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Posts posted by WendyCR72

  1. 1 minute ago, Bringonthedrama said:
    On 1/6/2024 at 4:54 PM, WendyCR72 said:

    This news is also sort of ironic, since she created Santa Barbara, a GH time-slot competitor [and that both NLG and Robin Mattson were on!], but it definitely is GH connected, 

     Jack Wagner (ex-Frisco) was also on Santa Barbara; he played "Warren" who was NLG's character's nephew. A. Martinez (ex-Roy) was on Santa Barbara as well.

    Yep, forgot Jack Wagner. And yes, he and A Martinez were also on the show. As was Joe Marinelli, who played Sorel on GH around a decade ago. On SB, he played cross-dressing mobster, Bunny Tagliatti, involved with Gina's (Robin Mattson's) storyline.

    • Thanks 1
  2. On 7/28/2023 at 6:26 PM, Oosala said:

    I think for this topic, all you have to do is go to the iTunes store and put in a song title and wham.  You have everyone that's every recorded a song with that title.

    Well, not necessarily! Some could be covers of existing songs. 😎

    • Like 2
  3. Two more often referenced a lot here, but only because the lines were so good.

    From "No Exit" in S4, after the site owner aiding suicides was forced to shut down his site in a plea bargain in exchange for giving G/E access to the web chat logs.

    Eames: "You can go do your little dance in hell now."

    And in "Slither" in S5, Eames - upon walking into the conference room and seeing paper with typeface all over the walls, courtesy of Goren - quips:

    "I totally forgot I need an eye exam!"

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  4. 4 minutes ago, peacheslatour said:

    Oh and those stupid pop songs at beginning of each episode. Some of them were good songs but when you heard them, you knew it was going to be a shitty episode.

    I don't know; I did like "Albatross", the episode where the Congresswoman tried to have her hubby whacked during that historical duel reenactment.

    And "Privilege", where Goren told the scumbag son trying to let his mother die via neglect for the money to "SIT DOWN AND SHUT UP!"

    They both had popular music, but I thought those episodes were pretty good.

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  5. 42 minutes ago, Xeliou66 said:

    They’ve been showing the start of the show on BBC America - they’ve shown the first 10 episodes

    I watched The Good Doctor yesterday - this is an all time favorite of mine, really well done case and investigation, Kelmer was so smug and condescending, he was a memorable villain. This episode had Goren at his finest, he instantly zeroed in on the doctor and saw through his behavior, and it was very compelling watching Goren get the better of the smug bastard. 
    And Carver in court is awesome, he was such a stellar lawyer and it’s criminal how underused he was, they should’ve gone into court much more often than they did - Carver was a great prosecutor.

    Despite being much more straightforward than many CI plots, I love this episode, so much to like about it. 

    Peter Kelmer [the correct Peter here, yay for me!] was such arrogant slime. Made me glad when he ended up in prison.

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