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  1. Believe it or not, STI's run RAMPANT in prison. Inmates have sex with each other, and often staff members as well. The prevalence is actually higher than the national average.
  2. Aniyah's mom: I'm not going to the hospital for no reason, you're being dramatic. It's my only day off, I'm going to sit here and play on my phone. Your preeclampsia does not trump my hair appointment. Sorry not sorry. Also Aniyah's mom: They're inducing you???? OH MY GOD!!!!! I'm SO worried!
  3. For the love of something can they please take Jasmine and Yino off my TV?????
  4. It's taken no time at all for these ex-cons to show their true colors. Coming out the gate trying to 'negotiate' rules in someone else's house. Giving fake apologies just to continue being dismissive and disrespectful. Then there's the one that's already re-offended. Aaron seems like the most appreciative and reasonable one (so far)
  5. I wonder if Angela's bottom jaw is hurting her, cause it's killing me. It's giving caveman SpongeBob.
  6. You owe me money now. For what you ask? Here's an itemized list: • The time I'll spend having to explain why I cackle anytime I see a Mucinex ad • Having to re-watch scenes due to experiencing auditory hallucinations of Ed screaming "12 hours?" • My inability henceforth to see Ed without visualizing him as little green snot I'm willing to negotiate on the last point since it's not that different from how I currently see Ed
  7. Tennie's ex con is at least keeping up appearances of wanting to do the right thing..... So far
  8. Mama Nate takes the cake. She's 35!! I accidentally found a spoiler trying to look up Nate's name in order to comment. Shoulda just called him dirt bike racer boy ....You guys can Google
  9. It's even more confusing than love during/after lockup because why??? Nevertheless I'm here for the drama!
  10. Methinks that Nick is likely packing a magic wand in them there trousers.
  11. Everyone's sold on a fantasy. You just can't get that level of'devotion' from someone on the outside. It's easier to rationalize when the only reason for they're not livin the dream is because their soulmate is locked up.
  12. Right! This girl is beyond delusional. "I gotta feed my kid, Imma feed my kid!" So, you would be feeding your kid in an actual courtroom and think that's ok?? Ayonna STILL didn't have the sense to say 'yes your honor' instead of arguing. She's lucky that her unmitigated gall has not ruined her life. I don't see her learning a damn thing form this jail sentence/probation. If she gets in trouble again, it will be so unfaaaaaaaair and the stupid judge's fault for giving her probation just because she needed to feed her daughter during a court hearing.
  13. Angela looks like she plans to eat Hansel and Gretel.
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