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Posts posted by Tiger

  1. On 5/3/2017 at 8:22 PM, ItCouldBeWorse said:

    I think they just filmed this episode early in her pregnancy. It seemed to be her when she was walking in her swimsuit out of the pool.

    I'm pretty sure Mixon had a baby in March, so either this was filmed much earlier in the season or they literally just shot it.  

    The jacket story could have cringeworthy, but I like that Bader just went for it.

    ETA: per Mixon's twitter, they filmed this ep in Dec when she was five months pregnant, and she still has 2.5 weeks to go.

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  2. 14 hours ago, MisterGlass said:

    And Victoria Hand.  And Eric Koenig.  And Dr. Garner.  And now Mace.  The only person that I can think of who had a happy ending was Crazy Cal, and that's because they Tahiti'd him.  Maybe the Framework is the happiest ending Mack could get.

    For me, it's not about a character getting a "happy" ending; it's about a character getting an ending with at least some degree of finality and closure.  

    I think Ward finally got that via Framework!Ward two episodes ago.  But Tripp and Mack's stories still feel so unfinished.  

    • Love 4
  3. 13 hours ago, theatremouse said:

    I'm 90% sure the building housing the set was torn down at Universal after they wrapped, so they were going to get a new set no matter the plot point if they were renewed.

    I thought they filmed inside an actual former/now closed big box store.

    If it was just sets on the Universal lot, I wonder why they tore it down after the season.  

    • Love 1
  4. 27 minutes ago, scarynikki12 said:

    The look Sandra gave Carol when she shut the door on her was amazing. 

    I'm looking forward to everything they set-up for season three, especially Sandra vs. Carol!

    39 minutes ago, Skyfall said:

    Thank you...Allah?

    SOMEONE was looking out... *glares up*

    Also I felt like this was set up as a potential series finale but if they got renewed as a way to get a new/updated store set and the joke will be they were long due but corporate never ponied up for a remodel.

    There was an episode earlier this season where Dina and Mateo were showing off pictures of a remodeld store.

    45 minutes ago, ally862 said:

    The tornado was definitely terrifying and I loved Amy and Jonah.   Especially him after, trying to stop her from saying anything .  He's so sweet.

    I really liked the way Amy looked at Jonah as he walked away towards Mateo & Marcus.

    • Love 5
  5. 1 hour ago, TVSpectator said:

    Didn't the show already wrap up filming which means we are stuck with whatever ending that the Whedons wrote for this season?


    As with what will happen next season, I have heard that Jed Whedon talking about that he [b}is[/b] planning on a 5th Season but that was like way back in March and/or February. Which is really no indication if this show is going to be renewed or canceled. I figure that Marvel TV will also factor in here, although, I have heard that Agent Carter's cancellation was solely on ABC and that Jeff Loeb was upset that it did get canceled, but that ABC said that the decision was purely base on the ratings of the show and nothing more. 

    ABC also wanted Atwell in a female-led procedural, which they thought would be a winning ticket.  Obviously that was a huge failure.

  6. 21 hours ago, cappoe said:

    Actually the creator of Shield said that if this is the last season it actually ends at a good point. I also have a hard time with the comparison between OUAT and Quantico or Shield.

    It got a 0.9 last episode and who knows what the musical episode will get. Meanwhile Shield fights for a 0.7 and Quantico is abysmal. 

    I have a hard time believing that.

    Jed & Mo are on record that AoS ends the season with several cliffhangers.  

  7. Everytime I think this arc is going to zig, it doesnt zag but does something else I never anticipated. I was convinced that either Fitzler would replace Fitz, or it'd be a Jekyll & Hyde scenario.  I never imagined that all of them would retain their framework memories/experiences/lives and as Mo and Jed said essentially have "two lifetimes".  

    I really hope the denouement of this arc is Mack showing up with his shotgun!axe and ending Aida.  But who the hell knows.  Whatever happens, I'm sure it'll kick-ass. 

    • Love 1
  8. For the seventh episode in a row, AoS retained 100% of its total viewer and all demo numbers from start to finish.  It's uncanny for any show to that, except for rare marvel's like This Is Us that grow during the hour, and it's astonishing for any 10pm show to do so.  

    • Love 2
  9. 10 hours ago, KingOfHearts said:

    Your wish is my command.

    The highlights of S6 in three sentences:

    Captain Swan wedding. Lady Tremaine. Zelena hitting Rumple's mother with a car.

    Glinda has it? Oh wait, that's the Oz edition. I need to keep my recycled plots straight.

    That link takes me to a page to log-into / sign-up-for Tumblr.

