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Posts posted by gazebo

  1. I really can't get into the teenagers storylines.  I find the young people to be boring so far.  But what I'm  having problems wrapping my head around is Kayla agreeing to pay for her son's very manipulative girlfriend's college tuition and room and board for her.  I think she'll just find another opportunity  to get herself pregnant again.  By the way did that girl ever finish high school or was she home schooled.  Joey is not very bright.  I think he's going to be used alot.


    I'm getting so tired of the baby drama .  That kid is not yours Chloe.  Give it back to Nicole.  I hope Nicole lawyers up ral soon.

    • Love 3
  2. Poor Kliam looked like Kathryn just kicked him in the balls in that last scene where he sees her in Robert's arms.  Kathryn can't seem to make up her mind between the two brothers.  I think Liam should ju st dump Kathryn. He should just date the girl who is head of King Liam fan club.

    I don't know why but I suddenly miss King Cyrus ridiculous daughters.  They were really entertaining and I need to see those funny royal bimbos.

    • Love 1
  3. I'm rooting for Bonnie and Enzo for a happy ending.  I no longer care about the Salvatore brothers.  I feel like Stefan didn't care enough for Damon to try to pull him out of Cade's control.  I don't know why Stefan can't just use the heavy metal ball and just smash it into the siren's head give Damon some time to escape. Stefan is  like enjoying his ripperNess too  much.  I'm  like watching to the bitter end hoping to find some satisfaction but yet feel I'm  just gonna get painfully disappointed in the end.Maybe Elena will come back and kill off Damon and Stefan.  It would be the most kindness for the vampire brothers.

    • Love 1
  4. Poor Adrienne!   Running away from the hospital is not going to save you from a bad diagnosis but at least she'd be running away from all those crazy men.  My heart goes out to her.  I still hope she picks Lucas.  BTW Bryan Datillo needs a haircut real badly.

    I'm surprised Chad was being so cooperative to Rafe and Shawn and give Stefano's personal correspondence to them.  I wonder why he wasn't more resistant.

    Abby looks like she was bearly holding it together.  I think Jenn should give her more of a push to see Chad.  New Abby is doing fine in this role.  She is so vulnerable and anxious and a bit unpredictable that I wonder if she end up doing something crazy.

    I'm very blah when it comes to the JJ and Gabi pairing.  They do nothing for me.

    • Love 3
  5. I'm rooting for Adrienne to pick Lucas.   I believe Lucas really loves Adrienne and he would always treat her well and in return Adrienne would always love and respect Lucas in ways that none of his other wives respected him.  I kind of know that those two won't be able to get married but I am really hoping against hope that they will get married.  Adrienne should've kicked Justin out and continued with the wedding to Lucas.  As a matter of fact Lucas and Adrienne should've kicked out the whole wedding party and just get married with just the priest.  I want Lucas to be happy for once in his married life.

    • Love 3
  6. Yay, Thirsty is back!  I wondered where our favorite dirty lawyer had disappeared to.  He's a great unforgettable miner character.  I wonder how he will help Becky get her revenge on that cheating, thieving white boy.

    Love that beautiful gold dress Cookie was wearing.  She looked unbelievably sexy like that.

    I still can't get over the fact that it was Andre that masterminded that incredibly vicious hack on Empire.  Very impressive!  I think Andre just got more and more ambitious since Rhonda died.  It's like he's out for revenge.  I also don't understand why he let Nessa know that he was the one behind the hack.  I don't think he should trust her but maybe it's all part of a plan.

  7. To Leftphalange:

    I believe Chad thought of Hope as family because Chad was married to Abigail who have ties to the Hortons.  Isn't Hope a horton? (I could be wrong maybe because I haven't  watch this Show for years and years like other people.)

    What Hope did was wrong in murdering Stefano.  She pretty much deserve the sentence she got.  It would be highly unrealistic for all her family and friends to just nod quietly and file out of the courtroom without expressing anger or outrage at Hope's sentencing.  Everyone knows how evil Stefano DiMera was and that he probably goaded her so much she went crazy and shot him to death.  What Hope did was wrong but I'm sure her friends and family don't care concerning she took out what they feel was a very evil old man.

    • Love 2
  8. I wasn't crazy about this episode.  I don't  understand why that agent kept trying to run away from Gibbs just because she had some stupid dream about him.  It was just too silly.  Robert Wagner looked great but terribly underused in this episode.  Did they mention where Tony Jr. is?  

  9. I think I'm pretty much done with this Show.  Damon killing Tyler is the last straw for me.  Not even the siren's story is interesting enough for me to hold on.  The only bright spot for me was seeing Matt Donovan again.  I really believe Matt will be the one to destroy the sirens.   I no longer care what happens to the rest of the characters though I still hope Steroline will get a happy ending.  

    Thanks, folks!  Goodbye!

  10. They probably all think Andre is paying off the judge.

    Where the hell is Chad anyway?  Shouldn't he be in court to see if his father will get justice?  

    Kate and Eduardo have a nice chemistry.  Eddie seem to really appreciate Kate's intelligence and business know how.  Who knows, he might really be good for her.  Too bad he's been acting kind of shady and super secretive with this new business he and Dario are going into.

