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Posts posted by whydoiwatchtv

  1. Cruz was asked about abortion and access for all and he pivots to the economy and how bad everyone is hurting without answering the question. Also, ignoring how forcing people to give birth when they can barely afford food in “Biden’s economy” is a point that’s also always overlooked in discussions with republicans like Cruz. 

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  2. I don’t want to go too far off topic but I’d like to thank the people here that help fill me in. I’d be lost without you. The recall that some have right down to the episode of BB and I’m still going “Is he a Salamanca?” All the names, plot holes, Easter eggs and details I missed you discuss. You make the show so much more enjoyable. Thank you so much! 

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  3. I said a few weeks ago that the show was losing steam but I really liked this episode and can’t wait to see what happens. I don’t watch a lot of medical dramas and I must be one of the only ones who totally didn’t see any of that coming! So naive lol.

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  4. That’s funny because I see all of Mike’s 75 years in some scenes. I’m like this guy looks like an old man, and I’m no spring chicken myself. There was a scene recently where I  thought the guy he was trying to menace could easily just kick his ass but Mike has strong skills, I guess. They all look pretty old compared to BB but that’s really a long time ago already. I also don’t really care anymore, I’m too interested in the characters now. Just an observation. 

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  5. I mean, we all know they stretch the truth about most everything to create drama but I had to laugh at the kid just getting to spend another week or so in the hospital for a fake infection. Can you imagine the bill? I guess Andrews will pay it and no one will care a hospital bed is being taken for no real reason when in reality they kick most people out too soon.

    I’ve liked the show, even some of the weird plot ideas that went nowhere, but I feel like it’s running out of steam. 

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  6. This season is something, isn’t it. They’re down to starving people eating possibly diseased carrion and counting the dirt layers on their faces and bodies. Nothing to really even learn this episode, except maybe to never try and fish with a woven basket.

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  7. I just think of Whoopi, who tried so hard to coddle Meghan only to have her turn on her, as well was behind pushing the brat out. You could see that Whoopi was getting more and more fed up with Meg. Then Meghan had the audacity to snap at Whoopi “And YOU can just be how YOU always are!” that day, with her neck rolling with all the attitude in the world. It was so disrespectful and Whoopi holds a lot of power here still. After that, there were some fluffy days then Whoopi doesn’t come in for a over week with sciatica (from home) then Meghan announces she’s leaving. Must have been a hell of a meeting! That’s my version anyway lol. Whatever it really was though, good riddance! 

    • Love 16
  8. This week was even worse. I know they’re going to starve somewhat but this season is more like just fast till you can’t last. Just my 3rd season and I don’t know much about being a survivalist but the restrictions are so harsh this time, adding to the misery. No trapping, no fish nets, hardly any food at all, salmon mostly gone, etc. Plus bears everywhere. Their shelters all look crappy like they won’t take the snow but I’m spoiled by Rock House. There doesn’t even seem to be trails, just rocks and huge downed logs all over. As many people said, the show must want it cut short because this isn’t showing survival skills to me more like starve, suffer and tap in one of the worst places we could find. I can imagine that the mental aspect of being a great survivalist and being in this place would mess with your head even more that you just can barely survive and maybe catch a 5 inch fish in three weeks. 

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  9. This is only my third season of Alone and I’m not enjoying watching everyone just starve. You’re there for 2 weeks with a baby fish and some green chewy crap that made you sick. Hope it turns around because it’s painful for me to watch. On the other hand, I do laugh at the people that want to be on this show then proceed to complain about every aspect of being there. 

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  10. I always thought that Top Chef was not cumulative, thus allowing people to just not have the worst dish on that challenge and stay till they do. I’ve seen people skate the entire season just to make it to the finale or final 3 and some very talented chefs go home because even though they were the strongest the entire competition, they screwed up that one day and had to go. That’s how Top Chef has always been so I don’t see why it matters how many times a chef screwed up in the past, as long as they do not have the worst dish that day. I think Tom added LCK so a few of the biggest ‘mistakes’ would get another chance but it’s never been cumulative according to Tom. 🤷🏻‍♀️

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  11. I kinda feel bad for Meghan getting sick after waiting so long to go out. That really sucks to catch a bad cold the second you think you can go out freely. A lesson to us all that we still need to be careful and the vaccine isn’t a cure all for everything out there. 

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  12. 17 hours ago, TheGreenKnight said:

    The show is out of step with the mood of the country right now, imo, by promoting her over-the-top hate-filled attitude

    Thank you! A lot of people are traumatized and want to have at least a bit of a lighter time now. We’re not putting our heads in the sand but after years of the former guy and the pandemic, most of us don’t want to be screamed at with a scowling face and sour mood every single day about bad science, anger in politics and her team and on and on with that mean, crabby face of hers and her constant interruptions. Today’s interruptions were terrible, not letting even Whoopi talk. Whoopi seems completely exhausted with her. She interrupted Sunny too. She can’t talk about a hopeful future because that means the libs are better at this leadership stuff and she know it. So just drag everything down at a million miles a minute. People want a bit of happiness and hope and are getting tired of her.

