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Posts posted by SHERMDOG

  1. I'm in the minority here I'm pretty sure. .but I quit watching a couple episodes ago. I wanted to hang but I can't. The character of Elizabeth us just boring to me. I was Team Lucas but willing to give Team Nathan a go. Nope. They have no chemistry. JMHO! This season is just kind of boring for me!!

    • Like 1
  2. 4 hours ago, snarts said:

    It appears Fraser is one of those who think putting others down makes him look better. It doesn't. It only makes him look petty and mean. The way he turned all the stews against the chef was embarrassing. You're on the same team!! The chef's success is your success tip-wise. 

    Oh Sunny, I'm disappointed you (quite literally) let Ben back in.

    I'm sorry, but Kyle & Barbie are kind of cute together. 

    I like Barbie and Kyle too!!!

    • Like 5
  3. 9 minutes ago, ms gilly said:

    I could never stand the nitpicks the show invented in past seasons to manipulate who got booted each week. But now…the rushed pace, the inane cuts away from the actual performances, the highly scripted judge “feedback” and the tragic underuse of Cat—I think I actually hate the show I once loved. It feels more cruel than productive or entertaining. These dancers are really exceptional. I hope this sore excuse for television programming doesn't leave scars. 

    YES!!!! I hate the performances now. They don't feel "live" and agree with cut aways. Miss Cat. Not sure I will come ti ue watching. This makes me sad

    • Like 4
  4. Fuck you Frasier! 

    " oh I'm truly heartbroken!" Nope u r not. This us what you were striving for. 

    While I agree Anthony struggled .. it wasn't all his fault. He had some shifty charter requests. Lol.

    Ok. I'm done.  

    • Like 7
    • Applause 3
  5. 10 minutes ago, SHERMDOG said:

    O..m...gee!! Yes! I'm just tired of pretty much everyone on this show. Elizsbeth and Nathan act like they are freaking 13. And while I like the actor that plays Nathan, I can't stand this character. I was ream Lucas. Heck I dont know. I will give it another episode. I don't see this season being very exciting though. Ugh

    Ok...I lied...I LOVE Henry!! Lol

    • Like 3
  6. On 10/15/2023 at 2:21 PM, AnnA said:

    I'd prefer if they just sweep her away.   She could/should move back east.  She's become incredibly self-centered and annoying.

    O..m...gee!! Yes! I'm just tired of pretty much everyone on this show. Elizsbeth and Nathan act like they are freaking 13. And while I like the actor that plays Nathan, I can't stand this character. I was ream Lucas. Heck I dont know. I will give it another episode. I don't see this season being very exciting though. Ugh

    • Like 3
  7. 16 hours ago, seacliffsal said:

    Well, Ashley got her 15 minutes...did she really agree to participate knowing that she would lose her job if she exceeded her vacation days?  Or did she realize that Ty is a dud and just wanted out of there (especially as she didn't even try during the camel experience last week).

    As for Joy, I think there has to be more to her story.  She has epilepsy so doesn't care when others are in pain?  I would think she would be more understanding and sympathetic towards others as she would understand how debilitating pain can be.  But, I really didn't like Emerson rolling her eyes while Joy was answering questions (about make up and malls) and then belittling her (oh, and Emerson?  When someone says 'no offense' it's because they know they are totally offending someone).  I think Gracie is the best bet for Brandon but he may choose Joy.

    For someone who likes hunting, I was surprised that Sydney said deer meat instead of venison.  That made me go "hmmmm."  

    I liked watching the family interactions.  But, I guess Ty doesn't send anyone home because they need two women for the next episode and he only has two women.  

    Omg. Yes...Ashely...WTF!? Didn't like her from the start. Howcdid your job let you go initally!? I call BS. I think she wasn't fitting in and getting the attention she wanted...so bailed...but heck...what do I know!? Not much. Ha

    • Like 5
    • LOL 1
  8. On 3/30/2024 at 1:39 PM, Yeah No said:

    Something is indeed fishy here and I like your train of thought.  I think he may have been told he would be competing against Soo and would likely lose so he had the choice of whether to stay and lose or just leave of his own accord.  They may have even given him a bonus if he left.  In his mind he wasn't allowed to participate but in their minds they gave him a choice.  I don't really see that as much of a choice, though.  It's a typical way of strong-arming someone out of a contract or company. 

    BTW, this is the way companies get rid of their older employees and get around being accused of "age discrimination".  They give them the option of staying or taking a rather large "buyout" package that would make staying stupid because it would be more money than they would make if they just stayed and worked till retirement age.

    As to why this guy was strong-armed out, my guess is maybe he pissed off Tom, perhaps even worse off camera and he just wanted him gone.

    About Valentine, yeah, he was stupid to do another too-thick corn purée but he also probably got screwed because if he had competed against David he might have had a chance.  I liked him and am sorry to see him go.

