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  1. Finally found a place where people are talking about my shows! Where to start?! The wife who wouldn’t go into the kitchen was beyond ridiculous! That is just petty and her shopping is outta control! The uncles house episode was good but I thought the design was really bad! That brown! Ugh! Then this couple that had the trash pit in their yard episode! They spent every penny of their money and they still didn’t get the master bedroom? I feel like they could’ve stretched that budget to make it happen (other people they’ve done their whole house). I love Nate and Jeremiah but it’s so ridiculous to me the costs! They are like “ Nobody can stretch a budget like us” then use their homeowners money to get a 12,000 window a window!!!! and 27,000 soap stone in the kitchen! Yikes You could still get great stuff for less then use the money for a bedroom and or yard clean up! 😏
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