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Posts posted by Booklady1017

  1. On 10/17/2019 at 8:47 AM, vibeology said:


    Everytime one of them guesses Mel B for the Butterfly, I just want to die a little. Mel B has a crazy thick accent when she talks that we're not hearing through the distortion at all and her voice is deeper and raspier than that Butterfly. Michelle Williams makes so much more sense. She lived in London when she was working on the West End and the whole hiding away thing fits because she had to leave her last Broadway show on doctor's orders for an undisclosed condition and because she had a reality show with her finance and then they called off their engagement.

    I wasn't sold on Seal because I couldn't figure out the costume, but the voice is his and the clues tonight confirm it for me. Raven fits the Black Widow clues as well. I'm less familiar with her voice. I do think it'd be funny if Raven and Adrienne Bailon are both on the show this year.

    I get that the Thingamajig isn't the best singer ever, but I do want to defend him. His tone is lovely, he's got great phrasing and he knows how to sell a song. The basketball player people named who I can't remember makes perfect sense. His fame comes from something other than singing but he's good enough to get a vanity album made.

    I'm convinced it's Raven Symone for the Black Widow based on the voice, body shape and that she's from Georgia. Not sure on the others. 

  2. On 10/17/2019 at 1:08 AM, Dani said:

    That, along with his voice, is the thing that clinched it for me. The additional clues also match. Seal worked at McDonald’s for two weeks when is was a teenager and there was a rose (Kiss from a Rose) on the wall behind him. 

    I didn't pick up on all that. Thanks guys.

    On 10/17/2019 at 8:01 AM, Mindthinkr said:

    That’s been the direction that I’m thinking as well. 

    I was thinking him or Billy Porter.

    On 10/17/2019 at 8:46 AM, Bali said:

    I still believe Thingamajig is Victor Oladipo from the Pacers. Sounds JUST like him. 

    He's the only basketball player I know who can sing. So it's possible. I thought it was Wayne Brady but I'm not sure the clues fit.

  3. On 10/28/2019 at 10:00 PM, MikaelaArsenault said:

    Why is Sean Spicer even still in this?

    The worst thing this time was he was the last saved, so it really looked like he was going to be in the B2. That was a letdown. I'm okay with Karamo going but Spicy needs to see the door pronto!!

    On 10/28/2019 at 10:09 PM, ams1001 said:

    I loved James's dance (I also missed whatever slip they were talking about).

    Kate looked great in that red dress.

    Sorry to see Karamo go; he's not the best dancer but he's fun. And I liked his pajamas.

    I feel like they announced Sean safe last just to get our hopes up and then dash them among the graves that he and his dance rose out of. 

    I feel like they announced Sean safe last just to get our hopes up and then dash them among the graves that he and his dance rose out of- I agree with this 100%!!!!

    On 10/28/2019 at 10:11 PM, Annber03 said:

    I was sitting here thinking, "If Kate goes tonight I'm gonna be a bit scared to go in this discussion thread..." :p. She's so popular here , rightly so, so I was bracing for a potential riot. 

    I'm so happy she was saved too, it made Spicy still being there a little bit easier to deal with, even though I want him to go home like yesterday!

    • Love 6
  4. On 10/21/2019 at 10:02 PM, mtlchick said:

    Once Spicy was saved, I knew I wasn't going to like the ending.  I don't mind Ally, but I was rooting for Sailor and that poor girl was CRUSHED.  I never cry at exits, but I teared up for her. 

    In shallow news...James' booty.  

    I'm sick and tired of Spicy sliding on through each week. I can't believe people vote for him!

    On 10/21/2019 at 10:04 PM, truthaboutluv said:


    Well can't say I was expecting that. Not so much Spicer still living to dance another day but Sailor being the one eliminated. I was sure Karamo or hell even Kel might have left before her. 

    And no one can say girlfriend wasn't genuinely upset because poor girl had a full on snot moment on national television. Like being eliminated wasn't awful enough. I continue to not care much about this season, though I did enjoy James and Kate. 

    eta: And this exactly why I've said, when many were adamant about the whole judges picking who to eliminate that sure it help, but at the end of the day, the  judges can't do a damn thing when a very weak dancer gets enough votes that they're not even in the Bottom 2. 

