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Posts posted by MBayGal

  1. On 12/11/2023 at 2:13 PM, AntFTW said:
    3 hours ago, Yours Truly said:

    Also, I am almost knocked unconscious with their dresses. Oh My! do I find myself gasping regularly at the stunning and absolutely fabulous gowns. The fact that almost ALL of the characters don gorgeous dresses in every episode. Pass me the smelling salts PULEEEZZEEE!


    They certainly are incredible!!  But I always wonder how women dressed like that were ever able to go to the bathroom!  And even now, the actresses would have the same problem.  Maybe they wear Depends😉

    I don't find the plots so predictable as many of you do.  Perhaps this is because I have no interest in or fondness for British royalty, so I never watched Upstairs, Downstairs, or any JF shows.  Tho I did quickly realize Ada's new life would end tragically.  I thought it was super cheesy to kill him off almost immediately.

    • Like 3
  2. 15 hours ago, adhoc said:

    Seems Theresa got the message about the bright red lipstick. Her lip color tonight is great, IMHO. Also, best her hair has looked, too.

    No doubt the Hair & Makeup people on the show did their magic on L and T. L's hair also looked much nicer

    • Like 4
  3. 20 hours ago, DEL901 said:

    I think, given this article, Theresa would be the worse choice for him.  Leslie is insecure and twice divorced.  She reallllly wants it to work.  Theresa had a long happy marriage and likely wouldn’t hesitate to bounce him on his ass if he didn’t treat her right…..because given how she gained her career…self taught middle aged lady beats out the young MBAs….she has a lot of confidence and intelligence.  She is happy with her current life and wouldn’t stick around if she saw any red flags.  

    How do we know that she isn't as dishonest as him?

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  4. 9 hours ago, Armchair Critic said:

    Theresa has been busted hitting "like" on bad comments about Kathy and other women there. If Gerry is too stupid to see through her and ends up choosing her, then he deserves what he gets. I do think this fame has gone to his head so good luck to the woman he picks. 

    But she could not have done that until she got out of the mansion after he had picked his "true love." Still, she was pretty catty and rude to Kathy, so I'm not too surprised she would do that.  

    As for T's money, I said earlier that L has not had a professional career, so she probably does not have the assets T has. I think G would prefer someone self-supporting over someone with little assets or income, who he would pretty much be supporting. 

    • Like 1
  5. The long discussion we were shown about T's financial acumen got me wondering--does she have an advantage because of her money? She seems to live in an upscale area and presumably has good retirement accounts, while Leslie lives in a small condo and does not appear to have had a lucrative career. Big G might enjoy being a Sugar Daddy for a while, but may want a long-term partner who is financially stable.  So if he actually views his choice here as a serious commitment ( and I doubt that he does) it would be Theresa. If he's out for fun, fame, and a fling, it's Leslie.

    ETA:  Even if he is not in it for the long-run, he could still pick T to make the producers happy that he did not go for younger and sexier. Then when it "just didn't work out," he'll be on TV again wailing about how awful that felt.  

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  6. In the Fantasy Suites we only see a few minutes of their conversations--whatever the producers choose to show us.  We heard Leslie and G talk about where they would live, and she was honest that she did not want to leave Minneapolis permanently.  I assume T & G also discussed that, but they did not show us that discussion.  MN is closer to Indiana that NJ is, and T is quite involved with her children and grands. I think it would be harder for her to see less of her family than for Leslie.  But L said it had been a year since she had sex, and T has not been with anyone since her husband died 4 years ago, and I think G might prefer that. He was deliberately vague about his recent sex life.

    • Like 2
  7. 8 hours ago, txhorns79 said:

     I do think Che works much better as friend to Carrie than love interest to Miranda. 

    As I posted before, I can't imagine how Carrie and Che would be friends. They ( using the word in its original sense of more than one person) have less than nothing in common.  I feel Che worked better as Miranda's first lesbian experience. Che is the equivalent of the "bad boy " that some women become attached to despite how badly the women are treated.  Or the abusive  relationship that some women keep going back to. 

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  8. Aside from the fact Ithat  I  dislike like the  character Che, I find it impossible to believe that Carrie would ever be besties with Che or someone similar.  Che is completely unlike Carrie's circle in terms of class, classiness, fashion, money, etc, etc.  What are we supposed to believe those two have in common? If there is a third season and Che is back, I am done with this sloppily written mess.

