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  1. Totally agree. She would likely need to redo many undergrad courses. Then get great scores on the MCAT. But I think her biggest obstacle is that medical schools just don't accept international students. The very limited number of slots goes to American citizens.
  2. Thanks! I love it here. Yeah, I remembered the flowers later. Colt seemed reasonable at that point. Now they are both inscrutable. And her rant about a Jaguar. What was that all about? She came across as totally irrational, when she actually could have had everyone on her side, since she was the victim. Did she really need to make up the story about Debbie slamming the door, which she clearly did not. She could have been sympathetic but she was just ranting, and came off as deranged.
  3. When I first heard Larissa put the sound after Colt, I thought of Japanese. In Japanese, Colt would be “ko-ru-to” in Japanese—three syllables! Neither language likes final consonants much. In fact, no word in Japanese ends in a consonant. They don’t even have anything akin to an alphabet. They have a syllabary. For example: ka, ki, ku, ke ko. There is no “k.” When faced with pronouncing a foreign word, Japanese adds various (so-called epithetic) vowel sounds at the end of syllables ending in consonants or consonant clusters—to make them easier to pronounce. (Like how the sound functions in Portuguese.) After a “t” you hear an [o] sound, like “ko-ru-to” (Colt). But sometimes after “t” you hear a [tsu] sound, so “nut” becomes “na-tsu” After an “m” or “g” you hear a sound, so “game” becomes “gei-mu” and “big” become “bi-gu” (as opposed to Larissa’s infamous “biggie”). But sometimes “g” is followed by [o] as in “golf” or “go-ru-fu.” And after a final “k” you hear an sound, so “cake” becomes “kei-ki.” But sometimes “k” takes a sound, so “black” becomes “bu-ra-ku” and “milk” is “mi-ru-ku.” From what I’ve read, only certain regions of Brazil (and nowhere is Portugal) add the epithetic vowel . Larissa must come from one of these areas. I don’t know about folks like Larissa, but for Japanese, it is extremely difficult to refrain from adding a vowel. But with proper training it absolutely can be done.
  4. Hi. First time poster. Like so many of you I find the snark over here so much more entertaining than the actual show. Some of you are real professionals! Look forward to it every week. I don’t get Larissa. Why can’t she just behave herself? Just for 90 days? Stop complaining about everything: the plane ticket, the food, the living accommodations, the slot machine, the car, the city of Las Vegas, the future mother-in-law, Coltee’s weight problem, the wedding dress. It’s exhausting. She could use that inscrutable, plastered-on smile of hers to communicate friendliness instead of disdain. Act like a treasured guest. For now. And then, after the marriage, discuss and compromise. Try to act like an adult. And then, after two years, get out. Coltee is sure to make you unhappy. He can go back to his momma. Where he belongs.
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