    I think if a contestant who is constantly weak gets through every week, the judges should have one veto to contest the two dancers in the final 2, like last week and have put back Sailor and put Spicy in the bottom 2 instead.

    • Love 6
  5. On 10/9/2019 at 10:20 PM, suebee12 said:

    Heck, remember she was just on the Brady Renovation show...she and Jan have been friends forever. When the show started, I had no idea who she was since I have never seen The Office! She is fun to watch!

    I like her. She has a great attitude and is funny.

    • Love 1
  6. On 10/8/2019 at 4:09 AM, Bridget said:

    Thank you!

    The minute she started with her first (of 10) “you’re not a dancer...” comment of the night, I knew she’d be over scoring people. 

    I can’t believe she actually said “this is to balance it out” when she gave a 7 to Lamar. (I think it was Lamar - will edit if I need to.)

    Jenna and her snarky comment to Carrie Ann about the starting position was inappropriate and immature. Val skated on a technicality loophole last week, so she probably thought she’d be able to do the same. What an arrogant idiot. 

    Kel, Kate and James are my picks for the top three. Kel is definitely a dark horse and his dance tonight showcased his ability. Kate couldn’t get into character tonight, which was a bummer, but other than that, she is doing really well! 

    I’m cold hearted because I cannot feel sorry for Lamar Odom. He couldn’t even celebrate high scores for other people or act like he’s part of a group at all. Not a team player. Everyone else cheered for him when he needed a pep talk, but he can’t be happy when someone does better than he does? Maybe it’s his ego or symptoms of other stuff he’s dealing with - either way, I’m glad he’s gone. Next stop: Spicer.

    Long Live Len!! 

    I like Kel, Ally and James as frontrunners and Kate as a dark horse contestant/ underdog.

    • Love 1
  7. On 10/7/2019 at 11:00 PM, Toonces464 said:

    I despise Leah Remini for the same reason I despise Kirstie Alley -- they're both huge attention whores who make everything about themselves and don't know when to shut up and sit down. I often wonder if they're drunk, high or both. I knew Leah as a guest judge would be a disaster. I don't mind former contestants coming back to guest judge if they have at least some knowledge of dancing or did really well on the show. Leah was a lousy dancer and she didn't even make the finals. And really.....what did her "You owned that!" or "You were amazing!" or, my favorite of the night, "I love your smile!" commentary add to the show? Clearly after the first round, and other than Lamar who she felt sorry for, she was being coached by Carrie Ann what to score people. She just made the show annoying enough that I was on the verge several times of turning it off. But it's not surprising because she was just as annoying when she filled in for Erin.

    Rather than this ridiculous stunt casting of former contestants or random singers who have new music they need to promote, why not bring back some of the OG pros to guest judge? I'm not talking about Maks.....why not Karina or Tony or Anna or Kym or Mark? I would much rather hear from people who know what they're talking about than someone who's just in need of a paycheck and some attention because her show is ending.

    And good for Bruno for speaking up about letting Len talk. I think even he was annoyed with Leah by that point because he's never spoken up like that before and the audience wasn't even booing that bad.

    I like Karamo but boy is Jenna a lousy teacher. As soon as that dance started I knew they'd be dinged for a lift and she should've known it too. Each week makes it more and more obvious what a mistake it was keeping Gleb and Jenna over Artem and Sharna. At this point, I even would have rather seen Keo and the new girl with partners over these two. Jenna is lucky that Val was ready to settle down and get married and decided to go back and settle for her. Unfortunately for us, this means we're now stuck with her.

    Kel now joins James and Kate in my top 3. He was so much fun tonight and maybe the bottom 2 scare was what he needed. I thought James's dance was better than his scores. Kate was better last week but I still enjoyed her a lot. 

    The producers had to know this would happen when they cast Spicer. I think a few more decent dancers will go home before he even hits the bottom 2. For that reason alone he shouldn't have been cast if they were trying to remove the bad taste of season 27.

    Erin's dress tonight was absolutely stunning. However, she needs better people working with her. When she first came out with Tom I was wondering what happened to her boobs, which looked non-existent. Then after interviewing someone, the camera caught her making a comment to someone about her bra.

    I felt awful for Lamar when he got his scores. He had improved from last week so there was no reason at all for Len and Bruno to give him 4s. If for no other reason than to make him feel better they could've gone up to 5s. Not like it was going to affect the outcome.

