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Posts posted by MsDiva2007

  1. I just don't get why people think this is the K family's fault. Lamar Odom is a grown man he makes his own decisions. This family treat him like family from the beginning. Khloe did everything to dressing,feeding and taking care of his daily needs. Khloe did not make him cheat,did not make him do drugs. Girlfriend held on longer than most woman would until she realized she could not save him from himself! 


    I mean really people living all up in glass houses and tossing out huge stones!smh

    • Love 6
  2. Malaysia,Brandi and Meaghan will always stay fighting as long as they allow people to live rent free in their heads. When you have such low self esteem that you always feel someone is looking down on you, the problem is in your head .they all give Tami and Shauni power by telegraphing their own inferiority complex to them. The 3 of them are so easy to read because they all have the look of desperation and thirst.

    I really do think Malaysia is slow mentally some sort of metal delays exist in her.

    • Love 3
  3. This show makes me laugh. I know more than one of the guys since I live in the San Diego area and most of them used to play for the Chargers at one time. I also worked on some charities for a couple of the players. 


    What woman in her right mind waits and begs a man to marry you for 11 years. I mean thats like throwing your money in the ocean and praying it floats. Its not happening. 

    I like Sasha and love her hubby. glad her baby is ok.

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  4. I have to say I agree with Tami & Shaunie. These girls are Immature. They are playing at being adult. If you are a mature woman who is confident in herself someone laughing,whispering and so on is not going to bother you. If you are truly self aware of yourself and know they really have nothing of value to say about you then you brush that mess off and keep it moving. 


    Malaysia comes across as someone who has a head injury. The slow affected speech and low self esteem issues. 


    Brandi her low self esteem rolls off of her with all the worrying about how people feel about her. When she learns it not about how people feel about you but how you feel about yourself she will lose that permanent sneer and nasty attitude.


    Meaghan-see the above


    Jackie needs a surgeon to get that fence post dislodged from her rear end.


    Angel- did the right thing she is secure in who she is so she simply left the dramatics to the thirsty!


    These LA girls are so easy to rile because they have no real experience of life. They have wasted their youth on worthless men and worrying about the thoughts of other people. 

    • Love 5
  5. As someone who lost their own mother in 2003 from Colon cancer you never know how you react. there is no perfect reaction to a death. My mom had  been suffering for years so I knew she was dying. I can't imagine my reaction to find out she died unexpectedly and not known to have been ill. I was kind of off put by Vicki making it all about Vicki but then again that is who she is. 

    • Love 5
  6. well they can stick a fork in this show because I am sorry this thing is dead on arrival now! None of these other harlots has one thing interesting about them or going on in their lives to carry this thing. There whole exsistance is all about talking about nene none of them other than that boring Kandi has anything anyone wants to see or hear about. They lack real skills in throwing shade, You can see the weak shots coming  before they take flight. Kenya can't keep a man, she has nothing and she frankly is desperate. We can insert Claudia's name too. Cynthia holding onto that cheating man with both hands. I never seen  a more clueless woman she could not find her rearend with both hands tied behind her back! 


    So I can cancel recording this show anymore.

    • Love 2
  7. I like Heather and I don't have an issue with her or her home. Here in California the land is what drives up the price of a home. We have prime land here. The homes in my neighborhood appraise at 900k and up modest home with 4 Beds 3 Bath around 4500 sqft. If you can afford it and you have worked hard for it I say go for the gusto. Plastic Surgeon make a lot of money in California either fixing other surgeons mistakes or creating these thundercat looking faces. I love the house porn and less drama works for me.


    Shannon is someone who would drive me crazy with her Soap Drama of the day lifestyle. A total Hoover she just sucks all the fun out of things. I love the Casa Del Camino hotel and Restaurant in Laguna Beach where Vicki and Shannon and the newbie had dinner. The food there is good and the location is awesome.


    Tamra has a creepy son.

    • Love 3
  8. I think what bugs me is Jessa & Jill are getting the same bad treatment rape victims get. Not being believed when they tell their version of the story, People  wondering why they did not say anything sooner. Its their story to tell let them tell it and not be judged and considered stupid or backwards. Its just wrong to belittle them for their own personal way of dealing with something that should not have been up for public fodder!

    • Love 14
  9. I know a couple of weeks ago Kim was preggers. I told my girlfriends Kim's hips have that child bearing spread going on. Lol turns out I was right. Kim was probably sitting in the middle because North wanted to be near her. You can see for a while North was playing with Kim's phone. I have been in a head on collision before and I yelled and screamed like someone was murdering me so sue me. lol

    • Love 1
  10. I am ashamed I have to admit to going into One Oak in Vegas. Its inside the Mirage. Its filled with the very young and Old Cougars. Loud music, Bottle service and If you wish to sit you must pay for bottle service its about $1000. I did not realize clubs still did foam from the ceilings. women being toted around delivering bottles of champagne in little toy cars on the shoulders of men. Perfect place for Kris K.

  11. Seeing how horrible Kim is remembering numbers like how many days she was in a hospital 3,5,7,9 days. I am guessing while she was screeching at Kyle on the fact she has been sober for 3 Years she really meant to say 3 Hours! No way has this dizzy Dora been sober for 3 years. 


    I am not even going to comment on Brandi its way too easy. Now her friend Jennifer it was her birthday and Brandi says she was 29! It has to be a different one because that one she hangs out with looks rode hard and put away wet to be 29!

    • Love 4
  12. If I am Kyle delete and block Kim's number, not let her come to my home and probably take out a restraining order against her. Kim is crazy.! I wonder who will come scrape up her remains when that dog kills her in a fit? It won't be Kathy or Brandi. The callous way she acts about Alexia being bitten is enough to cut all ties with her,!

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