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Posts posted by illini1959

  1. Did I hear wrong or did the lady on the end (sorry for forgetting her name - not Hannah) answer a Country Music question with “what is the Chicks?” when they are the Dixie Chicks? Maybe I just heard wrong but if not, that’s a pretty big miss. 

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  2. 21 hours ago, Callaphera said:

    Those are HGs. Jocasta in BB16 was a preacher. There's regular Bible study sessions on the feeds some seasons. Kaysar is a practicing Muslim. No one complains about that because they're living as well as playing a game. That's different from Julie who shows up and is on camera for one hour a week, throwing out "But First"s and vote counts. She's not hosting the 700 Club or The Hour of Power. She's hosting a trash reality show. Religion isn't a factor when it comes to her job. And if it is to her, as much as I would miss Chenbot throwing errors week after week, maybe she should find an avenue where she can burble about how much she loves that someone else loves God somewhere else. 

    To be honest, I don't remember the other encounter, but the first one she was just responding to DaVonne, who was thanking God all over the place. Julie (at least that time, my memory is gone) didn't start it or push anything. Mentioning the name of God isn't "burbling". She isn't preaching or pushing. She mentioned the name of God. Shoot her now. 😉 

    Carry on, I won't keep belaboring the issue 😄 

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  3. 38 minutes ago, Ms Blue Jay said:

    Celebrities and athletes have platforms outside of movies and their sports games because people love them, all aspects of them.  In a sports game you cannot hear athletes speak - only when they're interviewed after.  We don't know an actor's thoughts when he or she is reading a script that is somebody else's words.

    When Julie is on the show, that's the equivalent.  When she's interviewed outside of the show, she can talk about God all she wants and no one would have an issue.  That's where the analogy would fit perfectly.


    There are plenty of sporting events where the platform may be during the event both individually and as a team/league. It can be in the form of attire/patches, etc., - in the NFL it can be written on the field. None of which (no matter the cause, I'm not pointing at any one thing) have anything to do with football, baseball, etc.

    But that's ok - I just wish everyone could give a little leeway, that's all.                                                                                           

    I hope you have a good day and thank you for the kind exchange of thoughts/ideals 🙂

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  4. On 10/10/2020 at 1:04 PM, Cosmocrush said:

    I don't have a problem with Julie's faith, I have a problem with her spouting it at work - especially when it has nothing to do with her job.  

    Just like celebrities and athletes speaking about issues that have nothing to do with their job. I suppose what's good for one should be good for all, at least that's what I keep hearing, right? Tolerance, etc...

    There's too much animosity in this world 🙂

    1 minute ago, Wandering Snark said:

    This is the only text allowed in the house.

    I suppose they have the choice of not bringing anything if they don't want to.

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  5. On 10/9/2020 at 4:57 PM, Ms Blue Jay said:


    It's not a church show.  If an American TV host was mentioning any other religion as much as Julie is mentioning hers, trust me, people wouldn't like it.

    I had no idea mentioning God a couple of times was so offensive. Well. Yes, I did. Just kinda sad that it's such an issue. 

    You can see bibles by the beds of some of the houseguests, even see them reading one from time to time. I'm thinking people might not dislike it so much.

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  6. 10 hours ago, 30 Helens said:

    One and done? Julie has been preaching at us and mentioning God every chance she gets.  If anything, it ramps up a bit every episode. It was annoying at first, but now it’s borderline offensive.

    I've only heard her say God twice, hardly preaching 🙂 

    Everyone's offended by something these days, I'm trying not to be.

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  7. 10 hours ago, DakotaLavender said:

    I just watched tonight's episode again. I DESPISE Memphis. Look who he picked for "have-nots." He picked the HGs like Ian and Nicole A and David who would be considered "the nerds." He stayed away from "the popular kids." 

    And because I can't stand him, he will probably win. Just like last year. The obnoxious hatful dude wins. 

    It's interesting to see everyone's perspective. Some come from the perspective of color - he didn't choose anyone of color to be in his alliance. I haven't seen every season of BB but he was on so long ago, maybe he's going with who he knows, and he doesn't know David, Da Vonne or Bayleigh. And he voted off the one person he WAS on BB with and apparently was well-liked - Keesha. 

    Here, it's "the nerds." He doesn't really know David or Nicole A, and he's said several times he's after Ian to "avenge" Dan. So, maybe not because he considered them "nerds" but because of something totally different.


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  8. On 7/13/2020 at 11:02 AM, DEL901 said:

    They normally film in the spring.  With the lock down, I am sure they didn’t film.   And with the body fluids on the equipment that would have to be sanitized after every run, I’d be surprised if they don’t scrap the season.  

    That's my thought, too. The only thing I've read is that the season is on, but will be later than usual. Hoping they can do it and be safe. Otherwise will just miss it til (hopefully) next year.

  9. On 3/10/2020 at 8:34 AM, joanne3482 said:


    I don't think I have a favorite yet, but the woman whose cake broke so she did a vertical fault line cake and the blond lady who doesn't do delicate were not my favorites. 


    The judges even called her on that, that her cake wasn't even really a "fault line" cake.

    I think when they don't meet the parameters of the challenge, they should go. This has happened more than once on these shows. Really, why bother with a theme if the end result isn't even within that theme? 

    My rant 🙂 

    • Love 7
  10. So, 2 questions I guess, about the new Vineyard mystery...

