass and played the game better than anyone in the house throughout the summer. But somehow for some reason I can’t quite put my finger on, I find myself hoping for a Kaycee win.
  18. Maybe. But Kaycee has won 5 vetos in a row, so she had zero chance of being evicted. Also, I don’t think any of Tyler’s allies would have both the winning ability coupled with loyalty that Kaycee has. Theyre a duo because they’ve stuck together without wavering since Day 1/2, and have both brought different elements and abilities to the game, when coupled together have been virtually unbeatable. If one were evicted, sure they’d find someone else to take the evicted’s place. But it doesn’t diminish what they’ve done and accomplished together.
  19. The coach/MVP argument doesn’t completely make sense though because winning this game depends heavily on jury management. And so far, Kaycee has outplayed Tyler tenfold. Remember when Bayleigh got backdoored by Angela, and Kaycee cried in the geo room because she was upset about it? Meanwhile Tyler said “you’re not getting my vote to stay so go ahead and cancel it”.
  20. This season will probably be ruined for me if JC wins. Which sucks bc I loved this season. But I just can’t with JC. When is the veto comp?
  21. Yep. At this point, Tyler’s secrets might hurt his standing with the remaining HGs, but wouldn’t or shouldn’t negatively affect the jury’s opinion.
  22. I know some of y’all think it’s boring but I feel like it’s kind of exciting right now. The fact that it’s still literally anyone’s game to win. Mostly because I can’t remember the last time this happened. Usually, there’s a very strong front-runner who’s a certain winner if they make it to the finale, with a 2nd obvious option if the 1st gets booted before. There’s no such thing here. It’s really all about who wins the upcoming comps, the jury’s very skewed perception, and the F2 matchup. Obviously, the day-to-day is boring, but it always is when there are less people in the house. This is usually the time I turn off the feeds anyway, simply because there’s entirely too much empty time, and only watch the episodes, whether I have a fave left in the house or not.
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