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Posts posted by goldilocks

  1. On 5/31/2024 at 9:21 PM, ferjy said:

    lol She’s bringing her facial expressions from The Handmaid’s Tale. I had to laugh (groan, actually) when the camera focussed in on her face. That was what we all hated in THT! Does she put it in as a prerequisite in her contracts? She was good in The Shining Girls, but agree that she is miscast in this. She is not at all believable as a spy.


    She’s awful in this. I couldn’t take it and gave up after 2 episodes. 

  2. I don’t mind the big baby. They can’t very well rip a newborn from its mother to put in a TV show. 😛 And after Covid, new mothers are probably reluctant to have their baby handled by a variety of strangers, so the show probably has to take what they can get. Often they use those robotic things. I find those freaky looking. I prefer they use an older real baby. 

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  3. On 5/24/2024 at 2:40 PM, SeanBug said:

    Paramount is actually bragging about how it's LAST SEASON !! 


    This was a great episode! I was glad to see Sister Andrea back, I wasn’t sure if she’d still be in it. I’m another that’s happy to have the show back and echo the disappointment of the wrap up. It can’t end yet! Someone MUST pick it up! 

    • Like 5
  4. 12 hours ago, Sailorgirl26 said:

    The blame for any potential homewrecking in the scenario shown lies with Thomas. And only Thomas. Full stop. 

    I’m not sure I can agree with this. Disregarding the debate about the homewrecker blame over the decades, didn’t Peggy kiss Fortune and was basically heading for an affair, even when she knew he was married?  Only when she actually saw the wife with the baby did Peggy feel any guilt. Sorry, but in my books, that is a homewrecker, despite whether Furtune had blame or not (they both had, in this case as I see it). You can’t absolve the woman just because history has usually blamed the woman and you don’t like that. In this case it is Peggy’s fault too. Although at least she left before it went any further. But what would have happened if she hadn’t seen Mrs. Fortune with the child? Seems to me she would have then had the affair. 

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  5. 4 minutes ago, steph369 said:

    I’m disgusted with the cancer plot. This has to be the quickest a relationship went full circle. Meeting, falling in love, marrying, funeral. All in 5 minutes! At this rate he’ll be gone next episode. 

    They could have at least given us a season of their relationship. I thought Robert Sean Leonard was a great addition to the cast. Now I have to fret each episode that he’ll be gone by the end of it. 🙁

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  6. 1 hour ago, steph369 said:

    I laughed with Pat’s throwaway line… “I have told you, and every time you say… ‘Oh, speaking of an ax, I’ve got a boner.’ “ That’s a man for you. 😉

    And Gaynor’s deduction as to why she’s possessed was great. Yep, all teens are possessed. 🤣

    And the priest’s reply:

    “This is not possession, this is being an American girl.” 😅 (Just sub “teen” for American girl.)

    Then he agrees to exorcise her! The whole sequence was hilarious.

    • Like 3
  7. 40 minutes ago, jenn31 said:

    Getting tired of Gaynor. Do we really need another stroppy teen in a show? Yeah, you know it all, babes. Your brother isn’t your responsibility, stay out of it. 

    I guffawed when the husband was leaving her and both of them called out to each other “You take the kids!” 🤣 As a single mother for 10 years (of teens) I often thought to myself “I wanted custody???” 😁 


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  8. 14 hours ago, ferjy said:

    Guess what, guys? I think I can travel through the stones… I heard the buzzing clear as a bell. Scotland of yore, here I come! 

    🤣 Guess we’re all coming with you then. 


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  9. 40 minutes ago, DoctorAtomic said:

    Why isn't it on tonight? It's seems odd to skip a week.

    I settled in to watch the next episode and discovered it doesn't air until next week. Why didn't you all say something! 😉Or did everyone else do the same? So dissapointing.

    • Sad 1
  10. 21 hours ago, DoctorAtomic said:

    I meant not blaming the show for having to recast of the original wasn't available. That's not their fault. I hope they make a joke about it next week. They did that when Spartacus was recast. 

    I don’t think anyone is blaming them for recasting it’s the execution that was disappointing. 

    • Like 4
  11. 2 hours ago, Noneofyourbusiness said:

    Yes. They didn't call attention to it at the time (though one can spot it if one's looking), but in Season 3 she explains to Bree that her diamond watch was burned up in her first time travel.

    I couldn’t remember either so I looked at the video and she did have a watch on, though you’d have to get a closer look to see any diamonds. But it wasn’t burned up. It showed it several times as she was meandering around, intact and unharmed. 😀 

  12. 16 hours ago, DoctorAtomic said:

    I also like how Simon Fraser is Angus Macfadyen because he was such a character on the show about Washington's spy ring that 9 of us enjoyed a while back on here. 