    • Like 5
  9. 7 hours ago, chitowngirl said:
    20 hours ago, MBayGal said:

    MBFGW3--apparently a series or movie with which I am completely unfamiliar.  But Corbett  will always be Chris in the Morning to me.  

    My Big Fat Greek Wedding 3

    Thanks!  I don't think I ever would have come up with that..   I'm not sure I knew there were two sequels.  I thought the first one was fun.  When It became a big hit, I recall hoping JC was getting a share of the profits, not just a salary.

    • Like 2
  10. 6 hours ago, Scarlett45 said:

    Which I get. People are always going to look out for the person they co-parent with (assuming it’s not an abusive situation or something like that), because if one parent goes down or is hurt the kids suffer. When people are raising kids together they are emotionally intertwined, and even after the kids are grown, they have a common interest in the well being and happiness of their adult child. 

    As I was told when newly divorced: When you have children together, you are not divorced from him, you are divorced to him.  

    • Like 3
  11. Of all the ridiculous writing on this show, Che and Carrie being best buddies strikes me as even less likely than Aiden and Carrie being together.  At least Carrie and Aiden are having great sex!  I can't see anything Carrie and Che have in common.  Che is coarse, crude, unattractive, and has no interest in fashion.  I only assume CN wanted Che to stay on the show, and couldn't find a more realistic plot to make it happen.

    p.s. I love that people refer to the "writers" as the typists!!!

    • Applause 4
  12. They asked for Life Changing Recipes.  What they got was "This is the dish that made me change [my approach to cooking] or [my appreciation for xxx cuisine]". Life changing? I expected something like "This is the dish that made my MIL stop hating me." or "I served this to someone and they agreed to be my husband's kidney donor." Life Changing!

    • Like 5
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  13. 13 hours ago, potatoradio said:

    How fragile do they think these people are? Don't they deserve even the respect of some honest feedback instead of the magnetic poetry kit of most generic, meaningless bromides the judges must apparently use to script their comments?

    "the magnetic poetry kit of most generic meaningless bromides...." Made My Day!!  you sound like an out-of-work tv comedy writer😊😊

    • LOL 3
  14. On 5/18/2023 at 3:43 PM, Friendly Lurker said:

    Was there something significant about the fact that he bought a hat? Or was it just a random non sequitur? 

    I don't know, but I immediately thought of the Randy Newman song "You Can Leave Your Hat On." The lyrics say to take off your coat, your shoes, your dress, but leave your hat on.... And something about the hat got her all sexed up....

    • Useful 3
  15. 2 hours ago, DrSpaceman73 said:

    What I found most unbelievable is Matson would talk to Greg about the job that far before the board meeting.

    He didnt talk to Greg. He and his people were speaking Swedish and Greg pulled up a translation app, which told him they weren't going to go with Shiv

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  16. The thing that really ruined this episode for me was the rushed Walter-saves-Shauna through some incomprehensible machinations.  He poisons Detective Botox, then tells Detective Pornstache  that he has somehow in 10 minutes created some fake bank accounts and text chains proving that Detective Botox was involved in something illegal, and if Det P doesn't go along with it, Walter will make it look like he is part of that too.  Or something like that--it made no sense to me.

    Like some others here, I can accept the wilderness storyline and find it interesting, but most of the present-day plot feels arbitrary and unfocused.  I am fine with Natalie dying and hope Lottie spends the next season in the psych hospital.  Which reminds me, why did the psych team show up after Tai called and told them they were not needed after all? And why did she do that?

    • Like 12
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  17. 2 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:

    I think I’m just convincing myself Juliette wanted out/TPTB wanted her out because she’s too vocal when she doesn’t like the writing to explain why the lead up to Natalie’s death kinda sucked/why it happened this early.

    Frankly, I am happy not to have to see her constant bitchface smirk.  I used to like the actress, but her endlessly sour demeanor was irritating.  And she had no resemblance to young Nat, who I do enjoy.

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  18. 3 hours ago, crashdown said:

    I'm pretty sure it would just include the liver, which is the only organ traditionally eaten (sometimes people eat kidneys, but that's not really common). I'm sure it doesn't include the heart, brain, etc., which nobody (except Travis) eats and which weigh a lot.

    Many cultures eat brains.  In France I almost accidentally ordered brains a couple of times.  Steak and kidney pie is common in England. Granted, these organs are from animals, but I assume starving people would eat human organs if they are eating human flesh.  

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