    But yeah Jessy Schram as Cinderella, the Tremaine actress as Tremaine, Karen David, Oded Fehr (note: NOT their characters, which is on the writers not them), Joanna Garcia as Ariel, and Zelena mowing down Black have been the only good parts of this season for me.

    • Love 2
  10. 2 hours ago, Rumsy4 said:

    I wish Ariel was Hook's Best Person. And Nemo officiated the ceremony. And Liam 2.0 was invited to the wedding. Or that Ursula and Poseidon showed up. Or Blackbeard crashed the wedding, demanding he be given the Jolly Roger. I really hate that Hook doesn't get to have a support/frenemy circle with him that doesn't involve Emma's relations. 

    There are ao many guests that should be there supporting Emma and Hook that won't be, and no offense to those actors but theyre not exactly big names that would be cost prohibitive.  

    Ernie Hudson may have been prohibited because he's on contract with FOX's APB, and it's possible some of them were busy with pilots or other projects.  

    What they could have done, at the be ve tumblr least, is do what other shows have done in similar situations and show the character from the back talking to Hook, whoever with it being 'this is Ariel, but Joanna is unavailable so we can't show the face'.

    The point is, those people should be there.

    • Love 4
  11. Zelena mowing down Black was hysterical.  I may or may not have re-wound and watch it 12 times.  And I'm still chuckling about it.  

    Black's backstory, and all the retcons, didnt make a lick of sense.   

    • Love 9
  12. 22 minutes ago, Driad said:

    PBS recently aired a documentary "Against All Odds: The Fight for a Black Middle Class."  It got me thinking that in most of the TV shows about black folks, they are either poor or rich.  (The family in Black-ish is rich by my standards; if they are short of money it is because they wasted it on sneakers and takeout food.)  Trying to think of a show about a middle class black family.  Are middle class people considered less interesting?

    The family on NBC's The Carmichael Show is relatively middle class.  I believe it's coming back for a third season this summer.

    • Love 2
  13. If the show really wanted to be bold, it'd have Fitzler take over Fitz's body permanantly with the man who existed before literally erased.  

    It'd be akin to Illyria taking over Fred's body on Angel, but with a bigger emotional punch since Fitzler is also Fitz but not really. 

    • Love 4
  14. I would have loved this episodes if Dre hadnt been in them.  His behavior towards Junior AND Bow is atrocious and deeply unfunny.  

    That said, the presence of Anna Deveare Smith as D'Alicia made me like Johan!  I would gladly watch a spinoff with Anna, Beau, Rashida, the dude playing Johan, and Maya as the Rudolph as the other/third sister.  

    • Love 2
  15. 5 hours ago, TVSpectator said:

    Still though, aren't the movies and TV shows listed in different departments with different budgets and just because one does good doesn't necessary mean that the other department is going to reap their profits, per se? Also, that would be totally unfair for just about any other TV that has to live and die by ratings. If this is true then AoS has an unfair advantage over other TV shows, and even the other Marvel TV shows like Agent Carter and the Netflix shows, and also something that has never happen before in TV. 

    Still, if this is true I would imagine that any decision to cancel this show would be a business decision at the end of the day. Why would Marvel TV and/or the movie side support a TV show that pulls very low numbers and is "bleeding" viewers and ad money? It is possible for this show to get renewed but at this point, I would imagine that any 5th Season is going to be very short and the final season.  Marvel TV has more shows in the line-up like New Warriors, Runaways, Cloak & Dagger, and the Inhumans all coming out within the next year or so. Not to mentioned that the Defenders and The Punisher are scheduled to come out on Netflix this year alone. Plus there are still those rumors about a possible Blade, Ghost Rider, and Moonknight Netflix series. 

    Personally, I wonder if they were just saving the best CGI until sweep week to get higher ratings. Ironically, some of their sweep week (which TV has at least a few per year and is usually schedule around the holidays- also when big blockbusters usually do come out as well) does correspond to when some of the movies are released. 


    Hollywood frequently engages in, ahem, creative accounting.

    And I think your focusing way too much on the live + same day U.S. ratings.  For example, the reason The Big Bang Theory is a huge success isn't because it's been the # 1 comedy with huge first and repeat numbers on CBS.  It's a huge success because it has made its production studio and distributors a shit ton of money in syndication, off-network, and international sales.  AoS landed these deals after only three seasons/66 episodes.  

    Hell, Quantico is still in consideration for renewal despite its awful ratings on ABC solely because its making bags of money in international sales for ABC Studios.  

