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Everything posted by sleepycouchpotato

  1. I'm a year younger than her, and I thought the exact same thing. That is not her look Then again, I generally wear t-shirts and mom jeans, so what do I know about dressing up? I think some time spent with a stylist would help her out tremendously. Loved the guy with the lump on his shoulder; I hated for him that it wasn't an exotic lipoma! Bless that sister and brother with the neurofibromas. I felt so bad for her when she said she didn't have children because she feared passing the disease along. I bet the loss of confidence really impacted her dating life as a young woman, too. I'm glad that the brother and sister have each other to lean on.
  2. I love Dr Lee! So happy that she has a new show for all of us popaholics! I probably shouldn’t say this, but I had to suppress a giggle when the lady with the huge milia on her eye said she would be embarrassed if it smelled...is she not embarrassed to appear on TV without teeth? ? I know, y’all. There’s a special place in hell for people like me. I do honestly wish her and all of the patients well.
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