    I did like Leah at first but she got tiring after a while. 

  8. On 10/7/2019 at 10:34 PM, tealeaves said:

    He continues to be Underscored this season period.  But James has the fan base vote.

    James was definitely underscored this week.

    On 10/7/2019 at 10:39 PM, madpsych78 said:

    Anyone notice that one of Sean's friends in the audience was none other than Scott Baio?

    I thought that was him. Didn’t know he was friends with him 

  9. On 10/7/2019 at 10:07 PM, spanana said:

    Tonight was a weird night because I felt I was underwhelmed by almost everyone and I didn't agree with the stuff the judges were praising.  I'm not even sure who I'd say was the best of the night.

    Definitely Karamo's best dance but Jenna is a moron starting the dance with an obvious list and costing her partner a point for no real reason.

    I don't know if Karamo is polling that badly so much that in this set up, going last isn't necessarily a good thing.  Unless you have a dedicated fanbase that is voting for you no matter what and not waiting to see you dance, people have the least amount of time to vote for you.  I'd guess if he danced earlier he wouldn't have been B2.  Still don't think Jenna is doing him any favors though.

    I was super nervous Kate was going to wind up in the B2 after being scored down a bit.  No, she wasn't as good as the last few weeks but she's still adorable and I honestly didn't trust the judges to save her over anyone but Lamar.  Sean of course but we all knew he wasn't hitting B2.

    Other than that I didn't love any of the dances the judges were praising.  Sailor is gorgeous but her dance was pretty basic.  Ally was whatever.  James had some mess ups.  I barely even remember Hannah's.  I did like Kel.

    I’m happy Kel had a good week.

    On 10/7/2019 at 10:19 PM, spanana said:

    I think Kate was better the last two weeks and Karamo was better tonight.  He also outscored Kate tonight by a few points so he wasn't necessarily scored low tonight outside of Len's fake out.  This was the first time I thought Karamo's technique looked more polished.  He's a good performer though and I think he just gelled with this dance style more from what he said.  But he's obviously way better than Lamar and Sean.  

    Also for Office fans, tonight's audience sightings:

    Steve Carell tweeted but next time Kate needs to tell him to tweet about voting for her.

    Karamo definitely showed a lot of improvement this week.

    • Love 1
  10. On 10/7/2019 at 10:01 PM, mtlchick said:

    I can say this: Leah didn't make it boring.  Not that it was necessarily a good thing.  (For the record, I do like her and her work exposing Scientology has been brilliant.) This is probably the first time I've seen Bruno step up in Len's defense and basically told her and the audience to shut the hell up and let him talk.  

    Not surprised about Lamar, but I am somewhat surprised Kamaro is polling that low.  And I've learned that you should never discount the GOP vote.  Sean is going to sticking around for a while.  

    Leah’s not knowledgeable but she brings a sense of humor that was needed and she’s fun.

    I’m glad Lamar was the one voted off but I’m really surprised that Sean wasn’t in the bottom 2. Who votes for him anyhow. 

    On 10/7/2019 at 10:01 PM, mtlchick said:

    I can say this: Leah didn't make it boring.  Not that it was necessarily a good thing.  (For the record, I do like her and her work exposing Scientology has been brilliant.) This is probably the first time I've seen Bruno step up in Len's defense and basically told her and the audience to shut the hell up and let him talk.  

    Not surprised about Lamar, but I am somewhat surprised Kamaro is polling that low.  And I've learned that you should never discount the GOP vote.  Sean is going to sticking around for a while.  

    I’m not surprised Kamaro is polling low but surprised he’s lower than Sean.

    On 10/7/2019 at 10:07 PM, TiredMe said:

    Poor Lamar. I can’t help feeling for him. 

    I like Leah Remini so overall I enjoyed her . I think she looked a bit sheepish when Bruno had to defend Len.

    I really like Karamo in Queer Eye but here he seems so... desperate and try hard maybe? 

    I think the top two are for sure Hannah and James. 

    I think it’s Hannah, James and Ally.

    • Love 2
  11. On 9/26/2019 at 1:02 PM, blackwing said:

    Great premiere.  I thought the performances were great.  There were some that are obviously better singers than others but overall pretty much everyone could at least sing well, unlike last season when we had people like Tori Spelling and Terry Bradshaw stinking it up.

