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  1. Ok I take back the nice things I said about her.. What a bitch! Have a good week y'all! See you next week. Her therapist is the uber eats driver
  2. It's the Nurse's fault now!! Oh dear!
  3. Did some stalking.. Does not look like she or her daughter lost very much. https://www.facebook.com/karen.suffern
  4. Might this be the first episode without the ending walk in the park scene?
  5. Shots fired by Dr. Now!!!!
  6. "The Scale Doesn't Lie, People Do" Dr. Now
  7. Haven't heard that one in a while! Hahaha! She really thought she lost 200lbs?!
  8. Glad I helped create memories! Addition to the Bingo card? 😛
  9. I heard it is on Lifetime. Weight Loss Diaries maybe?
  10. Has anyone else watched Dr. Now's new show?
  11. I live on the 2nd floor of a multi family house. Luckily for me, my downstairs neighbors like their heat. Most nights we don't even have to turn ours on.
  12. I sleep naked all year round. Took some getting used to at first in the winter, but I can not do it any other way anymore.
  13. I have a lot of back and chest hair that my wife is pleading with me to wax. No way!
  14. So it is after 9 and we're not even in Houston yet. Normally, I'd be snarking away, but this poor woman. I feel so bad for her. Just wish I could give her a hug.
  15. I'm big on belly breathing. I teach it to my students all the time.
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