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Posts posted by Domoarigato

  1. On 7/12/2019 at 7:44 AM, nodorothyparker said:

    Nancy gave us the detail that she was 12 when Lydia put her to work.  Combine that with the beginning premise that Margaret started when she was 10, and it's starting to paint an ugly picture that a much younger Lydia was dealing in child prostitutes.  We know from last season that Lydia did something years ago involving younger Margaret and Nancy that was bad enough to earn her a flogging.   Child prostitution was definitely a thing then and a fairly lucrative one, but that's probably as close to addressing the subject as a modern TV show in going to get.

    Well, that and when Lydia asked Margaret if she still licked it like a lollipop. 🤢🤮

  2. On 8/3/2019 at 5:31 PM, Scarlett45 said:

    I’ve loved season 1 so much- off go season 2!! Maybe I’ll finally catch up to “real time” soon. 

    P.S. William is a good man-but NOOOOO to a love triangle. 

    Same! Just started watching three days ago after realizing Hulu is now included with Sprint. On to season 2! 

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  3. 13 hours ago, biakbiak said:

    Not having enough evidence only matters in the court of law. Others can weigh the evidence and have their own thoughts about people’s guilt/innocence and culpability.

    They should but using critical thinking isn't the masses strong suit. They'll usually believe whatever slant the media instills and their misleading headlines. At worst will base their decision on race, class, gender, education level, body type, career ambition, and adherence to social norms. The Richard Jewell case exemplifies this and currently has a movie in the making starring the same man that played Tonya Harding's bodyguard in "I, Tonya".

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  4. On 6/16/2019 at 11:30 PM, eliot90000 said:

    None of which excuses hiring a hit man to kneecap Kerrigan with a crowbar.  Harding isn’t trash because she got bad breaks.  She’s trash because she’s a terrible person.  I think this show has been really dishonest about the way it has promoted her.  

    She was convicted of hindering the prosecution of her abusive ex, not for hiring the “hitman”. Oregon prosecutors didn’t have the evidence to prove it or they would have.

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  5. 1 hour ago, Yeah No said:

    Well, to be fair I think there's a big difference between using a cookbook and having your hand held every step of the way.  A cookbook won't tell you to watch your frying pan because your meat is going to burn or that your knife cuts are not uniform.  I don't know if I'm remembering wrong but it does seem like the chefs do more hand holding now than in earlier seasons, which makes me feel that the result isn't as much "theirs and theirs alone" as it should be.

    I think that frantic shouting from the sidelines is more due to the time clock for creating a sense of urgency/excitement for the television viewing audience. If they were granted ample time, say an hour cooking by themselves, and the coaches still watched on closed-circuit TV it would be bore us all to tears. 

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  6. 1 hour ago, Mondrianyone said:

    Until Harding's goons attacked Kerrigan, there would've been no reason to play them against each other.  Harding herself and/or her cohorts handed them the opportunity.

    I've read interviews with Harding (see the link to the Times article I posted above), so I reject the notion that I've been "spoonfed" what to believe by the media.  People who hold views other than the ones you hold aren't necessarily credulous morons.

    Except she said she did it "this time," when she had more help than she did preparing any previous meal on the show.  So how does that make sense, unless it's a sly reference to some other event?  Because she absolutely didn't cook the final meal without help, quite the contrary.

    Media manipulation is rampant in our culture and our willingness to provide fodder for it is no justification. It’s why the “fake news!” Mantra was born.

    I did not refer to anyone as an incredulous moron. I, myself believe OJ and Casey Anthony are both guilty of murder as I watched their trials and they both walked.

    Bottom line is there was no smoking gun to convict Harding on anything more than Hindering the Prosecution. The Prosecution settled with it because their evidence was weak. 

    Tonya was the last red team person standing, which meant she did it “alone.” Coaching from the sidelines is to be expected. You don’t win on the least amount of feedback you require. It’s whose dish the judges would want to eat again. 

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  7. 2 hours ago, luvthepros said:

    I didn't take this comment to mean she was admitting to injuring Kerrigan. I took Tonya's comment to mean she actually cooked this meal. "It was me. I did it" meaning I cooked the meal. Folks on this forum are looking for anything to make Tonya look bad.

    Most of you on this forum hate Tonya and I get that. I'm not on board with the Tonya hate, however. I think she was a victim of circumstances and that is very sad for her.

    Tonya had confidence in her skating skills and the triple axle that Nancy did NOT have. I honestly do not think Tonya thought she needed Nancy injured in order for her (Tonya) to make the team. I don't believe Tonya knew of the attack before it happened.

    Unfortunately, the media played these women against each other in 1994 for ratings and the public staunchly took sides. 25 years later. Not realizing they’ve been spoon fed exactly what to believe all those years ago.

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  8. On 5/27/2019 at 9:58 AM, tinkerbell said:

    I agree.  TOnya Harding pled guilty to the FELONY of hindering prosecution of a crime.   She was given probation.   I HATE that she's on this show, and they keep making jokes about skating, and triple axels, etc. I hate the portrayal of her as a poor misunderstood victim, the attempts at re-branding her as a nice normal person.   Her mother was mean to her?  Sorry, but big freakin' deal.  Adults do not get excused from crimes because their parents were emotionally abusive.  Lots of people had worse childhoods and still refrained from committing felonies.  

    Did some of you miss the part of all the domestic violence she suffered at the hands of her husband? No, the media conveniently left any mitigating circumstances out of the original reports. She hindered the prosecution while still living under his thumb out in the middle of nowhere. The FBI would offer no protection. She still plead guilty and served her penance and shouldn’t be subject to a life in exile. Tonya won the competition fair and square, though I don’t doubt that Ann had a girl crush on her.

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