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  13. 1 minute ago, catlover79 said:

    He and the other experts can't win with her. I wonder why Meghan, who never met a selfie she didn't like, didn't photograph herself being vaccinated. Would that go against her brand? I don't get it.

    Maybe it’s too hard for her to make those awful duck lips while getting a shot.

    • LOL 10
  14. Meg is so self-centered and entitled that I think she lost part of herself with Her Side losing and all her “wise advice” she doled out proved untrue. She seems so much more unhinged now that her party is no longer in control. She’s all over the place with self-pitying rants and speaks 100 miles a minute with 10 topics every segment she gets to speak. She’s just one unhappy rant after the other no matter the question or topic. The Only Conservative Token rant was embarrassing, even for her. 

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  15. Meg had a pierced Mohawk yesterday 😂 she’s gotta be trolling! But her constant selfies don’t really look like she does on the show. I played around with a few filters early on but haven’t seen all the ones they have today and I don’t have Instagram. Is there a filter that sharpens you up so much like that? Every feature looks sharper, larger and more angular. 

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  16. It’s hard to believe Meghan hasn’t found a vaccine in her super rich circle as we’ve heard plenty about people like her jumping the line. Maybe they are really cracking down on who can get it better. But she’s still so angry! Every day anger. It’s weird in a new mom, most are so overjoyed with their child and the activities, milestones. She’s been worse than ever lately, dredging up clips of VP Harris not trusting Trump in September, Dr. Fauci from last March 🙄 and just putting any part of the year of covid in whatever order that suits her. She has been more miserable this week, if possible. And to just state on tv that you want a vaccine just to get drunk in bars is ridiculous. It’s embarrassing already, Meg. 

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  17. Watched this series religiously for about 7 seasons, dropped away and picked it up this year. Same stuff but yet I’m still enjoying HK immensely. Gordon is so passionate about perfect food, he’s still funny. My episode cut off so I didn’t get to see Marc walk the hall but figured he finally had to go. The ladies have the service down so they’re tough to beat right now (just gave them the whammy). That was a lame reward but the costs for this show looks cut significantly since I last watched. The scallops look cut in half. They used to be 2 solid inches high but I could be mistaken. We don’t get a lot of high quality scallops in the Midwest, lol. 

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  18. Wow, meggy is always so pissed off. Biden is in office 6 weeks, trying to do a million things at once and no positivity from her. None at all about anything good that’s going on. Just attack, attack, attack with bitter talking points with that constant, damned angry face. I honestly want to know why she’s always so angry? Scowling today and hissing with so much venom about one word Biden used is ridiculous, even for her. 

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  19. What is Sarah wearing and why do they hate her? As others were saying, she’s a pretty woman with great arms and looks good in most clothing. Why put all these fluffy doilies on her. They dressed her like a 90 year old today. 

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  20. As a long time cannabis user that has been around many other cannabis users, I’ve never seen behavior like that. It looked like she had a bottle of booze. I just don’t like the portrayal that cannabis consumers are some whacked-out crowd that can’t control ourselves. Yes, there can be too many edibles which could lead to extreme paranoia but you’re scared, not singing like you’re at Karaoke. It’s another stigma I’d like to see disappear. You’d be surprised how many people around you are on a medical cannabis dose or even high recreationally. I’m sure there’s people that act goofy but that drunken, incoherent act made me laugh. 🤷🏻‍♀️

    Liked the episode tho, the treatment of Black people in a medical setting has been well documented to be terrible and needs to be brought out, trans issues as well. Women and minority women having to act a certain way has been how it is forever, as well and I’m glad all were brought up by the show. 

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  21. I’ve decided that it’s not fair to give the ladies equal time. Motor mouth Meghan gets out 500 words out a minute to the others’ 100 and she just simply gets too many words, lol. Can she talk! Then after her 10 different point lecture, another person will make one point and she interrupts. Meg, honey, they don’t pay by the word. Take it easy on our ears!

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  22. I saw someone pass Meghan a note yesterday and today she definitely muttered “oh my gosh” under her breath when Joy was talking about what can possibly get done now. The lost her train of thought was probably Whoopi rightfully giving it to her for being so rude to the new senator and she couldn’t pull it back together lol. 

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  23. 18 minutes ago, LakeGal said:

    I wonder if Joy's New Year's resolution was to not hold back against Meghan anymore.  

    I noticed Joy’s new attitude and maybe she was waiting to see if Trump lost. I remember Meghan was going to rub it in her face if she didn’t “heed her warnings” if Trump won and Joy has been a wreck over him. Now that he’s lost, she doesn’t have to be afraid of Meghan saying I told you so, forever and be all smug. Joy seems like she’s had a giant relief of her nerves after 4 years and now she’s not going to suffer Meghan easily. Jmo 🤷🏻‍♀️

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