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Posts posted by Bucket

  1. 8 hours ago, Haleth said:
      15 hours ago, Morgalisa said:

    I despise Dr Ian Smith. He has written a new diet book every year for the last 15 years or more. And each one he claims as revolutionary and groundbreaking.

    I despise him, too.  Awhile back he was pimping another diet book Shred, and told Wendy he was going to shred her.  She had just talked about being able to fit into her skinny jeans, in Hot Topics that day. She told him too.  I loved it.  He shut up.

    Intermittent fasting is not a new concept.  I think that is what his book is about.  I tend to tune him out.  

    • Love 11
  2. 1 minute ago, LotusFlower said:

    True, but the big house is never going to get built.

    Besides, he never makes decisions based on logic.  He rationalizes everything he wants to do by calling it a principle from God.

    Yeah, they live the principal my ass. 

    • Love 7
  3. 24 minutes ago, LotusFlower said:

    In the preview for next week’s Tell-Nothing, did Kody say he’s dating a new girlfriend?!!

    There is no room in his big house to have another.  I cannot imagine how much chaos that would create, especially with Robyn!

    • Love 2
  4. I still fail to see why they have to move to Flagstaff.  Not buying because Dayton is going to school there.  They didn't follow the others to their colleges.  Has anything more come to light?  I have been busy the last couple of weeks and may have missed it. 

    • Love 4
  5. On 4/3/2019 at 4:32 AM, Coffeewinewater said:


    This made me laugh. It really has nothing to do with anything recently, it just shows me she's always been the monster she is. Her recent loss did not change her. She said on The View  she stopped going to the correspondent dinner because it went Hollywood, and that she's been asked back many, many times but refused to go. 

    How Hollywood of to ask her friends "do they even know who the fuck I am?" 

    Barbara Walters said this exact same thing.   Since when does Meg not want to rub elbows with Hollywood?  

    • LOL 1
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  6. 19 minutes ago, Nashville said:

    It would be remiss of me not to say this is EXACTLY how I picture the vast majority of Survivor has-beens.  😆 

    Her name, Flicka, is a nice touch. 

    • LOL 1
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  7. 4 hours ago, roughing it said:

    The previous series had run its course, and now after 10 years has passed, it's proven that the reboot has also run its course.  I watched the reboot to reminisce about the good episodes (and most designs were good at first).  But now, it's not fresh or exciting.  It's still tired and stale.  It's like no time has passed between then and now.  Time to stick a fork in it and let it go away.

    They had a chance to breathe new life into it but apparently didn't see the need.   

    I am disappointed.  I had hoped for much more. 

    • Love 2
  8. I had hoped this new incarnation would have a different spin but it doesn't, right down Hildi the shock jock of decor.  It wasn't cute the first time around and it certainly isn't now.   Laurie is old news for me too.  Her I don't like her personality or her color choices OR her penchant for busy old lady prints. 

    Genevieve designed a beautiful bedroom last season so I have hope that she will continue.  

    • Love 2
  9. I like Evan.  I don't see him as a cad or bad guy.  Their relationship was over before they arrived.  Often men don't leave until they fall for another woman, fact.   Kaci was insecure and pressured/nagged him to marry her, constantly.  That drove her train and it derailed their relationship.  I had no empathy for her and found myself rooting for Evan and Morgan from day one.  

    I am so happy this show is back and Paradise Hotel, too!  And in perfect timing.  The shine has worn off most reality shows for me. 

    • LOL 1
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  10. 8 hours ago, RedheadZombie said:

    Did she feel fantastic?  I remember her as emaciated with clumps of hair falling out. That season was like watching torture porn. 

    Yes, I remember the same thing.  Despite that she said she felt the best she ever had and that gave her doctor the information he needed to diagnose her.  

    • LOL 1
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  11. This marriage has morphed into a bunch of friends moving into the same neighborhood.  As things go with friendship sometimes you drift apart.  That is happening here but the show is holding them together.  Essentially Janelle and Meri have moved on as far as they can.

    I haven't seen this being discussed.  Seems clear to me that having to move to Flagstaff is about Robin retaining custody of Dayton.  Something related to legal issues with her ex.  Other wise Dayton would fly/drive/bus home for holidays like most other college students. 

    Robin should move up there with Dayton and both come 'home' for holidays. 

    • Love 2
  12. They all looked terrible.  All of them.  Christine is heavier than I thought; her green dress was hideous.  Janelle, it is caftan time.  Meri, no just no.  Aspyn, surely they had gowns that did not show back fat. Robin you look like part of a xmas pageant.  None of them dressed for the season; satin is not warm weather fabric.  

    TLC would never approve of a stylist, they want them to do as they would under normal circumstances. 

    • Love 8
  13. 51 minutes ago, Kyanight said:

    Robyn needed to move there to be close to Dayton who is going to college now.  That meant that everyone had to uproot and move there.   Other people here have other thoughts about why they moved, but it most DEFINITELY was not because of financial reasons.

    Thanks.  I doubt that is the only reason.  That seems very off.  A family of 173 people move to accommodate one child who could go to college much closer.  Nah

    ETA.  It is fucking nuts.

    I love Meri these days.  So funny how much power she has, having been bottom dog for so long. Go for it and stay in town or better yet don't move!  Dig your heels in, think wet bar.  You can do this! 

    • LOL 4
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  14. Robin is not getting it that a huge old house renting at the same price as a smaller on is a huge red flag.  I bet it isn't well insulated and the heating bills will run high if the furnace even heats it well in the first place. 

    • LOL 1
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  15. As far as how they are affording this move.  TLC is financing this.    This is a popular show that brings them in a lot of money.  They want to keep it going and keep it fresh.  I have never doubted this or wondered how 'they' could afford it. 

    I don't think they were totally responsible for the decision on which town either.  Logistics of filming played a part. 

    Christine is looking good.  The others have gained weight; maybe Robin is the same.  The children are husky too.  

    • Love 3
  16. I am getting back into this show having taken a hiatus yet keeping an ear turned.  

    Why are they moving to Flagstaff again?  I think I knew but forgot.  It makes no sense to me but not much they do does!  

    • Love 1
  17. 15 hours ago, oceanview said:

    I agree with some of your comment.  Would like to add in Tim's defense, that at one gab fest he mentioned that he adored Heidi and had PROMISED  he would  stick with her thru thick and thin.  I am not imagining this, I promise.  Well, he kept his word and the two of them worked out the new show on Amazon or Netflix or whatever.  I won't be able to see it, so someone please take one for the team and report back to us.  I hope it is successful

    I also believe Tim had a contract that would not let him go until he did.  

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