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Posts posted by Judois

  1. I think he's her brother. 


    I'm so glad I'm not alone in loving this show. The colors. The costuming. The acting. Everything works. 

    • Love 3
  2. That isn't what I meant. I meant that it was a lazy affectation for Sorkin as a writer. It happens at least twice an episode. And it isn't the "I'm sorry" or "What did you just say?" which bothers me. It's how he uses that as a dramatic effect. It was not meant as a personal attack on actual people. 

    • Love 1
  3. I gave up on this show about two episodes ago. I'm sick of how any storyline Kate has is about her weight or Toby,whom I can't stand,or both. She had one episode where she was working and that was a while back. As one who is obese I can tell you I have other things in my life going on. I'm also not just a cheerleader for my siblings. 

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  4. This episode was the absolute best and I'm not even a Hamilton fan. Lin Manuel-Miranda was so charming and funny and knew his stuff. I loved everything but his interactions with Derek were hilarious. Especially right at the end where Derek is basically laying on top of Lin eating fries. 

  5. I can't remember exactly what the question was but it was DJ. Malavikia answered,Alex paused and she said a different answer. He then said he needed something else. I'm throwing up my arms yelling "It's Double Jeopardy! She doesn't get that many answers."  

    • Love 6
  6. I hate to be one of those people who is proud of their ignorance but I have no idea who Chrissy Tiegan is. I think I've heard her name but that's it. 

    I am really liking the champ,Kelly  

    • Love 3
  7. I'm feeling a bit disappointed in this series. I loved the book so much that I feel like the series doesn't have the same impact. Maybe I expect too much. I'm going to stay with it but I really want to just re-read the book.

    • Love 1
  8. Hah -- I didn't even catch that -- well played VG et al!

    This was actually really a sad episode because it showed the depths of Mike's guilt over his son's death and the daughter-in-law's grip on reality, and the resultant lengths Mike will go to in order to provide for Kaylie.

    I've said it before, I'll say it again . . . . Nacho is one fine lookin' drug dealer. . .

    I second that observation. I think I have a crush on that actor.
    • Love 4
  9. T.R. Knight is wonderful. He needs to be on my tv more.

    This episode dragged for me,too. But I did appreciate little moments. The Fredo story,Bill enjoying the whorehouse,the stranger in black slipping into another room behind Sadie. That was creepy.

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