    1 - Realizing a lot of leeway needs to be given here, but how plausible is it that a Boston (or any other) cop wouldn't recognize stun gun marks? 🤔

    2 - And this is the first time anyone's told him what calibre of bullet is in his spine? There were xrays; the doctors who originally treated him wouldn't have said here's what's in your spine....?

    Those 2 things stood out to me. 

  11. 12 hours ago, Jules59 said:

    I just began binge watching Hallmark Christmas movies. Last night, I watched Christmas Town and all I could think of is if Lauren’s dad had all that time to write letters to her, why didn’t he have time to make sure she was with a family?  The plot holes are amazing.  

    I knew there was something else that bugged me. Exactly.

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  12. So, Christmas Town....thoughts?

    To me it's almost like someone threw this together on lunch break or something.

    Lauren sees a picture of her dad holding the angel she's looking for, shows the diner owner the pic and shortly after diner owner sees said angel and trashes it. Unless I missed something, isn't that fairly unlikely? A stranger looking for a specific angel that YOU told her to look next door for - you soon see the actual angel and act like you've never heard of it, call it broken and trash it? 

    I won't even go into approving an adoption in a matter of days or the teacher going into "early retirement" after 30 years because she was waiting for 'someone she trusted' to take over her class? 😕 

    Someone is trying wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy too hard to throw together a story.

    I get that these are stories, not documentaries or anywhere close to real life, but sometimes I think with even a minimal amount of effort they could do so much better.

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  13. On 10/17/2019 at 10:30 AM, Eataton said:

    Friday, Oct. 18 there are two "Gold Rush Pay Dirt" episodes at 6:00&7:00 central that should be the same as Gold Rush episode 1. They all seem to be 2 hr. episodes now. (I hope not). Ep. 2 is at 8:00 central time. (2 hrs.)

    Thank you!

    Are the GR Pay Dirt episodes the same as just plain Gold Rush? I don't know why it has to be complicated lol - but it's probably just me!

  14. 2 hours ago, Trey said:

    I hadn't heard it was a mid-season start so thanks for the info.  I'm not surprised - maybe it's just me who feels this way but I think it's been really going downhill, and it was never that high to start with.

    You're welcome. I kind of agree, it's gone downhill some, but there's enough I still like about it that I don't want it gone forever. I can hope against hope Jack will return 😉

    14 minutes ago, alexa said:

    They kind of announced it last year when they decided to put Magnum on Friday nights.  I was bummed about it too, but glad they were renewed and have been taping the episodes.  

    I kind of agree, but I still like a lot about it, and will miss it this fall.  

    They move things around so much, I didn't even think of that. I assumed MacGuyver would resume it's usual spot or be close to it. I miss it. I wish people would quit messing with my Friday nights lol 😉

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  15. 7 hours ago, TVFan17 said:

    What is interesting is that Hallmark's more recent attempts at casting totally new-to-Hallmark actresses as leads in mystery series (Brooke Shields in Flower Shop Mysteries, Courtney Thorne-Smith in Emma Fielding, and Jewel in Fixer Upper Mysteries), seem to have not been as popular or successful as the mysteries starring the familiar, existing faces in the Hallmark family.   Brooke Shields was supposed to do a Christmas movie, but, when Flower Shop was cancelled, her Christmas movie never happened either, and I don't think she has spoken about what happened since Flower Shop ended.   And neither Courtney Thorne-Smith nor Jewel starred in any other non-mystery movies for the network, so the only Hallmark connection they had was via the mysteries. 

    I thought the premise of the Flower Shop Mysteries was good, but Brooke Shields was - to me - so wooden. Her acting just wasn't good - she wasn't natural. Many of her mannerisms appeared forced.

    I have nothing against her, it's not that I don't like her. Maybe it's just me....

    • Love 4
  16. On 8/3/2019 at 8:07 PM, rainsmom said:

    I was bored today and decided to watch the Hailey Dean marathon. I had watched the first one when when it first aired, but barely finished it. I despise Nancy Grace, and although I love Kellie Martin, I just didn't find the show interesting or the characters likable.

    Today I was SO bored, I was willing to watch, even with all that going against it... and I liked it. I still hate Nancy Grace passionately -- Good GOD that woman's voice is IRRITATING -- but the characters had gelled, and the mysteries were interesting. (I guessed who killed Will in his first appearance, though I didn't know why, so I won't go so far as to say the movies were surprising. But they were interesting.)

    I've never watched the Hailey Dean mysteries until this weekend. I miss Philby (from Mystery Woman) but Fincher helped fill that void. I noticed Cassie from Mystery Woman was in one episode - playing a sister of a murdered girl - sorry that's as far as memory takes me.

    It'll probably never happen, but I wish PTV would split these threads into Mystery/Christmas/Drama as they're shown on tv. I've been looking for Hailey Dean comments and don't want to wade through almost 90 pages - search option doesn't pull up anything much unless I'm doing it wrong (wouldn't doubt that).

    I notice in the HD series they are always eating or going to eat or getting coffee or carrying coffee. A lot.

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  17. I'd say it's completely production driven as they have the exact issues every episode.

    I wonder why these shows can't be more true to life. I realize they probably need to have already chosen a house (like on HH) but to have the same issues, same responses by the same parties (homeowners with crappy attitudes about what can't be done, H & D with crappy attitudes toward homeowners and each other....)


    Just getting tired of the scripted shows they're airing now in place of the good shows that used to make up HGTV 😞 

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