    And Robert the Bruce in both Braveheart and Robert the Bruce. That was 4 years ago but he’s changed quite a bit since then and I didn’t even recognize him!

    • Like 1
  13. On 6/16/2023 at 10:26 AM, SassAndSnacks said:

    The wigs.  FFS.  Sophie's was horrific and pasted to her head.  It looked like something from a summer camp play. 

    I was more put off by the eyebrows. Can’t they dye them red? Or brush on some reddish makeup? Or paste on red fox fur? Something! No true redhead has black eyebrows. 

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  14. 2 hours ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

    Posting here as it’s more appropriate:

    UGH. I just read what buiks this season will cover! Aye, no’ a typo!🤬🤬 

    It was from the show’s Facebook page and it will cover 6-8! Now that  won’t sacrifice anything! They want to end the series by matching it up to the last one written, apparently. I don’t know how to link those here.

    That’s a lot of details to pack into one season. This is Diana Gabaldon’s books! You can almost have 3 seasons for one book! 

    • LOL 1
  15. 3 hours ago, Night Cheese said:

    Can you elaborate over in the spoilers/book talk thread? Or post the article that you read this in so the rest of us may know if we'd like?

    Oh good. I thought I was losing it because I couldn’t see a link or explanation as to what they were referring to! 

  16. 4 hours ago, aghst said:

    Seemed inevitable that June was going to end up back in Gilead because of Hanna.

    Here we go again. Who was it that wrote last week that their spouse said (paraphrasing), “June escapes, June gets caught. June escapes, June gets caught… “ 😀

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  17. 1 minute ago, steph369 said:

    My reaction wasn’t as complimentary. 😉 I actually put my hands out and looked around the room. It’s like someone was taunting me. I had to look at the clock to make sure. Who even needs a clock, Just go by the zooming in to June’s mug. 

    I wonder if Elizabeth Moss practices those faces in the mirror. 😄

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  18. 22 minutes ago, jenn31 said:

    Fuck with the goddam June closeups! Can these show runners not end an episode any other way?!

    😆I was laughing at that scene because of this post last week:



    STEPH369 SAID:

    And does every episode have to end with her sour face? Whenever there is less than half a minute left, you know the camera is going to start zooming in on her. The camera person must be rolling his eyes each week. 


    When the camera started zooming in with less than a minute left, I immediately thought of this post, and got a major set of the giggles. Steph nailed it. 😆

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  19. 3 minutes ago, Cinnabon said:

    Didn’t Tuello tell her that she was finally a “free woman” when he was trying to convince her not to stay in Gilead? It’s confusing, for sure.

    Tuello told the guards to put Serena in the detention center “for now”, so maybe she is free, even in Canada. Maybe he thought she’d be safer there and it was for her protection temporarily? They are unclear with the information. 

    • Like 2
  20. 24 minutes ago, jenn31 said:

    She should have said she shoots bolts of lightning from her ass… Moss thinks she’s in a Braveheart movie. 

    And fireballs from her eyes. 😉 The writing is really going downhill. 

    • Applause 1
  21. On 9/21/2022 at 9:35 PM, Redrum said:

    I normally like Anne Dowd’s acting, but that was really bad to me. I didn’t feel any emotion at all and she just was so OTT, at least to me.

    On 9/21/2022 at 9:35 PM, Redrum said:

    Also I agree with whoever said that Ann Dowd was overdoing it.

    She can’t fathom how to deliver the pathetic lines. 😀The scenario has become so ridiculous, even Ann Dowd can’t save the show. 


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  22. On 9/21/2022 at 10:52 AM, MichaelaRae said:

    but still wondering why they didn't just keep her to make her a handmaiden later. Y'all are just letting fecund uteri go now?? 

    I was waiting with bated breath during that scene. I was sure they were going to say she can now do her duty as a handmaid producing offspring for the wives, now that she’s proved fruitful and is unmarried.  And of course take away her baby when it’s born. So disappointed. I’d love to see the Gileadeans commenting “Blessed be the fruit” to her as she saunters around in her red robe and white wings. 

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  23. 10 hours ago, crashdown said:

    The showrunners have been very, very clear on that point.

    Not as clear as all that, unless you mean in offscreen material which shouldn’t apply here. They kept strongly implying that Fred was sterile through the series, then bang! He fathers a child. I keep thinking it will eventually be revealed that Serena slept with someone else. So I wouldn’t be surprised if we find out that it really wasn’t his. 

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