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Posts posted by Katesgr811

  1. 8 minutes ago, shapeshifter said:

    If this show's runners some managed to get it picked up elsewhere, I hope they'd at least recast Max. It would be easy to have him come back inhabiting a different body. 

    I don’t think it’s Nathan. I think it’s the way he was written. When Nathan doubled as Jones, he was awesome.  

    Also there would have been no chance in hell that Michael and Isobel would have just been like, “yep! See ya Max! Off to our home planet all by your self!” 

    There definitely could have been a season 5. Hell, this entire season could have been done on Oasis with Max coming into his own, saving the planet, and then going the hell home. And did we ever get an answer on what the alighting was???

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  2. The Evil Liz storyline would only work in my mind if she was able to be paired up with Jones. That would be the power couple right there. And it would have to be at the beginning of the season. Not with so few episodes left. Also, when is Max going to get a set of balls? He’s such a push over with Liz it’s annoying.

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  3. 2 hours ago, Cristofle said:


    So Max is NOT trapped in Jones' body and could not hear anything happening last week? He's in the pod? I have that right - Jones switched them out? Presumably, Max will eventually return to his own body because it seems that body is the key. 


    I think Max will end up staying in Jones’ body, which would then solve the heart failure issue.

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  4. 8 hours ago, Whodunnit said:

    At the end of the episode, why is the pod squad just chilling? Jones is still free and he knows where they live.

    I feel like this is slasher movie levels of stupid.

    SERIOUSLY!!! I thought the same thing. I was like, ummmm. Don’t celebrate. Run. 

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  5. Episode was good. I struggle a little bit with the “wokeness” of the show sometimes. I get that bringing in current events can make an emotional and strong story line, but damn it makes them seem so galling.

    I found that I cared much more about Kyle getting impaled last week then I do about maria being attacked this week. And I like Maria. Also, when is the deep sky coming back into play? And can Max and Liz just get back together already??

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  6. 1 minute ago, KittenPokerCheater said:


    Not Kyle!

    Legit, if he dies I'm out.


    The good thing is they would never cover up a murder for a racist POS that killed Kyle. So we still don’t know who it really is. But damn that wound is wicked.

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  7. 1 minute ago, Lady Calypso said:

    Someone is showing up, I bet. I haven't decided whether it's someone we have already met/known about or if it'll be the cliffhanger with some semi-well known actor/actress next week.

    Probably the guy in the hood from Max’s memories and the flashbacks...

  8. Ok so I read a tweet saying that when max touched the consel, the sign came up like a beacon. They definitely talked about the sign being a beacon before... maybe someone will show up??

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