    I like how Blanca excuses herself from the table and then deliberately listens in on the conversation between Ed and Dario.  That's  actually the most interesting thing she's done on this Show.  This pretty actress is so wasted on DOOL.

    Nice to see Brandon Beemer back again.  Why they ever fired him from the Show I'll never know.

    • Love 1
  11. New Abigail is not bad.  She really sold me on the edge of hysteria crazy in her scene with Andre when she begged Andre to help her disappear.  I'm not sure why Andre helped her but I'm sure Abigail will live to regret that.  Every time Andre smiles he reminds me of the big bad wolf.  I really like Peng his in this villain role.  He always make my skin crawl.

    Jen Lilley is really acting out in her last days on DOOL.  I think I shall miss Theresa when she finally leaves Salem.

    • Love 7
  12. I've always felt so bad for Dimitry who sacrificed so much and ended up with nothing.  Well at least he did get to live in exile.  I was so happy that they bought his sister to be with him.  The joy on both their faces felt very gratifying to me as it reminded me why Dimitry became a spy for the U.S. government.  This was a bright spot in this otherwise very depressing episode.  I don't know, I still felt that guy should've spoken to the press about being innocent.  I liked seeing him take his mom to the mosque like a good son.

    • Love 7
  13. Mr. Kaplan was just calmly  walking on the road when this vehicle stopped and she got in just like that.  There was no "Where would you like to go, ma'am?".  She just simply climbed in and the vehicle took off.  I think Mr. Kaplan found a way to get in touch with someone who was willing to take her in and probably hide her from Red.

  14. I think the reason why Kirk did not kill Red is because Red told him that Katerina is still alive and he knows where to find her.  Kirk finds out,  releases Red and takes the "Crisper" cure. Kirk takes Dr. Adrian Shaw with him.  We might or might not see Kirk any more in the future.

    All those big freakin' hypodermic needles going into Red's neck made me gag with disgust.

    The two enemies sitting at the same table, both about to die and sharing bittersweet memories about the beautiful Russian spy they both fell in love with was very poignant and absolutely illustrates how they are still in love with her even years later.   I hope we get to finally meet Katarina Rostova in future episodes one day.  I want to see if she is indeed all that.

    I still don't know if indeed that Red is Lizzie's father, but Red seems to think so.  He looks like a proud grandpa holding baby Agnes in his arms.  Lizzie seems to have forgiven him and even embraced him.  Seemed a great day in Reddington's world.

    So the creepy hermit in the forrest actually became a friend to Mr. Kaplan.  He decided to set her free instead of forcibly making her stay with him.  I really didn't see that coming at all!  I like the oddly domestic scene of Mr. Kaplan making stew on the stove and then having a nice meal with the hermit at the table where she tells him her story.  When she finally left the hermit, I think the hermit was cool with that.  I think Mr. Kaplan is going to come back as Red's biggest enemy next year.  I can't wait to see Red's comeuppance!

    This wasn't a great season.  Alot of episodes I found were too lacking or unbelievable and I hated what Red did to Mr. Kaplan.  But I think this episode was really good and I was very satisfied with how everything ended.

  15. I'm so annoyed at Chloe for not telling Nicole that her baby that she's carrying is Nicole's.  Nicole has the right to know.  I know Chloe hates Deimos but she should've let Nicole know.  Chloe should have said something like "before you leave with Deimos I want to have a private word with you....." 

    Nicole is the ultimate loser in all of this.  It's just so unfair.

    • Love 3
  16. The actress who plays Chloe is actually pregnant in real life.  So I guess they wrote her pregnancy in.  I agree that this storyline is clumsily written.  I wonder how they will resolve this.  I'm hoping against hope that Nicole will finally leave that selfish snake Deimos forever.

    I can't believe Mean Old Vic couldn't help Theresa to get away from that bad guy.  Victor who has so many shady dealings with all kind of underworld characters suddenly couldn't help her?

    I'm going to miss Theresa.  She sure lives life precariously.

    • Love 1
  17. I was surprised that that delusional young woman agreed to go to that facility Dr. Phil suggested at the end of the Show.  Did she really understand what Dr. Phil said about the damage to her brain from drugs which may have made her go delusional?   I'm wondering whether she agreed to go to this facility just to get away from her family and her life where she can have her baby Jesus in peace.

    This Show made me depressed.  Dr. Phil probably ask Robin to fix him a strong drink after the Show was over.

    • Love 1
  18. I was actually imagining today's audience trying their very best not to snicker and laugh listening to that deeply mentally ill woman saying that she's pregnant with Jesus.  I can't tell if this woman is really crazy or she's pretending to be crazy.  I felt like throwing something at her.

    I gotta stop watching Dr. Phil so often.  The Show is starting to make me hate people.

    • Love 6
  19. How come Orpheus was able to get that big thug Laszlo to work with him.  Where the heck did that guy come from?

    GG's best acting to date has to be his hair styled the ancient Rome way.  I thought he looked cute.

    Hope's Cleopatra costume looked very cheap and thrown together.

    I see Andre finally got his revenge.  Hope should never have admit to anything.

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