    About Soo, I am not loving the concept of a 16th contestant fighting their way into the competition.  I agree with others that feel like this is some kind of gimmick and that he has the edge on getting back into the competition.  I don't like to think that way and prefer to believe this show is above those types of gimmicks, but it is hard not to wonder.

    But here's another possible twist - If after whoever wins after the 5 competitions leaves LCK to go into the regular competition, will they bring in another "new" contestant who will compete against the next person eliminated or will they go back to the old format? Maybe they'll surprise us and bring David back then!  So that would explain why he said he wasn't allowed to compete.  They may have given him the choice to compete then against Soo or wait until the second part of LCK to come back and compete against whoever was eliminated next and that's why Tom said he "opted out".  Perhaps he did but only temporarily.  

    Confused yet?  I suppose this is not any more confusing than it already was, LOL 🤪

    HATE HATE HATE this aspect on Last Chance Kitchen. Shitty move. Don't care for it at all. He won thexladt challenge with a boring eggplant parm compared to a unique pizza even tho it gad a "soogy" egg. Boo

     Sorry...I cant root for Soo....JMO! 


    • Like 2
  9. On 4/1/2024 at 9:17 PM, Snaporaz said:

    I swear on my brand new $59.99 bible that nobody could be gullible enough to be fooled by Jordan's disguise. 🧔

    Maybe whatever is happening with Ashley is the result of the experimental treatment she had for her aneurysm.  The car accident might have jostled something up there.  Paging Dr. Neville!

    This show is just freaking STUPID!!

    enough with the Jordan storyline. A first grader could see she's dressed as a damn man! And Jack acting like nothing is wrong with Ashley! I think I'm done with this stupid show!! LOL

    • Like 1
    • LOL 8
  10. On 3/18/2024 at 6:17 AM, roseslg said:

    I think Eric biffed it. He and Maneet tied in everything except for randomizer.  A salad is not decadent! I don't know what he was thinking.  He talked about decadent and high end, but dude, a salad is not decadent.  I was rooting hard for him.

    PLEASE!! ANYONE except Mateet for the win. Do NOT like her. And I'm not sure why!??? Lol..blech

    • Like 3
  11. On 3/18/2024 at 7:20 AM, kristen111 said:

    Eh .. the first episode was great.  Then it went downhill fast.  Girls sitting around while the Farmer tests each girl is boring.  Plus the oldest guy who said he doesn’t want more children shouldn’t have been picked in the first place.  Not right.  One by one the girls are leaving.  Rightly so.

    Pretty much agree....except for Ty. Should he be excluded from the show because he doesnt want anymore kids!? Absolutely not...This isn't Farmer wants Kuds. Hee...BUT.....HAVING SAID THAT....he definately should of put that on his "application" or whatever it is. Did he? And the producers ignored it!? Prolly wont ever know. I'm not a fan of Ty anyway. Date women your own age for crying out loud! And quit being wishy washy!! Sheesh!

    Ok. Rant done!!!

    Just now, SHERMDOG said:

    Pretty much agree....except for Ty. Should he be excluded from the show because he doesnt want anymore kids!? Absolutely not...This isn't Farmer wants Kids. Hee...BUT.....HAVING SAID THAT....he definately should of put that on his "application" or whatever it is. Did he? And the producers ignored it!? Prolly wont ever know. I'm not a fan of Ty anyway. Date women your own age for crying out loud! And quit being wishy washy!! Sheesh!

    Ok. Rant done!!!


    • Like 1
  12. I just read that Adan Canto died in January of cancer. Im heart broken. I'm not sure I can watch this show anymore knowing this!!???? Makes me so sad. I had no idea!!!

  13. 1 hour ago, Calvada said:

    What a fucking mess.  They start out with the names so small I had to get out of my chair and stand in front of my TV to read them - what the hell?  Get those  dancers off the stage.  And why the focus on the singers - it's supposed to be about those we've lost.  And how disrespectful to those who were tiny names crammed on the screen for about 2 1/2 seconds at the end.  

    I say this every year - just have the people at TCM do the In Memoriam.  

    Omg.. so much this!??? Why the fucking dancers!????  Big screen...PLEASE. PATHETIC


    1 hour ago, Poohbear617 said:

    Way to royally fuck up in memoriam.  The camera was too far back at first making it impossible to see who the actor was on the screen.  Loose the dancers and singers!!!!

    Simply.have the orchestral  play while the screen is filled with  the actor, possibly showing a scene of their work. Honor their memory.

    Exactly.. I wanted to pause...take a picture of the screen and then zoom. Pretty sure they didn't even mention Treat Williams...Matthew Perry was just a quick pIc...WTF!!????

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  14. 1 hour ago, Phebemarie said:

    Matthew Perry was shown. 

    But VERY quickly. One pic.

    I also didn't see Treat Williams!? WTF? 

    He maybe only "deserved" the list at the end? Maybe Jimmy shuts up the last 5 minutes if his beginning dialouge so we can see more if the people thst have passed! Saying that...I thot Jimmy did fine. Beginning dragged a bit for me tho.

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