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  1. The only time I want to hear about Lori or Chad again is when they show up in the obituaries.
  2. I was surprised only one person recognized the person the DNA research created after they went back and found him on observation cameras everywhere. And all those people knew him! Kudos to the mother for not forgiving him either.
  3. and he confessed to a lot of people which pretty much undermined the claim he was coerced into confessing.
  4. And I bet his ex wife is worth at least 10 million - California is a community property state, she got half of what he had at the time of divorce, I'm sure.
  5. I figured it took them that long to decide between first and second, so the time makes sense. Nima's defense was strange - he didn't know the knife went into Bob's chest twice?
  6. she died in 2014 at age 79. She was never released from prison.
  7. the Dee Warner case reminds me of one of the first no body convictions in Dane County back in the 80s. Roth Homburg was last seen in 1983 or 1984 after finding out her husband was having an affair. Husband claimed she left, police never believed it. Finally a trial in 1989 after the husband's affair partner agreed to testify the husband told her he murdered Ruth- he was also embezzling money. the police always thought she was did, as did her children, because all of her belongings were there - although later some went missing. And she never ever contacted her children, that was a big point at the trial. The husband had a business with a high heat furnace where a body could easily be disposed of without a trace. He still claimed she left, and has refused to explain what happened even though he was convicted. I am pretty sure he is still alive and in prison.
  8. I don't remember seeing this story before, but it must have been on more than 10 years ago. I don't understand why the second husband let her back after her prison time. You would think the years apart would have broken the spell.
  9. I also think there was some help given by someone. I couldn't help wonder why he never filed for divorce. Clearly he didn't trust his wife anymore, and she didn't care for him . I understood why she stayed - money - but why did he?
  10. and didn't they say the victim liked older men for maturity? it kills me he was hiding in plain sight for a year.
  11. I remember the original airing, but watched again. It still amazes me anyone thought the husband wasn't guilty.
  12. I finally watched the update. It is all pretty infuriating that he's gotten away with such much stuff for so long. the best thing about a plea deal is he wouldn't be able to use a court case for more publicity.
  13. One of the few times where someone acted really pointed the guilt. He was so unaffected by the death of his child it was scary.
  14. Yep. the guy was scummy. Good Character people don't decide to murder someone because their boy or girl friend think they should.
  15. that can all be the editing. But both Ashley and Doug clearly had issues of their own.
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