  16. 14 hours ago, Shanna Marie said:

    I think the "prettier" line was to tie it into the original fairy tale and to hide the real story that they were trying to build up to. I never really got the impression that Snow was sincere about it. She said it kind of snarkily. It would have ruined the "surprise" of "The Stable Boy" if we'd known all along the reason, but Snow would have known the reason. Or would she? She didn't learn until later -- the apple, wasn't it? -- that Daniel had died and that Regina held her responsible. When Regina sent her with Graham to murder her and Snow wrote her apology note, I don't think she knew the real reason, so she still wouldn't have in "Snow Falls." When was it that she said it was because she ruined Regina's life and admitted that she did? It's all blurring. Anyway, I think the line was mostly the writers being "clever" with the callback to the fairy tale and not wanting to give away the real reason, so they had Snow say something that was actually insincere but that we wouldn't know was insincere because we'd accept it from the fairy tale. It was probably meant to be more evidence of what a terrible brat Snow was.

    While they needed something with more depth than 'im prettier than her', it didnt matter whether the Daniel reveal had been episode 2 or 22 as its completely fucking ridiculous that Gina blamed Snow in the firat place for what CORA did.  Snow was a child who was manipulated by Cora.  Also, Cora actually killed him.  Gina blamed the wrong person.

    • Love 3
  17. 20 minutes ago, Mrs Shibbles said:

    Ugh, I think rewatching E.R. has ruined this show for me. So much eye rolling. 

    Dr Charles snooping on his daughter's treatment  is extremely inappropriate and a huge liability for the hospital.

    As I've posted before, this show desperatly wants to be the next ER but totally fails at both the single episode procedural aspect and the episode-to-episode character building aspect.

    The Robin is crazy story, Noah in general, and Nat/Halstead just arent working, yet those are the horses its riding for the finale and into next season.  

    • Love 6
  18. I really liked Myrtle thinking Bo was a butch lesbian, Garrett doing announcements, and Sandra finding some bit of happiness.

    But I hated Jeff's ranting at Mateo (and I hate Mateo, sheesh), Dina making every little thing all about her particularly the photoshoot, and Adam/Amy/Jonah/gf being beyond awkward as fuck.  I'm glad they advanced that story, and some degree of awkwardness was necessary, but that was way over the top to the point of being extremely uncomfortable to watch.  

    I think the problem with this episode and with the show at times is the writers AND actors dial things up to eleventy when a four would suffice.  

  19. 13 hours ago, TVSpectator said:

    I do want there to be Chhthon showing up during this show's run now that they have the Darkhold. Someone or something has to know something about something/something since it was mentioned (really early on in this season) that Fury somehow knew that this book even existed but couldn't find it.  But maybe AoS screw it up and put Mephisto or even Dormammu as the "Demon of the Darkhold" instead of actually doing it proper source material justice? I mean after all they tied the Darkhold into Robbie's Ghost Rider origins story without even introducing Mephisto. And they made Robbie a full fledge Ghost Rider where in the comics he was just an honorary member who was possessed by his dead, and totally more evil and depraved than this show ever made him out to be, Satanic Uncle Eli

    Also, I still place this show as a toss-up between renewal and cancellation. I mean this show has to be expensive to make since they are bringing in actors like Power Boothe, John Hannah, and David O'Hara and I doubt that John Hannah would do a Season + pro bono work- there has to be some kind of wage for that guy's work on this show, by now. Not to mentioned all the CGI work that needs to be done, etc...

    I wouldnt be surprised if they did use a minor character like that as IIRC, Mephisto, Dormammu, the N'Gari, and the other more well-known demonic characters were all on that list of characters that were included in the Spiderman, FF, and X packages that Sony and Fox bought years ago.

  20. 2 hours ago, Raja said:

    I think money was almost no object this season as the plan was to go out with a blaze of glory. Thus all the money on Ghost Rider's skull  and the return of past cast members for a final showdown with SHIELD's eternal enemy Hydra. If ABC decides to let it continue then fine as far as the Whedon's are concerned.

    Though it's never been confirmed, it's been widely rumoured that production costs for five seasons of the show was included in the budget for the first Avengers movie.  Also, the international and off-network sales and ratings have been strong.

    Heck, compare it to its timeslot competitor Chicago Fire, which happens to be the #1 show at 10pm on television.  Despite largely being a procedural from Dick Wolf and having many more episodes than Shield produced, it still hasnt been sold off-network or into ayndication and has yet to even an a single international deal.

    Also, Shield continues to put, relatively, amazing men 18-34 numbers.  At least a year ago it was #2 in all of tv non-sports behind only Walking Dead in that demo.

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