    Butterfly is someone from England who has had a hard time in the past year.  Great voice.  I agree with the suggestion of Mel B.  

    Egg was so obviously Johnny Weir as soon as they showed that swan stuffed animal.  

    Thingamajig - basketball player who wore #4?

    Skeleton sounded a lot like Mike Myers to me.

    I really liked the Ladybug, she seems to lack confidence but I thought she was great.  Famous family, she was guessed last year, I think Paris Hilton.

    Rottweiler was great and is clearly a professional.  I agree with the panel's general suggestion of boybander.  But no way is that Brian Littrell.  Didn't sound like him at all.  I do think he sounded a bit like JC Chasez.  He had a much better voice than Justin yet Justin went solo and got all the attention.  I do wonder if he's ever been resentful.  He was going to do a halftime show or something and have his breakout moment but got dropped after the Justin/Janet Nipplegate.  He saw Joey Fatone doing this last season and he was probably the first person on the phone to call the producers and try to revive his dead career.

    I loved the Tree's performance, have absolutely no clue about who she could be.  I don't think Ana Gasteyer would be a particularly good catch for the show... I mean she's talented but she's so yesterday's news.  Saturday Night Live must have been about 20 years ago for her?  I would think the show could attract more relevant personalities?

    Ice Cream - my son plays Fortnite so I have heard of Ninja but apart from that I would have had no clue who he is.

    As to the panellists... nothing has changed from last year.  Robin Thicke to me is far and away the best judge.  Nicole is second best and was looking especially fantastic in that slinky white dress.  Jenny is still useless.  Ken by far is the most irritating.  I tolerated him last season but this season he has already shown himself to be even more annoying than ever.  He's not funny at all, he dances stupidly, and he just seems ever so pleased with himself.

    I was thinking Mel B too for the butterfly.

  12. On 9/26/2019 at 10:33 AM, Princess Consuela said:

    Pretty sure Thingamajig is Victor Oladipio - he's 6'4 & can sing.  His Jersey number is 4 (as is his birthday) - was drafted by the Magic & now plays for the Pacers (colors are blue & gold) - hes been rehabbing from a knee injury so it wouldn't be surprising that he did this before the new season starts.

    They did mention magic and pacers and other basketball related clues, so you could be on to something. 

  13. On 9/26/2019 at 10:12 AM, Barcelie said:

    Tree is Ana Gasteyer. 

    Clues: 30 = 30 Rockefeller Center, home of ....

    Tv = SNL, where her most famous sketch is shown every year.  The...

    Christmas = Schweddy Balls sketch.

    Shes a trained singer, but on the show, she only ever sang in a comical way.

    Good clues and interesting guess! 

    On 9/26/2019 at 10:18 AM, Eyes High said:

    You may be on to something. Ana Gasteyer also has a Christmas-themed album and tour coming up; going on the show would be a great way to promote it.

    Here's a video from Playbill of Ana Gasteyer singing Defying Gravity for comparison's sake:

    I was just thinking that this show seems like an excellent place for SNL alums. A lot of them are talented singers.

    Ooh interesting!! Could be it. Thanks for sharing the Video! 

  14. On 9/25/2019 at 11:06 PM, Unraveled said:

    Johnny Weir has a pretty decent singing voice. I have no idea who the gamer is, but he seemed fun too.

    Please take Jenny McCarthy and her anti-vaccine self off. Everything about her is grating. I also think she's had some more work done between seasons.

    I don't have a particular favorite yet, but it looks like the two of the weakest singers were kicked off.

    I'm curious about the Ladybug and her famous family.

    As always, we have to take into account that these contestants are desperate enough for reality TV. I don't think Zooey Deschanel or Cara Delevingne, for example, would do this show.

    They did pick a better batch of singers these year. None of them were horrible.

    I figured out Johnny Weir and the gamer, but his name escaped me. Honestly, I wouldn’t have known who he was if I didn’t see him on Celebrity Family Feud. 

    On 9/26/2019 at 9:15 AM, AZChristian said:

    Dan Aykroyd and Steve Martin are too tall.

    Paul Shaffer (my guess for Skeleton) was at one time a featured member of the Not Ready for Prime Time Players ("wild and crazy guys" connection) and produced an album on which Aretha Franklin sang Otis Redding's "Respect."

    Interesting clues. I would have said Martin Short myself actually because I didn’t know that information you Kenya.

  15. On 9/25/2019 at 4:28 PM, OhSarah69 said:

    I totally thought bare-butt boy was Kevin Jr.....it never occurred to me that he was GrownUpBabyJack.  Seriously, until the scene with SmallBabyJack in Kate's arms at the doctor's office, it did not sink in. 

    I found it a bit much that (Grandpa)Jack would tell his life story at the dinner table at the country club.  I figured he'd come back from the restroom and say something about the war...but that was not the place for a soliloquy on your little brother, your abusive parents, etc.  How would that make a good impression on your girlfriend's family?  Not that it excuses their snobby behavior.  It's just like, know your audience, man.

    I think I really missed my Tuesday night emotional roller-coaster fix over the summer, so now that the show is back, I found that all through the hour, with all these new unfamiliar characters milling about, I was willing to just go with it (i.e. lay on the couch like a lump and let it wash over me, LOL).  I wasn't that fussed that one entire episode was used to jam these folks in...just hoping they're skillfully weaved in on future episodes without taking them over.  My feeling is, how do you keep expanding the characters without drawing in new experiences?  One way is by building onto existing characters or plot threads and that means bringing in new people sometimes.  Yes, I know sometimes it feels like they're cramming them down our throats.

    Malik, the young teen father....I swear I thought he was 12 in his first scene.  How old is he supposed to be, maybe 14 or so (how old is Deja?).  When his mom made a comment about the baby waking up through the night, I totally thought the baby was Malik's little sister...totally bowled over that he was her daddy.  Please God, let Malik not get involved in drug running and inadvertently drag Deja in with him....I hope that's not where they are going with this.  Instead I hope she is a good influence on him and they have a relatively uncomplicated teen romance (but not a super-cheesy one).  Did we see Deja as a grown up in the Season 3 finale?  I wonder what happens to her...I loved her grinning face as she went home after the BBQ and loved Randall's and Beth's bemused faces as she strolled by them.

    I thought Jack Jr. was Kevin Jr. too because of the great resemblance between Jack Jr. and Kevin.

    • Love 2
  16. 23 hours ago, chocolatine said:

    I got really burned out on the Randall and Kate/Toby storylines last season, so I, for one, enjoyed the new characters. If anything, I was annoyed by the Jack/Rebecca backstory (except Jack meeting Miguel), because (a) it was full of cliches, and (b) we already know they end up together, so there is no suspense.

    Future Baby Jack seems to be in his late 20s/early 30s in the flash-forward. After it was revealed who he is, I was expecting a shot of aged-up Kate and Toby at FBJ's big show - Kate would be in her late 60s and Toby in his early 70s. I hope that doesn't mean they died before they could see their son become successful.

    I am dreading the Deja dating a young single dad storyline a little bit, but hopefully Omar Epps and the adorable little girl will redeem it somewhat.

    YMMV, but I think that's less sad than teenage parents dropping out of school.

    I’m over the young Rebecca and Jack dating scenes but I was happy to see how Miguel and Jack net. I was hoping to see Kate and Toby in the audience when Jack Jr. performed.

    • Love 3
  17. 4 minutes ago, Otherkate said:

    I got maybe TOO much joy out of Cliff losing AFP.

    Julie standing out there like "Oh Jackson, why so glum?" after she just ripped him to shreds herself was HILARIOUS.

    Did Jackson's mama just say "we'll have that conversation later?" AHHH


  18. 6 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

    You know? This win made it better with knowing that, right before he won, Julie absolutely eviscerated him and ruined his win for him.

    It does make his win all the sweeter, knowing that he couldn't even feel the joy and he'll be a mopey mess during the backyard interviews.

    I’m glad she did that then Julie and made his win miserable. That turned out better than I thought.

    • Love 5
  19. 4 minutes ago, Dewey Decimate said:

    Bwah! The lovebirds' walk to the door and confetti cannon looked more like they were going to the principal's office! I did not think a Jackson win would actually be strangely satisfying! 

    I thought he was being carted off to jail with that expression and not given a win with $500,000. What was that about?

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